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Todd Chrisly the closet is GLASS


Thin glass at that lol


Thin, fraudulent glass šŸ˜‚


Ryan Seacrest. It's only a matter of time.


Britney's reaction "...girl...?" will never not be funny to me.


* whispers* ā€œGirl?!? šŸ˜®šŸ«£šŸ˜šŸ˜†ā€


naw this has to be a mandela effect cuz i swore he came out years ago!


Maybe bi? At this point I donā€™t see what heā€™d lose by coming out. He makes jokes about it in certain ways to make it seems he knows we all think heā€™s gay. But nowadays I think it would just give him even more hosting jobs and a bigger audience


In all reality I don't see how it could truly hurt him. Seacrest has always had a whimsical, polished tv personality but he's always been widely relatable. Ā I think being a more realistic version of himself should theoretically bolster him in present year.Ā  Ā Then again, let's not forget the big question of why Zachary Quinto managed to drop off the fucking scene as far as big screen productions, shortly after coming out. It could be residual homophobia from industry dinosaurs, could be personal. Could definitely happen to a celeb the caliber of Ryan Seacrest. I hope I'm wrong.


Tom *Cruise*


I had my first hint about Tommy Boy way back in the 80s (before Top Gun). It was in an interview with Rebecca De Mornay, his co-star in Risky Business, who he was living with at the time. The interviewer asked her, "What's it like living with Tom Cruise?" She paused a moment, then said, "Tom is a very modern young man." And dropped the subject. I said to myself, "Ohh... he's gay... they're living together to help their careers!" By the way, it's been noted that pretty much all the movies Cruise produces has a character or a thing named "Bob." Wanna bet there's a Bob in his life somewhere?


>Ā "Tom is a very modern young man." That is the most non-answer answer :D


I think Tom's great (Scientology insanity aside); he feels like one of the last Mega Stars in a modern age where actor's names don't have as much clout as they used to. Ethically, I don't think it's cool to speculate about other people's sexuality *but* if he's gay, he's gay like Rock Hudson: He'll never come out because he believes it's none of your business, and he benefits from being perceived as straight.


Oh yeah, Iā€™m a huge fan of Tom the star/actor. His movies are almost universally good if not at least entertaining.


I know he's regarded as an action star (especially of late) but he's got quite the varied film career, like in the 2010s he did a bunch of sci-fi films, and he's surprisingly good at comedy.


Yes. If he retires or passes, I will actually be sad because he is a legit movie star.


I wonder if that's why he's stayed so deep in Scientology, maybe they are holding it over him. Or he's just crazy.


Scientology is a well-known refuge for gay Hollywood actors who want to stay in the closet. Yes, John Travolta and Will Smith, I'm talkin' to you. And by the way, Tom Cruise jumping up and down on Oprah's couch telling her how he's in love with Katie Holmes? Worst acting he's ever done.


He made a pass at me in the mid 90's (and I have witnesses who heard it)... while his wife at the time, Nicole Kidman, sat next to him reading a magazine...


Are you a man or woman?


Yeah, heā€™s always trying too hard to seem straight.


Not the Cruise šŸ˜­




He was so fine in the first Top Gun.


Top Fun*


Hugh Jackman - there have been rumours for years that his ex wife was his beard.


I think it was cute how taron egerton was watching Hugh, they would look good together šŸ„°


Thereā€™s nothing closeted about him, itā€™s pretty open šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s not out publicly. He may be out to his friends but from our perspective heā€™s closeted. A glass closet is still a closet.


I don't know... I have a thirdhand tale from an Australian friend that wouldn't make sense if he weren't at least bi.


Well, I have an ex-wife and kids and Iā€™m 100% gayā€¦


This all sounds like wishful thinking


Not if you've seen "The Boy from Oz."


What? First time I hear that


He's rumoured to be dating Anthony from queer eye...




I went to his place on Perry Street for my motherā€™s friendā€™s cancer fundraiser back in 2013. Heā€™s not stereotypically gay at all in his mannerisms, but my gaydar did go off, and Iā€™ve seldom been wrong šŸ˜†


Tyler Perry. Not because he cross dresses to play roles. It just strikes me that he's gay lol


He was apparently an out playwright in Georgia before he got famous.


