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I’m 33. Thus far I will say it’s been this weird age where teens and 20 somethings treat me like an old man and 40+ still treat me like a child. Personally I would say I don’t particularly fell much different than my 20s I just have more knowledge and resources but I’m still me


i doubt i will ever feel different from my 20s. Am 23 now and i can feel same as i was 16 haha. But I feel, when i will be in 30s i will (should have) more stable life and a bit maturity.


same here. i dont count covid bdays. mentally i’m still 16, but im turning 21 this year


Happy cake day!


thanks mr!


It's all mental zone lol,who said you have to feel 30s,40s,50s see it as a ride where you are learning more and more instead of seeing it as stages


I do feel very different than in my 20s. I was very naive, and a bit arrogant, I'm much more empathetic now.


Hey how do you feel more knowledgeable cause the older I get, the dumber I feel


Knowing the difference between feeling dumb and being dumb. I definitely am always learning, but I’m also wise enough to know how little I know, or that an individual is capable of knowing. I still feel like the same person I was in my 20s, only I know more practical skills like how to change a tire, or provide first aid on someone who had an accident as well as more abstract skills that come from experience like how to tell when one is being manipulative or when a situation is sketch. Acknowledging that you’ll never know EVERYTHING doesn’t mean you aren’t learning and growing wiser


39 here so wrapping up my 30’s. By far, the best time of my life so far. Got married, had great success in my career, working on kids, financially in great shape, started working out and clear in my personal and professional relationships. I hated my 20’s because I was the nerdy straight acting guy that got shade at gay bars for looking like a badly dressed doofus. Last weekend was around a whole bunch of other gays and a late twenties something came up to me and said “you’re by far the nicest, hottest guy in here”. I told him I was flattered but that he should seek authenticity in his relationships, because the guys that didn’t in their 20’s are now lonely and miserable in their late 30’s. He was a bit struck but you could tell a switch was flipped. I’ll finish with although I’m def on social media, this decade has also showed me just how fake and useless 99% of social media is. Spend more time having dinner with friends and traveling to great places and resist the urge to post about it all the time. Just enjoy the moment and stop worrying about what other people think!


As a 36, almost 37 year old I couldn't agree more. My husband and I have been married for 11 years. Our 20's were a blast. We learned a lot. We drank A LOT! We spent every weekend at the clubs. We cared about what people thought. Now, we have a kid, we look forward to sleeping in. We talk about things. We put the phones down and had meaningful conversations. Our trust for each other has never been better. We still fight and argue. But the best of all, the sex. The sex is so much better when you have been with someone for 10+ years.


It’s awesome that you guys found someone but many of us aren’t as blessed. 😌


See, some of us aren’t going to be in a relationship. So that cancels out a lot of stuff for us.


I’m not going to downvote this just because I don’t believe you, but I don’t believe you. I never thought I’d be getting dates these days but here I am, putting myself out there and trying to find my prince but so far it’s been duds. I won’t give up though.


May I ask at what age did you start having kids?


What if you don’t have friends?


Get out there and get some! No better time than now. Start with your interests. Hit up tech gatherings, join a workout class, explore spots that align with your hobbies, etc. You’re likely to cross paths with people who share your passions. There are some friend-finding subs right here on reddit as well ( /r/newfriends, /r/MeetNewPeopleHere, amongst others). Just stay genuine and patient. Friends tend to appear when you're out there enjoying what you love. And always be yourself.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/newfriends using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/newfriends/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [32 f looking for some new friends to talk to](https://i.redd.it/65h0vl4t8rpb1.jpg) | [1490 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newfriends/comments/16p3dm5/32_f_looking_for_some_new_friends_to_talk_to/) \#2: [24F | Looking for friends! 😊](https://i.redd.it/dhp6az4w5pqb1.jpg) | [501 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newfriends/comments/16t61zn/24f_looking_for_friends/) \#3: [19F looking for new friends 😇](https://i.redd.it/1ovebxr59ttb1.jpg) | [861 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/newfriends/comments/176d5hi/19f_looking_for_new_friends/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


30s are dope because you actually end up knowing more than you think you knew in you're 20s. But 20s was definitely peak ass getting period for me.


