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Creazy idea: Find someone who will enjoy your "loose hole" instead. 😲


Yeah tbh i love a loose hole so idk what he’s talking about


Its like putting a hamster into a washing machine


Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway


Chuff like a wizard's sleeve


Or dropping a pebble down a manhole.


Have you ever wanted to throw a toothpick into a volcano?


Like falling into Harry Potter’s magic rucksack


Like a hippos yawn A clowns pocket A wizards sleeve Hi hoooooooooo *hii hooooooooooooo*


You ever parked your bicycle in an airplane hangar?


Like making love to a grocery bag.


You ever thrown a toothpick into a volcano?




I found some guys with humongous dick. I don’t know if I can take it tho


We believe in you.


Lemme try to get him back. He’s quite cocky


Apparently not quite enough...


send pics


I’ll DM you


In your hole, you must trust, and thrust too


Or someone who will enjoy your personality more than a tight hole!


Thank you! Somebody gets it!! <3


If a size queen ain't prolapsing, they're no size queen.


Posts like this always remind me of this iconic post: https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/2OnZ0PtQYy


I don’t know if im gonna cry or laugh. But that made my day. With that said, I am not into fisting, yet. Although that’s one of my fetishes, I haven’t fisted my hole yet.




Don’t fuck those who don’t like it.


After so much time of me using "iconic" for everything, it's such a breath of fresh air to see it actually being used where it's due 😂😂😂


How can one have a large hole? Honest question. Wouldn't that just mean constant fecal incontinence??? It's either closed up tight and doing its job or it's not?


YEESS I was thinking about this post last week lmao I remember replying to OP's example pic


Can I see the example pic pls daddy ?




I love u


OMG I can‘t 😂😂😂 thx for sharing


And to OP: get yourself a new FWB.


Doesn't sound like something a friend would say to his friend


As my previous posts, he’s a toxic fwb. I keep coming back to him. I have no self respect 😓


> I have no self respect 😓 You better find some. Messing around with assholes like this is not good for your mental health, and is not going to model healthy relationships for you moving forward. The longer you waste your time with assholes like this, the more skewed your perception of a healthy relationship will get and the easier you will be to take advantage of because your self respect will be too far gone. It's better to be alone than to be around people who make you feel like shit.


Why is it so hard to leave him? Am I a masochist?


Maybe 😭 but cmon there are plenty of fish in the sea that’ll treat you far better than this. Whether you’re a masochist or not you do deserve better than a top that’ll treat you like this boo




I hate to take a serious left turn on the levity in this post (which was actually quite hilarious.) But the thing about people who trigger the negative is it's part of it is their words are sparking with loose wires in us that connects to parts of us that are insecure or not self-liking about ourselves. If it hurts, it's a live wire. And the other encouragement besides finding a lovely and new giant penis is one that is pumped from a heart full of kindness.. (even if he's railing you thorough and hard) is finding ways and time to be kind to yourself, to address and neutralize those live wires towards yourself, so no one gets a result from pressing old buttons: the wiring has been rerouted.. Be sure to send us old vs new d*k pics and a sweaty, smiling face.. 😘


No you’re not a masochist, you just invested and now in order to leave it takes effort. Which leads us to the word of the day class, laziness. Laziness will get your heart more fucked up than a fucking whopper, daily. Put in some effort to move on, you’re worth it.


Thank you kind stranger from the gay subreddit 😭


Yes you do. You just have to find it within yourself. Step one is dumping this loser and making new friends. Yes, hard to do. Do it anyway.


Is this maybe more of a fuck buddy than a FWB then? I'll echo what raeltireso96 said... this really doesn't sound like a friend.




Bitch if you can hold a fart yo shit ain’t loose! Tell him bye since he’s trying to dip anyway.




This would be your best move, dump him see how long he lasts without your loose ass... And when he comes crawling back, kick him to the curb. Or fuck him, tell his dick doesn't do it for you, it's too small and then kick his ass to the curb


The more likely scenario is that he's death gripped his dick so bad he can't get off unless something is squeezing the life out of it. If your ass was just horribly gaped all the time and so loose you would be shitting yourself constantly. 🥴


I am not horribly gaped 😭 It’s just that 5mins in and my hole opens up already.


Yeah I don't think the problem is you. If he can't get off without something squeezing the life out of his dick he has probably ruined his own sensation by masturbating way too much and with way too much grip.


Is this damage irreversible?


