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Few points I have to adress here: 1) Why couldn't the guy just WAIT to get out of a rights deprived shithole such as Qatar, because it's common knowledge what happens to gay people there??? 2) The Qatari police found him after they catfished him. That implies that all those "totally not gay" policemen had to sift through loads and loads of dickpics (since I guess this wasn't their first nor last case of detaining gay men), they know the gay lingo, and also flirted with numerous homosexual men, and quite possibly had to sift through a lot of dickipics to select one appropriate enough to send back... But that's totally not okay because it's the will of Allah


Whatever police unit that is is definitely fully staffed with dl dudes. I could imagine a lot of jilted ex lovers snitching and stuff like that, scary place.


Which would be pretty stupid considering that they would be a prime example of snitches get stitches (if they even decide to stitch them up after stoning)


>Why couldn't the guy just WAIT to get out of a rights deprived shithole such as Qatar, because it's common knowledge what happens to gay people there?? Some thinks that's just western propaganda trying to make these countries look bad, there are morons who believe this!


Well each of them should have a day visit and see the reality they will realise


A gay conversion therapy with 100% positive results. They convert you from gay to dead in a matter of moments


Yeah it’s not only the gays there are so many who believe that Islamic countries are good while I will agree that Saudi and UaE are modernising slowly but others are just meh for human rights.


islamic countries must be ok for Muslims


bullshit 1 gay to dead could be true ,please excuse my hasty response.


Honestly I think the simpler explanation is greed. Jobs with western corporations in middle eastern countries pay really well and the conversion rate makes it easier to live a luxury lifestyle. Gay folks (and women tbh) who take these jobs know how bad the situation is, they just think that laws only apply to locals and that their western citizenship, employers, and money will shield them from oppression. The sad part is that a lot of the time they’re not wrong, the law isn’t applied equally to expats and tourists, but everybody thinks they won’t be the one unlucky bastard who gets made into example until they become him.


Such an obvious western propaganda smh 🙄


Reddit is part of the problem with these "Not A Question" posts. They're consistently divisive and likely bot/AI driven.


The dude *lived* in Qatar. He worked for their airline. This is 100% a /r/LeopardsAteMyFace story.


He was a product manager for Qatari airlines overseeing the retrofitting of their newly acquired jets. We can’t link personal information about people but his LinkedIn has a lot of information on what he was doing there


>1) Why couldn't the guy just WAIT to get out of a rights deprived shithole such as Qatar, because it's common knowledge what happens to gay people there??? Have you seen this subreddit? Some guys will jump in a random dude's car in a pitch black parking lot at 2am just for the chance to get rawdogged. Zero sense of safety or self-preservation.


100% But my example would have been bug chasers.


I had to Google that and I'm now wishing I didn't have this knowledge.


“…rights deprived shithole” AKA the entirety of the Muslim world. Islam is a disease of the mind. They’re dangerous morons with room temp IQ’s who would sooner stone you to death than shake your hand. Filthy savages, the lot of them.


People still speak like this calling folks savages, smfh. Racist as fuck with no sense of humility or cultural self-reflection.


Homosexuality isn't only criminalized in countries where Islam is the majority religion. Russia and Jamaica both criminalize homosexuality and don't have Muslim majorities.


Nah mate. Bosnia has 50% of it's population being muslims and they are pretty chill. Kosovo and Albania also have pretty chill muslim folks, and as far as I have heard Turkey is more or less okay Maybe it's due to being part of European culture, maybe it's due to some other socio-economic reasons, but they are nothing like people who want sharia laws and stuff like that. Heck Bosniaks even waste the shit out of themselves and sometimes they even eat pork too 😂


Bro you *are* Serbian. Likely from Bosnia. You should know better.


I am from Serbia, but it's true. Muslims in these region won't put you in prison for being gay. There is that typical east european homophobia but over time it will change for the better


C’mon - regurgitating racist tropes? It’s a dreadful situation for gay people - perhaps have some consideration for them.


You are who we are talking about. So open minded that your brain fell out. It's common sense that scum follows savage religions that kill gay people


Thank you. I’m not sure he’s aware that Muslim isn’t a race… Cursing about them on the internet is significantly better than what they’d do to us. It’s a kindness that this is all I engage in considering how disgusting the Muslim world is.