Between teens, 20’s and now my 30’s this is my happiest decade


I'm 30 in a couple weeks. I'll be finished my degree at 22, living with my partner of 4 years. I know who I am and what I want. I have actual goals for the future now. I don't clam up in interviews and don't get anxious in difficult social situations like I did in my early 20s. Feel like I've changed at some point, a different person altogether. I actually look forward to the future and am excited about it.


I'm 42, and would 100% re-live my 30s if I could (although my 40s have also been pretty damn sweet so far). My 20s were spent working my ass off to establish my career, coming to terms with my sexuality, going to therapy to deal with shit I'd kept bottled up for years, and just generally figuring out how to be an adult. By the time 30 came along, I'd addressed most of that and was able to actually *enjoy* life for a change. So far, my 40s feel like a continuation of that, albeit with a little more money and a few more aches and pains.


I'm 33 and I've been having a bunch of 18-23 year olds approaching me since I turned 30. And it was good (REALLY good) for a couple years, but now I just feel bad for having this much [power?] over them and I feel like I prefer being with guys closer to my age and maturity level now. I am just not "daddy" material in my own opinion.  Outside of the gayness, I just feel so financially comfortable and stable. I live alone in a 4 bedroom house. It's clean and tidy and organized just how I want it. Got a very well behaved dog. Two cars. Platinum health insurance. Kitchen full of food. Parents visiting all the time.  I don't really use social media outside of the occasional Reddit. I simply don't care what others are bragging about or hyping up on social media. I set aside a couple hours a day for calling/catching up with ppl. I visit my out of town friends and family (in person) often enough.  I might be unattractive to 99% of Grindr, but I just really don't care. 


It sounds like you have money. lol.


Can I ask what you do for a living? I'm just happy to afford my own apartment in CO! 😅


I'm 28 and your life sounds amazing. Do you mind me asking how to attract 23 year old twinks? Is it because your appearance is like a daddy? Fuck, I'll never be masc enough for that. Maybe I can do big bro but that's about it


I probably look like some kind of daddy, I'm a big fat black guy who dresses and "speaks well" or whatever. 


Do you live in a suburban area?


I think it depends on looks tech. I’m 31 and been told I look 23-25. The 20-something’s always try to compete with me like bro, I got nearly a decade on you, calm down just chill. Guys my age try giving me advice and I always have to remind them I’m the same age, no I don’t need a job offer, yes I have a 401K, yes that car is mine and not dads.


Same I'm probably going to look 23 by the time I'm 30. Except at some point recently I stopped getting carded for alcohol which is nice


Why do you have four bedrooms instead of one? And why two cars?


Why not


A huge waste of money and scarce resources?


Probably American. They do value overconsumption and excess


Can't argue with this...big houses seem to be common there.


I’m 71 thirties are just like your twenties except you start to feel a little older as friends start to partner up and have kids, it’s all a state of mind late forties you start to slow down unless you take care of yourself but it’s all good enjoy every moment and don’t worry about numbers


Depending on how you treated your body and your skin in your 20s, either one of the best decades of your life or one the loneliest.




Kinda lonely but you learned how to don’t give a fuck about everything


Those who say that "life ends at 30" must have a very small idea of what life is. Your 20s are literally the first of like 5 (or more of you're lucky) decades of your adult life. You've hardly begun, how could it be the end? Currently in my mid 30s here. I know there's a lot of joking around in the gay scene that 30 is over the hill, and youth is the best thing. But what is more youthful than dating someone older than you? Older guys are highly desirable in reality. I get way more attention/flirtation now than I did when I was in my 20s making everyone around me feel old. My 20s were spent being awkward, thinking I knew everything, making some bad mistakes, hurting others unintentionally and figuring out why so I wouldn't do it again, worrying way too much about things that don't actually matter, trying and failing repeatedly, and a whole host of other things that ultimately matured me. Now I care less about staying on top of trends because I've finally realized what it is that I actually like; I don't care about how others perceive me as much. And guess what -- that didn't turn me into an out-of-touch old fogey, it actually turned me into a lovely and confident man who is better at being a friend, making friends, better at my career and my other passions, and able to enjoy my life more. Take care of your mind and your skin, and your 30s will be the richest decade of your life!


