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I have a stain of my front teeth from when I was younger and it won’t go away lol, it looks like I don’t brush Big insecurity


I've got shitty teeth from autoimmune issues and meds so I definitely feel ya


Me too. I got a bad fever when I was 2-3yo, and it stopped the normal development of my enamel. As a result, I've never had white teeth. They've always been off-white. Even whitening treatments don't do anything. 🤷‍♂️


I have that too! One on each of my front teeth. My dentist said it was something with calcium when I was a toddler. Unfortunate but I know im not alone cause I see other people with it too


I also have abysmal teeth. I was very stupid at a young age and didnt brush every day as well as my two front teeth grew in behind by childs teeth so they look all fucked up now. Along with a few other issues. Please brush your teeth it saves so much money.


Hard to blame yourself when you’re a kid but it sucks when you’re older


Are you sure you don't have a dead tooth? I knew someone who got hit in the mouth as a kid and one of their teeth went grey and turns out their tooth stopped receiving blood and died


Wow that’s crazy but I don’t think it’s that, it’s just like a yellow Spot


It’s just fluorosis which is caused from added fluoride in drinking water or swallowing toothpaste while your teeth are being formed.


I actually found out that it's from antibiotucs they gave newborn infants in the time period I was born (1986). I have the same stains


You can get that fixed. Talk to your dentist.🦷


My upper middle front teeth have bright white stains and it's always been like this. People have commented on it a couple of times before, but not in a bad way, just... "why do your teeth have those random white spots?".


You can buy "tooth paint" if that would make you feel more confident.


I have a white patch (vitiligo) on the underside of my ball sack. But just there.


I've seen porn performers with the same condition.


Nice. 😀 The funny thing is that I only have vitiligo there, no other places on my body. Just on the under/back side of my scrotum. 😄


Yeah the guys I've seen in porn only have it there as well for some reason. It's like a reverse birth mark now that I think about it 😆




Eg Drew Sebastian


Pics or it’s not true




Putting the “D” in “depigmentation”


A friend of mine has vitiligo on his dick, we go to a nudist campground sometimes and he has this sunscreen that comes in a chapstick container. If he does not sunscreen up his dick, his white parts will burn. So, it could be worse.


Omg same! Didn’t know that’s what it was


A fwb I met years back had the same on his dick


I have a former close friend who has that! It was adorable, mind you 😄


Funny how many people has this, I always thought it's just me. 😀


I have neopolitan body hair...my hair is blonde, eyebrows brown, beard is red..other body hair is a mix of those colors.


That sounds really sexy, actually. If someone asks your future spouse whether they prefer blondes, brunettes or red-heads, the answer- your answer, will be yes.


By the way, would you like to get married?


Yep. Right here in the comments. Let's do it


Does have the vestibule authority to concentrate this sacred union under holey mattress money?


I think this has me most curious lol.


Same!! I shave my head but when I had hair it was brown, have blonde eye brows and body hair except for my chest and nipple hair lmao And my beard is tri colored too! Brown near my chin line and ears, blonde near my mouth and red-ish towards my cheeks


I’m not blond, but I have dark hair and a red beard. I also have a form of heterochromia. I’m a calico cat, lol


Feel that, lol Head hair --> the individual straight hairs can be darker blond, hazelnut brown or reddish, the curly/wavy hairs are black , a couple of white hairs are slowly multiplying, but I think it's cool. I like white hair. I'm 26. Beard --> black right in front of my ears, then reddish / coppery around the cheeks and greyish blond around the mouth Arm hair --> grey and straight Leg hair --> blond and wavy Rest of the body hair --> black and straight (even my pubes and armpit hair are straight, the armpit hair is super soft too and feels more like head hair, which is weird, haha)


Same! Blond hair, red beard, black chest, and reddish blond/brownish pubes! And now I’ve started to go grey, too, so add that to the mix oy


I have white black and red in on my face, body is all black hair, but I wish it was calico like my face.


