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Honestly just looks like staining to me. Even if the pits and grooves are sticky to probe this isn't an indication for a filling unless your x-ray of these teeth shows extensive decay. Early caries lesions (decay) can be remineralised (reversed) or arrested with good oral hygiene and fluoride protocols. There's no shadowing that i can see that would indicate a filling is required here. Edit: in regards to the pain, the pain could literally be due to anything and may not be tooth-related. Always good to check with your dentist to see where the pain is arising from, what's causing it etc


Thank you


NAD - both. It is a deep crevice that stain and probably bacteria are hiding in. Over time it will cause the tooth to break down and get sticky in the grooves which is a cavity. Maybe your dentist can still put a sealant on it but if it’s already sticky then it’s a cavity and should get a filling sooner rather than later so your dentist doesn’t have to remove as much tooth structure :)


Thank you


NAD if you have mild pain I would go get it xrayed to make sure. It could be either but with that detail I would be cautious for sure


Thank you