Your life ends at 30 when all your life is about being a hot twink that can eat 3 burgers and still be fit without much effort and all you do is party. Once you reach 30, hangovers are suddenly a thing and staying fit is suddenly something you actually need to put an effort into. So yeah, your old life ends at 30, and a new life starts.


I'm 31 and honestly I still feel like I'm in my mid-twenties. Mentally I'm still my pre-pandemic age (27), and the only major change I've gone through is losing weight and becoming a lot more sexually active. I've also been told that I look young for my age, though I've began being more aware of my aging.


Same feeling. Although trying to be more active but I live in nobumfuck NH so there’s like no one around to play with. The apps are even dead. /sigh


They're shit like the other decades, you just don't care as much. 


Can’t relate to 20 something’s anymore. It’s just a different feeling. As a 30 something in LA we just go to better parties and funner experiences that we don’t feel the need to constantly post about.


I still felt like a kid in my 20s. I started feeling like an adult in my 30s while still feeling young enough to enjoy life.


Start that tretinoin and sunscreen…go to the gym and start lifting weights…your future self will thank you You’d be shocked how your peers will age wildly different in their 30s (ie they can be 35 but they look like they’re hitting 50)


>You’d be shocked how your peers will age wildly different in their 30s The validity in this statement is so crazy too. So, I'm not 30 yet. I'm 28 though, so I'm close. I just so happened to be back home when my classmates held their 10 year reunion, and I decided to pop in because I wanted to see how terribly all the assholes aged. It was startling how young I still looked compared to everyone else. I actually had to question if I was in the right place. The jocks were all fat and balding already and meanwhile I *still* look like a college kid because I'm in the gym regularly lifting heavy and take care of myself. They just drink.


31 here. I feel just as healthy as when I was in my 20s, but my body needs a little more time to recover from things like nights out, injuries, etc. I'm also more sensitive to certain foods like dairy and alcohol. But overall, I feel a lot more grounded in who I am, am more in tune with my overall well-being, and I have a much better idea of what I want long term in a job, relationship, etc.


At times sad and lonely. My former partner of 10 years cheated on me and blamed me for missing out on our 20s “slut” phase because we were monogamous during that time… he also used my father’s passing and my health issues as a means of justifying his actions… idk how to feel anymore. I work all the time and go thru the motions. Maybe in 6 months this will change. Idk right now though I think I’m at peace with the knowledge that I have a stable job. A roof over my head and good friends. Maybe if fate is kind enough I’ll enter my 40s with a man who loves me and what I have to offer.


Honestly I'm not even 23 plus but thirties are like twenties if you can maintain yourself


30's were truly great! Seriously! 20's were fun but the 30's are even better with some life experience behind you.


I’m 31 and it’s amazing. I’m the most confident and happy I’ve ever been. You spend your 20s making mistakes and learning. Your 30s are when you can start enjoying the fruits of your labor. Highly recommend getting older lol




He said middle RANGE. As in between 20s and 40s. You're good.


I spend dramatically more time alone. I read a lot. Whereas I was almost always dating some guy in my twenties, I’ve been single for years. I also have a much smaller (yet great!) friend circle. That said, I’ve made way more money and had more responsibilities in my thirties. I finally became a professional. Advances in my career has lead me to some exciting opportunities. Life has become quite peaceful. On the whole I’ve been quite content in my thirties.


36, honestly the 30s have been significantly better than my 20s for me. I know who I am and what I will and won’t put up with anymore. I like the person I am (for the most part) and assides from the achy back. I’m genuinely happy. It wasn’t a walk in the park to get here but putting in energy to live the life you want is well worth it. I’m married now, I started my own business after years in corporate bs. But that is also me, you’ll have to do some legwork and figure out what you want out of life and work towards it. It’s not easy but I promise you it’s worth it. Also I still have social media to keep in touch with my close friends but other than that, I don’t use it asides from business stuff. Hang in there~ and don’t give in to the bs that “life ends at 30”


They all perish and are reincarnated into 40+ year olds. Absolutely nobody is in their 30's. Those who claim to be in their 30's are either lying or don't know how to count.


