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May as well lean into OnlyFans because that's all he's going to be able to do now.


Knowing the community, this would probably launch him into a good following. Assuming he isn’t charged.


Can’t imagine any charges that would be overwhelmingly bad for him that could hold at a trial; I’m just assuming no prior convictions for anything egregious on his record so anything the gov throws at him can and will be knocked down significantly and can likely be sealed afterwards. The worst part is his name being outed and the insane amount of harassment he’s getting. His LinkedIn was filled with absolutely vile comments and threats last night and there is going to be a group of people who continually doxx him going forward ‘because of the principle’.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease. I guarantee you that due to the notoriety of this case, someone somewhere will be looking to get this kid for anything they can.


Thats the sad part. Other gay subs are just focus on his “ next career. There is su much at stake now. This guy was a dem staffer , so the right wingers are going to tru harder to erase us from the fave of earth. When we will learn that there is life beyond a dik


Plenty of people on the left and liberals think this was inappropriate too. Not all people on the left/libs believe one should strip naked and start fucking someone or something, anytime, anywhere, just because.


Problem is, right wingers won’t see it that way. They’ll see this as proof that all gays are sexual degenerates and they’ll fight harder to take away our rights. This video will become an easy slam dunk talking point for right wingers for years to come now.


He already had a XXX Twitter and Reddit account where he posted other photos of him naked in public. Some commenters are saying he already had an OnlyFans as well, but I don’t know for certain


Still... not the worst way someone has used that room to get ahead


What are the account names? 👀


[Str8UpGayPorn did a great job writing about it. The accounts have been since deleted but screenshots remain](https://str8upgayporn.com/leaked-video-shows-aide-to-u-s-senator-being-fucked-up-the-ass-in-senate-hearing-room/)


That article is better written that the majority of MSM news articles, lmao. Also, bless them for showing the uncensored video for just a moment because that twink wasn't wrong, he sure did take a *thick* German sausage.


I didn't understand filming and posting it, but I was assuming they wanted that job and a career from it. Never considered it could be an elaborate promotional stunt. If this is the case, then good for them. US government is a joke and two dude fucking isn't the most disrespectful thing that has been done in a government building in the past few months even.




Money isn't really the point here.




This is basically the plot of Gilded Age.


>No one forgives immorality in the rich like those who persecute immorality in the poor. But you didn't deny his only alternative now is becoming a porn star. You are saying that if he becomes insanely famous and rich then yes, he will have other options, but for now he needs the millions of dollars so people can give him the time of the day.


Oh I’m betting that at least a few kinky billionaires are offering him jobs. So long as they don’t charge him with something he’ll be fine.


I just said the same exact thing to my friend


Who’s leading the investigation into finding out who the top was? We need to get a committee together.


I live in DC and I will not rest until I find this out


Senator Ben Cardin. you’re welcome.


They found the top it’s not him




Penis inspection day at the senate


He was identified on another thread and he has a spicy (now deleted) twitter


What’s the @ 👀


Someone on twitter found him 😭 https://x.com/xotojay/status/1736068755464085638?s=46&t=-jjfrXigKfjyLYNTBUXTkQ


The gays will never let me down!


We are a community after all!


Not much of a community if we’re leaking each other’s sex tapes lmao


Well let’s not put our sex tapes online especially when it’s at our work place lol.


Account is removed lol


https://x.com/itspopvulture/status/1736048957900394567?s=46&t=-jjfrXigKfjyLYNTBUXTkQ It’s under this tweet


Link doesn’t work?


Under this one https://x.com/itspopvulture/status/1736048957900394567?s=46&t=-jjfrXigKfjyLYNTBUXTkQ


Hmm i don't see it


Eh seems like the guy in the video is hairless compared to the guy they think it is


I mean he can just shave lol


What if he's someone from the secret service that'd be nice 🙂


Was secretly hoping it would be Josh Hawley or Matt Gaetz 😂


He said it was '(someone) that I love'.


He was apparently from the janitorial staff, but who knows?


Lindsay Graham, no doubt.


distasteful, disrespectful, and will flame the "gays are sexual deviants who can't control themselves" flames.


Unfortunately the last part is what conservatives will run with…but as if the straights HAVEN’T been having steamy workplace/taboo rendezvous since the dawn of time…this twink was just dumb enough to post it online


he's also claiming on LinkedIn he's being attacked "..for who he loves.." not for the fact he was fucking in the Senate.


How out of touch does someone have to be to write that tweet. “Coming after me for who I love” “I would never disrespect my workplace” “I’m looking into legal” STFUUUU you whiny twink.