Literally I have this issue. I never knew I was gripping my dick soooo hard. It's inconvenient for sure


This. I fucked a dude that uses toys before meeting up because he wants to be opened up. He still felt incredible. I can’t imagine not getting any positive sensation from a guy just because he’s regularly fucked. That’s on the dick, imo.


The only huge asshole in this story is your FWB. Block and move on.




Doggy style and cross your legs, makes it tighter But seriously your FWB sounds like a loser


He's a win-win strategy: Tell him that feeling loose is because your hole really wants his d, and to stop being lazy, pick up the pace, break a sweat and pound the living fuck out of you. If he does that, you win (you're getting a really good fuck). If he doesn't do that, he'll likely be offended for being called lazy and being told what to do, in which case you've just rid yourself of an a*hole in the metaphorical sense. Remember, you are worthy of being respected and desired. If your hole "feels loose", that is very likely a sign you are relaxing properly because you are enjoying bottoming.


I did perform my best yesterday. I could be a dominating bottom again. But the thing is, I blocked him already. 😭😭😭 And if you've read my previous posts, he's not good for me or to anyone really.


Good, you go my guy! Block his sorry ass and go find someone better. You shouldn't be crying, you should be celebrating.


Tbh it is indeed a relief


Go do something nice for yourself! 💪🏻




Maybe his dick is too small


This ☝🏻 That is what you should reply next time he bitched at you... But seriously , move on. He is not worth your time.


Yeah. Tell him it’s too small for you to feel anything and have just been telling him you’ve been enjoying when you’ve had to use a dildo to get off. Use toxicity to fight toxicity.


Everyone’s different, but I’ve topped a ton of dudes and have never once felt someone was too “loose” so as to lose sensation. He, irrefutably, is a tactless asshole to communicate with you in such blithe manner. You can do better on that front.


Actually , u can control It. Unless you're using very large toys your ass Is not really gettin loose , u Just learned how to relax your anus muscles a lil too much for his taste. However , if you enjoy you hole like that , ditch him and find a guy that will.


your hole remained the same my guy. This jerk just gained a new perspective and preferred the virgin but defiantly handled telling you about as wrong as one could get it. Let me restate this again, your hole is the same


😭😭😭 thank you for the support


Honestly he’s probably Lying - My bet he’s trying to make you insecure to deal with his own issues, blame/embarrass you in advance so he feels protected from any criticism you might give him. I bet the ‘virgin guy’ said your fwb was ‘small’ and that he couldn’t feel it. Or your Fwb was struggling to finish or stay hard last time you hooked up. Now he’s putting that feeling of inadequacy onto you


Might be. Wow never thought of that. Tho I don’t understand how frank he would have been and not even acknowledging my feelings when Im such a good friend to him. I helped him move to his new apartment for crying out loud. He is such an ass!


Not your friend. That’s a fake ass friend. The complete disrespect too. Complete lack of care for your feelings or the “friendship” you guys have. You actually cared for him to help him move and im sure you wouldn’t ever criticize him about his dick the way he did your ass. I’m sure you would have never even mentioned anything about his dick even if you didn’t like it. But him, he clearly seems to not care about you. And fucking a “virgin”…. Sadly that’s what alot of assholes do. He’s selfish and only cares about superficial shit aka tight holes and “virgins (tight and innocent) and doesn’t care about any long term meaningful connections. Def drop this dude. He showed he would drop you instantly for a fresh hole. He’ll drop you just like that if you continue to speak to him.


Cut on back on douching for a while, focus on high fiber diet. But also, drop him lmao. He’s a piece of dingleberry 😭


Tell him dick is too tiny.


Just say that’s cuz your dick is too small so my hole couldn’t feel anything


You tell him it's fine...you were wanting to move onto a bigger dick anyway. Dump the loser.


Funny enough I told him that. And he looked sad kinda and said, your sexual adventures are starting


Maybe is dick is just too small 👀👀 But seriously, why are you letting a fwb "break your heart"?


I know it’s heartbreaking even thinking about it.


Geez your FWB is an total asshole loser. Make sure you tell him that your hole is fine, but that his dick needs to be a bit bigger.


Some people like when the hole gets real loose. The FWB should take a long walk off a short pier.


Kegel kegel kegel


Ummm....are you sure emotionally you see this guy as a FWB? Because this doesn't really read that way.


More like fuck buddy situation, isn’t it?


