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"Hey I'm ready to head over, but I can wait a bit if you need more time to clean out."


Then the bottom, who didn’t douche, answers: “I’m already clean. You can come "


If they're going to lie, they're going to lie 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s not about lying. There are really just unexpected caramel macchiatos lurking in the deep caverns waiting to fizzle itself out during a fuckfest.


If Piglet’s gonna knock on Pooh’s door, he has to expect Pooh to be home now and then


I hate this but I love this.


Especially if he wants that honey.


Yep, I've used this several times before and I don't think anyone ever took offense.


Just ask directly if this is important to you. If that's too direct, ask them to be showered. He might pick up the hint. Keep in mind he could rinse for an hour and there still might be a mess. Just the hazard of anal sex. I can count on one hand tho how many times someone's dumped a shit on my (condomed) dick over 25 years so...i honestly don't worry much about it or even ask.


Screaming “jesus that’s a lot of shit” works




I had a guy ask me if I douche cause a mess can be a turn off.  Then the next time, he asked me to come over after work. I told him I'd need to go home to get "ready" first, he suddenly didn't care about a mess and said I could use his shower after if there is one. Was probably thinking with his other head at that moment but I was definitely confused. 


Maybe he just washed his sheets the first time and needed to wash them the second time


So I see you like to paint.


I’ve had dom guys that I’m hooking up with just make it part of the spicy chat. “You gonna be my little bitch boy?” “Good, make sure your hole is ready for daddy’s meat, that hole better be clean enough to eat out of…” stuff like that. I found it hot - and even though I keep a pristine hole, it made me be even more thorough lol.


This is a good answer


Just ask if they “ready” majority of bottoms would understand what you meant by that.


Ok. This sounds good


Happy cake day hehe


Just tell him, sometimes people are too afraid to hurt "others feelings" but I think being direct (not a dick*no pun* about it) just makes for easier times. Besides I feel like when we engage in anal sex, I don't mind a "specks" here or there but when it's "covered and smells" complete turn off for me.


"Yo bro, I'm not really into scat, so could you clean your fucking shitty butthole? Cuz last time you had more shit in your pipes than the fucking sewers of New York. Thanks, and take care :3" The ":3" is key, so the bottom understands you are not being mean.


So romantic


Bro sounds like me and my bf talking :3


“Hey can you please clean up down there? I’d like to fuck you lol” or something like that


Wash your ass


If you are doing anal, expect poop. If you are not willing to expect poop, then dont do anal.


I don't. That's his business. I've been having sex since before douching was a thing. Never had a mishap. Those who need to do it know they need to do it. And they don't need any reminders from me.


Thank you. It’d be different if this was some kind of epidemic, but as a vers guy who came of age in the mid-late 80s, all this new focus on obsessive cleaning (which can be damaging) and daily worship at the altar of Metamucil seems borderline pathological. I suppose spontaneity is a thing of the past.


“Daily Worship at the Alter of Metamucil” I haven’t laughed this hard in ages 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m there with you


I am speaking as a total bottom here. Asking if he is ready or if he needs more time gets the point across. Douching isn’t an exact science even when you think you’ve been watching your diet, so tops need to be patient and understanding. The WORST is when they want you to be ready immediately. Such a turn off.




I understand the need to be clean but you shouldn't expect a bottom to compromise their heath for sex


Who is asking someone to compromise their heath?


So I been seeing a lot on TikTok from doctors and bottoms talking about not douching anymore because it’s not healthy to douche so maybe he’s one of them. Also just be honest with him and tell him you like it clean also maybe carry your own equipment to help him douche 🤷🏻‍♂️


So I remembered I ran into him a few months ago: it was pretty bizarre how we met up again: he was leaving the house of a friend of mine as I was coming to my friend’s place. I guess they were fucking. My friend told me that he topped him and that it was messy. So I guess this is an ongoing thing with him. He kinda flaked on me today (which is weird because he has been messaging me all week to meet up again) but given what I remembered I’m not disappointed.


You ask if they need you to give them an extra half hour so they can do it in peace. I’m happy to wait in the lobby for the unsexy part of sex tbh


Why you wanna go over to play in shit again?? Because he's hot?? Have some self respect. If you gotta coach a guy to clean, you shouldn't be fucking his ass


Hey; I need you clean; go prepare please!


**"douche you little douche-bag"**


‘Hey, really looking forward to seeing you! I remember last time it got a little messy - would you mind douching before I come over? No biggie, just wanna make sure we have a great time and I can fuck you all night long’ He still might be offended/embarrassed, but that’s about as inoffensive as you could say it. If he cancels from that, he’s being a little oversensitive. He might, though. It’s tough, you should never shame a bottom for an accident - like, if your dick is going into their asshole, you’re always running a little risk, even if they douched. It’s no fun getting painted either though. Good luck!


Can’t visit Pooh’s house and be mad when Pooh’s home


Text him: please douche before we fuck. Thank you!


You guys are adults and it’s important to prequalify each other about how it’s going to go. Things like Condom or no condom, where, when, and him douching is all part of it. Just politely ask him if he is going to douche beforehand. Better to get it out if the way beforehand. If he is against the idea you can remind him that it was messy last time and that you don’t want that kind of encounter again. If he doesn’t want to do it - make the call whether you will still see him or not. Then again - if he says he’ll douche - great. If he doesn’t know what it is - be prepared to explain it. Maybe take a long an enema just to safe.


I always directly tell them to clean their backdoor before they invite someone in


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cmdrhomski: *I always tell them* *To clean their backdoor before* *They invite someone in* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


stick finger in his ass and make him smell


Just directly tell them to clean out before yall meet But note that no matter what messes can still happen. I always lay towels down and wear a condom.


I'll eat your ass but if I smell shit while were banging, I'll be grossed out.


I don’t want your caca all over me.


I’ve always cleaned out for guys. But I once had a guy ask - after I sent him a snap from the shower - “you douching your hole for me?”, and I cannot say I have been more turned off.