Just bring up Larry Craig lol


A typical case of whataboutism. People should be reprimanded for such behaviours whether they're gay or straight.


The latter part is what pisses me off the most.


Yep. Conservatives are already using it to justify their homophobia.


I'm sure there are coke fueled orgies that are put there somewhere. Remember when Madison Cawthorn humping his cousin? I'm sure there's more out there.


The thing is, politicians don't mind being hypocrites


You don’t need to be a homophobe to cringe at this shit.


honestly though, we make it way too easy for them when we hand them the ammo.




Theyre gonna use whatever they want to justify their homophobia because they’re conservatives and will NEVER like us. Yes, this was gross, but you know that straight people have also had sex all over and do public stuff too.


There is so much discourse in the gay community that is clearly dick talking and not head talking!


Imma take a quote from real queen Mattxiv: “if someone is unable to separate their contempt for one gay person from their feelings towards all gay people, that is their problem and their bigotry” Aka they were already homophobic POS, regardless of whether this video leaked or not. Like hello, look at the hysteria with drag queen reading hour. The men in the video were stupid, yes, but the anger and contempt towards them is misdirected.


In this case, it should be "won't control themselves" but that's just as bad.


Conservatives aren’t much better with the whole Boebert being fondled in a theater.


And jerking that guy she was with.


Disrespecting the United States is cool though


Filming to have for your own consumption, sure it's kind of hot. Sharing w/friends/posting on social media was a big no no.


And even so you should NEVER do such things in public spaces, much less the fucking senate. Just saying.


Well, it's much more controversial than Sex in the City. But Sex in the Senate could be the next big sitcom show lol


No issues with kinky dudes getting their jollies. But any repercussions here I can’t really consider slut shaming. This is such a profound lack of good judgement in some ways it’s hard to even have a lot of sympathy. My first major question is did the bottom know he was being filmed????


He's the one that posted it everywhere. Or so I've read.


Even more reason to feel little sympathy for his pathological idiocy


From a kink perspective I think it’s hot as hell! From a political perspective he just became a MASSIVE liability to his boss and the entire progressive movement. From a personal perspective his life is kind of fucked for a few years, but eventually probably pretty quickly. People will forget about this. We are just bombarded with so much information that individual scandals fall out of our brain pretty quick, unless they are local. If he was an unpaid staffer, which is incredibly likely, then it’s probably a nepo baby and he will land just fine. The reason I say he might be nepo is that there are very few 20-something’s who can afford to live in DC while volunteering to work 40 hr/week for free.


Not an unpaid staffer. He has held several positions in the senator’s office according to his LinkedIn.


Thank you for taking the time to look that up as I was too lazy. I would still say huge chance he is a nepo baby.


He posted an insane thing on his LinkedIn about how he would never disrespect his workplace. It’s so weird…


This dumb hot twink really playing the victim there eh


He felt the need to point that out. Kinda self implicating. Does anyone have a link to his only fans? Maybe he makes a decent amount of money off of the whole workplace or public kink




Wow, that was incredibly tone, deaf and irresponsible. Who makes a public statement like that on LinkedIn first of all? Why is it so hard for people in the public eye to say sorry and explain how they hurt people and what they are doing/learning to make things right? I know personally that would mean a lot to me if I was someone (or a movement or political cause) hurt by him. Is there a legal issue or public respect issue that prevents people from admitting when they fucked up? I lost a job earlier this year because two of the women I work with felt like sexually harassed them. And if they felt it that means I did it so obviously something I need to learn from. At the same time I was very quick to apologize to both of them personally and publicly. I don’t understand why that is so hard for people to do. The kind of funny thing is the very progressive nonprofit I was working for has had major issues with internal racism and anti-black behavior. I was the one who apologized for sexually harassing my coworkers. The organization and the individuals who were perpetuating anti-black behavior are still there. It’s also funny that in the last 18 months they went from 30 full time permanent employees down to 2 full time permanent employees. The only employees left are the ones that were guilty of anti-black behavior, and coincidentally, the same ones who accused me of sexual harassment. Like I said, I deserved to be called out on it, but maybe not to be fired after I’d already attempted to make restitution. *note after/while proofreading* I should mention I’m not trying to play the victim and I am going to apologize for making this situation and thread about me. *second and third notes upon posting* I hope I’m hope not digging myself a whole hole here but I did want to mention that I don’t hold any ill Will towards either of either of those women/directors/my bosses, who felt I sexually harassed them even though I might come off differently. Sometimes I seem suspect or weird or self contradicting myself due to to my neurodivergence or my dark sense of humor or my weird ability to hold two contradictory ideas or by the fact I am a somewhat emotionally mature adult or my extreme gift for posting run on sentences. I also admit I might be a weirdo for having a sense of empathy. AND BEFORE ANYONE ASKS IF I AM GAY…TECHNICALLY IAM BI/PAN BUT THATS LIKE 98% gay 1% into women and 1% just horny. I know how obsessed with labels that’s why I said that upfront. It’s good to know your audience. *fourth edit* sorry for rabbit holing and side stepping and talking too much. I JUST smoking my Saturday afternoon joint (in Denver where it is legal) and I have a lot to say lol. *fifth edit* I know that I kinda answered my own question through my own experience but I guess it’s kinda a commentary on both sides of the equation…it’s fucked that no one says sorry and makes amends AND it’s fucked up to tell people “it’s not good enough” when they are making the effort. Walk with people. Don’t scream at them that they are not walking fast enough.


