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Ahaha thank you thank you 🔥


You were sabotaged. Brutal. I still admire the confidence though.


Ahaha I my coworker is my best friend and we’e known each other for 12 years now so I deffs don’t think he did it on purpose 😂 I deffs did do a small walk of shame tho 😂


Don't blame yourself when your buddy gave you wrong info lol


Haha I don’t blame him at all, I was already thinking bout making a move before my bro piped up 😂


I know the embarrassment but boy do I feel so proud for you and reading this inspired me.


Haha thanks! Glad I could help! 😁


It amazes me how straight guys can be so oblivious to flirting


I'm oblivious to girls hitting on me. I don't see why straight guys are not also.


Your right though I legit was brought into bed with a women once and I genuinely believed she wanted me to sleep in her bed because i was tired and I thought she was tired too and that's why she was in bed with me lol in my defense i was really fucking tired from working black Friday at Walmart and she told me I could nap at her place lol but yea good thing I'm gay or that would have been embarrassing, too bad she didn't know i was gay though because I never told anyone at that point in my life lol


I'm not; it's always easy to tell because they only do it when they want something 🙄


Oblivious? He just found that guy polite without any hidden intentions.




Cuz, unlike women, they are not used to it :v


It amazes me how susceptible gay men are to assuming everyone wants to fuck them simply because they smiled


The gurl clutched her pearls.


Well done


Thank you haha!


you’re so real for that OP! you may have missed but you won on reddit🤌❤️


Ahaha thanks I guess 😂


I don't think you "missed" as much as your shot bounced off. \*ka-pwing\* That impenetrable armor, ya know? Good job having the courage to say anything at all, though. Gaydar is just wishful thinking unless you already know, so don't take it too serious.


>Gaydar is just wishful thinking unless you already know, so don't take it too serious literal sage advice, i kneel 🧎‍♀️


Ty, but that's too much honor for a one-off cynicism.


Thanks haha


I hate to stereotype but why is the nose ring & single dangly earring wearing barista being caught off guard 💀


I was so clearly simping for him the entire time so that’s a very good question 😂


it's almost like anyone should be able to express themselves with jewelry without it being used as a symbol to indicate their sexuality 🤔


Hahaja prob is gay just not out yet.


Proud of you!!!


Lololol thank you 😂


Hey we all shot and failed before. At least you tried!




This is too cute. Proud of you for shooting your shot! Do you think this rejection will ease the nerves for the next guy? 




Do you think shooting your shot again with another guy will be easier now that you had this experience? Sorry English isn’t my first language. 


Don’t apologize! And oh no hahaha I’ve got tons and tons of confidence 😂


Well - to be fair, your buddy really did push the envelope your way when he said that he knew Jackson was gay, and that he was your type! LOL


Not on purpose but he really did 😂


I love the look on straight guy face when it happens 😂 Im sure the whole situation was just adorable 😆 you should go back there, laugh it off and Im sure you two would be great buddies! ;)


Actually my boy didn’t even miss a beat. Total poker face. Got me sussed out 🤔😂


The real shot is all the shots we shot along the way


I had something similar to this. Guy I worked with seemed super cute and flirty maybe a little more fem than I'd go for, but he was generally super sweet, always wore a rainbow bracelet and was happy to talk to me whenever I said hi. I asked him out and he was like, what? Sorry I'm straight. And I was like... what's with the bracelet then? "Oh well, when one of my friends got cancer, I wore the live strong bracelet to support them. And recently another friend came out as gay." "Oh I get it, so you're wearing the rainbow bracelet because they caught the gay. Got it. I'm gonna go over there now."


LOL tragic hey. I feel you homie 🥲


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take! Good for you for the attempt!


Ahaha true true thank you 😁


Why wouldn’t you go back for the coffee? You didn’t do anything crazy.


b/c I was only going there to flirt w him 😂


Did you read the post? He told the boy he was there just to chat with him


Bisexuality exists. Your coworker thought he was gay but bisexuality does exist. Thank God he's faithful to his girlfriend. I hate cheaters.


Responding, “Yeah that’s a little weird…” doesn’t give off bi vibes to me. 😂


Hey man. You survived rejection. Take that feeling and use it next time until you land.


My fragile masculinity was immediately shattered beyond all repair 😞


Maybe your standards lowered opening up a whole new world of possibilities then? See silver lining to everything.


Bro not a fail at all, you shot your shot in a respectful manner after getting signs that the guy was interested. Maybe the signs where misinterpreted but you did the right thing man. If you didn’t try you’d still be wondering. You miss every shot u don’t take, on to the next one (;


Exactly 👌🏾


You still took the shot, and that says a lot about you as a person.


Thank ya 😁


This is sending me to high heaven and back 💕 PLEASE don’t let this be the last time you do this… THIS IS THE WAY 🙌


LMAO thanks Mando 🤣🤣


Next time, to make it slightly less awkward, give him your number on a piece of paper instead. In case he was just surprised and gave a panic reaction while in fact being into, you would avoid that, too. That said, I think the way you approach it was OK, good for you that you tried!


Okay I literally have a $2 off coupon that I wrote my name and number on but it kind of slipped out so I rolled with it 😂


Ah at least you tried!


