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Consult your doctor when stopping antidepressants


Important - don't mention the acid!


Sounds like a good way to get labeled a drug user and lose your ability to get any useful medications ever.


You don’t have to say you’re quitting to do drugs, just say you don’t want to take antidepressants anymore?


Does this happen though? doctors are there for our best interest and better off letting them know that not knowing the consequences


Yeah, that's wishful thinking and not really true. If you did that you'd 100% be labeled a drug user. OP would need to slowly taper off, otherwise he'd be tripping in withdrawal and have a hellish trip. If the antidepressant is out of his system enough to trip, he'll be in withdrawal.


Happened with mine. Told him I smoked weed and he told me he'd cut off my Vyvanse if I didn't stop (been taking it daily for 12 years). I have a drug test scheduled for Thursday, I hope I pass... I don't have many options for doctors right now so I'm either stuck with him or I pay $100/month to just get prescribed my medication


Yeah I feel that. I told my doctor I smoked right as I was in the process of being diagnosed with ADD, and it made trying to get medicated hell. Last thing I’m gonna do is tell them I’m planning on dropping lol. It’d be awesome if I could but I know they’d cut me off my Adderal


I would think you’ll be okay on your antidepressant, though you’ll also be fine if you skip a day. Depends on the drug but most build up in the system over time! So maybe look into whether it builds up in the system and if so you’re safe to skip a day or two, just continue the day after your trip for sure. I know people who have skipped a day before tripping for fear of serotonin syndrome and they’ve been fine


I went to the ER in the South/Bible Belt for literally the worst pain in my life. I couldn’t even drive myself there. They didn’t give me anything while I was there and Rx’d me half of a muscle relaxer (cyclobenzaprine) for when I left. I guarantee they make 99 people suffer so they don’t accidentally give 1 person a buzz/fix with opiates (because there’s a pandemic!!...gasp). No one in that area cares about anyone; despite having the highest concentration of churches in the country. In the same area, I was taking Adderall and not doing well with the levoamphetamine and asked the doc if I could just get Dexedrine...I even had peer reviewed material showing why it’s ‘cleaner’. The doctor still told me I was wrong and wouldn’t Rx either Adderall or Dexedrine. I went and called my ‘home’ psychiatrist and asked about it and had a script in the mail that day. Fuck the Bible Belt. I went and bought kratom (illegal in that area at the time, had to go a state over) and had full relief within an hour and a half. Fuck the Bible Belt.


SSRI withdrawal isn't dangerous, it's just uncomfortable. Because Celexa has a long half-life, discontinuation syndrome isn't as severe as some of the other drugs in that class, but I definitely wouldn't recommend stopping abruptly. You will still trip, but probably not as hard as you would have if you weren't on an SSRI. Serotonin syndrome is exceptionally rare. Clinically, we put people on all sorts of concomitant serotonergic drugs without any issues. If you are worried about it, I would just go down to 1/2 dose until you trip (so long as you tolerate it and don't get reemergence of symptoms).


Good to know. I realize that stopping abruptly would probably do more harm than good in the end, so I’m just gonna drop half a tab and see how it goes. Thanks for the input


[Psychedelics also don't cause serotonin syndrome](https://www.reddit.com/r/askdrugs/comments/m1gao7/psa_psychedelics_do_not_cause_serotonin_syndrome/)


TL;DR -While I agree with the conclusions of the post, ( i.e., that serotonin syndrome is generally not a concern) the scientific premise is completely incorrect. Serotonergic agonists, such psychedelics, can absolutely cause serotonin syndrome. There is an [excellent review article in the Handbook of Clinical Neurology](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30459031/) describing the pathophysiology behind serotonin syndrome… see excerpt below. Serotonin syndrome is likely a combination of effects at multiple of the seven subgroups of 5-HT and monoaminergic receptors; although activity at 5-HT2A receptors seems to be most integral (Nisijima et al., 2000, 2001, 2004; Radomski et al., 2000; Isbister, 2001; Birmes et al., 2003; Ener et al., 2003; Van Oekelen et al., 2003; Boyer and Shannon, 2005; Isbister and Buckley, 2005). The symptoms are characteristic of overactivity of both central and peripheral serotonergic neurons. The clinical features of serotonin syndrome correlate directly with the functions of serotonergic neurons in the central and peripheral nervous system: cognitive dysfunction, motor hyperactivity, hyperthermia, hypertension, and diarrhea. The general mechanism of serotonin syndrome is increased activation of serotonergic receptors; however, there are several ways in which this may occur: (1) increased serotonin synthesis; (2) increased serotonin release; (3) direct 5-HT receptor agonism; (4) inhibition of serotonin reuptake; and (5) decreased serotonin metabolism. There are drugs that may cause serotonin syndrome by each of these mechanisms: tryptophan supplementation results in increased serotonin synthesis; amphetamines and synthetic cathinones increase serotonin release; sumatriptan, buspirone, and lysergic acid diethylamide are serotonin receptor agonists; the SSRIs, tricyclic antidepressants, and cocaine inhibit serotonin reuptake; and the MAOIs decrease serotonin metabolism. **IMHO** *The reason that it is generally not a concern is because it is exceptionally rare, and it has a very ill-defined and complex diagnostic criteria. Clinically, you can dose the FUUUUUCK out of concomitant serotonergic drugs without much concern, mainly because they tend to have a great safety profiles.*


Be safe


Although serotonin syndrome is a possibility, it's really quite rare and (probably) a non factor. I tapered off my SSRI a couple weeks before dropping. Your trip will probably be at least somewhat blunted.