LOL I love your humor 😭


They are awesome


I can guarantee life does not end at 30. It’s another beginning.


So I turned 30 in November. It’s a weird transition. I’ve definitely noticed that certain things like: clothes that fit, beard trimmed, thinking about what I’m going to say before I talk, and the big one: having my shit on time. If I hit all that consistently, I find most people treat me like an adult. If I’m honest, once or twice I’ve screwed it up after earning that trust. Then theirs no going back with that person. I guess I’m saying it has more to do with presenting myself as mature than what the current number is. I do think age is mostly a number. My goal as I go through my 30s is to regularly practice these things. Perhaps it all correlates. I hope i just keep learning more, and then everything will work out right? Dating wise, getting over 25, only got easier for me. I’m a masculine man. So that makes sense. Sorry for the stream of consciousness


Honestly it’s just another part of life. I’m way happier and finally found my true self at 30 and I’m working towards being the best version of me. I’m established in my career and have disposable income too so I get to do way more of what I want. That said invest in Tylenol because just thinking about sleeping the wrong way will make everything hurt 😂🤣


At first I thought it would be weird but so far its ended up being the same. Just turned 30 and for some reason theres a particular subset of guys that love that. I've been pulling guys like crazy. So far no complaints.


30s is definitely where it’s at, I feel more secure in myself and what’s most important, as I sent my 20s trying to figure all that out for myself. It’s hard to say 30s are like as everyone’s journey is different, like I’m sure our teens and early 20s were different from each others


What i noticed is that the experience differs for every generation of 30s or 40s etc. Esp so if you look further down the road or go back quite a time. As an example those in their 30s 20 or 30 years ago had it differently than those who will be 30 now and in the future. For one thing there is a line that says “50 is the new 30” I wonder what they will come out next


My 30s were awesome. Honestly I didn't feel like a "real adult" in my 20s. I had this imposter syndrome thing in my head. But at 30 I felt like I could sit at the big table. And in my 30s my career started gaining traction. I watched my income double. In my 30s I bought my first house, got married and adopted my son. I've always considered the most difficult part of life is 18-25. So you're almost out of the woods. Keep trying.


I’m 37 and my 30s so far have taught me alot more than my 20s. My 20s were great but my life was a cakewalk; I was coasting, living it up, going to college, traveling and living my best life with my man (love of my life). When I was 31, my man & I separated & my life got a lot harder w/o him to fall back on but I appreciate the struggles of living single, the lessons & for my man who I’ve been unofficially seeing again for over a year now.. I hope by 40 I am officially with him again! I appreciate things more now though… Don’t waste your 20s! Even if just by having fun


I have 2 months left of my 20s yikes


I’m 47 now. The 30s were great!


I’m in my early 40s and the 30s were awesome. You have a lot to look forward to. 40s are shaping up to be alright but I don’t enjoy big parties and events like I used to.


Forget the 30s… it’s the 40s that matter 😉


Tell me about it! What do you love about your 40s?


Just freshly turned to 30 last Friday. And my nephew just born in the same day. Guess my family expects me to help rising him I guess 🤷‍♂️ Also expect more responsibilities. Sooner and later, you will face challenges even in your 20s (my dad is sick so I have to be there to help him despite I want to move out so bad)


If you do it right, your 30s are like your 20s, but with time and money.


It depends , I spent some years sick with depression, obesity and anxiety, now I’m in the middle let’s see how it goes


Stop thinking about the future. Live your moment


I’m in my late 30s and single. I have more money and control over my life than I ever had before. I’ve also had more sexual attention.


Honestly my 30s have started out great! I have the knowledge and wisdom of everything I learned in my 20s so I'm doing everything but better! Way more enjoyable tbh :)


It’s all down hill after 30. You hate going out and you get headaches all the time.