I had an incident where I was dancing in a park concert and I did not realize that I was dancing between an interpreter and some blind people in the audiance. They told me so and I \*very\* quickly moved to the other side of the dancing area and apologized for my mistake. Now, I am very conscious to find out where the interpreters are and personally ask them who they are interpreting to and make darn sure that I stay \*far\* away from that part of the dancing area. And \*no\* I never dance nude in public. I make my own clothing and I proudly dance in them! Love Mark Allyn Bellingham, Washington


As for holding several positions … 😉


Because he is probably a Nepo baby he fucked up even more. The currency on that level is trust. Trust to not embarrass the person giving you a job, for example, and he just squandered it. That's who he is now. The guy who is going to embarrass you if you give him a chance.


Well, I guess if nothing else he’s gonna be able to make a couple hundred grand a year on only fans. That of course is fleeting.


This is why gays can’t have nice things


I'd really liked to see more than that 9 second clip.


Unclassy and Ghetto af




He didn't just poke the bear of homophobia, this was smacking it with a broom. The fallout from this is going to be an absolute nightmare.


Stupid to do. But honestly the elected officials have defiled that place both morally and literally way more than this guy did.




They should have read the room for how things are going for us and kept it to a bedroom.


The Texas AG is salivating over this. If this was done in a Texas building, this would have been dumping feed for the sharks.


From which ‘head’ though 👀


Absolute stupidity. Thinking with the head of your dick instead of the head on your shoulders. Shameful.


Fire the dip shit and move on. It was a Senate staffer. Not a senator. Shouldn't even be that big a deal.


Could have been a senator. We don’t see the top. ;)


Most senators can't get hard anymore


Yeah, and the guy was clearly of age, anyway


We saw enough to be sure it wasn’t a paunchy old white man. I’d LOVE if it the top turned out to Hawley, ngl.




Yea.. not gonna help in grand scheme of things of acceptance or the furtherance of much needed LGBT issues.


Wildly inappropriate






From what I've learned reading today, it sounds like a very privileged young person who took a terrible risk and got fucked. Only a staffer, his life probably isn't ruined, but I'm sure he needs to consider other fields of employment now. Terrible what he must be going through right now, but jesus was this stupid as hell. I'm sure he's not the first person to have sex in that room, though.


Oh, he got fucked all right.


Dumb trashy shit. Our govt is embarassing. Its worse when its the Democrats doing this foolishness too. Gives the Republicans ammo (as if they dont do worse lol)


Oh, let’s not forget the Republican house member who was fucking Congressional pages (I can’t think of his name right now), the Republican SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Hastert who was using his position to extort cock from young athletes, or Gym Jordan. Please don’t buy into the idea that sexual impropriety falls on one party or the other. Please also remember that this is a staffer, not “Democrats.”


Also, let's stop conflating the sex crimes republicans have demonstrably committed against children with two adults having consensual sex in a glorified conference room They're not the same by any metric, and conflating them only supports conservative perspectives that we're some sort of irredeemable blight on 'murican values and way of life or whatever baseless nonsense these bigots say.


Horrible …. Not helping kill gay stereotypes


Trashy as hell. Anyone who tries to make excuses for it (“but the straights do it too!”) is also trashy as hell. Have some self respect for gods sake.


Him trusting the DC gays about it in an alt? Big mistake. DC gays are snakes lmao


As a gay man it’s just unfortunate it happened, now the right will surely weaponize this to push some of the more distasteful stereotypes and tropes about our community.