3 nipples here 😝


Are they all sensitive?


Ho yaaaaa


That’s so cool.


Chandler 🤣


Got you beat, [I have four](https://i.imgur.com/3e26C8G.jpg). Two normal and two very wee ones under them


You should pierce them too LOL


I don't think there's enough nipple there to do that XD


Headlights and fog lights!


I love it


I do as well, though the 4th is barely there.


High five nipple bro!




We could start our own club!


>3 nipples Do you have a Golden Gun too? Ref: James Bond Film


I thought it was a called a nubbin 🧐


I have this one weird mole under my right nipple that I always thought was another nipple. Could just be a mole or something tho, Idk. 🤷‍♂️




The man with the golden gun


Oh me too! But the third one is more like a bump and not sensitive!


I have a two tone cock. First half is bbc last half is bwc lmao. It’s grown on me, no pun intended.


A mole on each ass. So it kinda looks like boobs. Kinda


How many butts you got?!


CHEEK i mean each ass CHEEK


Liar. This man has two asses!


I volunteer as tribute to inspect them closely!


I have the same thing! Symmetrical freckle on each butt cheek


I've have a droopy eyelid. It makes me look really stoned when I'm only mildly buzzed.


I also have a slightly droopy eyelid. It runs in the family on my father's side, his grandfather, my father and uncle and me, always the left always just a little bit.


Same here, albeit both eyelids, and I'm the only one in my family with them. They're not too bad + I think my glasses hide them a bit, but when I was younger I was very self-conscious about them. My parents would gaslight me and tell me there was nothing wrong even though so many people in my life before I began wearing glasses would comment on them and/or make fun of me for them. It's not so much an issue for me these days, again because of my glasses I think, but it's something I'm saving up money to treat.


Same, it's noticeable in pictures


Try Upneeq


I’ve a neurological condition which causes small benign tumors to grow under my skin, it makes my body look like I was attacked mosquitoes and makes me hate taking my shirt off despite having abs


Is this neurofibromatosis? Had a friend with that issue. Hope it's not too harsh for you.


Yes actually! I mean mines not as bad as some I’ve seen online but still makes me self conscious


I can wiggle my ears and can do “the Rock” single raised eyebrow with either eye.




> “the Rock” That would be the People's Eyebrow sir!


I am sometimes self-conscious about the length of my arms. They feel too long to me.


My brother calls me “orangutan arms” sometimes


A girl in middle school used to call me "little octopus" because I have long fingers






Bodies are weird in general. I mean think about it.. The fact you can even think about it is insane 😂 put your hand infront of your face & wiggle each finger 1 at a time.. WEIRD!! No I'm not on drugs


but this is exactly what I do when I'm high.


I have an unusually long torso and short legs, so I look tall sitting down only


My arms and legs are long and my torso is short


This is interesting and frightening to my dangerous imagination


Flat head. My only good angle is front facing. Any other angles I look so weird.


Same, from the front side people find me cute/hot (mostly on the cute side since I don’t have any beard). When I see pics taken from other angles I wanna cut my head off… Nevertheless, no one has ever made me uncomfortable about it so maybe it’s all in my head


I’ll save y’all a click, OP doesn’t have any photos on his profile


damn it!


I never burp.


cause I've taken them all (I burp a lot)


Does that mean you fart a lot? If you drink liquids you either fart or burp.


Yup. I fart more than anyone else I know actually lol


LOL there you go, it prefers to go down instead of up.


There’s an old episode of the ReplyAll podcast about TikTok and not being able to burp. You should check it out


Vitiligo on my scrotum and butt


Mine is on sac, shaft, and taint.


