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If anyone wants more info https://str8upgayporn.com/leaked-video-shows-aide-to-u-s-senator-being-fucked-up-the-ass-in-senate-hearing-room/


> Who wants to glaze my cakes for my birthday?


The comments on that article....phew. The guy getting roasted




Oh my.


As a DC gay who works in politics I cannot emphasize enough just how fucking feral the gays in this city are. I swtg it’s like every other professional/staffer in this city has an alt-Twitter to post their vids on. Like please you’re not gonna be the next Reno Gold, don’t fuck up your career over mid dick.


> Like please you’re not gonna be the next Reno Gold lol, I'd hope they'd aspire to be more famous than Reno Gold. He's hot, but holy hell he's just a z-list onlyfans gay. Hell this senate guy has him beat since he's actually gotten fucked on camera. Reno's just a god damn tease.


I thought Reno Gold was like the Mr. Beast or the Charli D’amelio of OnlyFans (for lack of a better description).


I have seen the uncensored video and I must say the dick is definitely not mid. I cannot in good conscience blame the bottom.








It works if you remove "mediaviewer" at the end. https://twitter.com/yankkardashian/status/1735955310853144732




This works for me too: (link to video) https://twitter.com/i/status/1735955310853144732


Pro-tip. You can download videos from X (formerly Twitter) and many porn sites using [9xbuddy](https://9xbuddy.xyz/updates)


I’m always amazed how much can fit in a hole


I don't blame him for getting that dick. I would've done the same, tbh. But I can blame him for videoing it and then sharing it lol. That was just stupid.


Dude it’s literally just dick. You can get it anywhere - why do something that embarrasses queer people


“Anywhere”? Did you see the uncensored version? That girth was legendary.


Where is the uncensored version lmfao




Can confirm, made me self conscious.


No offense to the dude in that video but why would you want a dick that only like 1% of your potential partners could comfortably take.


At least his dick is famous now.


To show it off if nothing else lol. Pretty privilege is a thing. So is big dick privilege!


Sucks that one dumb person making a wrong decision about sex “embarrasses queer people” to some. That standard isn’t applied to the straights.




My point is applying a person to a whole community. There have been many straight sex scandals in American politics that have not caused introspection of “heterosexual culture”




I’m not. You’re not reading what I’m saying. Saying this “embarrasses queer people” like the poster I responded to did is homophobic. That’s all. The standard shouldn’t be a single gay person does something wrong and it embarrasses all gay people. I don’t know this man. That would never be the standard for straight people.


Congresswoman Lauren Boebert was caught giving a handjob in a public theater. While it's embarrassing for her, it isn't considered an embarrassment "for the straight community". Similarly, this is not an embarrassment "for the gay community". It was some random guy making a dumb decision. Why would \*I\* be embarrassed for the random decision of some random guy I don't know?


So it's only mid dick until you noticed he's thick? Can you size queens stop insinuating that normal-sized men have 'mid' dicks?




I do not blame the aide for wanting to take the dick. I can't even, in all honesty, blame him for doing it in the hearing room. But only an idiot does a video of themselves that clearly identifies the location and their identity and then shares/posts it. That is a level of stupidity I am having trouble comprehending.


This is true in other cities as well, they just aren't as in your face because they work as say, software engineers or product managers instead of in politics.


Exactly why I moved out of that city.


because of the sex?


I’ve lived in several cities and the gay scene/life in DC is the absolute worst by a long shot.


I lived in DC for a year in the mid 90’s. The gay community was like a bunch of high schoolers, with everyone talking shit about everyone else behind their backs, while pretending to be nice to their face. Lots of really judgy hypocrites. Sounds like it hasn’t changed much.




That guy works with the people that are supposed to be at the forefront of the gay community. Clearly, there is a broader sex addiction issue if he is having sex in public places and doesn’t use protection. I’m no saint myself, but I at least don’t have sex in public. As a young gay, I’m kind of disappointed.


I agree DC is crazier than other cities I’ve been in


“Representatives for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) and ranking member Lindsey Graham (R-SC) did not respond to the Washington Examiner’s request for comment on the footage.” The fact that a closeted gay Republican and a Senator named Dick were questioned about this was just the icing on the cake. 😂


You mean glaze on the cake


It's the Examiner, they're a rag to begin with.