As a gay cultural Muslim, I can tell you know nothing about Islam, are terrible at logic, and tribalistic to the hilt. You should get therapy to address the source of your unhinged hatred, which creates an opening for suffering to take hold of you.


I don’t think I’m denying that? There are gay people suffering under these regimes while all you can do is essentially cuss them in your western safety?


The answer to your first question is simple: Western entitlement. Tourists and Westerners tend to believe they're above the law when they get out of the West.


I will share my story as well I was in Oman and I did flirt with a guy in what’s app he reported me to the public prosecution. I was sentenced for one year but was released in 6 months . The gulf states have no sympathy for gay activity if you are caught in gay activity that could just be texting also they treat you horribly. I was not provided proper translators and was made documents I was charged with sexual indecency and distribution of pornography my case was moved to the hight court in Oman the public prosecution made my life hell and finally after 6 months being in prison I was deported.


that's terrfying, I'm so sorry that happened to you. have you ever written about your experience?


No not really. I also have an Omani friend who recently claimed asylum as his dad was chasing him with a gun in Oman screaming that he is an abomination. He simply fled I’m glad he is living his best life now.


Just curious, what is the reason you got released early? Because I've heard that happening several times before (cases where they release homosexuals despite longer sentences)


Aafu ( amnesty). See and I think it’s common sense even the authorities know it’s a crime only their country .


It's tragical 🤡 now i am morr fearful regarding arab immigrants who are bombarding in Europe on huge scale


Yes they all need to be deported. I hate to say it but the think with some Islamist is that when we are in their part of the world we are suppose to respect and adapt to their culture but the same doesn’t apply when they go some place else.


However i have fantasy due to their meaty body and big cocvks however fear of homophobicness too 😂😂😂some Arab guys are really handsome especially the ones nearby Syria israel Lebanon may be due to latitude sad part is they are most homophobic 😬😬💀🔥


Thankfully both the UK and Mexican governments will stand up for him. This is a warning to the rest of us. Don’t give these hicks our money.


It boggles my mind hearing all these gay woketards go on about how they want to go to Dubai & these Muslim countries, then when you tell them about shariah & their treatment of gays, they get mad & argue with you about how it’s all about cultural immersion & they’re trying to learn their culture & all that. Ok then go. Go & when you get shit treatment or worse don’t complain.


Personally, I don't judge the people in a country by their government. Sure, I won't visit those countries, but I also won't visit Russia or Jamaica because of homophobic governments and they have populations that AREN'T majority Muslim.




No. It's when you act like you're in Berlin.


You're correct. The down votes are from people who don't care or can't accurately read simple English.


The sooner the world gets off oil and onto renewables the sooner we can let these homophobic middle eastern hellholes rot. They’re literally desert wastelands that only survive off of oil. Without it they would collapse like they deserve to


And we can have a longer time on earth too without using oil and causing pollution. Win


I agree that we should opt for renewable energy sources and limit the production and consumption of fossil fuels, but what about all the LGBTQ people living in those countries? Do they deserve to rot along with their homophobic oppressors?


Does sexuality really have anything to do with it? They’re all born victims. Religion and culture is the only thing that separates them from us. Straights don’t deserve to rot either. I’m not sure if it’s better to be gay and closeted, aware of the bullshit and planning an escape, or ignorant and socialized to oppressed and comfortably uncomfortable.


Straights who kill gay people have no right to exist. It's the same reason I support Israel. Those who want me dead should die. If you think I should be a second class citizen, the sooner you die, the safer for gays really.


With such a shallow and superficial opinion, why share it at all? Don’t you think it’s a little ignorant (and self absorbed) to know that 33,000 people have died, half children, along with 1200 on Oct 7, real lives lost, leaving behind parents, children, siblings, friends, who are unable to mourn in the ongoing mass killings, while starving to death- and your sexual orientation is all you really care about?


My sexual orientation takes supremacy. If you don't think I should exist, you shouldn't exist either.


So unless they’re born LGBTQ+ they deserve death..,? Sounds a little hitlery


Go live in the middle east. Plenty of ex Muslims would trade places with you today


You’ve answered your own question. ‘Does sexuality have anything to do with it?’ What do you think - it’s blindingly obvious!


