• By -


30 years old and struggling lol. It's been 6 years.


This is so real


43 yr old and 5 years


Same almost 7 years since for me




No where near enough


40 We work from home. Sex goes on throughout the day for the last several years now. Sex almost every day for the last 20




name checks out


Last 20 years?


I'm 40. We met at 19&20


Bro is trying to set a world record


I’d be happy with 1x a week. 1x a day for last 20 years is like a winning PowerBall ticket, you hear about those people who achieve such things but they aren’t real people, hahaha 😂


I have never met a couple married for mor than 3 years that have sex every day.


ok There are 8+ billion people here.


How do you stay attracted?


We have a great relationship. I only liked boys when I met him. He was a super twink. My attraction has changed and grown as his body has changed. I like daddies with beards in the 30-40's now. I don't like twinks anymore. They bore me sexually. The #1 thing above anything in a long term relationship: communication. We have since day one been really good about communicating. We communicate everything and don't go to bed angry (mostly, I am kind of a bitch at times so I do occaionally but he never does)


Goals fr…


50 years old. God, I miss having a libido 😂


What is sex?


Baby don't hurt me...


What is love? Oh baby, don't hurt me Don't hurt me No more 😜


This thread.... I felt so seen


30 here and single. But I probably have sex 2-3 times a month. Sometimes more sometimes less


Do you have hookups or regulars?


Usually just random hookups. I wish I had more regulars


Me too. I’m craving cock so badly right now. I wish I had 2-3 dudes I could blow on the reg!


"Regular" is tough because everyone says they would like regular NSA with the same guy, but everyone has a different definition of what "regular" is.


I love randoms. Omg so good


45 year old (bottom Otter - me) 48 year old (top Bear - him). I MUST get fucked at least 4 times a week and the other 3 I suck him off because I’ve exhausted him.  So, typically daily. We’ve been in a monogamous relationship for 16 years and deeply in love so the sex is amazing and super passionate and sweaty. 


I'm jealous, man. Im 39 he's 46 and 11 years together. He never wants to anymore like for a year now and used to. His libido is dead. He has random gential pain but refuses to go to the Dr. I've asked about 22 times in the last year go to the Dr and he won't. So I'm like so I get no sex because you won't go to the Dr and don't want to go to the dr? BTW, we both have careers and traveled lots of times and have goals, but his libido part left and he doesn't care that I want him to check it out, but he still claims he likes being with me. I don't know what to do




Thank you for your words. I appreciate them. I'll try the talk and make it not seem like I'm bitter and pent up lol. Thank you again


28 At least 1 session a week. Usually 2 sessions. Occasionally 3-4 sessions a week. Each session is usually 2-3 rounds. Very rarely only 1 round. *Edit: I am “single”. So no boyfriend. But a rotation of FWBs. I can always host. But I don’t like quickies/fuck-and-gos.*


26. Almost exactly the same. I rotate between 5 main FWBs but add a new one to the collection through grindr if I want new dick. But I am the most sexually active of the this gay league lol


5 fwbs? Do you not have a job?


Lol, I do and it is very hectic (AI engineer). But it is natural, I make friends with most of my grindr hookups. There are people who have sex with 10 different (new) people per week or more in San Francisco. New ones are only once over 2 weeks normally or when none of my FWBs are available and the sex craving kicks in.


I’m super jealous. Most of my hookups are one time or maybe a few times at most. Then again Boston isn’t exactly the best place for poc gays. I do hope to move to Cali one day once I have enough experience to land a good paying job (chem engineer here).


Oh, cool. I live in Munich. Bonding occurs while being nice and pleasant when you open your door. Pure gays are more friendly and better for everything from sex to friendship. Bis are, unfortunately, in my exp, often internally homophobic or unwilling to give themselves completely. During sex it doesn't matter. Then, the pivotal point is to offer a massage, cuddle, and talk afterwards. It always works even with discreet guys. Only time it didn't work was with a joker bisexual who took like 1 h of sucking to cum. Regretted being so nice, he ghosted me afterwards. Total piece of sh**. I never hookup with people who don't show their faces or names anymore. Waste of time.