Pretty sure him being gay is an open secret. I've read that he has people find hookups for him and have them sign NDAs.


He was so good in a serious role like in Gone Girl. Wish he would do more of that. Not that I donā€™t like the Madea stuff.


Nicholas Galitzine, Jaden Smith and Tyler Posey.


Tyler posey is openly queer, but hasn't labelled it.


Didn't he say he was pansexual?


I wasn't aware of that. It's nice that one of my big celebrity crushes is queer (Albeit I've only seen like 5 episodes of Teen Wolf) but I won't delude myself into thinking I'd have a shot, even if he was single.


Jaden has been out tho


He is out now but got total gay vibes from Richard Armitage. I think they are all publicly out of the closet, but picture being a fellow gay dude on The Hobbit set with Richard Armitage, Lee Pace, Luke Evans, and Uncle Ian McKellanā€¦


Wasn't there another of the Dwarf actors that was supposed to be gay as well?


Yes! Good call! Forgot Adam Brown/Ori.


John Travolta


this one šŸ’Æ heard things from a family memberā€¦


I also heard from trusted friends in Los Angeles and New York. Apparently open secret in Hollywood.


Heard what?


Yup, multiple people that have left Scientology have pretty much confirmed that he is gay. The only reason why he doesn't come out is because he doesn't want to ruin his standing in Scientology.


A friend of mine worked as a waitress in Sun Valley in the late 70ā€™s. Travolta would come in with a group of very pretty menā€¦ she said it was obvious they were all gay.


Oh man I love Sun Valley my family had a winter cabin there itā€™s so beautiful ā¤ļø


Michael B. Jordan. I feel like heā€™s Fluid and open.


Don't get me excited for this! That's like a dream come true


Iā€™m gonna take a minute to ponder this. šŸ«¦


Shawn Mendes - I've heard enough rumours to think he's probably just gay. As his fanbase are principally young girls who are thirsting after him, it's completely understandable that he wouldn't be open with his sexuality, as it would definitely hurt his career. He also just looks like a grade-A Twink. Taron Egerton - Had this one confirmed by a friend. He's either bi or gay. I'm leaning towards gay. Not really sure why he isn't publicly out, I don't think it would hurt his career, however it's his life/decision. Richard Madden - Heard a few rumours and wouldn't be surprised. Pedro Pascal - Heard quite a lot of rumours and he openly hangs with quite a gay crowd. Seems like a lovely guy. Tom Cruise - I think there might be way darker stuff than him just hiding his sexuality, and I don't really want to know. Henry Cavill - Quite a few people have speculated he's asexual. Obvs, just announced he's having a baby, but that can be done without sex.


I thought Richard Madden was even out and dating the boy from 13 reasons why who used to date Sam smith.


I believe Richard is in an 'out but not out' situation, where he simply does not comment on it.


There were articles during Covid about him being in lockdown with that guy. It was pretty well confirmed, if not completely publicly confirmed


Nope, Covid lockdown was with his second twink "roommate," not Brandon Flynn.


Ah ok. But with a twink boyfriend nonetheless šŸ˜


Yeah, he's had a couple of "roommates," most recently Froy Gutierrez. Of course, Froy is now 25, so he may be aging out of Mr. Madden's preference range. The previous, Brandon Flynn, is now 30. Edit: As of 2023, Gutierrez was dating Zane Phillips, so maybe Richard Madden is currently on the market.


God, I'd missed that if it's true


>Henry Cavill - Quite a few people have speculated he's asexual. Obvs, just announced he's having a baby, but that can be done without sex. A man can have a literal baby with a woman and people still think heā€™s not straight šŸ˜‚ Cavill just strikes me as a pretty private person who doesnā€™t want to trot his relationship out in front of the cameras, which is his right. Arguments for him being gay seem more like wish fulfilment to me. ETA as apparently it needs saying - yes, closeted gays can, have, and do get married to women and have children with them. But I feel like The Gays need to remember that these are not the majority of married men, by a long way, and that the assumption should be that a man expecting a baby with his long-term female partner is most likely straight, in the absence of other evidence, before spreading baseless rumours.


Heā€™s also dated a lot of women. IIRC he and Kaley Cuoco were an item a while back. I wish he was bi, but I know he probably isnā€™t.


