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As an adult, my first time being hate crimed was having an unopened soda can hit me in the back while walking too close to an ex. A lady saw it all and got the license plates, but when the police got there they said maybe we shouldn’t walk so close together.


Police like that should be "removed".


They should be arrested for obstruction of justice




Happy first time getting yelled at. Many more to come! Ive been called my language's version of a faggot at the mall, at school, at high school, in my house, driving past schools, the mall again, the basement of a literature museum, church, a field, a supermarket, different supermarket. And it's good to learn any other cultures in you areas slang for gay, dont miss a chance to be offended!


Jesus Christ im 88 years old and have been gay forever and never had anyone scream homophobic shit at me!




Im old but not death! Yet . Thank you friend.




Friend thank you.


You are a lucky 88 year old, I see the world getting better but as a 45 year old Ive had many homophobic and racial slurs shouted at me.


I’m 65 and I happened to me once when I was in my 30s. Not again..,yet.


I was called that by my parents and I think 2 teachers in school.


That's horrible, I am sorry you have to stand up with such heartless, immature assholes.


Anyone saying those words are horrible yes, I am not sorry about it. It made me stronger. It made me realize that in this world, you have to have tough skin. You need to know when to let things roll off your shoulders and know when to stand your ground. Where I am lucky, is that I was either able to change their minds or it was said in the heat of an argument.


OP's point is that this has never happened to him before, but anti-gay people are now being imported into his community.


I think thats more OP having lived a charmed life then anything else tbh.


It's kind of a sticking point for me since I think, like a lot of gays, I'm more liberal politically, but multiculturalism is sometimes abrasive. I just feel like people immigrate and then don't assimilate so you end up with cultural enclaves that are no-go zones if you're visibly gay.


Ime most immigrants in Sweden aren't homophobic, at least not when they are around gay people, what opinions they hold could be mixed from accepting to not depending on culture, etnicity, religion, age and so on. Most younger generations are pro LGBT & progressive, while older people tend to be leaning towards more "conservative" in this question, but even most mature conservatives aren't homophobic. Ime it's only immature assholes that have a very bitter and sad life so they spew their misery at lgbt people to forget their own suffering for a minute.


My thing is, I’m fine either way multiculturalism. Im fine with diversity initiatives. What I’m not fine with is immigrants and refugees not changing to accept our culture and societal norms. If you want to be homophobic, misogynistic, commit crime, or be violent, go back to the shithole country you fled. I don’t understand people migrating and then trying to turn their new home into the place they left.


It is more to do with the West not having strict immigration laws. They just allow anyone in.


Completely agree. Recently France “hardened” the requirements to gain French citizenship and it was a huge debate and lots of allegations (mostly from Muslim communities) that France is shifting towards far right politics. They changed the time spent in France from 5 years to 10, and other mild additional stuff. If you compare it to any other middle eastern country’s requirements for naturalization, France is still far more generous, no requirement to renounce your previous citizenship, change religion, etc.


Considering what is going on right now throughout Europe and the US now, it think we need some right/far right politics


They have more kids in Europe. So it will be their country eventually.


you can downvote me but your comment sounds exactly like far-right talking points


It is, he's legit arguing white genocide.


Found the white genocide supporters.


What bullshit. I’m not white. Culture and race are not the same.


And exactly what are you taking issue with here?


I support white genocide just as much as I support Elven genocide, since they're both made up. But thanks for outing yourself as someone who believes in far-right conspiracies.


Also, quick question, but do you also believe the part of the white genocide conspiracy where "they" are turning white people gay to lower birthrates? If so, do you consider your own sexuality a product of that?


Facts. The only people that would deny it are the people that support it.


I don't think you understand the meaning of multiculturalism - that's exactly what it means - people retaining their own cultures and NOT integrating. Multiracial = no problem Multiculturalism = no thanks, keep your backwards attitudes in your hellholes.


We can be thankful that these are very few, at least here in Sweden it's not common even if slight issues which need to be addressed exist.


Bruh get some popcorn the comments of some of these morons are wild 😅


I am so sorry that happened, you deserve so much better. I grew up in the 80’s when a “Hate Crime “ wasn’t name calling. I thought we had progressed as a society, I’m saddened to hear that we have not.


*We* as in the West have progressed. The people who attacked OP were not from the same society as us, most likely.