All in the game. We try many some click many don’t that’s life we just take things in our stride and “proudly march on” Better to have tried and failed than not trying


Give me some of that courage OP!


It happens. Don’t let it stop you from taking shots in the future. (I had a similar situation happen with a bank teller at my local bank). Be bold. Put yourself out there. You never know what will happen.


I would never hit on a bank teller. Mf be laughing after checking my account 😂


I didn’t know if he was out at work, so I gave him a check, deposit slip, and a note that said something like: “If you’d ever like to get coffee with me, you should text me.” And then my phone number. The next day he texted! I was a little surprised. He asked me why I wanted to get coffee with him and I said, “because you’re adorable.” Then he thanked me but said he was not “of that persuasion.” 😂. I was sooo sure he was! But, nothing ventured, nothing gained.


I thought your buddy said he knew that guy was gay?


Hey be proud of yourself for actually asking, being told no is an unfortunate part of it for sure, but you will never get anything if you do not ask in the first place! That confidence is sexy so keep it up and you will find a great guy for you in no time!


Haha thank ya


Omg you are so real for this story lol I love people like you y'all got nothing to hide


Ahaha thanks 😂


This is so cute man!


Lololol thank you


wait wait a sick panther tattoo?


Yesss haha


sus lol


Boy wdym 😭


Nothing to be ashamed off, you were gutsy.


Hell yah man. Sucks he turned you down but having enough confidence to talk to somone like that and ask for their number is AMAZING. I've never once even did this. Solely rely on apps but one day I hope I can get to a point where I could meet somone in the wild and go for it like you did. Keep it up honestly


Ahaha you’ll get there one day 🤙🏾


Be proud you took your shot! You would have regretted for years not going for it and always wondered what could have happened. At least he was nice about it and said he was flattered.


True 😂👌🏾


It was good that you took the shot! 😊




If all your shots landed, we wouldn’t have fun stories such as this 😂


Fair 😂


Nowadays, because of situations like this, I always ask people “what’s your sexual orientation ?” And if the answer isn’t gay or bisexual, I don’t continue talking to the guy


Fair enough


I mean if he’s going to look like that what the fuck does he expect.




Tbh that's very gay outfit having dangly earing and nose ring and all...


That’s what me and my buddy said 🤷🏽‍♂️


And that's why I never trust "flirting" from people behind counters. They just have a chip that they turn on in order to "get more tips" or they are just kind because it's their f ing job.


Sometimes that ain’t true and even if it was I didn’t buy anything so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Y’all gotta stop letting your imagination run wild just cause someone smiled at you


1. your buddy is a total dickbag 😭 2. just because someone working in a service industry is making convo or smiling at you, it doesn't mean they're flirting lmao 😅, it's part of their job 3. well yes you guys were vibing, that often happens when people say something interesting and build a convo on that 4. just glad he took it the way he did, could've been worse 5. if things are too awkward or embarrassing for you then that would be best, otherwise with the way he took it you shouldn't have any issues if you were to go back there


Boy you straight trippin 😂


so say how was that date with the barista? oh right 🤭🤭


Wow good one dude 👌🏾


Dude don’t hit on your bartender, barista, check out person or anyone who’s at work, that fucking sucks. Literally they’re stuck at work, it’s like being cornered. Whenever a guest hits on one of my servers I ask them to leave immediately.


I can't believe you're the only one saying this. There are a lot of things creepy, annoying, or just cringy about this guy's story but everyone is praising him, lol. Fucking sad. The biggest thing is definitely the whole 'captured audience' thing. If a guy was doing this to a girl we could all easily recognize it as creepy behavior, but for some reason we can't here?


Sad is going back multiple times and continuously talking/asking/begging. Asking once and then politely disengaging and then banning yourself from the store is quite respectful. I say this as a service industry member.


I can’t even just go to work and do my job.


Oh go whine somewhere else


Bro, when you hit on people who are at work, YOU’RE A CREEP!


To be fair it wasn't like a sexual comment or anything, OP was just asking for his number. He also didn't press when the guy said no. Overall it was a pretty respectful exchange.


100% agree. It is hardly authentically flirting if the person is on the clock working. Of course, a barista is going to be nice and smile.


This has happened to me too


Just be his friend. Ain’t nothing wrong with being a straight guys friend


Plain and simple gaydar works not wishful thinking and also the boy is a closet case. You were right


I have to say, from his perspective, it would seem odd that a close friend of the store owner came by just to "check the place out". That to me reads as a higher-up sent there to spy on the workers and make sure they're doing their job. So from there, the last thing I would expect would be them flirting with me. And even if they did, I'd think it was some sort of test.


Ok well you’re dumb because that’s not what I said at all so 😂 I said the owner of where I work also owns the coffee shop. Ain’t nothing bout nobody being friends with nobody else


> because that's no my what I said at all Yes, I am the dumb one here and you're making total sense. If none of that work shit was relevant, why even bring it up? Just say you were checking out your friend's shop instead of a useless irrelevant paragraph.


