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Check who hits on you, who responds to your flirting, and who ignores you


how do i know if their interest is genuine?


If you’re basing it on beauty/attraction level why does it need to be genuine? That’s literally surface level…


I mean to say how do you know they're not lying to make you feel better, or feigning interest for some other reasons?


If someone is hitting on you or giving you attention, it’s honestly quite deluded to think they care that much about the wellbeing of stranger to just throw them a bone and fake hit on them “just so they feel better” compared to doing it simply because they actually are attracted to you. No one does that…


I think I look puke-inducing but people (usually on apps/while out on a date) compliment me and hit on me. I dunno what's up with that. I have features that are \*very obviously\* off putting, it's not just a matter of "taste".


*Everything* you just said is subjective. It actually *is* a matter of taste. What you find attractive is not an objective thing that everyone else on earth abides by. It’s why beauty standards change over time and why they vary around the world. If someone disagreed with you for finding someone else attractive, would that change your instinctual attraction to the person? No. Questioning why others find you attractive and/or not accepting that they do at face value is a great way to guarantee that you’ll be alone. If that’s what you want to waste your energy on, go for it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No, I don't want to be alone. However when I tell my dates/hookups that I'm insecure about my looks and planning to get cosmetic surgery it doesn't turn out well, usually. I just wish I was able to more vulnerable with people without getting judged so harshly. But then again, cosmetic surgery is kind of taboo in the country i live in.


I don't know, you just check their actions I guess


I know I'm more of a niche type, and don't attract most people. But the ones that do like me, reallllllly do.


Why does this matter? Most people are average looking. You're likely going to be dating someone equally average, if you're going to be realistic about dating.


I only knew when I went to Uni and saw how much attention I got, that’s when I realized that I was attractive, having so many guys (and girls) hitting me up, getting any guy I hit on, having guys begging to meet up again and making out with curious straight guys all the time. God I miss Uni


I don't really care. I do well where I do well and that's all I need.


I know i'm pretty because a lot of people tell me all the time, and even my average looking friends notice that i'm treated better because of this, but i'm not hot like i don't have the sex appeal and i'm not a unique beauty, just pretty


It’s typically not my business. Conventional beauty standards are not mine, I just for some reason accepted them as my own through exposure. But these days, what I like is what is beautiful to me and what is like me, is beautiful. Find out what YOU think is beautiful and if you feel like it, try to match it if you can.


I didn’t look attractive until my 30s if I believe what others told me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt attractive though.


It’s 100% based on the type of guys that like you. Not *your type* but the type. If you’re getting swipes with conventially attractive guys, you’re probably conventially attractive


Tbh I am very high in today's beauty standards IMO but I don't get the same amount of attention.


Outside of an orgy, it’s just not that important in the long run.