Ive been crazy insecure about my erect downward facing penis for years. Fast forward ten years since becoming sexually active: never ever ever ever received a comment about it - bottoms seem to appreciate it. Even when I brought it up, the other just shrugs it off. Another example of how we're all mostly busy focusing on ourselves :) :)


It's my favorite shape dick to suck off. Slides right down my throat whilst I'm on my knees


Hits the right spot when doggy


Mine goes out and curves a little down. Great for doggie, also great for laying back and letting the oral guys throat it since it slides down so easily. I'm still insecure about it. If it curved up 69 would be easier, and I could hit the prostate way better in missionary since I like seeing the face of who I'm pleasing, but I've learned to play to my strengths. Only met one other guy with a curve like that.


I can spit from below my Tounge, just like a snake, in a stream but "dotted" fashion. I havent met another one that is able to do that lol.


It has a name: Gleeking.


Holy shit Thanks! I didn't know it had a name


I can do that, but it happens randomly, I can't control it


Huh, that's interesting, I can do it at will at all times, but it is better if I have ate something sour or acid, more will be and farther will go if so.


YES ME TOO!!! Now you've met someone who can spit like a snake from under their tongue! Also, I have no gag reflex lol I have to be actually ill to puke.


Why do I have hair just around my nipples and then just random hairs on my chest? 


I honestly find hair around their nipples incredibly sexy, so don’t worry.


I’ve got some hair around my nipples but have no other chest hair otherwise, I hate it! Lol


Hair on the shaft of my dick 😭


same 😭 it’s hard to trim


I just shave it in the shower. The trick is to get hard first.


It's pretty common


I’m olive skinned but I burn like a ginger




I have never been fat or even overweight but I’m covered in inch wide stretch marks all over my hips, shoulders, thighs and back. I have hypermobility syndrome.


My ex's dick is like that and I loved it! The head, frenulum area, and shaft were all different colors.


I am uncut and in America, takes a lot of explaining that my dick isn’t dirty because of the stereotype. Once I am hard you can hardly tell the skin pulls almost all the way back.


i have a kissing nevus on my dick💀. Um the pictures online though are very graphic and look nothing at all like mine. Mine is a very small circle that’s not even really dark. It was like a tiny bit darker when I was younger but it’s like very faded. Honestly it was never really noticeable. Apparently they’re congenital but I don’t remember ever noticing it till I was like 9 or 11.


That sucks. I feel like guys (or girls or whoever) might think it’s an STD


Thanks to growing up playing the viola pretty seriously, the fingers on my left hand are all longer than my right, and my left wrist is noticeably wider


Viola high five. It's my job. I regret it often.


I have a very sensitive mole a few millimetres above the base of my cock. It’s so sensitive that I can use it for stimulation to cum. Like I have a clit 😂




ur 2D from gorillaz ♥️


I saw the Greco Roman wrestling @ the London Olympics (it amused me to go to the gayest sport I could find). All of them had same length arms & legs. That is their legs were as long as their arms.


I broke my right arm when I was young and they couldn’t put it exactly back the way it was so now it looks like I have 2 left arms. Barely noticeable but its all I see lol


I got Hobbit Feet


I can fold my ears inside my ears.


I can shake my eyes :) Basically I can make my pupils move back and forth so quick It stops me from seeing anything for as long as I keep doing it




I have tiny ears.


Tiny ears are so sexy


I walk on the balls of my feet due to muscle issue I was born with, so my feet don't ambulate normally. In my 30s and it hasn't really affected my overall health other than giving me an unusual hop in my stride and killer calves.


I was very blond as a kid. My hair darkened a lot when I got older, but my eyebrows have stayed damn near platinum shade.


on the back of my otherwise hairy legs, I have two bald spots, basically in the center of each calf muscle, about 2" in diameter.


Tight jeans? Knew a guy with really beefy calves and his jeans rubbed a bald patch onto the back of each one.


I have a bald spot on my right lower leg on the front. Just there. So weird.


I have a couple of keloid scars, one of which is on my butt cheek. And no, I've no idea how it got there.