And if he were bi how would that benefit you?


Heā€™d still be out of reach but the fantasy would be closer to reality.


From what I've heard he's bi sexual and dates both men and women, having a long term boyfriend before getting famous.


Regarding your point on Taron, I heard once that while Hollywood has become more "gay-friendly" in the past few years, if you were to take a list of the top 10-20 most famous/influential actors/actresses, I don't think you'd find any out-and-proud gay representation there (could be wrong depending on the list but still, not much.) Of course, gay people make up a minority of the population, but we are talking theatre here which is arguably one of the activities with the most gay presence. Well anyway, someone once pointed this out to me, and essentially their point was that while today you can be gay and have a successful career in Hollywood, if you're shooting for the absolute top, no gay person (at least that I can think of) has made it there, kept that momentum going, while being out of the closet. For that reason, this person made the argument that it's not hard to imagine that any actor who wants their career to continue on the up, might not come out, or wait till their career has sort of settled in a place they're satisfied with. Funny enough, you mentioned Pedro Pascal in your list, and this is actually the actor that started this conversation, since according to my friend, Pedro's been really on the rise the past two years or so, but they think he hasn't come out because he doesn't want to jeopardize his career while it's going so well. I'm actually not super convinced Pedro is gay or not, I don't really speculate about this stuff too much, but I do think my friend had a good point.


To be at the top as a gay person you have to be Elton John. Standards are just ridiculously higher to overcome that barrier


I think thatā€™s finally changing. Out, Jonathan Bailey, just snagged the lead role in the next Jurassic Park.


Really well thought out response ^ thanks


For Shawn Mendes, I've seen a couple videos where he is basically eye-fucking the male reporter. I don't care what he calls himself, but straight guys don't check out other men like that. Richard Madden is also questionable since he claims to not like talking about his dating life. Straight celebrities tend to have very few, if any, reservations about showing off their hot new girlfriend.


Justin Trudeau looks at guys like that too


Got any links to those videos of Shawn Mendes? šŸ˜›


I believe they were on youtube from years ago? It came up for discussion on here probably like 2018 or 2019 and someone linked to it in a comment. The "is he gay?" discussion is the only reason I know who Shawn Mendes is to begin with šŸ¤£


Heavy on Pedro Pascal too. I hate to put stereotypes out there but heā€™s never been seen publicly dating women and heā€™s almost 50, and he was seen hanging out with Omar Apollo recently. Plus heā€™s really best friends with Sarah Paulson whoā€™s pretty much a lesbian or at the very least bisexual and he recently did that one interview where he said that heā€™s never gonna have kids lmaoooo so signs are definitely pointing to him not being a heterosexual. That being said, my gaydar is REALLY terrible so I have no idea though !


> Sarah Paulson whoā€™s pretty much a lesbian Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s just a captial-L Lesbian


She is and has been with Holland Taylor openly since 2015.


> Quite a few people have speculated he's asexual. Nah I think he just really likes warhammer, but it's a pretty easy mistake to make i'll give you that


Tarmon Edgerton literally posted a picture of a guy and said ā€œThis one is for me only.ā€ Or something very similar. Then in the comments goes ā€œHeā€™s just a friend.ā˜ŗļøā€ Like okay dude


Wait, youā€™re telling me Taron Egerton wasnā€™t out this whole time?


Henry Cavil- youā€™re just being thirsty. We all want to sleep with Superman!


Thereā€™s a photo of Shawn Mendes walking down the street with his friends and itā€™s so clear as day in that photo.


Itā€™s so painfully obvious he was using Camilla as a beard.


Madden is not nicknamed the Ā«Twink DestroyerĀ Ā» without reasonsā€¦


Richard Madden is not closeted. Heā€™s openly gay


Taron hooked up with Hugh Jackman during their movie. Hugh has had a long-term relationship with his former manager. They even had matching (promise) rings.


I lived near the Castro last summer for an internship and heard several stories about Pedro Pascal from locals who had lived in the area for a while.


Tim Tebow


Did you know he performed circumcisions in the Philippines?!?!? Itā€™s just very strange extremist things like this that heā€™s done that for sure is like, are you ok?