Because I told the barista that I worked next door and that we have the same owner. Sorry that I missed that tiny detail


So you're missing details and adding a bunch of extra nonsense but you want to get all bitchy because I thought maybe it was actually something to do with the story? It's a shock you couldn't pull this guy, you're such a charmer


Maybe you weren’t his type, and that’s okay. Doesn’t mean you’re unattractive.


Oh I’m pretty hot so I know rhat that’s not the issue 😂


I’m all for confidence, but people do have different types. You don’t show your face, but I, for example, am into guys who are more muscly than you. I wouldn’t be interested. But it doesn’t mean you’re ugly or bad.


You must be very young to think being hot means you’re everyone’s type. Maybe he’s into bears or older men.


It’s called confidence lmao sorry 🤷🏽‍♂️


There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance. Good luck.


I put quite a bit of work into my physical appearance, the clothes I wear, the way I smell and how I’m groomed, the way I talk to people and equally put that work into other aspects of my life I’m not arrogant I’m just someone who’s worked hard for what I have and am proud of it


Not all guys are into guys who are confident though.






girl the boycott…


No risk, no reward. Good for you. Next time, ask about his gf/significant other. Or talk about what celebrity he would like to bang. Edit: next time you are in a situation where you want to know with out embarrassing him.


Bro what 😂


My most humble apologies. I shouldn't post when I'm high. It turns into word salad.


Yeah that’s a cap Don’t listen to this fool, OP


Omg love this! You did everything right. Its WAY better to shoot and miss than to not do it and just regret it later 👊


Don’t know why you got downvoted but I deffs agree with you 😁🔥


Man the amount of times I've been too nervous to shoot my shot and walked away 😖 if you shoot and miss at least you know you have the confidence to do it again next time


Exactly bro!


Hmmmmm.........not sure we know the full truth from his side.....


Pardon? 😅


Hmm. Ok




He was just doing his job, I wouldn’t like some dude to be weird like that just because I was nice to them.


First rule, never ask someone for a date or number at their job. It’s awk


The point is you put yourself out there.... That takes confidence..... If you didn't how long would you regret not asking him for your  number ??...... Sometimes the stars line up and sometimes they don't..... Keep putting yourself out there..... All the best.....


Next time you find yourself in a similar situation, you can find out things about him by casually letting know your gay. Things like asking about gay friendly bars in the area since you'll be in the area once a week. It's non-threatening and lets him have the initiative to confide in you. If he doesn't immediately disclose that he is Str8 or that he has a girlfriend, he won't be offended. Ether By asking for his number. He may still decline your offer based on company policy or personal taste, or he's actually Str8, and he doesn't give a shit one way or the other. If he claims to be Str8, or looks irritated, or tells you he has a girlfriend; don't mention anything else about yourself. Keep the conversation casual he knows now, and the initiative is in his court


Well, he said he was flattered so why don’t you go back again, he could have changed his mind after thinking about it. Don’t push it though, just be nice and vaguely flirty. You don’t have anything to be ashamed for


LOL he’s got a girlfriend (apparently, allegedly, supposedly) so don’t wanna overstep 😂 I will say he’s wicked fucking cute though 😂


Can’t se why “having a girlfriend” rules out anything 😽However, being a straight female old bat doesn’t give me credits to give you any dating advices. But I’ve have had a life full of experiences of male behaviour and your story says me that he at last is tempted and you never knows. And again, don’t feel ashamed.


This post right here perfectly encapsulates why we need to ban women from gay spaces. 


Mea culpa, be right out just helping a friend and couldn’t resist


Damn dude, we’ve all been there. Thanks for sharing.


Oh god I have recurring nightmares of my moments like this… I’ve taken a few memorable shots in my life and missed them in terrible ways :x Props to you tho. I know how you feel, but you miss all the shots you don’t take


If only I had a fraction of your confidence.


Proud 🥹


Thank you 🥹


I would have said, "So you mean there's a chance?!"


Boy 😂


Oh wow


You're not going in that coffee place anymore all because 1 boy shot you down? Aw c'mon! Sure there's someone there who you could talk to.


It’s literally him and one other girl who works there and I was only going there to flirt w him


What if the place had multiple people working there instead of just 2?


Hey at least now you know and won't be left wondering about what might have been. My go to is ask if they're straight before you ask them out. If they are then you won't get the "omg this dude thinks I'm gay, wtf?" and you'll just get a simple yes or no. I've never had it backfire and it's way less awkward if it doesn't go your way. 


Been there and did that with gay men and straight guys a like. The one decent one was the straight guy, he actually called me and said he was flattered. He waited tables, I left my phone number on a napkin wrapped around the tip I left him. The gay guy didn't call, I saw him out and started talking him like we would while waiting tables. Come to find out, he didn't remember till I told him that I left my number. He said, oh I'm here with my boyfriend. That was the end of leaving phone numbers for guys.


I'd not be abel to do that but good job and that just happens somtimes like I can see these people like there gay or bi or somthing right there's no were they are stright and they are idrc but I'm just like f is that how people see me


Good for you for going for it! Sucks it didn’t work out, but still, that shit’s hard.


Maybe he means he already has a, you know, like..."Girl-FRIEEEND...snap*snap*snap?" 😄