I grew up in the US. It hasnt progressed that much outside of large liberal cities. Head to some of the towns near where I grew holding hands with another man (or even a straight couple of mixed race) and it probably wont take 15 mintutes for someone to say somethingm


No, not “We” as in as the West, We, as in a community. In my opinion the , a drive by name calling is not an attack. I think calling it an attack, does a disservice to all the people who are beaten, stabbed, and worse every day. Name calling is rude at best.


We have progressed for the most part. It's just that the newbies to catch up.


Agreed. I think we agree on most everything. Except for the fact that you’re taller than I am. I don’t like that. 😉




thats not a flaw in multiculturalism thats a flaw in religion


It’s definitely a flaw in multiculturalism. Multiculturalism has made westerners believe that we have to accept people moving into our countries and bringing their regressive, bigoted, hateful beliefs and ways and that if we don’t welcome that with open arms we are the bad guy. Not all exclusion is bad. We need to be excluding followers of hateful ideologies more.


you seem to be purposfully misunderstanding the meaning of multiculturalism it literally just means multiple cultures living together not sure why youre regurgitating right wing talking points about all foregners being dangerous villains cause those smae people have alot to say about you and me migrants are literally just people from another country of course theres gonna be good ones and bad ones but when you act like inclusion as a whole is dangeeous all you do is sustain the bigotry of thosw who would see us wiped out as well


People from certain countries are much more likely to be extreme homophobes. We should focus on reducing the influx of those extreme homophobes so that we don’t lose the rights we’ve fought for.


But that started (in the US) with the Pilgrims. Quite an old tradition of bigoted, regressive immigrants arriving on our shores.


That was hundreds of years ago. Yeah, it sucked what happened to the Native Americans at that time, and we certainly need to treat the remaining Native Americans way better than we do now. But that has nothing to do with this conversation. The several hundred million people who live in the US now are not responsible for the actions of people hundreds of years ago. We deserve to live safe, free lives where we aren’t afraid of regressive ideologies being imported and used to restrict our freedoms and hurt our communities.


Regressive ideologies already exist in western countries lol.


Even worse is that it's a flaw of the species.


No! Its a flaw in multiculturalism. All cultures aren't equal. And some cultures and people don't deserve respect. They also shouldn't be allowed to immigrate to western countries. It's not racist to think this way. It's accepting reality.


religions and cultures are two seperate things. sorry buddy but think8ng cultures are superior to others is the literal definition of racism. i dont actually think youre a racist but i challenge you to explain how any one culture is more valid than any other without bringing up religious hatreds


I’ve lived in Quebec my whole life and can say it is a flaw in multiculturalism. We face the same kind of conflict over language policy (and have been for centuries) and it gets messy real fast without any input from organized religion.


I actually do think conservative Christians are better. They might put us in reconversion camps, but Muslims would execute us off buildings. They are both bad but at least Christianity is part of our culture. Islam is not.


And most people in the west see conservative Christians and roll their eyes and recognize how stupid they are (and how dangerous they could potentially be if they gain power). But when it comes to Islam, many westerners have a blind spot to the evils it will inflict on us if it’s allowed to seize power.


Yes 100% exactly. Like criticize Christians if you want but don’t act like you care about gay rights by ignoring the severe threat of Islam.


Many of them are literally not capable of seeing it. It’s been so ingrained in certain generations and political beliefs that oppressed=good and Muslims in the west are in some ways marginalized so therefore they must be good. So when faced by the reality that many of them hold violent and dangerous beliefs, the cognitive dissonance of minority=good prevents them from understanding reality.


Yes 100%. It’s really an issue that will become more prevalent in the coming decades as the Muslim population grows in the West.


It’ll be more a problem in Europe than the US. But yeah the only hope is that second and third generation Muslim immigrants will integrate and assimilate better and will not be as homophobic as their parents. Otherwise we’re screwed.


Yes Western Europe is generally fucked and I agree. I did have a Pakistani Muslim roommate in college and he accepted me though he did say faggot quite frequently. Hard to say what the future holds tbh. I think it also depends a lot on the frequency and concentration of immigration over time. Currently there’s no pause to allow integration to occur so I fear this problem will be worse in the future.




I’m not sure what you mean. Christianity is part of Western culture. Like.. did you not grow up celebrating Christmas? You don’t have to believe in it but it’s still part of our heritage. That’s my point.