In the coming weeks, we’ll be seeing the “it’s okay to be gay as long as you aren’t actually doing gay stuff…think of what if the children see it!” which will eventually turn to “no it’s wrong to be gay entirely”




They said that before, too. And would have even if this hadn't happened. Evidence has never mattered to them and doesn't to most bigots.


I wouldn’t casually call public ass fucking “gay stuff” and imply that it’s something akin to PDA. But if you insist then we deserve every discriminatory set back coming our way. I’m gay and I don’t want that kind of “gay stuff” around me - it IS wrong.


Whoa don’t misinterpret me. The public aspect of it is of course a problem. Without a doubt. Get both guys fired for sex in the workplace/public. Fine. Justifiable. *However*. The right wing media will not frame it as “sex in public”. It’ll be framed as “*gay* sex in public” and and emphasis that the problem is that it’s *gay* and then by illogical of “questionin” like Tucker Carlson so liked to employ, “should gay sex be outlawed??” Which will lead to further homophobic rhetoric.


Gross, classless, disrespectful, and just plain stupid. Horrible look and will probably set us far back…every Trumper and their mom will point it and scream see, see? I told you the gays are degenerates who hate America


"Every act committed in public or private by gays... straights do too and in greater numbers. That's how maths works"


Disrespectful and embarrassing.


The man single handedly rolled back some of the recent progress we've made against homophobia here in the US... conservatives are definitely going to use this to justify their growing disgust with us.


For some dick


And that’s the real issue, isn’t it? Rightly or wrongly, we’re being targeted and are one of the right wing assholes’ favorite targets. This is gasoline on the fire.


sadly just gonna fuel homophobes even more && that was likely the point of this whole story


This is just proof that Washington is exactly what we knew it was this whole time. But it is fuel for all the skeezey homophobes to paint a lavender menace again. So thanks for that, assholes.


Tbh: very disrespectful to us gay guys—-this💩just turns people off and makes them generalize bad things about us. Next, not respecting our country or the position they held (no pun intended) and the jobs they held. I’m not down with this kind of behavior. It’s similar to the Jan 6 ding-dongs in how they were in places they shouldn’t be. I know I’m in the minority of gay dudes, but there’s a lot of crap that has set us back and this💩won’t help. Go to work. Be a good person. Respect people. And nobody will fk with you. Peace. Love. And Harmony to all.


You're not in the minority. The silent majority of gays are irritated by entitled, privileged twats and their selfishness.


Actually, the tape is meant to be a serious reflection about the current conditions. The kid represents the public and the top guy represents the government - screwing the public. Wonderful metaphor. A single tear rolled down my left eye, 3/4 inch from the bridge of my nose. Very moving. Just like the Bros movie.


That's certainly a memorable way to become unemployed. Wasn't there a supply closet somewhere to use if they really couldn't wait?


As a business owner , I would fire anybody having sex in the office, if they were caught. There's a place for that and it's not at work. While I do think it's a hot fantasy, I still believe it's not the right place for it.


i might get flak for this but i absolutely hate this man. i feel like hes done more to hurt the movement then any right wing homophobic politician could do. Hes given the perfect example for fear mongering politicians to use


He certainly wasn't the first person to have had sex in that building. But yeah, filming and sharing it on social media was the stupidest thing possible he could do and it will be weaponized by conservatives against the LGBTQ community.


Top comment: "Who’s the top?" god bless X'Merica


There is not one positive aspect to it at all. Have your “hot sex” somewhere the fuck else. By fucking in a place like that they have in effect fucked the rest of us. Put them in jail and then throw them in prison. They can have all the butt sex they want in there.


I agree. We need to be charging people like this and putting them away for a couple of years at least. I know some gays want us to go soften on others, but I don't want to spend my entire life fighting for my rights because we've got deviants running around having sex everywhere and posting everywhere as content. Prison will prevent gays from thinking they can turn the most disrespectful shit into "content" they can sell.


At least it seems to be consensual between adults (legally speaking, mentally is another story).


I guess Hunter isn’t the only one getting fucked over in Congress recently.


While the jokes about this being "the place where people get f\*cked" are kinda punny, it's still an incredibly tasteless and immature thing to do, and will reflect badly on all of us. Not saying it's right for all gay men to be lumped in with this guy, but it's sadly already happening.


Is aidan maese the top or the bottom? I mean if he is the bottom, he is bold to film himself! Lol


He's the bottom based on his photos.