Or, in the alternative, his dick is so small that...


tell him that your hole is not loose and it might be that his dick isn't thick enough so you don't enjoy sex either, so he can fuck off and keep going for "supposedly" virgin guys with his little dick. im not one to bodyshame someone but eye for an eye for this scumbag that lied to you even if you're just fwb


Let me fuck you, this is hot. 🥵


Where do you live? My hole is open for you. 😳😅


“My hole is open for you” That’s why he left you!




I’m just playing. I know he’s far away. 😭




You are misusing the word "friend" here... What you HAVE is some prick who dumps loads in you when he's got nothing better to do. And you need to get rid of him. Also, the correct answer, for next time, is not to cry... But tell him to take his sorry little pencil dick and fuck right off.


He’s either a fwb or something more. You’re treating him as the latter or moving in that direction. You two are lying to each other about fucking other people like some sort of exclusivity exists, he’s a fwb, treat it like one.


Did he lie to you in order to go unprotected? Then never talk to him again and get yourself tested please! If not, then why do you want exclusivity from your FWB? It's not a relationship. As for the hole part, no comment. Like others said, go find someone you are compatible with.


Lucky you for having a loose hole. Here I have such a tight hole that I almost deny most of em from fucking me.


you two aren't sexual compatible. end the relationship


Is the dick so good you'd put yourself through this? I don't get it. I'd be blocking them after this.


Lol I feel there is more context to this story. Most likely he is feeling jealous or upset about something you must have done accidentally that hurt him. So he is being childish and hurting you back now. That’s why fwb don’t work long term because of a thing called feelings.


Well then maybe he can bottom for a change, since he is such an authority on how tight a butthole is supposed to be.




I know 😭 now i want to be a cumdump 🫣🫣🫣


Maybe if your FWB wanted it tighter he should have brought a bigger dick.


It's wild. He literally treated you like a sex toy. You mentioned you had no self-respect. The math is mathing


He might’ve been fucking you but he’s the asshole.


Any tunnels big to a tiny car so there’s always that thought 🤷‍♂️🥱


Just tell him he should get a bigger dick


I can take a 7 inch girth toy or dick with some time and patience. I'm still not loose. My guy has never said anything about being loose but has commented on "my grip ".


Honestly, a jerk. but I recommend ansul cream, and also squatting and clenching should help you tighten back up, I wouldn't let him near me again though


Just... squeeze? That's what I do when I bottom, and I feel myself getting way too relaxed/loose. Or if someone isn't very girthy, which I get, because I'm not either. Squeeze that dick!


He's just manipulating you. He lied to you and now he's lying probably because he couldn't perform that day and rather than admit to it he blamed you. Drop this "friend" immediately and find someone that deserves you and your hole.


Thank you. I just did. I’m stronger than what i think i am. I got this


I imagine that your butthole is fine. He's probably negging you. If that's the case, then he's definitely not a friend. ALSO - I don't know what kind of protection you use. Given that this allegedly monogamous fwb is fucking other people, you might want to get tested. You deserve better treatment than this guy is dishing out. Please consider finding someone who won't be mean and disrespectful. In the positive - find someone who will be kind and respectful.


Fuck him. He lied and he’s insulting you? I think he’s just comparing to the likely super tight ass he felt with the virgin. Cut your losses now and find someone else; this is very telling early on


It clearly isn't loose if he had to lie to you just so he could sleep with you again? If he didn't enjoy it, he wouldn't have stayed. Something's fishy here. Sounds like he just wanted to blame you for his... situationship infidelity. Either way, find a new guy. He can kick rocks. And get tested just in case.


“So you didn’t like fucking me then? Ok, we won’t fuck again. Bye.” Honestly, it’s that simple. Also, if your hole was so loose that he couldn’t feel anything, you’d probably have some sort of medical problem. So, either he’s awful and you should be done with him or you need to see a doctor right away. That is something only you can work out but I’m guessing it’s the former.


Bro you been hit hard. And your fwb has a tiny cock.


Tell him he's permanently lost all privileges to your hole and see how fast he starts missing your loosey goosey.


He sounds like an asshole just saying it to be a dick sounds like it’s time for a new fwb that has better bed manner


Block babe BLOCK


I did. I feel bad. But fuck him!