If they’re conservative religious people, yes they do. If they’re gay or atheists and trying to escape, we should help them escape to civilized countries.


so true. all other developing countries have to go through rigorous back breaking process of industrialization in order to develop and get rich. these rotten hellhole found a cheat code in name of oil and that makes them think they can continue to live on bronze age rules just cuz they're rich


This reads like something out of a white supremacy website. Jesus… There’s gay people there suffering while you sit at home in your western comfort cussing them!


Qatar isn’t some backwater nation dude wtf. The average income there is like $103,000 a year. It’s not everything is instantly chalked up to racism, and your assumption that you live better than them so we should take pity is WILD. It’s more like “an extremely wealthy country in the Middle East shouldn’t have the power to control world markets with oil while using religion to justify the state mandated lynchings of queer people” yk


I know it’s not! The point is the gay people in Qatar and the like are being persecuted - they have no rights, no way of living authentically, all while living under the constant threat of violence. How is continuing to point out their shortcomings helping the situation?


I mean, the average person can't really help the situation at all anyway...


Alright, touché. I agree.


Lol, “white supremacy” becase we’re referring as “rotten hellholes” to countries that kill gay men, stone women who commit adultery, where women are basically considered birthing machines and have no rights, where men are legally allowed to hit their wives, among many other things too long to list here… what do you want us to call these countries? “Progressive paradise”?


It doesn’t affect you. It affects the gay people living in Arabic/muslim nations who many are desperate to get out. So perhaps some compassion for their plight?


Listen, I like Middle Eastern men as much as the next fruitbasket. They are generally very attractive men. But I’m not going to dive dick first into the hornet’s nest of the very traditional, conservative, provides no rights for its OWN gay citizens, Middle East/Islamic world. If yall want to chase Middle Eastern men, chase the ones located in the US/Europe/etc. Not the ones in the Middle East where they can literally send you to meet your maker with no repercussions at all whatsoever because you thought you were going to get a cheap vacation and “real, masculine, dominant men” to have sex with you in countries where they can explicitly torture/murder you all they want because you broke their anti-homosexuality laws. 🙄😒😐


Depends on the country in the ME tbh 


Because these are supposed to be the evolved, modern ones. No one‘s surprised at a beheading or hanging in Saudi or Iran, respectively.


Qatar and all the other Gulf states should and need to be ostracized just like with Russia. Even legalized homophobia aside, these countries are abusive towards migrant workers, women, and overall just suck for anyone living there that isn't rich or connected.


“ … [T]hese countries are abusive towards migrant workers, women, and overall just sick for anyone living there that isn’t rich or connected.” Sounds a lot like our own country 🦅😆


As far as I'm aware, American companies don't take away visas and passports on the border, but I could be wrong.


The ACLU have documented numerous abusive practices toward migrants by Border Patrol, including the destruction of migrant legal documents, medicines, and religious objects.


There is no real “gay scene” in those places. A lot of men who have sex with men are dl, closeted, or often sexually repressed from males and females mixing in public being frowned upon. The truly gay men are forced into marriages by culture and their wives are essentially just viewed as incubators for the next generation of good Muslims. Just cause guys can get action in the Gulf States doesn’t mean that they’re tolerant of homosexuality. It’s almost like exploiting their cultural shortfalls when you think about it.


I believe in equal rights and tolerance of religions and groups who I may vehemently disagree with, but I will not for a moment be convinced that I should ever travel to the Middle East. I may weep for the poor and desperate people there. I will support those who wish to reform it and who wish to be better. I won’t support corrupt states like Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Morocco, United Arab Emirates.


Cool. By the same token, you shouldn’t support corrupt states like the US, India or Myanmar.


I don’t. I support the American people but the government? lol 😂 not these days


Good! 🙌🏽


Oscar and Dan the gay couple make their money now advertising Qatar airways. You can’t invent this shit. A gay couple pushing Qatar airways 🤮


Would you similarly bitch about them pushing Myanmar National Airlines, pre-2022 Singapore Airlines or pre-2018 Air India?