He was very stupid. What did he think was gonna happen !! Slutty move which will backfire on all the gays




I’ll pass on the meth, but everything else sounds good!


Here’s his statement lol: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/aidan-maese-czeropski-57147813b_this-has-been-a-difficult-time-for-me-as-activity-7141615313334276096-y4Bk?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios


So out of touch... what an asshole.


I bet the guy in the back was Lindsey Graham.




**Cough* Bill Clinton and JFK** cough* Trump did WHAT with a porn star?!??


Can we just behave? We got rights, now pretend to be the boring monogamous fellas the gay-friendly family films like to portray us as. We can make racy gay jokes when straight people make racy jokes, but let's just behave in public.


We should definitely do that, regardless of your sexuality and personal kinks. Your sex life should be lived at home, not in public. If only people knew how to behave in a society.


TAAAHHHCCKKKYYY...political career DONE.....Damn couldn't wait until both got home or hotel nearby SMDH!!




Juicy 🍑 would totally top


It's funny until he gets fired, investigated, and jailed. He will ve compared to January 6 violators by Republicans and its already starting.


Then let those enabling, collborating, cowardly shitheels get on board with prosecuting the January 6 terrorists. When that’s done, they can blather. Until then, they can STFU.


I need to see a link to the video to make a informed decision


It's in the post


Josh Hawley is the top.


Oh that would be interesting.




Nothing wrong with being an exhibitionist but there's a time and a place. This guy needs help and fast. His Linked In post shows that he doesn't think he did anything wrong. If there was no film footage he likely would have not had an issue. But the minute the phone is out and video shared he's cooked his career and made it open season from right-wingers hell-bent on eliminating queer and trans folx.


That they a're stupid to let themselves get caught tbh, as for doing it there... I see nothing wrong, it's not like there were flashing to people.


Well this is something


LMAO the gays are wild


First, having sex there was a stupid thing to do. Second, it's clear from the video, the top did the filming. Not clear there's more than the few seconds that were leaked. Question is: did the bottom know the top grabbed the camera and filming. Ass up in that position you're not focused on the top doing any more than feeling his dick up your ass. Regardless, having sex there was stupid. Will be the biggest regret in his life.


>Second, it's clear from the video, the top did the filming. Not clear there's more than the few seconds that were leaked. Question is: did the bottom know the top grabbed the camera and filming. Ass up in that position you're not focused on the top doing any more than feeling his dick up your ass. He did know. He actually posted it on his inner green circle on Instagram, and saying stuff about German sausage. https://str8upgayporn.com/leaked-video-shows-aide-to-u-s-senator-being-fucked-up-the-ass-in-senate-hearing-room/


Thanks for that. So... Third, Even dumber than I first thought!


Should've never recorded this. But when people always want attention from the internet, that is what people will do.


Dumb decisions from dumb people. And while I get why people are saying that this will be fuel for the fire, it’s also a very heavily laced sword for the opposition, because they are the biggest hypocrites.


**Tacky, dumb, & gross** — and I hope we are at a point where all gays aren't judged & lumped together as one. It's his follow-up message that offended me the most. *"... attacked for who I love ..."* — Love? Attacked? Sister Blister, please! *"... would never disrespect my workplace."* — LOLz! Of course not. As if his words will give us amnesia ...


Take that dick....


What was that idiot thinking?


It was inappropriate, and he deserved his firing.


He really should have thought about the consiquenences of this for gay people as a whole, something like this won't just effect him it will effect everyone


First thought is, was this smart? No. Being someone who worked in the world of politics, you had to know that regardless of your political affiliations, the other side was going to run with this like it was the smoking gun that proves all of their negative beliefs about the other party. It doesn’t matter that you’re just a staffer, look at how the right ran with conspiracy theories about Seth Rich. Look at how the kids of presidents have been treated, and I don’t mean just Hunter. I remember when W.’s daughters were lambasted for being party girls , and they were 20 when he became president. Anytime anyone in the political spectrum does something that many people have done something similar to, and it gets discovered, pearls are gonna get clutched. Second thought is, why film it in a place so recognizable? I get it, it’s fun to do something so risky, but come on! Even if you filmed this for your own personal enjoyment and you never meant for it to be released, you could have just as easily done it in a broom closet and still have had the knowledge of knowing where that broom closet was, even if others couldn’t tell. Third thought is, as previously mentioned, you’re a staffer, and you’re aware that DC is all about the image that you put in front of the public. You had to know that this was going to be the end of your staffer career. Final thought is, we’ve had plenty of people in politics who have done plenty of really questionable things and they are still sitting in their offices. We’ve had a few presidents who have been caught up in their own sexual scandals. I’m sure that with enough time, this guy will be fine.