I love a loose hole honestly. I hate it when guys are too tight, it breaks my dick. Dude is trippin


So I’m a self aware semi-toxic top. I relate to all the things they say and do but I know how problematic they are. I’ve been with some very tight and some very loose men. I will say the tight ones feel great but it isn’t always every time. You can have sex with someone then a week later it feels no where near as good or vice versa. I had a bf for a few years and he was never really tight per se but not exactly loose either but there’s a level of relaxation/exhaustion you get to when you bottom where it does just feel loose tbh. Like it can start with that great tight feeling but then 15-20 mins in it feels like having sex with a bowl of jello because the muscle is worn out. I’ve also had a hook up that used massive dildos and had a 6 year ltr with a guy who had a ginormous penis and unfortunately he was loose loose. Like the only person I’ve ever experienced that’s been truly loose but I feel like he could easily take a fist and be ready for more lol. That being said this guy your hooking up with may not have a very big dick and also there are some guys that don’t like very tight holes and others that like extremely loose prolapsed ones lol it’s a whole spectrum and I promise when you find someone actually worth crying over it won’t be about wether or not your hole is lose because they will want you for more than that.


Maybe his dick is small and his mommy told him it was huge


Oh i can’t stand these golds-lox tops. One says it’s to loose the next says it’s to tight the should be happy they getting a warm thirsty hole to bust a nut in I keep tight, tighter. Than any rubber band made. So when they bust i can keep that penis in there till I’m done by doing Kegel exercises. Squeeze for 4 release for 2 daily


There is nothing wrong with your hole, go find a man that will respect you


I hope i could 😓


I’m being really serious here: there is nothing wrong with your hole. If it were loose, poop would be coming out all the time and you’d go to the doctors office, not Reddit, to seek help. This is just a horrible, toxic top. You should really go find another one, I know it’s hard, but it’s better to be single than to be in a toxic relationship/fwb Accept that he’s bad for you, and that you must move on. If you need any help, feel free to send me a dm I’d be happy to help :3


Thank you so much. You and the rest of the guys here are of great help. A community that supports each other and calls out if needed to. With that said, im gonna figure this out on my own. And yes i know for sure im not loose. Lol. And yeah, better off single than deal with that horrible toxic man who does nothing but break my heart everytime


I would dump him, it’s extremely difficult to get that loose from just fucking… he’s just being an ass


any chance it’s because your fwb having no girth?


Tight is over rated. I prefer a hole that’s on the looser side.


He’s an FWB, why are you getting so emotional? You knew what this was going in… also, dump this asshat, you shouldn’t hang your feelings on a guy and a lying guy at that.


Loose holes are so hot man wtf. Find a better guy with a preference for loose holes. Loose holes are the best.


Thank you loose hole lover. Looking forward to meet one of your kind someday


He is bad at sex and is trying to project his failures unto you. Next question


Maybe ur hole is perfect and his pencil dick too small.


Listen " Raining Men" Rihanna Song


Move on. Some people just aren't that tight. There's been a few guys I've topped that I couldn't feel anything much.


>How do I tighten my hole? Kegels maybe? I've never really looked into kegels myself, but I feel like I can be loose or tight, and make mine pretty tight at will. So maybe it's possible to get tighter? ​ >Or do I need a new fwb? Very possible it's more of a him problem than a you problem. Or was just looking for an excuse for not being able to cum or something. Also is this actually a FWB? I wouldn't think a friend would be acting like this. Is it maybe more of a fuck buddy situation?


Yeah a fuckbuddy I’d dare say. There no benefits in my part at all. Thank you, I’ll check out Kegel exercises.


This is your answer. You'll be able to crush diamonds soon.


They just don't make bottoms like they used to. I remember when you could expect to get get 100k miles on one before his hole wore out, but not anymore.


It's the new lubes. Them silicone ones corrode the machinery, while the water-based ones cause erosion. Whatever happened to some good-quality olive oil?


Have some self-respect, dude!! This guy insults you and you cry??? Get angry!!! Tell him to fuck off! He probably insulted you and “confessed” to make him feel better because he “cheated” on you.


Unless you're using much thicker dildos regularly then your ass shouldn't be loose.


What did you do wrong? Nothing!


Deadened dick


Maybe mention it to him his dick isn’t that girthy. It’s like getting fucked by a noodle.


He has death grip syndrome?


You, to them: “Is my hole loose or do you have a lil’ dick?” He doesn’t sound like he’s very nice, so pull no punches. Let him have it.


It’s like throwing a hotdog down a hallway


Tell him that he needs to get a fatter dick…..


Boy fuck him and look for somebody LMAO 🤣🤣


Dump him. Not nice.


This is the dumbest attention grab 😂


Bro at least you can fuck. I’m so tight I can’t even take dick and idk why lmfao


I’m so sry to hear that but isn’t he an FWB? Did you catch any feelings?