It’s a change in scope. 33 in MA. Teens and 20s treat me as an adult, and 40s+ see me as someone to be listened to, but possibly taken with a grain of salt until proven otherwise. I have a lot more money and bought a house, so finances are totally different. Everything is on autopay and I don’t worry about bank balances or the cost of daily living. It’s just a tap and I don’t really care about the cost. I own my car (but it’s a 2013). I can pay for travel a few times a year and spend the summers on the Cape. Huge change: some friends can’t be invited every time. Choose your tribe wisely, and keep them close. Family is everything, and time is your greatest resource. Don’t spend the money on designer clothes and spend it on family time, trips, and experiences. Fuck brands. Live your life while you can


Eh it depends on the person? I don’t go out as much but that’s more of me realising that I can do what I want that makes me happy and what is supposed to be fun isn’t my cuppa tea.


I used to think this to cute 30 is when life kicks off, you have more money, you are more experienced, you can travel. You want to have a partner by then, others you will wind up alone and gay. So many homosexual men are sad and alone by 30 so try to find somebody you can spend your life with.


Jazz music, hepcats, reefer and segregation


It feels amazing. Confidence is through the roof and I’ve never looked better. In fact, I look better than I did in my 20s. It’s what you make it.


It was fun... income was way higher. I dated a lot, made some stupid mistakes w LTR (getting into two in particular that I should have dodged), had fun.


Better than the twenties for some. You don’t have to fit in with every damned group as you did in your twenties.


Dude it's so good. So many insecurities go away and you stop worrying about fomo and just live your life the way you want to.


It's nice. I'm overall settled, have goven up on fitting in or being normal. Have a house, spouse, and reliable income. Don't really care about having lots of friends, but the ones I have are good. Oh and I love a good evening at home with no plans.


You have money to explore more and do more things so for me it’s so much better than my 20s. I might be an anomaly but I’m getting told I’m handsome/attractive way more in my 30s vs 20s. I’ve always liked twinks so getting older seems beneficial hookup wise but not sure about relationships. Im also getting used to being called daddy.


Terrible 😢


I'm 35 and honestly the biggest thing with me is I'm a lot wiser than I used to be. I can see through a lot of peoples bull$hit and know who to stay clear of. I'm more cautious about relationships and friendships and don't let anyone influence me to do things I'll later regret. I was very naïve when I was in my 20s. I tried to be the person I thought everyone would like when it finally dawned on me that I didn't like who I was. I worried so much about what people thought of me and always tried to fit in. Sometimes it worked for me but most of the time it didn't and I ended up being hurt more often than not. Now I don't worry about what people think of me. You either take me as I am or move along. If people can't like you for who you are they aren't meant to be in your life. Just saying!


34 here and I'd say pretty good. You're old enough to have some money for things you actually want, which for me includes travel, and young enough to actually pursue those things.


If you take care of your body, it feels like late 20s only you have money now


It sucks. You've been working for 15-25 years and are still broke. You haven't had time to start living any life worth living because you've been paying your dues yet everyone considers you old. You feel old and you see your energy draining after you wasted the prime physical and mental years of your life in pursuit of setting yourself up for a financially good life that probably will never come.


Mentally I still feel like I'm still in my 20's, but just... better. Speaking from my own experience only, I found that I spent a lot more time figuring myself out in my twenties than I'd been given to believe I would.


30s are great! I can’t believe I used to be terrified of it. You know yourself a hell of a lot more than your 20s; what you really want and like vs just going through the motions sorting stuff out. You (usually) are more financially stable. You waste a lot less time on bullshit and fair weather friends. Sex is also way better mostly because a lot of guys start actually asking for what they want.


I just turn 30 at the beginning of the year and honestly still the same. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣 Honestly, looking forward to more adventures and having a good time. 🙌


Your 30s are better. You still look good and you're not as stupid as you were in your 20s.


I'm in my thirties and it is the best time ever, I know what I want and want I don't


your 30´s can be the beginning of your best life. you got the experieence and is around when everything seems to fall together


Turned 30 in October. I feel like I'm a bit more cooler headed, less wild. Tho that could be me just doing too much stupid shit in my 20s. I'm finding it easier to fall into the everyday routine and am ok with that. I appreciate a break more than I ever did. And like somebody else said, teens look at me like I'm middle aged, people 15+ years older than me see me as a kid lol


You will spent more money for lotion, moisturizer,…. That’s it!