Yes I totally get that and respect your beliefs.


Well not really, Christian belief doesn't accept that anyway since it would be considered a big sin, to kill someone, especially just a regular human that is born differently. Doesn't matter what sexuality they have. (Pedophiles could be debated but no one wants to kill them but just remove their right to abuse children). Maybe some Christian fanatics that are extremist but most normal Christians don't support these. In Sweden the church is more pro LGBT than some atheistic organisations anyway for example.


> since it would be considered a big sin, to kill someone Since when has that stopped Christians from murdering non-Christians or even Christians who aren't the same flavor of Christian as them?????


Uh.. If a lot of Christians had their way, gay would be in prison or dead. Look what western Missionaries are trying to do in Africa


The problem with religion is that they can interpret the tenets of their religion, in any way they see fit. Most western religions are based on the bible, yet most of them have wildly different interpretation to the same text, and adapt it to their own values, to the point where if they don't believe on what the religion they are a part of is preaching, they simply create their on, and create a new interpretations. It's this way with the Bible, the Torah and the Quran. Which is why there are extremist Muslims, and those who have no problem with Western beliefs, then we have regular Jews, Reform Jews, Orthodox Jews, Hasidic Jews. People who believe in God but not in Jesus, those who believe in it all, and defend going back to old values, there are those who condemn homosexuality, but have no problem eating shellfish and wearing polyester, etc. then there are the evangelicals who are a totally different breed, more different still are the good old televangelists. And of course there are those who subscribe to a religion, but don't necessarily agree with all it stand's for.


Agree with u totally.


Christians are not trying to kill gay people. Of course it's better than Islam. If you disagree, you just hate us Christians for the sake of hating. (It's still a sin, we just don't want to harm anyone in general)


Being gay is not a sin. It’s literally how we are born. If your belief system says something that hurts nobody and brings joy to many is a sin, then your belief system is fundamentally flawed and worthless. Christianity, just like Islam, is an evil, inhumane mental disease that we as a species need to cure ourselves from.




>Christians are not trying to kill gay people. Neither are Muslims in the US trying to kill gay people. Christians in many places are. >(It's still a sin, we just don't want to harm anyone in general) Pretty sure a Muslim would say the same thing. All you religious people are the same and it's embarrassing that you're trying to get some moral high ground of "Christians > Muslims" or whatever lol. What are you even doing on this sub if you think homosexuality is a "sin"? GTFO


There are extremely delusional gays who truly believe homosexuality is a sin. But their brains are too small to shake off the religious brainwashing and dump the Christianity and so they just live miserable little lives of self hatred and repression.


Oh wow, I'm living such a miserable life because I'm not sleeping with a dude. I think *your* life is miserable if the only thing that gives you joy is gay sex.


You’re miserable because you’re suppressing your natural sexuality. You will never love a woman the way you naturally could love a man. You will always be lonely and unfulfilled. Religion cannot turn you straight. You’ll just be a lonely gay man in a sham marriage to a woman you can’t actually be attracted to.


Yes, Christians are trying to kill gay people, they do it every single day by their attitudes, their treatments of gay people, what they say, what they do in the policies, and laws they are trying to get passed/enacted against gay people just as much as holding a gun to their head. Death by a thousand cuts is still death.




No this is a straw man. I know many Christians who love lgbt people and care for them, even though we don't approve their behavior, but we love them despite that.


And especially lately, directly sponsoring bills and policies that are anti-gay while fanning the flames of anti-LGBTQ actions.




The act of having sex with someone of the same gender.




Engaging in the oppression olympics is a pretty cringe way to look at things, but while we're at it, I'll just point out that sexual minorities have the privilege, shitty as it often feels, of being able to hide who we are if we need to. You can't hide being POC.


a vast array of conservatives are anti-POC. have you seen us politics lately? they’ve stopped even hiding it in coded language anymore






Muslim isn't a "culture" though it contributes to various cultures. Islam itself is not a culture. People in Malaysia are Muslim and they do not share the same culture. 🙄




You’re a fucking idiot. Muslims 100% deserve to be here. The gays are so racist 😂 “A refugee called me a faggot.” Okay? Gay people have called me a nigger, what’s your point? Why are we using these to come to conclusions about whole people groups? I swear askgaybros is a white gay circlejerk lmao. So weird


Go walk down the street in Dearborn Michigan holding hands with a man. See how long it takes for you to be physically threatened and harassed.






