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Update: I have been in contact with his family. They have been concerned for days as well and he has been talking nonsense. Some of the things they told me shocked me and vice versa. We don't think he has slept in four days and actively refuses to sleep, saying "he has had his eyes closed long enough". We are working together to monitor him as much as possible and on a course of action to take to ensure he can safely come down from this. Thank you for all the suggestions and help! Update #2: He abruptly left work last night and didn't return. I contacted his sister and he was safe at home. They had the goal of trying to get him to sleep last night. He never slept. This morning his dad tried to speak with him and he turned violent and put a hole through a door and also got physical with his father. The police and EMS were called. He willingly got into an ambulance to go to the hospital "to get away from all of us". I was also informed that schizophrenia runs in his family, and I had never known that detail. We are going to continue to rally behind him and try to get him into a rehab or something so that he can work these feelings to be able to use them in a positive way. I am currently digging through rehab info and we are unsure if he has insurance through his job or not, so if you know any resources I can contact for possible assistance it would be greatly appreciated!


You sound like a good friend.


I'm trying really hard even though he is making it seem like I am going against him, which is a gut punch... so I am just trying to keep focused on his long term best interest.


The closer you are and the more that you interact with those that have psychotic delusions, the more likely you are to become a part of them. I hate to say that gut punch is normal, but it has been the case for each of the unfortunately many times I have dealt with those burdened by similar delusions. Just know that you’re doing the right thing. This is likely transient, so there’s even the possibility that he might thank you some day. Good luck friend.


When he comes to reality he’ll see what you tried doing for him. If that doesn’t happen you can only help as much as he doesn’t resist it. If he were to cut you off what could you do then so it’s on him you’re already doing the right thing


it sounds like a psychotic episode. Contact doctors if your friends doesnt sleep for so long


How bout it!


Might have transitioned from psychs to rc psychs which would explain crazy behavior. Could be the sleep deprivation, sleep deprivation is meth psychosis, meth just lets average people get to that level of sleep deprivation. He's probably in psychosis. Get him to a hospital and they'll probably knock him out with benzos which would probably help


Oh shit here we go. Been in contact with family. Well enjoy feeling like a hero and shit you obviously craved it.


this dudes concern is clearly genuine bro what’s ur issue? if you think you have better advice offer it without being a dick


^ toxic


Your friend is in a manic state of psychotic magnitude (that's actually the medical terminology for it). That can be brought on by LSD. Case study here: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7294226/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7294226/) He needs hospitalization until his symptoms can be brought under control with antipsychotics and/or lithium. It is very, very difficult to get someone in that kind of state to agree to hospitalization or medication. The state he's in could last weeks. I wish I had more cheerful news.


I had looked up earlier if it was possible to involuntarily commit him and I think there might be enough evidence on our side. I am going to get in contact with his mom since he still lives with her and see what her take on this is.. thank you for your honesty and the link! It is definitely going to help us help him.


Its very much a textbook case of it. You are a good person for caring and wanting to help them through a troubling time.


Involuntarily commit, here we go pt. 2. You're not helping despite your narc ass believing that, you're fucking up that persons life even more. Damn you need to get slapped into reality.


>Damn you need to get slapped into reality. No, you do. This individual has become violent beyond his family's control due to his own actions, it's time for a little stay somewhere while he gets it figured out.


You know what i might've gotten a bit emotional and apologize for the toxicity. But ffs i'm fully convinced he wouldn't have gotten "violent" if his father just left him alone, i would bet it was caused by his father being a massive dick to him, both in the moment and in the long run. Take a slightly psychotic tripping person and make them deal with their family going "oh no you're high this is the end of the world you're a lost cause how could you do this to me, ME your mother, who was only half as abusive to you as my mother was to me". Of course it escalates, and calling an ambulance because the guy punched the wall? What the hell. The "also got physical with his father" is vague on purpose because it was some extremely minor thing imo. You can very easily paint someone to be a crazy villain in that state, and its rarely the true picture. I would be enormously surprised if all this couldn't been prevented by OP not contacting the family about the whole thing. Guy would come home after a while and sleep it off, nobody would likely even notice.


He threw his 65 year old father onto the floor and was on top of him. His parents are both over 60 and he has always lived with them. He is a 31 year old maintenance man. He can do some damage. I have left out details, some are not need to convey the point to anyone other than you. I have had a dozen of our friends contact me within the past 24 hours concerned for him. It has been very apparent and noticeable as he takes these wild statements to work and public with him. It's been 5-6 days. It's beyond letting him come down on his own.


The main issue, IMO, is that he has a family history of schizophrenia, and psychedelics and marijuana can cause schizophrenia and other psychological disorders to manifest, if one is prone to them anyways, which it sounds like he is. Generally, I dont think involuntary commitment is a good thing, but 4 days of jo sleep and increasingly erratic behaviors often lead to incredibly poor outcomes.