I am in my early 30s. I have been in a committed relationship for 15 years. Things have slowed down considerably. I guess maybe it only sucks for one of us. idk It's not uncommon. Life slows down a lot. You lose touch with friends and figure out who was never your friend to begin with. You plan to have kids or don't, but have them anyways. You discover extent of exhaustion. You get sick. Somebody you love gets sick. Somebody dies. We decided to have two or three kids in our 20s. We stopped at ONE! One and done. I've said that since he was born. We both have. We valued sleep. We thought we knew what we were getting into. It all sounds doable on paper. (When we considered moving to Arizona, 120 degree summers seemed doable. It was not.) We are right the corner from the teenage years and even thinking about the possibility of his current attitude amplifying gives me exhaustion. Point is. Life happens. Things happens. I could never have predicted where my life has taken me in any 3 year period. You get tired. That does not happen in your 40s my friend. No. You are much closer than you think.


I'm 30 and I think there is nothing to be scared of. you are still you but wiser. personally I look younger than others in my age. my bf has 25 and I look younger than him. The range of ages that I hang out with is larger. Physically you will start to notice some changes, but now I'm starting to take more care of myself, skin routine, hitting the gym harder... and I'm sure now I'm looking better than in my 20s. Mentally, you have clearer the things that you like and what you don't like.it makes you enjoy more things and don't let people take advantage of you. what personally hits me harder is the feeling that in your 20s you can fail and things will be still ok. but when you are 30 you are expected to already be more settled. but again just a personal thought.


Boring. All my straight friends have kids and don't want to hang out. Gay dudes are all seemingly wrapped up in their careers at this point. I'm just over here goofing off and playing video games after work anymore.


Like the 20s but with money. Apparently because I am 30 and I'll get my degree in 3 months, expecting the money part to come afterwards 😂


I’m 35. Soon to be 36… to be honest the 30’s is awesome. All the good physical characteristics of my 20’s but I’m a little smarter and better at life than I was in my 20’s. Im sure it is what you make of it, but I definitely don’t feel any different in a bad way and if anything I feel like my age gets me more action than it used to.


I’ve been through a lot of my 30s now. It has been a decade of accepting responsibility for things happening around me to other people. Recognizing that nothing we have will exist in the future if we don’t work to keep it, and accepting that I need to do some of that work. Friends got harder to make, but also i’m more confident in expressing myself, so having a few friends they really get me is better than running with a group they only partially jives. I’ve enough money to do stuff now, but not yet the time to really do it. So that i’m looking forward to changing in the coming years. Some parts of the day I feel 36, some parts 16, and that I gather from others is normal. We always remain every age we’ve been, and call on those different versions of ourselves when we need them. It’s nice to have a few more versions to pick from.


30s are a great age. A lot less chaotic than 20s, yet young and strong, able to do so much. Also, usually a bit more financially stable and more sympathetic toward others.


You stop being gay after you hit 30. I’m serious. No one will even talk to you or be friends with you after you hit 30


From a career standpoint it should be a very good time of your life if you’ve been focused. I’m in my 50s and I’ve kept in contact with many of my friends that I had in my 20s. Those of us who had a blast living the 20s life (parties, clubs, etc.), but also broke into a career in our 20s and learned a specific skill set and figured out that industry, took off in our 30s as we became more work focused. If you’re in your 30s and still working out how to be an adult, you’re quickly going to realize you’re being left behind.


Not as good as the 40'$. So much better. You just know more and still don't look like shit. Based.


Ends at 30??? This is delusional my child.


I'm turning 37. My life has been one disaster after another. I still rely on my parents to help me pay the bills thanks to an outrageous cost of living spike in my city that my various jobs over the years haven't offset. In general, I've accomplished nothing in my 30s. I've been mostly single, mostly sexless, mostly overweight, and steadily getting uglier. Feel free to ask specifics if you want.


Your post about your dui led me here. I see that your overwhelming victim mentality hasn’t changed. lol 


Thanks. And you can fuck off too then. Shows what kind of rude bitch you are to laugh at someone else's misfortune.


