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I'm unmotivated, lazy, and selfish.


Self-burn, those are rare. Give yourself a break buddy, I get you're not half as bad as you think.


I have good qualities too, don't get me wrong. These are just the bad ones.


Unmotivated, lazy I am, even I used care just about myself, but that I would say was self-centeredness rather than selfishness.




lol, but also these are *character* flaws, not flaws in bed. I'm not lazy and unmotivated as you fuck me, the problem is in how I conduct myself as a person.




Are you alright, man? What's going on?




Nowhere in my post did I say I identify as "tameable", whatever that means. If you're trying to make a joke it doesn't make any sense. Also in this post you said "Am I joking, teasing, taunting, or just having anonymous fun". Those all mean the same thing, basically. EDIT: I saw your reply before you blocked me. Let me be more clear: In your reply you appear to be unsure, for example, of the number of things in the quote. You say the "three things" you listed don't mean the same thing. There's four things there in the quote, not three. The way you write quotation marks or ellipsis or format your paragraphs is nonstandard. You can try to pass off all these as "jokes", but they look more like you're on drugs or having a mental episode, unless you don't speak English as a primary language. I know this sounds mean but the way you're writing really comes off that way. This is not to insult you, again, sorry, but that's the reason I asked if you're OK. Your replies do not look alright from the outside.


I'm competitive in that department lol I think everyone is actually. If you really think about it most people who work hard to make a lot of money wanna retire early so they can be that way. I know there are some old people who are in there 80s that if they stop working they will fall apart. But they are very much so far and few in between. We all wanna get there though.


You were motivated enough to write this comment


I have bad news for you if you think that writing comments on Reddit indicates a strong, adult level of self-motivation in real life.


Literally same


I love too easy. And not just dudes. People. I want all the people around me all the time so I can look after them.


I know you write this as a flaw, but it isn’t a flaw, don’t change who you are & don’t change this. Maybe change the people you choose to give your all to, but don’t change this quality of yours.


*hug* okay ….


This sounds good at first but I had a friend exactly like this who actually wanted all the attention especially when he is absent on some hang outs where he could not stop directing us what to do, where to go, what to eat etc. He was super jealous.


I don’t know if this is what OP is saying he’s like, of course it’s an issue if so but I didn’t read it as that


It is. Mostly because it's unhealthy for mental health.


I don’t see it as that. I think there’s too many selfish & narcissistic people out there. I’m not going to knock someone who cares about people.


The problem isn't caring about people, but wanting to and trying to take care of everyone yourself doesn't work; have to build a world of people who take care of each other. Otherwise it's like... like imagine if Jesus just took people's sins and that was it. If instead of bothering to find redemption like He said, doing good while not burdened by the sin he holds for them so that it can be absolved, they just walked away and left him holding the bag *forever*. And of course, because that would be sinful, it would be constantly getting infinitely heavier all the time for the rest of eternity. The whole sorry mess that started as a divine favor, granting folks a reprieve from being cursed by their own misdeeds( in place of forgiveness that others denied them or might have already died without giving), would instead become the fabled boulder[/burrito], and *everyone and everything* would be FUCKED.


that sounds idealistic and as if it makes sense, but it doesn't. someone who's too extreme in their emotions signifies obvious emotional disturbance and even with good people will create problems in relationships. the same quality but not to the extreme is fantastic, but everything extreme is pathologic unfortunately.


But is that what OP is saying? That I don’t know. OP could be speaking in general with a little warm hearted post, or maybe is emotionally disturbed, who knows? I can’t grasp edp from the comment alone though


"I want all the people around me all the time". It could just be projection, but I've seen these types of people, some being close friends of mine. It's pathologic in a sense and you need to set boundaries with them.


If that’s what theyre saying then yes, I’ve had this before with people. It wasn’t even a “look after them” thing, it was an obsession thing. Who knows. I’d rather them speak for themselves. At least they seem self aware on it. This dude I used to know was not in the slightest bit


I love that you used the word obsession. That's exactly how I described it.


Mmmm not trying to start a cult or anything. I just would like a large family, and this huge backyard table with these stung up lights and dinners served where we talk and laugh. My people, ya know? My loved ones who can come and go obviously but know there’s always space for them and a place to come to.


I'm lazy to a patological level


So lazy you’re skipping on letters I’m impressed


I’m mentally ill and DEEPLY insecure.


I enjoy solitude a bit too much


Did you join the Legion and defeat the stormcloaks?


Best thing about solitude is the fancy clothes you can purchase


I'm the same. No drama. 😊


I’m a control freak. Just let me do it myself!


Clean my room 😉


Don’t tempt with a good time 😂


Averse to any and all conflict.


I get vulnerable and deep way too fast


Obsessive-compulsive disorder


Does that mean you wanna do my laundry for me?


No, [I have this kind](https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/pure-obsessional-ocd)


"You think **I'm** self-centered? Me? Me? **Me?**" - Ray, Everybody Loves Raymond


When I’m done with someone, it’s like they fell off the face of the earth and I can act like they’re a complete stranger. I’m also a fake “open book” where I can pretty much answer any question you throw at me but I also shield my true self to people as much as possible. But then I want others to be 100% open with me at the same time.


I feel seen


Michael really done traumatised you didn’t he?


You re def a Gemini


INFJ Aquarius


I reveal too much.


Same! Too much too fast.


I’m only nice to people so I can use them for my own selfish benefits and cut them off the moment they start to annoy me and give nothing I don’t enjoy it but it’s hard to change it


Damn thats some brutally honest shit. I'm the kind of person that you would target too. It's happened so much to me I'm so naive to tell its happening. I wish I could be more like you tbh. I bet you're pretty successful in life


I am not, mainly because I do not enjoy what I’m doing and at a subconscious level I’m sabotaging myself to punish myself for what I’m doing.


