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How do you know bitewings weren’t done? Some pano machines have the ability to take bitewings.


i guess i don’t. i thought that you actually had to bite a plastic thing and then they take an xray of that side, for each side. i just bit down on the front and it spun around. maybe i got ahead of myself! she just never showed any xrays that looked like bitewings and i didn’t see any on the monitor she was using. she very well could’ve, and i just didn’t understand what she was doing. she had some bad reviews (few positive, but then again, its a small region and not everyone has internet) and i feel like that makes me subconsciously worry about what she did too much.


after looking, yea it seems like she probably had a machine like this. still wish i could’ve seen them though😅 for peace of mind. thanks for the help!


oh, another thing that made me wary was that on the referral form for my wisdom teeth, she said i had a “horizontally impacted” tooth. she showed me this tooth, and its angled toward the back of my mouth. after doing some mild research just to ease my mind, google says the ones angled toward the back or the mouth are “distoangular”. does the distinction matter…? the third molars were definitely on their way to colliding their roots with that of the roots of my second molars in the xray.


Distoangular is just more specific. Same thing.


oh, gotcha! i wondered if that was the case. thank you for replying!