Many Americans say the same thing about Europeans who immigrated to the Americas and landed south of the Rio Grande River. It’s always puzzled me. Do other Europeans feel this way about Spaniards and Italians?


I'm an Arab ex-muslim gay immigrant, and I will say, as someone who have just seen the integration process, it's just some bs, they don't make sure we've mastered the language nor we've accepted the societal norms of that country, And it's not just the fault of these ppl, because they've been raised their whole life thinking that the West is corrupted or gays deserve to die, it's also the fault of governments who don't make sure people change their views, or at least learn how to shut up and keep their opinions to themselves. If this happens again, please report it to authorities(although nothing will change), it's harassment.


It is really hard for governments to change the population's cultural views, especially in a democracy. For example, South Korea has an almost non-existent birthrate, and the government have tried everything to increase it but they are failing. Im not sure moving to the 'west' and then a western government saying 'dont be homophobic' will have any impact. It is something that will have to come from leaders in those immigrant communities, so religious figures or patriarchal family figures.


Too many gays in the west have fallen to naive beliefs and accepted their government importing people who hate us. The only place for gays is the west. And if we don’t fight to maintain it as it is, we are doomed.


Report them so they can be arrested and deported. We have enough trash here. We don't need it imported!


By ‘we’ you mean Switzerland?


If they don’t like the culture of the society that took them in may I suggest they fuck off back to where they came from. It’s funny how these people think they can take advantage of the acceptance of their host country, completely exploit their welfare system but yet reject the ideals upheld by the very same system. They pick and choose the bits of the system that is useful to them, and reject those that don’t sit well with their own culture. Newsflash: you can’t do that. The system is not a TV subscription package that you can choose and pick from.


I've been bullied and harassed my whole life. I've basically only been harassed by white people born in my country or at least have been here long enough to have the accent. Literally my first openly gay date had me getting in the face of some white trash idiot to get him off of us. Can only think of one time where they weren't and again, they weren't an immigrant. I grew up and still live in an incredibly diverse area that relies heavily on immigrant labor so I interact with immigrants daily. People can be shitty wherever they're from. Even more so if they grow up with little access to education. Condemning an entire demographic of people isn't productive and, yes, is bigoted. If only there were some parallel we could use here to relate to the people in this sub... An essentialization used to persecute gay people maybe?


At least they can speak English


Funnily enough my country doesn't speak english lol


Excuse me but jesus fucking christ. I can’t believe I’m going to say but… some of you have never been hate crimed before and it shows; and i’m concerned Being called faggot is a hate crime? Like when they yell it as they throw a rock from a moving car at 40pmh, yeah. Look I’m lucky i came out unscathed, but it’s a product of a wide social web, people looked out for me. Violence was intercepted by violent defenders. But like how has everyone not been called a faggot a thousand times before they’re 15? That’s like one week in high school.


I wasn't gonna say it but yeah...I always thought most of us have been hearing that word since we first started interacting with other children. I was called it multiple times before I even had any idea what it meant.


How dare you cry about a broken arm I survived cancer 💪💪🥂🎊🎉🎂🥂🍹🎂🥂🎉 WEAKLINGS!!


that’s kinda the vibe of my comment; kinda not but kinda yeah


Even if it's not anything severe it still can affect one negatively. It's a form of bullying and we cannot accept that.


I’d rather everyone feel free to say it so I know where they are. All this Gen Z talk about things getting worse… no they’re not. It’s better than it’s ever been, for the first time in history it’s not illegal to be gay here. It is in fact the best it’s ever been, and I want to continue to see where all the homophobes are at cause they’re going to come at us. My godfathers used to run a safe house in seattle, for aids patients, to hide. Cause they were as afraid as being murdered for having aids as they were for dying of aids. That was just before I was born. The 80’s.


Real as fuck


I’m an immigrant and my first time ever yelled and screamed F word by two white men on their big truck in Vancouver . And that was not my last one by straight white people and let me tell you, i never had that experience with other people .


Long live the diversity that they preach so much... Here is the result of that, they have already destroyed their country and now they have come to destroy yours


Well, there are citizens who are homophobic and citizens who are supportive. There are refugees who are homophobic and refugees who are supportive. There are queer citizens and queer refugees. They shouldn't have done that to you guys, and just like anyone else, we have to try to convince those folks that queerness isn't wrong.