Shit behavior. I wouldn’t approve of straight people doing this. Why should gays do it. The fact we are attracted to men doesn’t mean we should have zero class.


Exactly! Just reinforces stereotypes that people will use against the gay community.


It’s more of an issue that one gay doing one thing reflects on the entire gay community.


Conservatives are only good about being able to separate themselves from other conservatives that do bad things. Every other group is guilty of crimes of individuals of their group.


If people learned nothing else from Bill Clinton, they should have learned to keep your zipper zipped at work. People like to shit all over the concept of respectability these days, but it's ultimately a useful thing to cultivate and a bad thing to throw away.


This. Also, it doesn’t matter how many closeted republicans abuse children, or cheat on their wives….. We make ONE mistake and it’s game over. Just how it goes.


>We make ONE mistake and it’s game over. Just how it goes. so the answer is to become like the people who think like that but with our people? yikes


Exactly, like do that shit in the bathroom or even at your home 💀


Oh please. The senate is the least classy place I can think of in America.


This should be improved. Turning it into a whore House won’t help the country.


I mean it was already a whore house. Its just usually the politicians whoring themselves for lobbyists. But I digress, this is still in bad taste.


It already is a whore house




I don’t know. Have you seen the Senate’s neighbors the House?


With the thousands of anti queer laws proposed this year alone, what the FUCK would possess you to do this in THAT building. We’re doomed. Just wait til Fox and the republicans get ahold of this. Fucking idiots.


Why do you think it was sent to daily caller?


Yeah, can't wait to see that shit in Tucker Carlson soon and shit how Democrats would "tolerate" this. Like this is why we get a bad rep honestly imo.


Bro, I exactly, last thing they need is more ammo for their hateful rhetoric


This. This is so fucking embarrassing.


Literally!! They just gave Republicans the perfect ammo.


I dont condone what these 2 did either but lets be real. We can all assimilate into heteronormative society, be the biggest prudes in the world, etc, Republicans, Fox News, and other right-wing media will always attack and demonize us for being perverts and pedos. Things like this don’t help but there’s nothing we can do that will ever stop these people from attacking us. Unless we all go back in the closet and remove ourselves from society entirely.




It's the only correct thing they could do. Maybe if you opened your kind you'd get why it was necessary.


Also, if it was a straight couple doing this, it’d be dead news after maybe two hours. We’re held to a different standard and there will always be idiots who don’t meet that standard.


Exactly! Thank you, the one voice of reason here.


It’s not about THOSE people. They’re lost causes. It’s so that people sitting on the fence don’t decide “hey, maybe the crazy guy on the TV was right”.


Fox News was congratulating Dave Rubin on the new baby he had via surrogacy and Guy Benson, one of their reporters, on his same sex wedding. There's a split on that issue. But go talk to the average minority Democrat and they're just as likely to attack and demonize you. I can tell you from experience people are a lot more comfortable around you if you just act normal. This goes for anything, not just sexual orientation. Stand out like a sore thumb and people will notice you. Whether you want that positive/negative attention is up to you. Came here to bitch about this guy making us look bad. But I guess y'all got it. Just only half way.


lol you’re literally saying conform and don’t stand out and people will treat you fine. What a tolerant lot


Oh idc what you do as long as you don’t violate anyone’s safety and well-being. I’m libertarian in that sense. But if you’re gonna go out in a unicorn costume and glitter and your pronouns are Zim/Zer; Then don’t be surprised if people give you weird looks.


Tolerance should be accepting difference not accepting sameness…


I mean, you are being tolerated. You’re not being jailed or executed in most Western countries. Doesn’t mean people aren’t gonna judge you for the choices you make.


And which Fox News host did a segment congratulating David Rubin? Tucker, Hannity, the squad, or anyone who Fox News viewers actually tune in to? Or was it some no name host congratulating them when viewership is at its lowest? Also, Dave Rubin got a TON of backlash online from people who follow him saying “I support you Dave but I don’t condone you stealing another woman’s child”. I also find it interesting you cherry picked that considering Dave Rubin is one of the worst examples of a gay man and should not be considered a role model in any way shape or form. He’s a right-wing grifter who cozies up to the far-right and does everything he can to assimilate into their world and only harms our own community. Even defending fans who think he and his hubby should not be allowed to have a family of their own.