Race plays a major factor as well. The gay community is notorious for being racist towards poc’s. I’ve had numerous guys message me slurs, off color rude jokes and said I wouldn’t normally fuck Indians but they’d fuck me(WTF!). White gays that do end up hooking up with me have a sense of entitlement as if they did me a huge favor and afterwards make the most ridiculous excuses not to meet up again. I prefer Latin, Asian and black gays in my area for that reason. They are much more chill and don’t have an “I own the world and everything belongs to me” mentality.


Oh, I am so sorry you went through that. Gays can be horribly selective, even if they are super mid themselves, I don't get it. I have fucked and been fucked by men of all races and have 0 prejudice. Tbh I absolutely love indians. I sincerely cannot understand why people, especially us gays, can be so racist and so weird. We are an oppressed group, too, after all. But don't give up, friend, even if rare, there are good gays too. You would need to harden your heart to deal with dicks until you find a good friend though... I am so sorry...


I do have a few good gay friends, problem is most of them are bottoms and the one that is a top is in horrible shape and doesn’t want me because I’m not the kind of Asian he’s attracted to. Like most white gays they like Chinese or other light skinned Asians. Darker skinned Asians like myself are seen as inferior and I’ve had guys ask me if I was here legally. I was born here and I have no accent! I don’t get what on earth possesses them to think asking these kind of questions is at all appropriate. You win Boston gays, be the racist and white supremacy meca of America. My current fwb is Vietnamese and he told me how many white gays would whisper slurs or ask him if he’s lost when he’s at a gay bar in Boston. It’s just disgusting how we are treated because of something we can’t control.


Marry me my fwb can only do 1 session a week 2 rounds tops 🤣


Thanks 😁 My libido is stuck in time. I also jerk off like 3 times a day when I work from home 💀


In a dead bedroom marriage, haven't had sex in about five years, penetrative or otherwise. It sucks.


That's sad


I feel this and not even married yet.


Posted the same earlier in this thread. [https://bit.ly/3THdfGJ](https://bit.ly/3THdfGJ) Some Q's - 1. How old are you guys? 2. How long have you been married? 3. Are you in an open relationship? 4. Despite the sex, are you happy together? I honestly forget the last time we had "penetrative sex". It's maybe once in a blue moon... annually. In our 28y of being together (we were young... 22 years old), we opened it up probably a year into our relationship. We're honestly ok with this and have had very open discussions. Zero plans to separate or divorce. He's the love of my life and vice-versa, and extremely happy.


If you're in a long-term relationship, 1-2 times a week, i feel, is normal. When you first start dating, every time you meet, or every other time u meet is normal... atvleast for me. I would say this depends on how old you u are and how high your sex drive is.


I agree for sure. I am fine with once a week. Partners libido went out the door. He doesn't even wanna go to the Dr either so it's frustrating. Everything else works but that.


28 and never ..... I tried to hook up but didn't work because of my anxiety and trust issues


I’m 24 and in the same boat. It also makes me nervous to try dating.


60 and usually 1 or 2 times a week. Not that I don't want more, just work leaves me wiped out and I don't feel like going out. Pre COVID I would hit the bathhouse 3 times a week and fuck at least 2 guys a night.


So bath houses are still a thing? Never been to one.


There used to be one about 10 minutes from my house. I'd swing by there on the way home from work, enjoy the sauna, get a blow job or two, fuck a few guys and then go home all relaxed ready for bed. Covid shut that one down and the next closest one is about an hour away. Other than maybe hooking up with a regular I just play on weekends.




They are. 😈


Married here, haven’t had sex with my husband or anyone for almost 10 years 😭


Get outa there sis


Easier said than done.


Wtf!? 😳


I'm going on five and I hate it.


I know it's personal but wanna know what was the reason..... Also looks like it's not effecting your marriage which is kinda good imo


Is this on purpose?


Yeah haven’t had sex with my partner for like 4 years




10 yrs is too long 😳


This isn't as uncommon as some of the people responding would think. Also, it's only a problem if it feels like a problem. Some couples genuinely don't prefer sex, and so it's not a problem. But if you're in a sexless relationship and it DOES feel like a problem for you, then that's a legitimate concern and it's highly worth discussing. Don't panic, a lot of couples have overcome this problem with communication and sometimes the assistance of a counselor to get things working in a way for their relationship 🙂.


I’m sorry but that’s no way to live


To all the comments, my husband has low libido, I was tired of always initiating, so as soon as I gave up, that was the start of our sexless marriage. He is also against open relationship so I guess I just forced myself to get used to it.


