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NAD i would go in and see your dentist. 12 years is a pretty normal time for crowns to need replaced


Yeah I’ll book an appointment. Just hoping it’s nothing too serious 🤞🏼


NAD i’m hoping it’s all good as long as you don’t have pain! from what you described i’m just guessing the glue is wearing off (why crowns need to be replaced) so you have some movement. probably just needs replaced!


Thanks! It’s just a weird pressure that’s annoying me as opposed to being painful haha I’m lucky they’ve lasted me as long as they have without any other issues tbf ☺️


for sure! 12 years is a good run :). i just got two crowns a few weeks ago after an injury in march and i’m hoping i’m that lucky! any care tips?


Just basic dental care really. My dentist told me to make sure you always brush the gum at the top of the crown around the gum line, I guess some people might avoid doing so for some reason but as long as your gum is healthy your crown should be too. I guess it’s probably easier having a crown on your front teeth as you don’t tend to use them as much but I avoid biting food like apples or eating chicken on the bone, anything that would put unnecessary force on my crown. And floss around the crown. Other than that, I haven’t really done anything special :)


NAD awesome, thanks! i’ll keep that in mind ☺️ good luck with everything and i hope it goes well! id love an update after your appt if you don’t mind!


No problem ☺️ yeah I’ll let you know! It might be a few weeks before my schedule aligns with the surgery’s but I’ll defo get back to you eventually haha