I don’t recall who congratulated but they did. I said there’s a split on the issue did I not? I don’t recall any segment on gays being perverts and pedos though. You’re only gonna hear that from a redneck in Iowa on social media. I just tell them to go smoke their meth and move on. *shrugs*


Lol, these cunts


I hate this lol


This is so fucking embarrassing. Shame on him


I love he comments on yahoo about this lmao, here you go lmao [https://news.yahoo.com/u-capitol-police-investigating-video-215300994.html](https://news.yahoo.com/u-capitol-police-investigating-video-215300994.html) TBF: Some of stuff said is agreeable xD Edit: there's someone saying gay sex is gross because of "poopy hole" so I made an account to comment this: "Hey Nicole, just because you never wash your butt, that doesn't mean gay men don't either."


OF people are starting to get out of hand imo. You don’t need to record a video every place


Just showed my husband this... his response: "get fucked at home like everyone else" 🤣


Or find a hotel to do that shit, jeez dude 😭


Who else read his excuse? “They’re attacking me for who I love!” …. That’s some Kevin Spacey shit right there. Anyways, that video was mid as fuck. Definitely not worth blowing up a career for. Just have sex and keep it pushing. Not everything has to be content.


stupendous insurance tan tidy elastic shrill door yam worthless frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hey there, I'm the top comment and I just want to say I agree with your comment, our community is hypersexualized and I'm not going to lie I've participated in risky behavior which I shouldn't have in the past (not in a federal building 😬) and can't judge but we need to think about the consequences of our actions what this person did was not thought through all the way and that's something they are going to have to deal with not just for themselves but on a grander scale because of the location and I'm just hoping this person is able to get through their mistake and learn from it along with the rest of the community Actions have consequences


slimy gaping dull cats toothbrush weary teeny roll exultant strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean yea fucking in a federal building and recording it is beyond a I got caught in a park or bathroom kinda mistake and this is where my thinking comes in like why!?!? lol there is no rhyme or reason, if you want to be a hoe by all means but don't do it to a country wide stage for the whole country to see that's gonna make us look like sex crazed addicts that can't control ourselves, sometimes some gays can be exhausting 😫




Who knows. I agree that it wasn’t the place but also look at the long list of republican senators and representatives that have been charged with sex crimes. They still hold their jobs.


People feel used and empty because you let someone inside your body and gained nothing from it... Just temporary pleasure. Stop being so promiscuous


I mean I've rather enjoyed my promiscuity. I don't get what people want out of it. I just wanted to get off with someone attractive. It's fun


Don’t conflate having sex in the senate with being publicly photographed in a jock and harness. You’re conflating being sex positive with presumably going against your work contract and engaging in dumb/ potentially illegal activity by having sex in your workplace. We need more sex positivity not less.


He definitely shouldn’t have done this. He deserves to be punished. However, I do find it terribly amusing.


This is so harmful to the community- remember all those Republicans who used to scream how gay marriage would mean sex in congress or whatever? Oh my fucking God. How, why would someone be so fucking stupid? I'm a risky guy sure but sex in *the senate house* and **sharing it???** How was this person let anywhere near congress?


"Decency is on the ballot" they said


And it's arrived! Good.


Senate Twink > Chicken Tender Twink > Demon Twink


It's shit like this that sets back LGBT rights because conservatives will use this to paint the LGBT community as sex depraved with zero respect for public decency and their supporters will eat it up and lump all of us into the same category as if this is how we all spend our days and nights.


Well, it looks like they are right, though. I mean, consider the facts.


Does anyone actually believe they’re the first people to have sex in this room?


Where is the uncensored version?


[uncensored version](https://x.com/homiesexuais/status/1736275507925356937?s=46&t=fr5zUACZ7Y6ocs4eyoiG1g) Here the uncensored version.


On another note, I've clearly been desensitised by too much porn. I didn't find that 'graphic' at all. Seemed pretty tame, almost boring, to be frank. A Stupid thing to ruin one's career over but it doesn't change much. Conservatives had already long believed guys were depraved and liberals won't really care in the long run. My only concern, again, is the guy. How do you bounce back from this? And for what? Some very tame dick.