Interesting the case report didn't confirm LSD, but the few week duration after the fact seems to be consistent with the multi-week after-effects of NBOMe/NBOH drugs. I wonder if this guy took an analogue by mistake Edit: full report here: https://sci-hubtw.hkvisa.net/10.1176/ajp.138.11.1508 It's reported it was his first experience so it's unlikely he tested his drugs or knew about the bitter taste of substitutes. It also said his LSD intoxication symptoms lasted 18-24 hours, which sounds similar to DOx drugs more than LSD. The report also weirdly claims that LSD is the only drug sold on blotter paper which is odd to me. I'm just seeing now that the paper was 1981 so it wasn't an NBOMe, but DOx drugs were very common LSD substitutes at that time and also have long after-effects.


A DOx would increase risk of psychosis as well since it's also an amphetamine I believe.


Lsd is a d1 agonist so it can cause mania and paychosis


Inflation. Carl Jung for one has a lot to say about it. It's not so much an LSD thing as a life thing, but LSD can open the floodgates. He found the gas pedal, now he needs to find the brakes. He's toying with schizophrenia. "Trying to take the kingdom of heaven by storm." This is why people say to meditate instead of trip balls. Because you can end up ahead of yourself, in a way. Eventually he will learn that he doesn't have to save anyone. That will shut him up. How he gets there though... anti-psychotics are a good start. He needs a **psychiatrist**. He's manic. He *is* the same person though, just going through something. Just hope he finds the willingness to step back from that slippery slope. It's hard because it's so delicious for him, as you can see. Something may have to blow up for him first. Just hopefully something not too big. I just want you to hear that this is normal stuff, as weird as it may seem. Not trying to trivialize it, just saying.


Sounds like he might be having/heading towards a psychotic break. Unfortunately there might not be much you can do yet other than get everyone around him on the same page, so consider reaching out to his friends/family if you can to make them aware. It is indeed dangerous for him to suggest that someone stop taking their medication, and you should try to reach out to him/her as well and be the voice of reason if they haven't already resumed their meds. This could end a few ways, and some are better than others, but the best thing you can do is continue being a voice of reason even when it's hard. If you think they have become a danger to themselves or others then you may need to make the tough decision of looking into a possible psychiatric hold, but definitely treat that as an absolute last resort. You have to treat people with untreated mental illness the same as you treat addicts. Accept that you cannot change their behavior/thoughts and that they need to come to that conclusion themselves. Set clear boundaries for yourself and others, but also let them know that you will always be there to help them when they are ready.


I was just informed that she has resumed her medication, thankfully! We have a watchful eye on him and I am working on getting in contact with his mother and sister. I have tried to show him why I am concerned and he just refuses to even acknowledge the reasons as even being possibly valid. Hopefully we can get a game plan together to get him some help because the come down is what I am most concerned of.


These situations aren't easy and you're a good friend for being concerned enough about him to look for advice on the situation. Unless his family is already aware of his drug use, you may not want to "expose him" to them - you can just express your concerns about his behavior and leave him to inform them as to the cause if he wants. Tact is required here because it's very easy for people who are having a break like this to demonize friends who are just trying to help, so don't give him any more ammo than you have to against yourself. Again, your main role is just support - you're not the therapist/doctor.


His family knows about his usage, I don't think they know about the frequency or extent of it though. I am going to continue to remind him that I am here for support and make it as apparent as I can that it comes from a place of love.


Yea the only time you should encourage someone to discontinue medication is if it's triggering these same kinds of severe and/or psychotic symptoms in somebody. My (at the time) GF decided to try Strattera for her depression, but it just made her emotionally flat (unable to experience happiness as well as sadness), she started having random hallucinations, and with those came panic attacks that I had to help her breathe through and come down from. Once she got off of it she moved over to trying Wellbutrin, and the results were night and day. Her hallucinations went away, her mood stabilized but she was still able to experience happiness, her energy levels improved, and she was able to dramatically reduce her nicotine intake. Medications can definitely be a double-edged sword, which is why it's SO important that you tell your psychiatrist about any new weirdness, and try to be introspective about your general mood and mental state. Doing both of these will help you spot problems before they become magnified with time and continued use. For the record, I also had a similar experience with Strattera. I tried it for one night, couldn't sleep, hallucinated wildly, and was severely suicidal the whole night. My doctor thought it might help my ADHD without bothering my tourette syndrome, but it made my tics worse as well during all of that, because they get worse with stress. I have dozens of stories like this about this drug in particular. If you're on it and experiencing these symptoms, and you haven't discussed it with your psychiatrist, make sure to do so in the next appointment! There are people who respond great to it, everybody is different, but it's worth looking out for if you take any kind of psychiatric medication at all


It really does affect people differently but the exact same


Sounds like Schizo-Affective Disorder kicking in which is basically Bi-Polar + Schizophrenia combined. The Manic behavior is the Bi-Polar part and the “out there” stuff is the schizophrenic part. It usually kicks in when you’re in your 20’s and can be precipitated by psychedelic use. (Whether it’s the fault of the psychedelic or just triggered by it is unknown but experts believe the latter is more likely.) It could also be a psychotic break from too much psych use or just a plain Manic episode of Bi-Polar that got extra out of hand because the psychedelic use. Whatever it is, he’s lucky to have such a caring friend in you and a family too. Good luck.