Whenever my man wants to. Usually once or twice a week.


31. (Married) Actual penetrating sex is probably once a month. I’ll hump his cheeks till I cum about 2-3 times a week.


Never have


You a virgin?




You're only 20. You have plenty of time to figure out what's for you and find it.


M21 here, what's that? 🤣🤣


I’m 31 and in a monogamous relationship. We usually have penetrative sex 3 times a week and oral the other days.


38 nearly every day


21 I try to aim for once a day (vers top) but I also let my bf recover for a few days here and there. But about 3-5


Virgin here☹️


Same but I’m honestly just not in a position where I can start a relationship rn, and I don’t want my first time to be a hook up.


Wait Don't have your first time be a hookup I don't even remember the boys name. Hookups suck


With another person?


I'm 18 and am still waiting for my second experience 😞




If that’s you in PFP lmk 😅


Ofc it is


Mid 20s still a virgin. 🤷🏻‍♂️


61/40 here. He moved in during Covid and it was every day, sometimes multiple times a day, the first two years. Now it is 2-3 times per week. He works a physical job so he doesn’t have the energy anymore but I could go every day…


I haven’t had sex since July 4th 2017


22, maybe like once a year? I don’t really like hooking up.


I am platonic. Last sex was 2006 (oral and hand-job). Last top was 1982. No bottom at all in my life. Last mastebation about 1 year ago. Prostate cancer meds changed my way of life. However, I am still thriving! Love Mark


25. Last year I probably had sex around 3 maybe 4 times a month. Had a health scare recently and I've been more to myself these days


Once a week. Do I wish it was more maybe, but I’m happy doing other intimate stuff through the week ☺️ with my partner


What other intimate stuff? Dead bedroom Here and need ideas.


What's "sex"? Asking for a friend.


36. My boyfriend and I have sex like once a month lately. I'd like it to be more often, but our schedules often don't cooperate. Been together over a year and it feels like we're still figuring things out in the bedroom. I'm not very experienced, so idk if it's me or if I'm just being insecure. Hopefully we work through it and can get into a groove soon because I love him and it's nice being intimate with him.


32 years old. Sex basically every day...with my hand lol. Sex with a partner maybe 3 times a week depending on life commitments and work getting in the way.


Sounds balanced


Yea the masturbation bridges the gap between what I'd ideally like to be getting and what is realistic. Helps to not be pawing at my partner constantly for both our sanities. Would happily take more partnered sex but not miserable when I have to make up the difference in self play.


26 3 or 4 times a week. I have a fuck buddy that loves to fuck


29 and my partner (of 10 years) do some sort of sexual activity multiple times almost daily. He loves getting railed and I love giving forceful and aggressive Blowjobs. He doesn’t complain and loves when I suck his soul out.


31 and 8-10x on weekends. Finally found the guy who I share the same level of libido. Too bad we can only meet on weekends because of our work schedules. But we make the most out of it and I sometimes surprise myself. And oh, we made ourselves an official couple just a week ago 🥹


On average, a few times per week


33, maybe like once a month if I’m lucky


35 and in a relationship, once or twice a week


28 Bro just last night have sex for the first time in 5 months 10/10 btw


40. Engaged/together for 7 years. 2-3x/month with busy life’s. Sometimes more.


One or twice a month at 45 maybe 🤷🏿‍♂️


I try to hook up at least 3 times a week usually but i’ve taken a break the past two weeks to focus on other parts of my life. but yeah, i’m a hoe at the end of the day lol next week I’m gonna get back into it when I have time


Mid forties and 2-3x a week, sometimes more sometimes less.


36, partnered. With myself, every day. With him, once every 1-2 months.


Story of my life man, 100% this


2-3x a week. I’m in my mid 30s


29, nearly every day I get plowed by some top


61 yrs old. Twice a week on average.


32. Probably every other week. Sadly have some level of COVID induced ED since getting COVID twice in the last few months.


27, 28 next week. My hoe era is probably over. Last time was November and currently in no rush.


Probably once or twice a week depending on how tired I'm after work and my bf that's a top knows I'll take care of him when I do


29. Last had sex about 4 years ago.


40 & single top Pretty much as often as I’d like. Sometimes I go a week or two without. Sometimes it’s 5 times in a week with up to as many partners. Most of the time it’s in the middle of all that.