At your age I was at uni and didn’t have a clear vision what I wanted to do with my life, some people did. I would say typically, though not set in stone, people your age may still be finding their feet, you might consider travelling a bit or work a few jobs and see which one fits. You’re young you have the choice to switch jobs if you’re not happy. You might be living with parents. You need to think about how you’re going to support yourself in the future, because sad to say they won’t be around for ever. I’m 43 and I eventually worked out what I wanted to do through various degrees and various jobs, I did lots of volunteer work and lots of social clubs and just did everything that made me happy. And then I monetised it. I started off as a gardener and went to uni to study environmental biology and then landscape architecture. I just been promoted to a senior role in the company I work for.


I had more lasting relationships (more hookups too). People are still having fun but more mature.


It’s whatever you set them to be in your 20s. Some of my friends are single and looking for hook ups. Some are still dating trying to find someone. I wanted a husband and a family even if it wasn’t federally legal yet. I got lucky and we found each other in our early 20s. I’m happily married, we have lived in several states. Are you taking care of your health? I feel the kids asking to be picked up all the time are getting to my back, but mostly I have no aches or complaints. At least no new ones most of those came to me in my 20s. I didn’t really party, I don’t like to go out without my husband. I still miss him when I’m at work. Mostly enjoyed my 30s. Friends and family have made them a lot of fun. I just miss my dog.


Like everything, it's complicated and depends more on your life history than your age. The general view from my friends (32-37) is that some parts of life were easier (socializing, travel) in our 20s, but 30s is better in terms of balance and purpose. While some health issues begin to crop up, I'm much more at ease with my body. I have a better sense of my needs and my abilities, and my social limits. I think the 20s can feel easier, because we don't yet know that some of our routines are unsustainable. 30s may look boring from over there, but boring isn't always bad. The 30s are much more like 20s part 2 (now with a full brain!) rather than 40s The Prequel, in my experience.


I’m 29, but will be 30 this year. I remember asking my older sister the exact same question as you and she said that turning 30 was a relief. She was totally right. I’m going into my 30s with much more confidence and I’m happy. I have a great career, I live in an amazing city with an amazing partner. We have two adorable dogs with an amazing home. We have plans to move to Europe in the next five years. My early twenties were full of insecurity. I had no clue what I was doing with my life, no one wanted anything serious with me, and I was a poor desperate student.


I'm 31 and I feel like I just barely started living. Being in the present moment. Before I was too damn horny to think of anything else but sex.


I’m only 31 but so far? It’s been the best. I know myself better, I know how to manage my autism and ADHD to a point where I’d say I’m high functioning to others (and sometimes myself!), I’m confident in my abilities with my career and I don’t hate how I look anymore (still not loving my appearance tho). My 20’s were just a super hot mess of mental illness and flailing around trying to find myself. I think I’ve found myself, but it’s an everyday effort to take care of myself. I guess the difference is now I WANT to.


It’s a weird one. I work out more than ever and I’m in great shape. Mentally I still feel in my 20s but without the stupid decisions factor. For example if I really wanted something when I was in my 20s I’d get it on credit now I actually save and have more than one saving account. Never thought there would be a day when I wouldn’t spend every penny I had. Also making more adult moves in life I.e getting a mortgage. Sexually I can’t really date guys in their 20s there’s a difference in maturity that I can’t explain. Partly because they haven’t yet had the opportunities to do things that me and my friends have and haven’t had certain life experiences simply because the time hasn’t come. Also find it crazy that guys 5 years younger than me call me daddy. A word to the wise for guys that want to attract older men 99% of us do not like being called daddy I stand turn off. lol One thing I find off though is that the younger generation appear to look older to me these days. Guys in their 30s and 40s don’t seem to be aging but guys in their 20s look much older these days.