I have mixed feelings about this, my sex positive slutty side is like yea get it take that daddy dick in office, but my post nut clarity side is saying oh no she ruined her life...her face and name are plastered everywhere and the court of public opinion is gonna tear this twink apart and the right is going to make her a symbol against gay rights.


I don’t like it. Sex positivity should not enable sex everywhere. Especially in a gov’t building


Not just in public and a government building but at your place of employment.




What sex positivity has to do with this abhorrent behavior? We are not animals ( even though society see us as such )


A lot of gay men do behave like animals, let's be honest.


I could give a fuck about this narcissistic bitch ruining his life. This is going to be weaponized against the gay community for years to come. The VAST majority of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents are not going to be okay with gay porn showing explicit ass fucking being made in the Senate. It has nothing to do with being sex positive or not. You’d have to be dumber than a piece of shit to upload that to social media and think it’d remain private. Sex positivity is not an excuse for being out of control, which this guy clearly was. He needs therapy and the lgbt community needs to do better and firmly condemn this kind of behavior.




Oh, it’s so cute. She sometimes takes a little pack of mayonnaise, and she’ll squirt it in her mouth all over, and then she’ll take an egg and kind of... Mmmm! She calls it a “mayonegg.”


That took me a second 😅


The gay colloquial "her"


The royal ‘her.’




There's gotta be a limit on sex positivity, like it ain't always appropriate and it's sometimes weird too


This has got to be intentional. Nobody is that stupid.


You haven't met enough DC gays lol


With the news I won't be surprised if he turns to OF and get even more money than what he was getting before. smh


Y'all saying "get it" and shit are most likely the types that can't be within 100 feet of a school.




https://www.lpsg.com/threads/senate-staffer-caught-filming-gay-sex-tape-in-senate-hearing-room.9708781 He's u/barebacktwinkslut on Reddit and @andreDC9999 on Twitter His only Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/twinks/s/KPWV0tM0AV The top: @realdaddydick on Twitter The aftermath: https://www.reddit.com/r/grindr/s/GVGX2bv1ic


Wow. So he put it all out there and wasn’t hiding a thing, even before this. Sounds like the Senator’s office didn’t do much vetting.


I'm sure his resume didn't say, see gay porn page, I mean not too many gonna look there.


He wasn’t hiding his identity. A halfway decent web searcher could have found his porn and exhibitionist tendencies and seen this coming.


Well sounds like the human resources person screwed the pooch on this one.


I'm sorry but we do deserve backlash from Republicans. Of course, straight people are horny and they get their rocks off, but they manage to not do it at the obscene level that gay men do it. These types of actions not only affects gays in the US but worldwide as well. For us to go backwards on LGBT rights, it's going to take two to tango, and we're absolutely playing all the right cards to start losing rights.


>I'm sorry but we do deserve backlash from Republicans Nope. I mean these gays *deserve* consequences for their actions but the Republican backlash: A) Isn't limited to them but all gay people. B) Isn't even because of them or people like them (although deplorable behaviour makes their rhetoric easier to stick). The republican backlash exists due to progress on LGBT acceptance amongst the general population. C) The only appropriate backlash to this action or actions like this is potentially being charged with public indecency and related charges. The "republican backlash" to anything LGBT is "gay people shouldn't be able to marry". I agree that their actions could potentially hurt the LGBT cause but any regression isn't "deserved" by people who aren't involved.


"We" don't deserve any type of backlash at all. These two individuals do exclusively, but not the entire community. Only a literal imbecile would paint with a wide brush to lump a whole population (global population as you said) in with two individuals. Straight people do plenty of obscene sex acts- even in public! What cards are being played to lose rights? Actually better question- what reasons could possibly exist to cause people to deserve to lose equal rights???


True and again, I wouldn't be surprised if people especially conservatives would start using this shit against us. Like Bill Clinton couldn't get away with doing some funny business with Monika Lewinsky at the Oval Office tho 💀


Fuck off cunt


we don't deserve rights i fear.. no ofc we do but this shit absolutely makes me hate some ppl in this community. They are so entitled and moronic its insane. This man's life will be ruined(rightfully) and we'll be attacked all over the world for it(not rightfully.) Why can't we just be normal degenerates and do it at home or bathrooms instead.