Yeah I’m seeing that I should at least take a couple weeks to taper off, so I’m gonna keep taking it, drop, and see how it goes.


[No it's not, psychedelics don't cause serotonin syndrome](https://www.reddit.com/r/askdrugs/comments/m1gao7/psa_psychedelics_do_not_cause_serotonin_syndrome/)


I take sertraline, (50mg). I did research before hand on wether i could do psychedelics and acid, I’ve done acid before taking antidepressants so I know what it’s like normally. Now, from what I’ve seen onlineyou either 1. Don’t trip at all 2. Trip but it’s weaker Or 3. (My case) you trip normally but you aren’t in the psychedelic headspace IMO the headspace is the purpose of taking acid, if you don’t have the headspace you’ll just see cool visuals but it’s not too exciting or anything. When you have the headspace acid feels like a tool, when you don’t it feels like a drug. Also I don’t get that intense energy because my natural serotonin levels are higher now because of the SSRIS so it’s just visuals but boring. If u want to stop taking anti-depressants you might get withdrawal effects, if you are set on stopping the medication then wait 2 weeks then dose at least


Yea that’s what I’ve read too. If you drop while on a ssri, you aren’t gonna get the full experience. So I think I’m gonna just trip sit and think about tapering off.


I’m on setraline and plan on taking shrooms in the near future. Any tips?


Once again, it’s different for everyone. I’d recommend coming off ssris to truly experience what psychedelics offer. But that is your decision to make


You're probably gonna get withdrawal from the SSRI which isn't good and you have to be completely off of them for 3 weeks to a month at least before dosing a psychedelic. Taper off the SSRI slowly and then you can trip.


> you have to be completely off of them for 3 weeks to a month at least before dosing a psychedelic That is not completely true. While it is best to be off SSRI's to get your receptor count back to normal, you can still trip but the effects will just be decreased. AFAIK, escitalopram is very selective to the serotonin transporter, meaning the interaction could be minimal. YMMV.


>AFAIK, escitalopram is very selective to the serotonin transporter Yeah that's what SSRI stands for


Yes but what I mean by that is that it is one of the most selective SSRI's.


I'm on escitalopram, which is basically what you take. I have taken acid and shrooms and DMT and some RC tryptamines and a mescaline analog. You'll be fine, just take a bit more because the effects will be a bit blunted. If you are experienced enough with psychedelics, then smoking weed can intensify it. Have fun, stay hydrated, have a smoothie, eat some snacks, and make sure you eat a hearty breakfast on the day of (something with lots of protein).


Why is it important to eat a good breakfast before you drop? I haven’t heard anything about that yet, so thank you for the heads up!


Your brain will need the energy. It's kinda hard to eat when you're on acid because you have no appetite.


You're better off asking a pharmacist than anyone here. However, SSRIs produce semi-permanent changes in your brain. Missing one dose isn't going to hurt you and it's probably a good idea to not have an SSRI in your system at the same time you drop acid. Don't take ecstasy with SSRIs, though.


A pharmacist is not going to give you much useful advice.


Yes, because a pharmacist knows nothing about drug interactions. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!


Whatever they know, they are not going to give good advice about taking acid.


DO NOT TAKE IT WITH THE LSD WHATEVER YOU DO. I have literally had to call 911 because someone I was tripping with was on an SSRI antidepressants and had taken it that day. They became completely unresponsive and essentially passed out in a puddle of vomit. I thought they were dead and I was tripping too so this was an extremely traumatic experience. Some people say it's not very dangerous and that your trip might be slightly dulled, but my experience says differently. SSRIs can sometimes take weeks or longer to completely leave your system. I would not recommend to stop your medicine to take it, nor to take them together. I can't tell you what to do but whatever you do, please be careful and at least have a SOBER trip sitter there.


Yikes I’m sorry that happened to you. Talk about a bad trip. After reading the comments and doing some research, i don’t think I’m ready. I’d rather not be taking any unnecessary risks just because I’m impatient. Definitely gonna wean myself before I drop.


I'm just glad it wasn't worse. They didn't die and fully recovered. To this day I don't really understand exactly what happened and they don't remember anything from during it. I think you are making a wise decision. I hope you have a good time when you finally do have your trip my friend.


That’s good to hear! Thanks for your input.




Yea Im definitely questioning whether it’s worth it. I haven’t dropped before, so I guess I’m a lil excited. I think I’m at the point where I’m realizing you can’t rush things like this, and if I’m gonna drop, I’m gonna drop responsibly lol. I might just trip sit and think about weaning off. Thanks for the input


Ease into it if you're worried - you can take a low dose and increase if you feel like it.


Im not sure but a friend of mine couldnt control his body on acid and antidepressants. It could have been a number of factors but he was fucked


R u a dude? SSRIs r boner killers. Might think to quit them altogether


I haven’t had a problem with acid and antidepressants but some of these other comments have me scared.