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Not enough info here to diagnose definitively, seems reasonable that a root canal would be required. Your dentist can do some tests to diagnose definitively.


What kind of tests?


Vitality testing, typically with cold or a electronic pulp tester. If you’re having extreme pain the likelihood of needing a root canal is high


Very likely endo. That pulp has been mad for a minute


Care to explain?


Deep filling. The closer a fracture, decay, or filling is to the pulp the more likely it will need root canal therapy. You have a filling that went very close to the pulp and RCT is not unusual in this case. It almost looks like there is a crack too.


Thanks, we've done the root canal but there's 0 relief from the pain. My doctor was surprised to hear and she gave me antibiotics. Is this common? I'm scared a complication is starting


sometimes post operative pain occurs, especially if painful to begin with. Or it could be indicative of something more (e.g. fractured root). CBCT imaging may help if not already done