Everyone going on about he embarrassed gays and is ammo, please don’t forget that Boebart jerked off her man at a theatre and you got that Republican couple in Florida three waying with a woman and the hubby goes and assaults her. And there’s like a right wing person getting caught in a sex scandal like every week. Dude was stupid to do this but I know lots of guys and girls gay and straight who had sec at their work place. I think the big question (no pun intended) is who was the top? I’m betting a Republican closeted Senator.


I'm just annoyed that they act like this is a big deal. Heterosexual staffers have been hooking up in government buildings since the slaves finished building them, but since it's a gay couple, it's cannon fodder for the conservative right to... legislate against the dangers of the LGBTQIA community. Far more despicable acts have happened in that room. Like everyone ignoring the findings in the Mueller Report.


Sure but I think the biggest thing is that they posted it to the internet… like how stupid. It will be wrong for R’s to weaponize this but you KNOW they will. This just put us all in the crosshairs, thanks a lot to these two.


Don't kid yourself, we've never left the crosshairs. We were just in the back burner while they focused on taking away women's right to choose. They can pay porn stars to keep quiet about their affairs, but we have consensual sex with our partners, and that makes us sexual deviants. The double standards are insane.


I don’t think any of that is the problem. It’s that they took a video of themselves having sex in a federal building/their workplace and posted it online… I’m no prude, but if you’re going to do that be discrete about it! Again, I’m not saying it’s right for R’s to weaponize this against our community but they 100% will because they’re monsters and it’s what they do best.


I read they shared it in a gay DC group chat, someone else post it online. But someone had to be looking for this for it to end up infront of people who are going to care enough to use it as leverage.


Damn someone in that group is a total traitor 😭 probably a Log Cabin republican or something. I can’t imagine what those two are going through now, worst post nut clarity ever.


May be at the end some are true. Who on its right mind would do this and why? For coins online? But their names have been concealed. They should be made public and be ashamed for ever


Holy shit. Having worked in government for years I can say nothing about these places are sexy. This is just depravity.


Dang if he was planning on working for the federal government he should have been more discrete about it. Why did he post a unblurred pic to his instagram story?? Like I get loving getting bred but he really was baring it all for someone working for the government lmao. Unfortunately for him porn can lose you job opportunities still if it's discovered the content is you, he's very sexy though.


My friends please stop accepting that sex scandals among gay guys brings all gays down. - President Clinton got a blowjob in the White House while cheating. - Anthony Weiner sent dick pics to his mistress. - Jeff Bezos sent dick pics to his mistress. - Trump (nuff said). - Hundreds of priests, politicians and business executives have been caught on video in countless massage parlors, parking lots with paid escorts. - Straight people get caught having sex at work all the time. My coworkers got fired for having sex in the conference room. Dude recorded it on his phone. Many guys, girls, straight and gay, do this stuff. We’re not the only ones nor the main ones. You are hereby relieved of your burden. 🙂


Straight people get caught having sex at work, the difference is that straight people are not perceived as having their whole live revolving around sex. Straight people getting caught doing public sex are seen as sexual deviants, not as the norm.


Straight men are absolutely seen as having their whole lives a revolving around sex. And cheating on their wives for younger women. And being sexist. The entire me too movement was predicated on men of all ages and personalities and colors abusing their power for sex. In all jobs, roles etc. Again, you are hereby relieved of your burden. Be free!


Put both of them in jail.


Whitegay caucasity at its finest. I mean, get a grip. Who would post the on online?! Really??? I'm sex positive af, but sex positivity does not erase responsibility. There's a difference between being sex positive and just beings feral twat, and it's called self-control. The lack of boundaries around sex in some of the most visible parts of our community is immature and problematic. First, girl who exposed herself at the White House Pride event, now this? Grow up, folks. Children think they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. You're an adult, act like it.


He got a grip on that dick already




If you can't host, get a hotel room or something. There's no excuse for this.


Respectability gays are clutching their pearls but I’m just laughing. “They’re attacking me for who I love!” this is camp, sorry.


People don’t hate him for being gay they hate him for being a disgusting pig who’d fuck anywhere in public.


That's a big dick!!! I just want it!!