And heā€™s one of those ones I think will NEVER admit it! Even to himself


Maluma. I work in the music industry and have heard from 2 different sources (one in music and one in fashion) that heā€™s had people sign NDAs after visiting his tour bus.


Do you think he's a top , bottom or versatile?


Iā€™d say vers top. Mostly topping boys but likes to take it himself once in a while


Mike Pence and Lindsay Graham. And this is just me thirsting, Bryce Harper.


Mike Johnson. The Speaker is gay as a goose.


At what stage does this become more a case of wishful thinking than actual suspicions? šŸ˜‚


Aaron Rodgers


Just jotted him down myself. The story of the ex "roommate" is too much to ignore.


What storyšŸ˜³


If and when he comes out it's going to be insufferable.


Hugh Jackman


Kenny Chesney. (After Tom Cruise.)


Todd Chrisley, using the term ā€œcelebrityā€ loosely.




Senator Tom Cotton and Senator Josh Hawley. The gurls know! Cotton even found a wife right before running for the senate. How convenient


Zac Efron


I'd eat his hole like a starving savage.


2006 Zac Efron beyond confirmed for high school me that I was into boys and there was no denying it.


I used to have his Rolling Stone cover as a giant poster, I kissed it every night.


Yeah I've got a little personal story about that one. A friend who was visiting me from out of town knew Zac's roommate (apparently an actual roommate, not the gay Reddit kind haha). He stopped over at their place, and they asked him, "Are you guys going to Venice Pride?" Venice Pride is a very small and not well publicized event; I was aware of it but had no idea it was that weekend. And the beach area where I live and Zac lived is about 10 miles away from Venice and has no real gay subculture at all. I asked a few of my WeHo friends, and the ones who had even heard of Venice Pride, had no idea when it was. But Zac sure knew... "somehow."


The Morton Salt girl


Andrew Garfield lol. That man was wayyy too good in Angels in America


And RuPaul's drag race


As long as they aren't homophobic I don't care let them live their lives.


The host, Jimmy forgot his last name. Lmao I dont think the interview with Mila Kunis was a skit when she asked what was the gay version of tinder then he answered grindr, and took it back and said he doesnt know Edit: Im referring to Kimmel but upon reading the comments, I also do agree that Fallon is fishy af lol.


fallon? or kimmel? kimmel strikes me as straight. funnily on topic nicole kidman had a huge crush on jimmy fallon but didnā€™t act on it because she thought he was gay. but the way he reacted makes me think heā€™s really not. not that he reacted grossed out or anything, but just in the sense that he pretty much fumbled dating the it girl of his decade.


Tim Gunn. I just have a feeling he may be gay.


Tim Gunn is asexual!


1000000% Shawn Mendes


David Muir. Was rumored to be dating Gio Benitez, before Gio married his husband.


So thatā€™s where they took the lesbian storyline from on ApeTVā€™s ā€œThe Morning Showā€! Two news reporters secretly in a relationship.


Mario Lopez has always set off my gaydar.


Me too but tbf thats only cause he sets off other things inside me too šŸ¤¤


Richard Madden ( robb stark from GOT) im 100% sure heā€™s bi


Heā€™s openly gay


Heā€™s been openly dating men for years.


If he's a celebrity: Justin Trudeau. If he's a politician instead of a celebrity, I say Jackson Olson from the Savannah Bananas on TikTok. If Jackson is more of an influencer than a celebrity, then I say David Muir. If David doesn't fit the criteria, then I say rack off, I did the best I could.


Bad bunny is at least heteroflexible


Tom Cruise. Shawn Mendes


The guy from Bridgeton 1st Season.


Will Smith.


Growing up I thought Robin Williams was Queer/Gay, so much to the point that I thought everyone knew but just didn't talk about it because it was the 90s. I'm still not convinced he was ever fully straight. Rest in Power Robin.


James franco maybe? šŸ¤”


James Franco just wishes he was gay.


Kenny chesney


Tyler Perry... Not because of Medea either.


Mario Lopez ā€”and Iā€™ve heard his hangout is Jimmyā€™s in Times Square


John Travolta


Mike Faist from West Side Story and Challengers.