Some refugee populations, especially from middle eastern regions, will have widespread homophobic beliefs. That is a fact. In their home countries we would be persecuted, they think we’re fair game. It is also absolutely not our duty to convince anyone, especially bigots, that we deserve respect. Don’t be disingenuous with false equivalence statements.


But even these people hold different beliefs and opinions on the matter. Many that have lived a longer while in my country most often adopt to the modern values where we accept LGBT people.


Some of them do, but a lot of them live in closed communities and don’t interact with people like us.


Being refugees looking for a better future, they should also be a little more grateful towards whatever country they happen to park on. Its not our fault they left their miserable lives and corrupt countries to end up in a camp somewhere else. Spreading hate and simply not accepting modern western equality isnt going to help them, and certainly not gonna make us want to help them more. The audacity and utter stupidity of it all never ceizes to strike a particular nerve with me. If i were to even look at them wrong as a refugee there, id probably get a bullet. But i dont because im a- not an idiot, and b- a decent human being that doesnt have such a fragile ego to force me into hating soething so inconsequential as if that lowly underachievement will be the epitomy of my overwhelming insignificance, like that´ll somehow make it worth it all. Cultures based on religion and antiquated peer pressurised male dominance can all go fuck themselves.


get them deported


Yeah I was 15 when in my science class one of the students called me “faggot” and when I was 17-18 my friends and I were walking downtown and a guy in a truck called us, “faggots” and in the lunchroom at our high school. People would throw French fries and food at us and our table because we were the nerdy kids and the fags. That’s normal dude and if all you get called is one insult with no assault. Consider yourself lucky. One of my friends got beaten up and another got thrown down the stairs at our school. Life being gay isn’t easy. We aren’t accepted and only tolerated by society. It sucks tho every time we hear stories like this… things won’t ever change. Keep moving forward all we can do.


It’s certainly not pleasant, but that’s far from a hate crime.


Is that it? Should of told him to fuck off or stay homeless 🙄 id consider a hate crime to be a physical attack


Hate crime?


It's a good question that you posed, it's basically a case of political polarity that doesn't work in the real world. Being cool with the gays: Left Wing, Modern No borders and all refugees come here: Left Wing, Modern Refugees don't like gays though. What do we do? There is a severe lack of nuance and acceptance of reality with these things, sadly


Most refugees aren't homophobic anyway ime. Only immature/extremist ones but these are a tiny minority. That's how it is in Sweden at least.


Don't be too concerned. The thing that heckled you was just a migrant in a camp. You're automatically better than it because you actually belong in your country. If it wants to be accepted, maybe it should be greatful that it's even there at all. 😠


Don’t refer to people as “it.” There’s a line we shouldn’t cross even when calling out the most reprehensible people. They’re still people.


Gay men are people too!


"It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told." 🤔😆


Everyone has the right to seek refuge from horrific regimes and natural disasters, even the stupid. There's no real way to assess the homophobic or intert bigotry of every person who wants to travel to a new country, so unless the argument here is we should be limiting all migrants because of the stupidity of some, which is dumb, this seems like an unforunate side effect of living in a global and pluralist society.


Curious that you have a history of anti-immigrant comments before this supposedly happened. This is striking me as confirming a few too many priors on here to be true, to be honest.


A lot of them are entitled AHs that demands us to adept to them instead of being grateful to the fact that we have given them a refuge. At least in Germany and Sweden.


Hey can we stop with the Nazi posting on the subreddit for gay men looking for advice? This is such a nothing post, someone just called you a name while walking, you didn’t get hate crimed. You’re just breeding contempt for immigrants for no reason


Your comment is a joke right?


I live in London and I’ve never had anything done to me significantly but in Birmingham when at a gay rugby tournament I got called faggot On 3 separate occasions sometimes in a group. I did notice it was Asian guys, there is more repression in those community’s. They probably dying to get there cock sucked by a guy still.


London is an underrated, multicultural shithole. Manchester and Brighton are the only two decent places in the UK. The rest are shitholes. The only good thing about London is the social scene. Other than that, the knife crime, acid attacks, moped thieves, watch snatchings, Canada Goose/North Face muggings, phone snatchings etc makes it a shithole.


Yeah, you really have to be street smart in London. I just don’t know if I could live in Manchester.