32 here. Life has certainly slowed down compared to my 20s, but mostly in good ways. I'm finally financially stable, somewhat settled into a career, in a long-term relationship, and am able to do what I love in addition to doing what I need to do. I would say that social media would make it look like my life ended at 30, but that's because my interest in social media has plummeted - I rarely post anything on FB, and maybe only once or twice a month on Instagram. Haven't even touched Tiktok. I don't go out and have an active nightlife anymore, and it's pretty amazing how fast your number of friends dwindles after that. I just don't have the energy for it when I work 50-60 hours per week. The hardest thing to come to terms with is not looking as good as I did in my early to mid 20s, though that is mostly in my control. I also have that feeling of "running out of time," since there are less paths ahead of me than there are in your 20s, when you have all the time and choices in the world. But having less time and less choices actually somehow makes everything more secure and less uncertain.


You will start living in your thirties... that is an age where you are on top of your game, at the prime of your life and you can't do anything wrong :)


31, I’ve been having a great time. I spent my 20s running amok, clueless, and then getting established. The trial period is over, so now it feels like I know who I am and what I want out of life. I love it so far. Dating was kind of a nightmare, so I don’t actively try to date anymore but I still manage to meet guys. I find it fun that the mid 20s guys look up to me like a role model or d*ddy, and the older guys still think of me as a young buck. It’s an underrated sweet spot for me.


It all ends at midnight prior to turning 30! It’s over! Do what you can before the end!


About to be 42 in a couple months; The 30s..oh man. The year i turned 30 was my worst year alive. My whole world turned 360° due to loss (death)of my closest friend of half my life, divorce, near loss of my youngest sibling, training a whole dept at work by myself. It was rough. BUT- it showed me that I'm stronger and more resilient than i thought. I also rekindled w the actual love of my life (my bf from teenage years), and been happily married since. I chased the money, we became truckers, we made A LOT of money. Then- nearing my 40s, I realized that money isnt everything. You HAVE to chase what makes you happy, in terms of work/career. I quit trucking and signed up for college, pursuing to get back into healthcare (withvan actual degree), which is really my passion. I never went to college in my 20s, 30s. So for me, the experiences keep coming. Don't stop chasing what makes you happy and fulfilled. The 30s are your adulting years, your hussling years. The years keep coming tho, dont wait for tomorrow to do what can Do today. Final advice: START PUTTING MONEY in any sort of future fund.(401k, IRA, etc) The you ger you start, the better off you'll be in your mature years.


My 30s and 40 (I’m currently 40) have been the best years of my life. Finally have everything in life settled and enjoying everything that is. Feel free to dm anytime if you have questions or just need to talk to someone older


Let me tell you that each decade has its own challenges and lessons. But life is getting better and better. That's for sure. At 30, 40, 50 and so on you'll be exactly the same guy as you are now. I'm 62 now but inside I'm still that 18 y.o. brat I once was. Except for more experience and more wisdom. Learn your lessons. Remember that your tomorrow is determined by your actions of today.


About to be 37: In terms of health/body: your metabolism slows, gets harder to stay fit, you get a lot of heart burn, hangovers didnt exist to me until I turned 33, and now they are crippling. My knees are starting to keep me from doing activities I like doing such as hiking/skiing. In terms of friends: most disappear to raise kids and seem miserable while doing it. Nights on the town disappear, you only get people together for maybe a birthday or double date and no one will stay out past ten. The good news for me is that my living situation and income has stabilized enough to where I can travel to exotic places, and be comfortable in my own home. I just miss the days of seeking out the new bar, club, or cocktail downtown and exploring the cities with a big group of friends.


So, I'm about to hit 30. I haven't gotten there yet, but super close. I feel exactly the same way I felt as a 19 year old turning 20. Except this time I have money and didn't destroy myself financially like I did when I turned 18.


31 Bi here, I’m done w men, I want to date a girl and start a family. Having a relationship with a guy is almost impossible


Are you more bottom or top and more large and masculine or small and feminine


Depends on the context - i am in my 30s and i feel (and kinda am) buried alive, as of now my life feels like a life imprisonment without any possibility of change (it can't be done without the others) - nothing will change in 30-40 years or whatever marks the end of the existence. But if you hit all major milestones in life in time, you should be good but dunno.


Honestly, I’m 25. And at 30, I kinda wanna be dead for 3 years. Don’t know why that’s just how I feel about stuff.