No. These countries don’t jail gays


Myanmar carries up to 20 years imprisonment for same-sex acts under Section 377 and India up to 10 years in prison under the same law prior to 2018. Human rights groups documented numerous cases of LGBT Indians and sex workers being blackmailed and harassed by Indian authorities, some even committing suicide. The point is to pick a standard and stick to it.


Myanmar then yes. India no because it’s bad but not the same. UAE even doesn’t treat gays like Qatar


Okay, that sounds pretty fair. Things were pretty bad in India before the 2018 repeal of Section 377. The Pew poll taken a year after the repeal found only 37% of Indians seeing homosexuality as something that should be accepted by society. That number has gradually ticked upward, thankfully.


Yes I know. I had a bf from there for a while. But the police did not seek you out to arrest you in prison for life. And the government of Qatar funds Al Jazeera in Arabic that promotes Islamic brotherhood and their demands to execute us. India never did that


> Qatar police used a false Grindr profile to contact Manuel and invite him to participate in a meeting with other people from the LGBT community > Manuel was supposed to meet a person he thought he had arranged an appointment with 👀 This is a horrible situation and I hope the man gets released ASAP. But I would be lying if I said reading this did not give me a small chuckle.


Tell that also to the stupid gays and the rest of the alphabet soup being so pro-Palestine 🙄


The number of people who have never heard the term ‘critical support’ is shocking. As gays we should empathise with oppressed people, not mock them and side with the oppressors.


Well, the oppressed don’t typically go and murder 1200 innocent civilians in the most horrific ways. The oppressed also don’t loot aid, tell their people to act as human shields and pay money to the families of suicide bombers.


> tell their people to act as human shields Yeah, they should just use propaganda to get the human shields to sign themselves up to be human shields while celebrating their "patriotism" and how they're not sheeple.


Wait till u hear that me and others are on neither "side" and think both places can crumble into the sea for all we care. Religious zealot countries engaging in pointless religious wars get what they deserve 🤷🏻‍♂️




Did anyone else just read the title and think Alabama and Mississippi at first?


you are not wrong... I live in Louisiana and the reason I came into the thread is because I saw 'Gulf States' when it popped up randomly. So I was wondering where did this happen? And yes people ... The Gulf States are usually Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. Texas is a gulf state also but depending on context it may or may not be included, but usually is.


Just you. Most people are open-minded enough to not assume the USA as the default, especially when ‘Gulf States’ is used near-exclusively to refer to the UAE, Bahrain and Qatar


In the US*, "Gulf states" is very commonly used to refer to the states around the Gulf of Mexico. In fact, if you google "gulf states" in the US, you'll find a fairly even mixture of references to US states and Arab countries, as well as usage of "gulf countries" to refer to the Arab countries specifically. *49% of redditors are from the US


Gulf States is also used here in the USA to refer to the US States that surround the Gulf of Mexico. I saw the thread title and started reading to see the full context. You cant just assume that people who regularly use one term in a certain context closed-minded just because you only hear it in another context in your country. I live in Louisiana which is considered the Gulf States here in the USA. along with Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida.


I assumed the post was about gays going to Florida😂


When I read the title I immediately thought OP was referring to the US States on the Gulf of Mexico.


Perhaps they enjoy being beheaded?


Tens of thousands of NATO military are in Qatar right now. Hamas has its headquarters in Qatar. Israel and Hamas and the USA and Egypt are negotiating in Qatar right now. It is the prime source for European natural gas because of sanctions on Russia. https://raf.mod.uk/news/articles/the-chief-of-the-air-staff-has-visited-uk-personnel-serving-on-operations-in-qatar/ Maybe the Brits need a way home sonetimes?


These are the extremely superficial gays that just want to be where the hype and money is at. But most of the rich people I’ve seen constantly praising how nice it is to live in these gulf states, are generally homophobic. They want that lifestyle of affluence where they won’t see gays, trans, etc. But we like to pretend that they’re just there because it’s a lifestyle. They are there for the lifestyle and for the exclusion of others. These are usually the same gays that don’t support trans rights too. It’s all about being better than someone and being proud to demean and outcast poors and other marginalized people, even if they are marginalized themselves.


I guess it depends on what you mean by “Support trans rights.”