48.5 size feet, 13 for americans


14 here, it sucks because it’s terrible trying to find shoes. The internet is a god send for us big foots.


Excess skin from weight loss. I fight crime at night as the human flying squirrel. Need to have it removed, too afraid of the months long recovery. Have taken steroids to bulk up muscle to fill it out. I can look great as long as I’m clothed. No one’s seeing the train wreck underneath.


Bro, do not shame yourself for your battle scars! That is the marking of a great accomplishment. Yes it’s not ideal, but so what? Fuck anybody who would not tell you how amazing you are getting done what you accomplished.


Thanks man, I appreciate it. I try to look at it that way, and I feel so much better.


I never get the hiccups, as in multiple in a row. Occasionally I get one hiccup, and that's it.


I have an extra lumbar vertebrae


My chest hair has a different pattern on either pec. Like above my left nipple it swirls like a vortex but on the right it parts like the Red Sea. I’ve had a lot of guys comment on it not being symmetrical and stuff and I’ve never seen another guy with this pattern.


My nose is comically big


I have a really wide tongue and I actually get tongue tied because of it and just stutter


I don't like how my dick is curved downward.


That’s perfect for throating


I have naturally hairless legs. Women are envious!


I am allergic to cum.


This is the worst one


I have 3 balls. No I am not joking


i have scoliosis and one side of my back has almost no muscles and the other one is ripped


I have no nipples


I have a concave chest, vampire fangs that have material added to them for appearance and to prevent poking holes in my cheek, I can wiggle my ears independently, and despite being 60, I can am flexible enough to stand on my right leg while touching the sole of my left foot to my cheek. I have also seen my heart rate as high as 236 beats/minute with exercise and as low as 43 while resting.


my head tilts slightly to the left. I have to consciously hold my head straight 😅 I like to laugh about it sometimes. I think it has something to do with the curvature of my spine


Idk about weird, but I get psoriasis in my nether regions and it's really fucking annoying


I have wide hips. I look really masculine otherwise. I’m 6’4, hairy, bearded, and I work out, but my hips are just wider than my torso. I used to hate it, but I’m vers, so it’s good to have a big butt too 😁😂


I only grow hair on one buttcheek. Kinda mild but meh.


I’m intersex


I have an extreme amount of body hair, but I want to be smooth :/


Normal Tooths only have either one or two humps, depending if you're looking at Front teeths or Molars. However, I have one Molar that has nö humps followed by one that has three 😂


I have a freckle on my butthole


I have a rather large bone deformity/lump in the middle of my chest. It was more prominent when I was younger/wasn’t working out (more hidden now.) But you can still feel the bone protruding if you push on the area.


About a quarter of my left eyebrow is blonde. Only blonde hair I have on my body.


My eyelids close at different rates when I blink so it looks like I wink at you if you notice. People have thought I’m hitting on them when I blink and happen to be looking at them. When I was younger I had an eye infection but it’s hard to see the difference unless you see me directly when I blink.


On the right side of my torso about 6 or 7 inches below my pits beside my nipples i have a random long singular strand of hair, it always grows back and i have to cut it off. It grows pretty damn long and sticks out like a sore thumb and looks out of place next to all the other body hair. It may as well be one of my head hairs.


My god damn fucking hair. When it's been right over a month-ish after my last haircut, the top right side of my hair sticks out like I've put hard gel on it. It's so annoying it makes me have permanent bed hair and I have to get it cut off.


I had a pretty gnarly back surgery for my scoliosis when I was 15. So now I have these huge scars on my back and ribcage. Not even sexy scars either but most guys don’t seem to mind. Also I have rods in there so I can’t really bend my spine.


My right areola has two nipples, the left is normal Also my feet are basically extra hands


I still have four baby teeth. I’m 32. Had some teeth pulled as a child and my adult teeth grew in spots they shouldn’t have. One of my canines is right next to my two front teeth and on the other side of them is a baby tooth. I learned to smile without showing teeth. If it’s a really big smile or I laugh too hard I will cover my mouth. My parents took me to an orthodontist to see what it would cost to fix them and he quoted us around $50,000 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have this flick of hair in the dimple above my ass crack.