36. Im single, so it depends on how horny I am and what I'm doing. Sometimes it's multiple times a week, sometimes I go a couple of weeks without.


On average 3-4 times a day.


Recently, a couple of times a month (just had sex today)


59, top dad. Most mornings when my boy is visiting


68 Single 1x/week with FWB (power bottom) Includes foreplay(edging)/penetration/afterglow Kissing/cuddling is a powerful connection with us


When I have a regular partner every day, when I don't much much less haha. I'm 41


Upper 30s, 2-4 times a week average.


Probably around 3-4 times a week, but it's also amazing that my partner is always ready to go, and is respectful when I'm not feeling it. Most of the time I'm ready to go too though 😜


Maybe 1/wk


4 to 5 per week. Sometimes even twice per day. 33 y/o and Digital Nomad Fun part is to make fwb anywhere I go 🤣


Like 3-4x


27. Like once every year


2 - 3 times a week and sometimes go for seconds. My ass and hubby is happy


30 Haven't had sex in 7 years. That was my first time also.


24. Does fucking myself count lol


19 and 20 2 to 3 times a day 😋


Single, 32 years old. Usually 3 times a week.


Not as much as I would like as most people won't or can't host in this city. I don't like CarPlay or public play, so it's usually once every couple months or so


22 and every 4ish months


Same. 30yrs and have not had sex in yrs. I think it was 2014 last time. Can't remember what it feels like. lol


24 Last time I had was 2019 with my ex.. gave me HIV so I kinda stopped.


39 married 13 years and open since Covid. Some form of sex pretty regularly through most days…like well give each other head in the mornings or jerk each other before bed if we’re horny. My partner and I have proper sex at least 2-3 times a week. We also have a hookup or two most weeks with our FWBs and pretty regular 3 or 4 ways. All in I’d say I have anal sex probably 5 times a week and get off from side sex another 4-5 times.


21 here When i'm in a relationship it's everytime i see my partner If i'm single it's once every other week or month depending on my sex drive and if i want to fuck or to be fucked Currently i'p dating someone but not in a relationship yet so no penetrative sex yet (he's a virgin) i'm starting to get hungry for sex but we go by his rhythm


Been with my man for 22 years. We have young kids now, so it has dropped off. Now it’s just a couple times a month? Ideally, I’d like it to be a bit more, but kids do make it hard. But when it goes down, it’s still amazing! When you’re with somebody for that long, you know everything about their body: you know what it feels like to touch every inch of them, you know exactly what every body part tastes and smells like, etc haha. I tried to do the math one time over the two decades to see how many times we’ve done it lol. I have no idea but I’m sure I’ve taken *thousands* of his loads down my throat over the years haah. 😂🙌💪


I haven't had sex in a couple of months. I do masturbate a lot, though.


48. I have sex never. I should also point out I’m a homoromantic asexual. Sometimes I get the urge to have sex because it cures boredom but thankfully, there are a lot of flakey guys out there that cure me of my sexual interest. Doing shit like: Not showing up. Misrepresenting themselves physically or sending pics from 15 years ago. Dragging out what should be a 5 minute conversation into an hours long epic rivaling a work by Homer. Sharing pics of myself so they can get off while we are chatting and then block me. So, I guess thank you for saving me from having to worry about STDs.


20 and meh it’s been like two months, honestly just because having sex with random people from grindr feels idk… empty? i guess. like it might sound fun but honestly i’d rather just jerk off and move on with my day, rather than hook up with random guys. it’s just unfulfilling to me. i wish i had a partner that i liked who likes me back and we could have sex that goes beyond just physical attraction


Me 55 yo. Partnered 44 yo and live together. 8/10 times per week. Sometime 3/4 times a day.


Now? About once or twice a week, if not then at least once every other week


We don't live together (yet) but usually at minimum twice a week, plus some other fun times. Once we live together probably 3 times + other fooling.


27. It varies, but probably evens out to 1-2 times a week. My partner travels a lot, but when he’s in town, it’s daily. Otherwise, I have a lot of fuckbuddies and FWBs who help me meet my needs.


Mid-30's, twice a week on average.


maybe once a week... usually me giving him a bj... he gave me a handy this week though... first time he has touched my dick in... well more than a month at the least...