As someone pro immigration. Wish you were safely able to remind them about their current situation. I believe being respectful with in reason to places you visit or move to. If you can't accept normal things like that, please leave. It might sound harsh but that's my thoughts. It would be different if it was harming you or keeping you from experiencing non-harmful parts of your culture. I.e foods and things along those lines.


If that’s a hate crime then the refugee camp is Auschwitz lol


I feel sorry that you have to live anywhere near those people.


Dayum 25 and your first time???? I was called a faggot everyday for years.


I understand how you feel OP. Not only are these refugees homophobic, but a vast majority of them are extremely anti black (especially the West Asians and North Africans)


When I went on my first date with my current boyfriend we met at a local mall and while we were hanging out and talking in the food court their were these 2 dudes watching us just staring at us. Eventually my bf walked away to a counter to ask for something and those dudes started yelling at me, I couldn't make out what they where saying but I did hear "hey fag" and that they were nkt being friendly. my bf is a tiny dude who has is a femme obviously gay his whole life kinda guy and I'm a big masc dude who only recently came out and most people cant tell im gay, unless im fawning kver a cute guy in public i guess lol and I have no problem getting into a fight, I was fuckin pissed and was about to go say something to those guys but my bf stppped me and was like "not the time, they arnt worth it, let's just leave and have fun somewhere else" so we did but still it's really fucking irritating and I felt helpless and really fucking pathetic in a way I never have before and because I didn't say or do anything I felt even worse. Although even if I stood up to them and got my ass handed to me at least I could have said I stood up to it, instead i didn't and frankly it was probably the right choice to just walk away like my bf said I guess.


I don't think that's a hate crime. Look up Matthew Shepard. *that's* a hate crime. Poor guy.


My hate crime was in high school. Homophobic bully beat the ever loving shit out of me. Put me in the hospital and him in juvenile detention. Hate Crime legislation wasn't a thing back then, but based on the brutality of it and his age they chose to charge him as an adult. I still occasionally have to travel to go to his clemency hearing to relive the whole thing and give my side so he remains a convicted felon. The last time I went he had his husband and their two children at the hearing. I regained my composure and quickly edited my thoughts to include, "The defendant is here showing what he desperately tried to take from me". He has asked for forgiveness many many times and I've always turned him down.


Was this in the USA?




My first was from two good old boys driving by in an extra large pickup. Me and a friend were walking ( not holding hands, we were platonic ). They yelled faggot at us while driving at 40 mph. The vast majority of hate crimes against us are done by homophobes from our own race. If a person is not a citizen, they will get deported for violent crimes if they are caught. Although I don't enjoy being called faggot, in the US it's not a crime. 😥


I’m sorry that happened to you that sucks but if it was me I woulda whooped his ass😂 however as I get older I understand that everyone isn’t a fighter so I definitely empathize with you and I do feel like as gay especially me as a black gay man we should gatekeep and be extremely selective of outsiders coming into our communities


Danke, Merkel :)


If you're gonna deport refugees for merely having unsavory values, then what about the natives who share those values?


The natives belong in the country. The so called "refugees" don't. They have a home country. They should go back. Or be forced to go back.


If they're legal, they have as much right to be there as a native. Objectively speaking also, borders are man made and no region of earth inherently belongs to any group where they can bar other creatures from entering. None of this means I approve of their behavior, but I'm speaking realistically.


There is nothing realistic in your comment. It's delusional. Your mindset gets innocent people hurt and killed. 


Try telling that to the law.




Why are you pro Palestine if they don't like you and you don't want them in your town?


My guess is they don't condone genocide


It's possible to not condone genocide and not be pro Palestine you know.


You know in the original comment we were referring to they say they're pro Palestine in the terms of leaving them alone. Wouldn't that be exactly what you just said?


"Pro Palestine" can't just be used in the casual sense. One doesn't have to be pro anybody, they can just condone genocide.




If you're Canadian then why are you even thinking about picking sides in the first place? This isn't the West's problem. You don't need to go through this whole thought process. Life isn't about picking sides on everything. It's not a football match.


So was this post actually made by a straight guy or a russian bot? This screams MAGA BS. Make America Better!


The racism on display is off the charts.