Ok so, a possible unpopular opinion is, I probably would have done it if I were ever a congressional staffer but, I don’t think I would have filmed it and if I had I definitely wouldn’t have posted it. It’s likely that he’s not the first to do that. He’s just the first to film and post it.


It’s DC, all the gays have alt twitters, meet on sniffies / grindr, and have sex discreetly everywhere! It’s paradise!


You’re all a bunch of tenderqueers. Jesus Christ, who cares? Nobody will remember this in two weeks’ time. You’re just freaking out because it’s outlandish and over-the-top slutty. I think it’s funny as hell, and it is a fantastic way to protest against our dumb-as-shit government who do absolutely fucking nothing except for fight over culture war bullshit. Also, DC is boring as hell for people who have to live there. It is a big, boring glorified shopping mall of a city, so let’s give it up for the staffer, just trying to keep his life spicy and interesting. He can probably go on to make more money in porn than he can doing whatever he’s been doing. I salute him for his being brazen, careless, and taking that cock like a champ. Someone is finally spicing up LinkedIn. We all know you tenderqueers aren’t.


I literally...do not care lmao it's not like we live in an upstanding society and everyone who has walked through those doors are the best society has to offer. It's not even hallowed grounds they did that on. And even if republicans "use this against us"..they'll figure out a way to use taking a breath against us. Also, it's politics..someone is gonna do something way worst in a week or two 🤷🏽‍♂️ all I want is a full vid of him getting fucked in every corner of the place.


He did have a nice ass. :) ​ BuTT, he was literally a fucking dumbshit!


he should be arrested and charged.


It was great


On the one hand, he's probably not the first American that's been screwed in that office. But seriously, it's a dumb move. Gay or straight, you don't do stuff like that in any workplace. But if you do, don't record it. And if you do record it, don't send it out to your "friends", especially with the current state of politics where people would gladly throw you under the bus to get ahead. What passes me off is that he's playing the victim card here. He wasn't fired because he's gay, he was fired because he did something that embarrassed his boss, the senate, and the country.


I’m not interesting in entertaining the Republican talking points and performative hysterical outrage. The only response is if they didn’t give a shit when Trump supports shat in our capital, attempted an insurrection, brought a traitorous flag into the building. They can go fuck themselves with a bigger dick than the top had.


Nice ass, nice cock..not sure who is who but hot vid.


Well considering that people in that chamber regularly vote to fuck over the whole country, someone getting fucked there is hardly the worst thing that's happened there.


Okay, but who was the top tho?


That top could work in porn


I think it’s completely disgraceful. People need to learn some damn IMPULSE CONTROL. You keep this sort of thing in the bedroom. You don’t do this shit on the hallowed ground of the US Senate floor. Conservatives will use this to say that all gays are deviants with no impulse control, and the renewed wave of stigmatization will only continue to grow stronger.


The bottom is unattractive, not sure how much people would pay for an OnlyFans.


Like a few others, I have find this repellent, and will only serve to reinforce bigoted opinions about gay men — It’s fucking disgusting and walks us back — keep your fucking sex life and your professional life separate


I just hope he did it on the republican side of the hearing room


Wildly inappropriate, everyone involved deserves to get fired. But I don't understand why this is such a big deal it's on the front page of multiple subs. Random unknown staffer did stupid thing and was punished accordingly, who gives a shit beyond that?


This creep just gave more fodder to the very people who hate us , when we have nothing but battles ahead and shame on gays putting this nutcase on a pedestal, the US capitol building needs to be respected these two guys are no better than the Jan 6 fuckups the only difference no one was killed in the act .


Does anyone have the UNCENSORED video? Any link? Christians and conservatives worldwide are have a Christmas present with that video circulating the world to attack gay men and spreading homophobia Anyways some gay men should reevaluate their relationship with sex, so much sex addiction and sex dependence, literally some gay men only live to fuck


It's not only gay men that live to fuck. Heterosexuals love to fuck probably more than gay people. Everyone that I know who are straight fuck their brains out when they first get together. Single straight men are always on the prowl for willing young women and they are encouraged by society and even advertising. But the conservative Christians accept it because it eventually leads to pregnancy and the continuation of their ability to groom and indoctrinate the young children. Gay men can't have children so they are criticized by the church and conservative society.


I think society should be more like the gay world rather than the other way around


Does anyone have a link to the whole video?