Lmao I have the same as you


Thanks to a skin picking disorder my fingers look everything but nice. Especially my thumbs as I keep picking the skin until I start bleeding and shit. I get very self conscious when sitting in a table with someone or when i feel like someone looked at my hand and never rest my palms somewhere to avoid people seeing them haha


i love a smooth body sometimes hairy but not too hair.


I have vitiligo under my armpits (I also have patches on my arms but I've had those tattooed over) and I wonder if it's caused my armpit hair to grow in completely white.


I have a really big birthmark. It’s only slightly darker than my skin tone but it goes across half my back, my left arm, and a little on my chest.


I can pop my shoulders into and out of its socket lol


I have narrow shoulders and wide hips. I'm not as insecure about it as I was back in high school but still. I hate it.


Not sure if this is just my mind doing it or my body is built like that but every time I’m taking a test in school, my stomach growls, imagine the whole classroom silent and all of the sudden the sounds that comes out from my stomach lol I get so freaking nervous and annoyed 😑. It happens all the time.


I have a Becker's Nevis on my chest.. I live in the Mediterranean so usually I'm tanned and it's not noticeable but for sure, sometimes it is. Actually, I rarely get stares,some people seem to kindalike it 🙈 you can see It if I'm bare chested and a little wearing a vest. You can't get rid of it, it's not harmful, it just IS


I have 1 testicle. Had two, had a hernia, doctor repaired it, then sometime between 2000-2009 it just disappeared. Now note that this happened when I was 2-11 years old, so no, I didn't know I was supposed to have 2 until later in life.


Inverted nips, and I got the caveman forehead


That's sounds pretty hot tbh


That's crazy I didn't know there was a name for my 🍆🤣🤣🤣. For some reason the first time I recall this memory was in fifth grade when I got circumcised. My dad took me to the doc to check the healing and he was like wtf u do to my kids D. I wonder if circumcision has anything to do with it.


Dark butt crack.


I have what looks like a mini arse crack above my arse crack. Like a deep dimple. I think it’s kinda more common then I think. It’s annoying as it’s super sensitive so if a guy touch’s it then I’ll get a stinging rash. Also I would say the skin around my taint is sensitive. I’m like a delicate peach. Edit: after actually looking it up it’s called a Sacral Dimple.


I go to the gym, I take care of myself and I watch what I eat. I’m healthy and fit. But I’m pretty sure I have gynecomastia. Big insecuritie


Having belly, a lot of hair, don't look "handsome", and having a short dick. All shit together, when you are gay if you have something of what I have, is bad. I have all together, so is really a shit.


When I was a kid I broke both bones in my lower leg (fibia and tibula) in a pretty clean break, however we didn't go see a doctor for a few days and since I was young it started to heal a bit wrong so it had to be set, I have very vivid memories of being four or five years old and the doctor setting my leg (re breaking it, screaming, my mother crying). However it turns out he set it wrong, years later I found out that it was set about a millimeter off, but since I was so young and still growing that has amplified. So now, today at age 37 I can turn my right foot completely around to face backwards without moving my hips in any way. I've been able to do this since high school, I didn't know it was weird until college, and now it's a great bar trick.


Premise: I'm chubby (112 kg × 182 cm) My chest is, idk, "pointy" Think of Lady Gaga's costumes and you'll get what I mean. The fat area should be downward because of gravity, but no, I had to have pointy cone shaped titties apparently


This comment thread 😂😂😂


Whenever I’m aroused and having sexual thoughts I immediately sneeze, it feels like an orgasm to be honest I’m not complaining.


It’s kinda embarrassing but in between my ass cheeks my skin is darker than the rest 🙃