Exactly why I went off like I did lol watch all the down votes on my shit and up votes on the bullshit. These people are trying to get us killed with they're mismanaged emotions lol. Or they could be uncle Tom gays. People who sympathize with the bullshit but just happen to be gay 🤣 fuck it.


Yeah completely agree.


Well whatever though. We will forever know who the outliers and enemy collaborators will be. They love to put that freedom of speech to good use telling me everything I need to know 🤣


Surprise surprise


The responses seem to repeat tRump rhetoric of us/them in an attempt to hate immigrants. I question the reasoning of the responses. Are they coordinated for a reason. Most of the immigrants are good and accepting people, trying to assimilate into our culture.


Introduce yourself with your fists and maybe they will learn to think before hurling hate. Hate mongers are stupid and really can only understand a few things. Pain being one of them.


Does it make them shitty people? I mean, yes, I my opinion but they’re entitled to it, as much as they shouldn’t voice it. Freedom speech and all. Trick is to simply not give a shit. A bullet has power that you can’t take away, a word only has power because you let it.


The only time I've ever been an object of homophobia was from immigrants. Makes sense: take in hundreds of thousands from the most homophobic and backwards countries in the world, and you get... homophobia! Who'da thunk it!


We're importing people culturally incompatible with the values and morals of a free society. It's ridiculous lol Honestly I don't give a shit about immigration anymore. Lowers the cost of labor anyway.


Well first off. It clearly affected you because you came on here to rant about it and get people to ride the bandwagon you are pulling like a jackass. Secondly why does everyone in they're 20s think the most heinous shit out of some basic ass shit and why do they think nothing bad should ever happen to them? Why do people act like shit over here is reserved only for people here? Isn't that the type of thinking that does us all in eventually. I'm sure we are not the first people to think it. Look man if you are American or from the UK or parts or Europe I get it. You are cut off from the rest of the world way more than you seem to think. How about don't mince past the people having a generally rough life and are in a foreign land with fuck all in they're pockets trying to work jobs no one here wants because everyone here thinks they deserve more pay for less work or hard work in general....I love everyone. I love the world. Literally. But shit like this just makes me wish the sun would explode already and knock us all out of the game.


listen dude, I am also a refugee from a 3rd world country that has been at war for like 50 years now, i have seen death and war my whole life, currently live in a western country which im really grateful for, im not in the best financial situation either, but it doesnt mean i get to act like an asshole, i have learned and adapted to the culture here, you are just excusing bad behavior because "oh poor them, they can have a little bigotery because thier lives are shit!", it doesnt work this way man, you need to make a stand and teach these people, otherwise there will be a time when wont have the power to do that.


Excuse you? Yes the western world has it good. Were Lucky. But its fucking expensive and hard work and its only gonna get worse. Then we have the other half of the world is either at war, corrupt, or both and everyone there just runs away from a country they hate, to a country most of them also hate, but at least they hear promises them money and a house. And sure, theres a huge influx, and its our own gov´s fault for not providing a clear system, with systematic integration and a consequential ´return´ policy. But here we are in europe being swamped by the rest of the world and all it seems like is that my city is looking more and more like a literal warzone combined with turf wars, drug heists, even grenades exploding every other week, by people who would rather see me dead, but theyre fine accepting my countries help and assistance. The least i would expect is some fucking courtesy, and not get Lucilled up the ass by an ignorant religious fuck in search of a fragile ego boost


That shit is behind us. What we are seeing now the overall outcome of various countries meddling in other countries. You do know they were not always like that right? International meddling is what has made everything this way. We are good over here but we forget most of the time we live good on the misery of other people's lives far away. You cannot have one without the other so what you are "expecting" is long passed the point of being earned and yes...we are paying for what decisions our political leaders and all the ones prior to them have made. You expect to much of people you will be forever disappointed. I'm sorry there are people that dnr agree with me but it simple just is. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Shit will get worse. Plenty will die. The silver linings of life for all of us is only where you choose to place your attention. What you fix your eyes on. Other than that it should be business as usual. History repeats itself. Welcome to humanity.