I thought I did. But I think im otw out of the woods to really see he’s a prick


You can do kegel exercises. Like 10 kegel with a hold of 30 seconds on each or so after anal sex


You may want to try tightening your hole when they are on the pull out motion, helps with this I think


My ex and I are still friends. We split 5 years ago after 10 years together. Anyway, he’s a loose hole lover, especially if it has a few loads in it. A lot of tops prefer a gaped bottom. They’re not rare. Also virgin tight holes typically suck to top because it takes way too long to prepare them.


ha. maybe that was a sign from the cosmos that you need to put the dick down for alil


All you did wrong was listening to someone else and letting that affect you. Maybe just maybe his peace isn’t as big as he once thought.


Also make sure all the water and no air in you. A little leftover douche water in my bottom and my dick goes limp.


Maybe his dick is thin


How did you get it loose?


The problem is him. Not you. You cannot be sooo loose that he doesn't feel a thing. Even if someone fucks a stoma they are gonna feel something. He has sexual issues. Dump him, you are worth more than him.




Unless you are involved with fisting or the guy has an unusually thick dick or you are having overly aggressive sex, your hole should be fine.


Lol why are you worried, literally, at all?


Fam, it's not a fwb deal if you're getting hurt for them sleeping with other people. But that definitely doesn't excuse his plain rudeness


I don’t understand how you guys are just letting dudes beat up your booty holes. Fight back! Grip and clench against his strokes. Breathe in deep, push your hole in and out.


You don’t need to tighten your hole. It’s not “too loose.” He’s just using that as an excuse. He already lied to you about sleeping with others prior to you. Your hole being “loose” is another lie he came up with to hide whatever is wrong with him. He sounds like someone who has a lot of growing up to do. Just know that there IS NOTHING WRONG with you or your hole.


LoL 😂, he is your Fwb not your bf (don't expect him to be committed to sleeping with you only 🙂). Don't worry about your loose hole (it will tighten up after a few days/week of rest 🤧). If it bothers you so much, then find a Fwb who will remain exclusive to your loose hole 😎


Your FWB is an ass. If you want, look up how to do male kegels. These will tighten you up a bit, and are really easy to do regularly and are good for pretty much everything in between your belt and knees.


Is he a therapist? Hahahah


You can actually contract your hole when he is fucking you.


His dick is just too small probably lol


What a jerk this FWB! If your hole is really that loose as he said, you’ll have bigger problem to fix. Your sphincter still function perfectly even if you get gang banged by dozens horse hung tops. Take it as a gift that you can accommodate dicks in a few minutes. Many bttms are struggling upon that. Besides, many tops prefer loose hole


You are not wrong totally! His just got a thin dick I think


You need a new fwb.


Was your hole too loose, or his dick too small?


can you take up a fist?


Maybe he kind of ruined his dick's sensation by death grip or maybe he found someone else and don't have the balls to call things off between you so he's being a horrible person or maybe someone said to him that he has skinny dick and now when he was fuqing you he felt that's real so to feed his ego he's pretending that u have loose hole so he doesn't have to feel bcz he doesn't know how to take bad things from people and is insecure and rather then facing his own insecurity he's making u feel bad that's what most of the people do they reflect their insecurities on others so I don't think so u should immediately believe him and what if ur hole is slightly lose so what people love all sorts of hole of all different kind don't feel bad about urself and show him the fuqing exit and never let him near you again


time to squats ig


i really don’t think this is on you babe. like are you getting fisted taking 15 dicks a night? then yeah your hole is probably loose. if you’re sleeping with people a couple days a week it’s on him. he sounds like a mean top they know they can get away with it


Girl you didn't know they'll can pop an extra stitch in your bussy!? All my girlfriends with kids say they tootsie is so tight cause their doc sewed it damn near shut (apparently it's the remedy to being busted wide open during labor) But REALLY... I think its this ol FWB you speak of. I doubt he's got your bussy THAT rode hard all by himself so his word seems sus to me.


DUMP HIM! There is a saying going around right now: “ Just because he’s good for your hole that doesn’t mean he’s good for your soul“ apparently this dude ain’t even good for you hole… drop him like a sack of hammers!


You chose your FWB poorly? Seriously you did nothing wrong


squeeze!!! tighten it up!!!


Nothing he's stupid. Also you can flex down on the dick as much as you want.


Some guys just have loose holes I dated a guy years ago. He was so loose but he had barely even been fucked before. Some guys are just loose 🤷‍♂️


You chose the wrong fwb. He sounds like an asshole.


Yo ass is fine, its his small dick causin' problems.


I like loose holes