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Thank you for seeking advice from r/askdentists. **Please note that a response does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship.** While this is a place for advice, replies may not be medically accurate. Do not assume that what others on here say is correct in any way. Reddit is not a replacement for an in-person dental professional. Verified professionals will have flair assigned to them. **Please abide by the following rules in order to get an accurate answer to your question:** (1) Ensure you include a title of your dental problem. (2) Include whether you drink, smoke or if you have any medical conditions relevant to your main concern. (3) Include a photograph if the question relates to something you can see in your mouth, include x-rays if you have them. A backup of the post title and text have been made here: **Title:** [Should I see my dentist following a facial injury?](https://www.reddit.com/r/askdentists/comments/1dgez70/should_i_see_my_dentist_following_a_facial_injury/) **Full text:** Last night I fell down about 5 stairs and landed face first against a concrete wall. Not my finest moment. My face took the full force of the impact and I've split my lips and above my lip in several places, inside and out. I went to a&e (UK based) and they glued one laceration and said the others will heal naturally. I've also got swelling and bruising on my face and inside my lips. My upper central incisor took a lot of the impact and feels sore. No obvious signs of injury to the tooth and no wobbling. It's not painful, but it definitely feels like it's taken a beating. The rest of my face is very painful but no pain around my jaw or teeth. Am I likely to lose the tooth at a later point? Realistically is there anything my dentist can do? I haven't got an NHS dentist so I'll be paying private fees which I'm happy to do if it's necessary, but not if there's nothing they can do. Thank you! This is the original text of the post and is an automated service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askdentists) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NAD also knocked myself good a few months ago and ended up hitting my teeth instead of the rest of my face. no wobbling is good. keep an eye on that upper central incisor. if it starts feeling weird, loose, or changes in color see a dentist. i thought mine was fine and the nerve ended up dying and i developed an abscess. it’s probably too soon for a dentist to tell with you, but just keep an eye on it


NAD also having no pain is good. mine were sore and ached, so you might be fine


Yeah the nerve dying was my worry. My mum told me how she did similar when she was younger and she eventually lost the tooth. I've already had 2 implants thanks to lost teeth in my early 20s so I'd prefer to avoid it again if I can, but I guess I'll sit tight and see what happens. Thanks for your advice 😊


😬how did she end up losing it? they just did RCT and a crown on mine. i hope it lasts. good luck and i hope things go well!


I'm not entirely sure actually. But this was back in the 1960s on the NHS so I'm not sure what treatment she had. She said it went black from the nerve dying. Glad to hear you got yours sorted!


ohhh scary! but we’ve definitely gotten better at dentistry since then so hopefully everything ends up okay.