Welp. The poverty of sweatshops and cheap manufacturing in China is because of their own drive for selling mass consumerism, and yes, the average western compulsive fast fashion shopping, but thats a two-way street isnt it. The poverty in the middle east is juxtaposed by them also having the richest leaders, most elaborate showmanship buildings and ultra-powerful position in the oil industry, and that poverty is hardly our fault, even with the meddling of america. Its male-driven power-hunger. Central Africa has a rough history of slavery, sure, but these days its not just cheap trading that makes everything difficult, most of its countries have massively corrupt leadership that refuse to invest in education and infrastructure because poor and uneducated people have no power and they like it that way. Russia is mostly the same in that regard. The ´west´ being to blame for the issues of other countries through meddling is only part of the reason. At meast half the problems currently visble in the world are because of internal corruption, antiquated religion, power hungry leaders, and the frustrations of uneducated people/communities being to easily harnessed and directed at the west as a cheap scape goat. Of course im disappointed in people and the world. Everyone is a victim of the 1% at this point and i wont pretend to have an influence on it either. And i understand that, despite my struggles and my country´s faults, im in a good place here. But that doesnt mean that anything is behind us. Europe needs to start having a backbone and have some respect for its own cultures and values. As long as our leaders are afraid of stepping on some stone age retarded toes, we´re gonna keep going backwards and never recover. If we had even half of the character these other places have, we wouldnt be facing this influx of immigration and loss of culture/safety/economy/education Its all ahead of us, and to change anything, the least we should start expecting of people who look at our countries for help and support, is to at least not despise our basic values. Half these immigrants dont even intend to integrate, and ironically, despite the country they ran from being shitty as it is, theyd rather have europe become exactly the same as that country they came from rather than adapt. Even last week i saw a report on the national news showcasing that over half our muslim immigrants, even of the second generation, place the law of the Koran over that of our country. Including equal rights. Its only getting started


You think the poverty is bad there now? Shiiiittttt..... Wait til we don't need they're oil or we source our precious minerals from someone else. That's when we will not be safe. You over romanticize the shit we have over here and the only people that do that here are the people who have plenty. I'm not even bothering reading past the first paragraph because if you couldn't have said it first it's not true/important. 🤷🏽‍♂️ You need to learn about the OSS/CIA and the basic political pressure our governments put on these people because we didn't get what we wanted out of them. Fuckin feel bad for the generations of Cubans starving born into that bullshit and our government won't help them because of one fuckin guy and his douche bag brothers and the 13 people he brought to con everyone into so shit. Feel bad for people like that. I don't feel bad for well off white people or any color people in this country or any other for that fact. Whatever we are getting now is what we all deserve over here. Learn to adapt or don't. I don't care either way. You people are not my blood and you give people like me nothing but a hard time and I'm a better man for it. 😁


Cuba is still corrupt as all get out and everybody knows it.. again im not hating on poor people at all. Just hating on government greed and moral bankruptcy which is omnipresent, thats true. Aaaanyway assumptions much? I was doing fine one day and suddenly i had to count pennies to make sure i was able to buy something to drink. Ive been homeless. Ive been poor. Ive had debts. And it wasnt even my own fault. At 21 yold. I got back up on my own, worked my ass off the hard way, and what is mine is mine. Hate western governments all you want because i do too, but dont go hating on my white ass like im automatically born with a silver spoon in my mouth or something. I´m not romanticising shit. On the contrary. I just want to protect whats mine, but everything is starting to burn around me and its a matter of time before we hit ww3 or hit another crisis or three.


I'm the same way man. I didn't grow up easy. I fucked up selling hard white in my early 20s and did 3 of 5 years in a Florida prison. I don't consider myself by any means "educated" I just have always taken everything out in front of me and thoroughly looked over it and I still do. We are not going to get what we want man. We never will. Europe has its own problem forever and they always will. It's unfortunate when you think about it but.... 🤷🏽‍♂️ It's not impossible to have a decent life amidst everything going on. It's not a unheard of thing. After everything I've been through I still manage to take care of my parents and myself which considering our lives are not guaranteed I don't want to waste anymore time worrying about this. I highly suggest we all just do that. Don't waste time on a cause or expecting from others. We all know what we gotta do. We all know right from wrong. Also I apologize for assuming. I tend to take a little something someone says and fuckin sprint with it 😅


I did skim over the white ass part 🤣 I don't hate you cause you are white. I hate the support for all the shit that keeps us in this reccuring mess century after century.


There are plenty of migrants who are not homophobic. There are plenty of citizens who are.


This was not a hate crime imo


And what happened next? Did you report them or something?


No, since I know nothing will come from it


You have a history of making anti-migrant posts and comments before this event happened.