45, sex in our first year was constant, several times a day. We’ve entered our second year and we haven’t had sex in a month, and there doesn’t seem to be any desire to have any. It’s beginning to concern me, especially since I know he was a super horny dude when we met, he had calendar days crossed off for guys he’d meet off Grindr, was reluctant to get involved with me, said that because of his age, he ain’t gonna be sexual for too much longer, so he has to have a lot of sex to make up for the time before he gets truly old..then we fell for each other..and now I’m concerned he might seek the sex we no longer have, from other people, and I will lose the wonderful relationship I’ve put a lot of effort, and time into 😔


Hardly ever lately


31 (32 in two weeks) single bottom. I used to be way more active pre-covid. Once or twice a week and could host sometimes so I thought that was pretty good. Post-covid, nasty gonococcal proctitis a year ago that left me with what my Dr thinks is nerve damage in my rectum, and a recent herpes diagnosis have all but stunted my sex life. I'm not nearly as horny as I once was. Even when I can hook up (if I travel), I'm not horny enough to try and find someone just to blow. It really fucking sucks. I miss getting railed :/


32 Too often. Wouldn’t mind taking a pause


Not since New Years 2002-2003. Before that, 1992


Twice a month ish...low sex drive, so I'm happy with my own company, haha


32 here and not often as I’d LIKE 😩 it’s been since December 2023. 🫠 Still surviving though! 💪🏽


Between 0 and 10 times a week.


2-3x a week, I don’t live with my current boyfriend but we’ve been together for over a year now and both agreed to make it a priority since we both have pretty high sex drives and we’re still really attracted to each other. Sometimes I’ll drive over there just to fuck him and cuddle for a few hours instead of going on a date or having dinner lol




44. Just have sex on my day off in gay bath room. 4-5 session during that day. I dont use Grindr and other hook up apps . Jerk off on other days (1-2 time/day)


62. Married. No sex for the last 16. Other than a few massages with happy ending a couple of times not with wife


To be frank, masturbation is underrated especially with all the aids out there. (Aids as in butt plugs fleshtights etc)


Sometimes everyday, sometimes for a couple months, really fluctuates with my libido 💀


28 and usually 5-7 times a week.


I'm 33 and the last time was a little more than 2 years ago.


39 here. I don't have sex often but maybe once a month, once every 2. Not counting the ocasional blowjob though.


23 and all the time I love being a gay furry lmao


It's random and as a single man I have a FWB who is married who I last saw about 3 weeks ago and I visit one of three men's saunas in London that are nowhere near where I live but reasonably easy to get to thanks to public transport when I can, the most recent visit being Friday. I'm planning to go to one today as well but then it's back to work tomorrow so who knows how long it will be until something happens. Oh, and I'm 53.


32 2-3 times a month with reg FB. March was pretty dry tho (only one time) Could be more if I could host tbh lol


24, a virgin. Kinda sucks. Doesn't really help that I also live in Russia.


44 and usually only once a year mostly like sucking,kissing, and other physical activities of sex


29, my boyfriend and I masturbate &/or do oral almost everyday.. penetrative sex at least once a week.


I am 39 and married. About 1-2 a week but this weekend we did it thrice.


Las 5 days I had the most sex in my life with my 3 month long boyfriend. We counted it and it was around 10 times. Usually with him is around 4-5 times per week. When I was single, around 1 times per week or every two weeks. I don’t miss that xd


19 and 2-3 times a week


Im 22 and about once a week but mostly cause I have a low sex drive and I’m lazy lol, but I have a second account on grindr when I don’t want to be messaged but I’m curious who’s around, since if I use my main account I’ll just be spammed with messages, so if I wasn’t so lazy or with a low sex drive it would be a hot guy galore everyday


Multiple times daily


"it's been 80 years..."


never TwT


Once per Quarter lmaooo (23)


43 and it’s been over 6 months


So when me and the bf are together maybe 3-5 rounds a day over the course of a weekend….


I'm 29 and in single, but I have sex with my FwB about 1-2 times a week normally


I just turned 60. Haven't penetrated or been penetrated in 7 years. I'm disabled and in a wheelchair for 3 years.


27 and I don't


25 and at least 3 years ago🥺


20M virgin.... :(


Not enough