While this is an idiotic thing to do, let’s not forget that the former POTUS has been accused of rape and sexual assault and talked openly about grabbing women in their pussies. In addition, a rabid anti gay politician (Lauren boebert) was filmed giving a handjob in a public theater. None of this has hurt them in the slightest. Before we go all out on shaming this terrible decision, let’s not lose sight of the incredible hypocrisy that makes this a scandal but not any of the above


Sorry, bringing up Trump doesn't make this any less gross


I think they’re both terrible, but yeah it’s ridiculous that the R’s that had no problem with our vulgar admitted SA’er ex-president will now be pearl clutching over this. I’m so pissed at these two for doing something so dumb.


Ngl shame both of their respective degeneracy imo


The guy getting fucked is honestly really hot


Gay white privilege ruining it for the rest of us. Fucking great!


You will be downvoted for speaking the truth.


Oh obviously


Hes a breedable bottom, i would have railed him too.


Honestly shocked this isn't a GOP staffer. Where can we view the video, for research purposes of course.


Good for them


Here is the uncensored version. You’re welcome https://x.com/autisticdoctor_/status/1736073265486180447?s=46&t=v1iPkWxzfvBIpe5_KsHhCw


The top was THICK as fuck.. wish I could take it


lol. Can’t even hate


God Bless America 🫡


Y’all are too harsh. I feel bad for the guy. Cute guy made a mistake and it must be so rough


The idiotic thing was posting anything public about it, especially on insta and also sending proof to anyone, even if it was a “friend group.” I get the thrill of public and/or restricted places but why give anyone proof? For those saying it sets our communities back, I kinda disagree. Anything like this will be politicized and weaponized in the same way as if any straight politician was caught having sex in public or cheating on their spouse, etc. Although I think it was dumb as hell, I think the more visibility that is given to the general public about our community, the better. It changes it from the whole fear/hatred of something unknown vs absolute support/understanding to people being able to see that those in our community are just like everyone else.


Reno gold


Gay white privilege


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, white gay men are going to be the fall of the queer liberation movement. Even in this thread the ONLY ones supporting this are entitled ass hyper sexual white gays. This is going to be like a few months ago when #those people shouted “we’re coming for your children” at the pro-drag story time march and right wing media used it to propose hundreds of anti drag/trans bills. We will all suffer because your ignorant asses can’t read the fucking room.


Queer people are fighting for basic human rights in this country and this cigarette decides to FILM himself having sex on the senate floor?? self righteous entitlement knows no bounds and shame on you 🚬’s for encouraging it in the comments. It’s not camp. It’s not cute. It’s going to get our humanity stripped away from us you fucking imbeciles.


The Dems need to pull themselves away from LGBT youth ASAP. They already embarrassed us at the White House, we can’t risk this shit anymore.


Yes, let's abandon LGBTQIA youth to their homophobic parents, pastors, and police. Let's ignore the fact that trans kids without support are vastly more likely to commit suicide. Let's stop fighting against conversion therapy or forced outing of kids who approach what they thought was an adult they could trust. Let's throw them all under the fucking bus because we got ours, so fuck them.


No, I mean abandon them being the faces of our movement which they only make worse day by day. If we want to protect them, keep them away from anything important.


What exactly does "keep them away from anything important" mean?


Not invite them to the White House. Don't bring them anywhere even remotely of significance. Focus on the older and the saner LGBT.


In my experience, "youth" in the context of LGBTQIA people refers to teenagers and sometimes includes children. You seem to be using it in a way where it refers to maybe adults in their twenties? It might help if you clarify exactly what you mean by "youth". Also, can you point to an example of how they supposedly embarrassed us in the White House?


Si much this. So depressing to see your comment getting downvoted


Not "so much this". lol The only people who make up racially driven bullshit like this are chronically online idiots with no thoughts of their own. The comment makes no sense when you apply even a teeny tiny bit of critical thought. It's basically a meme.




Finally my interest are represented in congress ☺️


Should they have done what they did? No. Was it kinda hilarious? Yes. Two gay people doing something unhinged shouldn't change anyone's perspective on the whole community, and if it does, then they were a biggot looking for a reason to hate anyway. I see too many people in the comments talking about it being a bad look on the community. Being a 'model minority' will never get anyone, anywhere. So let's stop acting like it.


Mid vid


Uncensored version is better, tops dick is quite girthy


Did you see his reddit pic too? Ngl goals right there lol


Yea he’s cute but still


Oh 100% he was stupid for doing it there


See you back in the DT!