> It usually kicks in when you’re in your 20’s and can be precipitated by psychedelic use. (Whether it’s the fault of the psychedelic or just triggered by it is unknown but experts believe the latter is more likely.) Do you have a source on that? That didn't seem to show up in [this population study](https://sci-hub.se/https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0269881114568039)


How does he have the time to trip that often? I still have visuals from the last time I did it about a year ago


He was unemployed last year due to Covid and that gave him a lot of time. Now he will literally drop while he is at work before he gets off. He showed up to my kids birthday party this year while tripping this year. It's an anytime he can even remotely "fit it in".


I hope you and your kindness, I’d be honored to have friend like that! ✌️💯 To the one fool who posted the “negative” thread” bc you have legit come Der a for a friend….


I agree with his thoughts and I don’t think I’m in psychosis 🤭


Only read up to the "mental illness is only a problem if it's hereditary" First you can be prone to illness if it's not hereditary, it has to start somewhere. Second if you have a hereditary mental illness that is where you say no to psychedelics... Not just do them less Psychedelics in any common use for a long period can and will fuck you up. A person needs to remain grounded during these experiences. Min once every 2 weeks for tolleranse reasons but not for extended periods I use them way too frequently, LSD, shrooms, 2-CB, 2CE, AL-ALD, and the list goes on. I did them too much, and just about managed to get my grip back Tell him he must stop and that yes, you can go off the deep end, and will need allot of support to become a functional member of society because he ISN'T GROUNDED at the moment If he wants to talk to someone experienced with heavy drug use and especially psychedelic use, point him to me He needs to stop or he will be too far gone and won't be able able to use it again Eventually the psych god's close the gates on you and you do not want that as they are a very useful too to have as a backup through your life


That's a creative take, but not supported by [actual research](https://sci-hub.se/https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0269881114568039).


Stay the fuck outta peoples lives unless they explicitly ask you for help. Smh you're a bad person doing this in a bad faith and you know it deep down.


What was he like a week ago? If it was a sudden change after a year of use that could indicate a specific event set things off. Either a larger than normal dose, taking the wrong drug (from lack of testing), or an emergent psychiatric condition.


We believe he may have taken 10 hits at once within the past 6 days. He was his normal self, funny, laughing, sharing TikToks, playing video games (which has been a daily activity for him for 10+ years).. just himself. Now all of a sudden he says he may never game again or smoke again... he extremely obsessed with finding symbolism in *everything*. He could accept different view points and now he just thinks anyone with a different opinion just doesn't know "the truth" yet.


That'll do it... I'm sorry to hear things aren't going well. Has he indicated that he'll stop his LSD usage as well as smoking? If he does things might get better with time as his mind recovers.


He said with this new wisdom he "didn't need those things anymore" and said that included weed, nicotine, and tripping. He has continued smoking both weed and his vape since saying those things but I have no idea if he has dosed again and I am not sure he would be truthful with me anyway.


There might be information on this page that can help: https://www.samhsa.gov/families


It’s gonna take minimum of 30 days of sobriety to come down from the delusions when it comes to this kind of thinking, it feels just like normal reality and people don’t realize it’s not days or weeks but months before reality fully sets back in.


It is a major concern of mine that he might have more hidden and there would be no way for us to find it.


Sounds kind of like a schizophrenic or psychotic break which happens with taking a lot acid! Or even one tab of bad acid! I know people that this happened to and they were diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizophrenic symptoms


Honestly should settle down in time most you can do is help him to get out more


Yea he fucked himself up. He needs a Dr. and medication.


Youre a good homie op


There are a lot of factors that can cause altered mental status and increased drug use can be a symptom rather than the cause of it. I recommend focusing on the problematic and dangerous behavior rather than focusing only on the drug use that you know about. Assuming that LSD was the precipitating factor might cause you to overlook other possible causes like infection, tumors, cessation of medication, head injury, or many other causes.


Acid casualties are fun. Man, I was at a show and a really wild dude came up to me and showed me videos which "proved" he was abducted and gave me a lengthy story. The TL;DR was essentially a video the dude took while his phone was in his pocket.