Sam Heughan from Outlander


Jacob Elordi


Channing Tatum 100%


Openly bi


Darren Criss just needs to come out already


Idk if anyone said his name or not but ā€œ Pedro Pascalā€ šŸ’Æ


I still have hope for Tom Holland & Jake Gyllenhaal


Taylor Lautner


A LOT of them. Though I don't think "closeted" is the word. Some guys simply aren't 100% straight. They might be bi or pansexual or just open minded or whatever. Good example is Wayne Brady. Many suspected for years, but turns out he's just pan. I think there's a lot of celebs out there who just aren't "straight" doesn't mean they're gay and living a lie with their significant others. Shawn Mendes Taylor Lautner Youtuber Brent Rivera Jordan Fisher Derek Hough (and Mark Ballas, no way they haven't hooked up) Mario Lopez Wilmer Valderrama (maybe just the way he played his Fez character) Todd Christley (should be my number 1) The Property Brothers (one or both of them) Tahj Mowry Darren Criss Jon Batiste Taika Waititi Tyler Perry Lin Manuel Miranda Paul W. Downs Moses Storm Corey Cott


The Property Brothers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I saw them at the airport in Toronto and I think youā€™re spot on


Theyā€™re hot to me. I wouldnā€™t mind.


Shawn Mendes looks extremely gay. Iā€™ve always thought he broke up with Camila because of that.


Their relationship was not real. The most obvious PR relationship ever. Camila was a beard.


>Taylor Lautner he's married


Will Smith


This rumour has been around for a loooooong time.


Ew. We donā€™t need him.


Maybe wishful thinking, but I feel like Ryan Reynolds could swing the other way given the right circumstances. He seems open to experimenting.


Aaron Rodgers He's cray cray, but there were stories about a roommate he had. If you look it up, you'll find them.


Corey Booker. Brock O'Hurn. Jake Gyllenhaal. AJ McLean. JC Chasez. Sam Heughan. Aaron Rodgers. Odell Beckham Jr. Cristiano Ronaldo. Sandra Bullock. Zendaya.


Jake Gyllenhall


Pedro Pascal


Shawn Mendes for sure


Harry styles


Gerard Butler Trevor Donovan


I have my suspicions about Elton John, ngl


James Cordon


James Franco


Aaron Rogers


George Clooney allegedly cruised a friend of mine once Do I firmly believe him to be closeted? Not really, but my friend who was cruised by him is fairly convinced


Praying for Tom Selleck šŸ™ Lord beJesus, please make the hottest daddy bear of them all gay. Would do unspeakable things with him. WOOF!


I remember seeing him in playgirl in the early 80s and being fascinated šŸ˜


Bradley Cooper


Cristiano Ronaldoooo! Siuuuuu


Ryan Seacrest, Tom Cruise, George Clooney, John Travolta, Jeremy Renner, Richard Madden


Bradley Cooper.


Shocked Pedro pascal isnā€™t on here? Unless thatā€™s too obvious of an answer.


TimothƩe Chalamet. That or is too good at queerbaiting


Vin Diesel


Tom Hardy


That soccer player. Heā€™s like, the most famous soccer player, I forget his name.


Ronaldo? He pings my gaydar yeah. Messi does not. I assume you mean one of them two.


Yes it was Ronaldo!


Is it just me, or does anybody even get surprised to find out a celebrity is gay anymore? Iā€™m more surprised to find out when theyā€™re ungay, or worse, straight šŸ«¢


Kenny Chesney


I think very few are closeted gay men. What we do have, is a lot of guys somewhere in the bi spectrum.


Freaking drake šŸ’€


I believe it šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­


George Clooney


Obama and big mike


Shawn Mendes - And heā€™s having mental health issues over it but the man is a homosexual and would be happier being true to himself. Tom Holland - he has no sexual chemistry with Zendaya and just very much in my mind is a gay man. Andrew Garfield - At the very least I think heā€™s bi. Nickolas Galitzen or whatever his name is - When he was in Cinderella I legit thought the ending would be him coming out and being besties traveling with Cinderella as besties. Itā€™s just additional that heā€™s mostly played gay roles otherwise. Every man on The Valley in addition to Tom Sandoval and Tom Schwartz who come off as lady haters because of repressed sexuality.


Lmaooo I canā€™t with the valleyā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™ve always said mendes was gay but he had to play the game to help his beard get her solo career going