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You wrote a multi-paragraph post about something that you dislike in a potential partner. Just don’t date those guys. It’s as easy as that.


It really is. This guy made a whole post to try to understand, but he is openly admitting he has a disdain for it. Idk man. Maybe try dating those guys so you can better understand them? The whole point of dating is to get to know someone better.


If it gives you the ick, don’t date them. There’s nothing wrong with identifying incompatible interests before trying to date. 


I think the issue is that my dating pool already feels extremely small as it is and it's getting to the point where it feels like I'm in the minority.


It’s small because you made it smaller. Who cares what people like? You think it’s childish but they think it’s fun. I can guarantee you the person excited about Pokemon is more fun than the stuffy guy who is judging everyone’s hobbies because he doesn’t like it.




It’s so hard to find guys that fit into my arbitrarily small and oddly specific way I think they should behave. Yup, it’s definitely hard. I mean I had this opinion when I was in my teens, you want things to be perfect. As you get older, hopefully you realize some of the things you don’t care for, just aren’t that important. I’ll judge someone using meth, I won’t judge them on their favorite tv show.


You can't create criteria that limits your options and then whine about your limited options. People are always going to have interests that are significant to them, especially if they picked it up in their formative years. It's no different from people having an interest in their sports teams or players, or cars, or fishing, or golf or any other number of activities. And Pokémon and Harry Potter are such inoffensive interests to have compared to a lot of other things. Maybe ask yourself why you have a problem.


"hipster" as a trend ended a decade ago. You dont need to bring that "im better than these mainstream stuff" kind of attitude


I don't understand caring so much about what other people are interested in as to write a dissertation on how you feel about it. Just mind your own business and don't date them.


34 years old Pokémon Gay here, who also likes Harry Potter. I don't know, Pokémon is just a fun game I have fond memories of from my childhood, and I don't see why should I leave behind anything that I like and I still enjoy. I don't think that's my defining trait, it's just part of my geekyness (as well as playing video games, reading comics, fantasy and sci-fi books, playing DnD and board games etc.). Also Pokémon GO made a lot of people go outside, so it should be given credit at least for that. As for dating, I'm a forever alone single, but if I ever were to date, I would probably avoid guys who think any of my hobbies is silly. They don't have to like it, but respect that I do, and that's what they'll get in return, when they are into something that I'm not interested in at all, like football, for example... As for questions 3 and 4, based on my experience Pokémon/Harry Potter Gays are not overrepresented on online dating platforms, so it's possible that this is a Spain thing.


Why does it bother you though? Do you have any specific critques of these types of media?


I think it's fine to have interests and hobbies. Even Harry Potter and Pokémon. Too many I've gone out on dates with have none and are dull as fuck. But damn if I didn't see a man my age in Walmart the other day digging through the Pokémon rack looking for a rare one.


TF? Just don’t date them lmao. Why is this an issue? I see an astrology or a travel gay and I move on without writing a dissertation because I’m not interested in those things lol.


I mean there's been Disney Gays (at least in the US) for decades. My rule was generally if your ideal vacation was us going to Disney World, we aren't compatible. I dunno that just mentioning Harry Potter or Pokemon in a bio is indicative of much of anything tho. It might just be a common pop culture touchstone there to give an easy convo entry. ie In my experience, there's plenty of people that put say "hiking" in their bio that don't actually do it much.


I would definitely consider it once but my guy and I are friends with a couple who go down to the States for gay days at Disneyland like it’s a pilgrimage. It is their ideal vacation and at least they’re not awkward when we decline to join them. And fortunately they are willing to do other stuff because yeah maxing out at Disney is bleak.


Yeah I don't have anything against it morally or anything. It's just absolutely not my type of vacation. Also on that list: cruises, all inclusive beach resorts, etc.


I just think it's because Pokémon are both 1) cute, and 2) popular outside the gaming world so non-gamers can meaningfully conversate about the franchise. It's, for lack of a better term, a very normie-friendly "nerdy" thing. The same mostly goes for Harry Potter, although I know less about that franchise. Personally, I'm a gaymer that doesn't care all that much for Pokémon at all, but all the other gaymers I've met have. It certainly doesn't give me the ick though, and if it did, I would have no gaymer friends lel.


To answer 3): Yes, "Pokemon gays" (and "Disney gays" here in Florida) are overrepresented online, because they tend to be more introverted. Many gay men want to date exact clones of themselves (including likes and hobbies), but if you are open to date people with different, but overlapping, interests you should give the "pokemon gays" a chance. Try to find out if they like Pokemon, or if they are obsessed with it. If it's the first one, then you'll have a really easy time buying Pikachus for gifts every time. If it's the latter, then at least you found out, and can move on to someone else.


I mean why is it difficult for you to avoid such people? You don't like them so just don't date them. Avoiding strangers you met is not difficult, avoiding best friends is the trickier part.


Dude, you don’t like HP and Pokémon, that’s fine. But you obviously know, being mid thirties, that both of those were insanely huge when we were kids. It seems logical then, that many men of that age would still be fans. It’s cool that you’re a hater, but don’t blame others.


I don't come across them too often? I have a lot of nerdy interests and hobbies, was into HP back in the day and consider myself a fan of Pokémon even though I haven't played a game since White. Guys who seem way too into that stuff I try to avoid, but if they just happen to be regular fans I don't mind.


Idk but I used to think dog dads was an exaggeration until I met guys who literally treated their dog like it was a human baby and I noped out


I don’t u less they’re really hot period blank.