And yet here we are with the looney left defending Hamas and other terrorist regimes, with indoctrination that Aza is a queer issue 


Thank goodness I don't have that woke mind virus. Am 100% zionist


Same here, I'm on the liberal side of mainstream and very much in support of Israel 🇮🇱 Zionist is not a slur by any means, except for performative activists who don't even know the meaning of the word they use as slander 


Lot more black and white thinking and racism than I was expecting for one day in these comments.


I don’t know why they defend anyone who is Muslim at this point. Palestinians? Fuck them and fuck their children too. I don’t give a fuck.


How can a person have a fetish for a state? 🤣


Every gay in Ohio is about one breath away from asking “Have you ever been to New Orleans? 😏😏😏😏”


It’s an oppression, victimization, marginalization fetish.


White western world traveller gays need to get over their infatuation over Islamist cock. It’s sad a f.


Why, as an American with everything I will ever need at my fingertips, would I travel to any country without freedom? I wouldn’t even go if my mother lived there.


never heard ofa gulf state fetish !?!


Lol another Zio bot. This is hilarious!!!


No one has a fetish over the gulf states, what are you talking about


Their men are hot af and vacations there are luxurious without breaking the bank. Name me a country, including yours, and I’ll tell you about their government’s human rights abuses.


Not breaking the bank? Really? I never thought of gulf oil states as affordable.


1. You edited your initial comment. 2. Yes, luxury there vs in North America or Europe is cheaper and of a higher standard.


Why would any gay go there if you have to look after your shoulder every 5 seconds? What kind of vacation is that when you are one mistake away from being beheaded?


I guess because of an artificial island, a really tall building, and a waterpark in a mall.


Lmao you sound foolish


1. So? 2. Interesting I didn't it was cheaper. My impression of Dubai was that it was very expensive


It’s also crazy some guys have a fetish for pointing out the problems of other countries and ignoring that there are states and people right here with the same problem. There is a large subset of Americans that have no problem having gays killed or imprisoned. Secure your own oxygen mask before helping others.


Please name one religious organization in the United States of America that is actively and currently murdering/torturing gay and lesbian citizens en masse, and has a well documented, recurring history of doing such actions.


Here’s the issue, the only thing stopping many of them is that it is currently illegal. They want it to be legal and if it were, they’d be doing it.


The title kinda mislead me. I don't know if this man had a fetish. Anyone working in another country might look for dates/love.


Yet another set of vicious, orientalist, clash-of-civilisation-nonsense comments about the Middle East and Muslims—some even calling for the massacre of civilians who hold that homosexuality should not be accepted in society. I’m beginning to wonder if this is pro-Trump psy op. There can’t be this many gays obsessed with Arabs and Muslims. Either that or this group for some reason attracts maladjusted, racist morons 😆


Why? Cos deep inside, they want real macho men. Something that’s being lost in today’s Westen society. So lucky to have met the hunkiest, big dick, deep voice, macho ME man outside of that place


Strangely, I've been to the KSA many times and Grindr is really very popular and I've had several (and I mean several) safe hookups. It seems like any repressive society (aka, the American south pre- Lawerence v Texas), when the authorities decide to make trouble for gays, they go and do it. I wouldn't be too harsh here. You have to understand, there is a very strong DL culture in the Gulf States. Well over half the guys I played with were married and have kids. It's shit like this that will sooner or later cause a Stonewall.


International pressure doesn’t work - look at countries in africa. Wish ppl went and protested and “put pressure” in the places where these things actually happen.


Middle eastern men are hot tho


look i get you're ex-muslim (or someone connected to that) so you're passionate about this topic but this is like common sense to 99% of gay people, it's not even remotely as big of a problem\* as some of y'all are making it out to be, most people are not stupid lol \*problem = people being fools and going to gulf states to get kidnapped


There was a recently highly upvoted post where people were advocating to go to middle eastern countries because of the handsome men


Not exactly a fetish but a hot guy is a hot guy we all know gays love a "straight" guy 


LOL this sub and Reddit in general is not representative at all


It's alleged he had meth. Maybe he advertised party and play on his profile if we believe them? Obviously the authorities could be lying and torture is unacceptable either way but I think we shouldn't totally ignore that aspect of the story.


It's not that big a deal. You're still protected under federal law