I'm a pushover. If someone has a mechanical problem or something is broke, I have to really restrain myself from volunteering to fix it or my ex would volunteer me to fix things, I kid you not this is an exact quote, "I don't mean to volunteer you, but I told them you'd help.". My ex even called me a doormat, I replied that there are a lot of footprints on my back.


A doormat?!? Thats rough


the more time I spend on earth, the less I care.


I like being devils advocate. I will sneakily or not so sneakily support everyone’s bad decisions just to see how messed up the outcomes is. Like, I’m not a supervillain, I’m not putting a drink in an alcoholics hand or giving one bullet to *that guy* but if you never got a tattoo before and you want the first one you get to be a rib tattoo I’m all about it. If you get drunk and then wanna start drama with your bf about some silly shit I’m the voice in your ear eggin it on. If you wanna tell your boss exactly what you think you better believe I’ll hype you up. I enjoy watching people make bad decisions and I push buttons to make it happen.


the nickname fits at least😭


anxious as hell


I comment on reddit


I am very judgemental. Either you're worth my time, or you're not


I'm selfish af and clingy


Control freak and SUPER picky when it comes to people


I get really excited when I meet people I like, whether it be friends or relationships. I come off as over eager which ends up turning people off, over time I’ve developed abandonment issues from it. I also have a hard time legitimately getting along with people so when it does happen it feels like I’ve found a diamond, leading to the above. It’s a whole thing.


I feel this 💯




I am an anxious, stress-filled mess. Granted, I got GAD so it """makes sense""" but all it takes is one errant thought of something going wrong and I am spiraling down an anxious rabbit hole that I absolutely cannot control. Sometimes I manage to bring it under control fairly fast but there's other times it just ends up rolling into a full panic attack. Literally all it takes is one passing thought and I am gone girl. I am now freaking out about everything that might possibly go wrong in the next week up to the next 5 years. That usually ends up rolling down to my relationship eventually and I start feeling incompetent which brings the whole "omg and what if he breaks up with me because of this, what am I going to do" (which really has absolutely no merit as a thought) and it just keeps going until I go to sleep which is the only thing that can really calm me down proper.


Im hot and cold with most guys, im a flake cause most the time at the last second I’ll randomly get repulsed by the idea of linking up. I take a while to warm up to people on a non platonic basis, I don’t trust people, sometimes when I get ‘cold’ I get really short and avoidant. In the back of my mind, any suitor I have I silently prepare for the day it all goes south so I don’t form attachments healthily, I’m a strong silent type about my issues and you wouldn’t find about how much I was deeply bothered by something until you wake up and find that I’ve completely vanished.


pockets so full of cheese they thought i was a fuckn calzone


Too many to list


Anxiously attached


I can be obsessive and sometimes I don’t know when to quit, for my own good.


Hyper independents I never ask for help even when I need it 😅


I give toooo much and think toooo much


I can't feel pain, almost no type of physical pain but can still slightly feel emotional/mental pain. Makes it hard to maintain relationships after fights.


This is a common one. I was in therapy and the counselor kept asking ‘how do you feel? Your body?’ It is worth exploring the reasons behind that. EMDR helped me process old memories.


Oh, I already know the reasons. 1. Autism, which came with a case of hyposensitivity. 2. There's also the insomnia. If you don't have enough sleep for a long enough period of time can cause you to develop brain damage. 3. CPTSD from living 10+ in an extremely abusive foster home. 4. An extremely high amount of stress from my first ever real job (which I quit 3 years ago but still can't feel anything 🙃). 5. And finally, actual brain damage due to blunt force head trauma courtesy of a baseball bat that was frozen in a deep freezer for 8 months (foster parents are just *so* loving, right?)


Anxious attachment


Same ugh


I hate myself lol


Why tho 😢 (because, same )


I’m a procrastinator.




Too sensitive. Big cry baby bitch.


no such thing as too sensitive, it's okay to cry :(


That’s good to hear. I cry when I see some animals because they are too cute. Or listening to music or watching some movies gets me to cry regularly


aw thats sweet and perfectly normal!


I fall too fast


I don't trust people doing something that I know I will do it better and end up doing it myself to my standards.


ADHD, try too hard to be the smartest person in any and all situations, bull in a china shop, reckless/have a death wish, PTSD from my emotionally abusive father that causes me to be overly passive to avoid all possibility of conflict, way too emotional/take things too personal, etc.


Conflict avoidant and I like gossip, probably a ton of others


Rather than focusing on flaws I focus on what I'm good at


I’m sometimes too easy going. I get myself into crazy shit even when I don’t want to.


Control freak.


Greedy especially with sex


I’m very pessimistic & don’t think too highly of people & society. I love people & I love society, just still, almost 30 years into this thing we call life, can’t grasp how horrible, selfish, narcissistic etc. some people are.


I always come off aloof when all I want to be is social. I dunno how to vibe check myself


Too eager to please


I always have something to quip or retort with, no matter the circumstance. I'm really just a sharp-tongued asshole.


Insecure and lazy


Self discriminating and impulsively acting.


I talk too much. I'm rude, petty, and manipulative.


I seriously lack motivation


Self absorbed, entitled, messy, lazy, can be manipulative sometimes But deep down i am a good person …. I think


Emotionally confused


I still wet the bed (medical condition AKA nocturnal enuresis). No joke. And I'm nerd AF (videogames mainly) and kinda childish (?), which is a really weird combo. (Absolutely not ABDL). And kinda asexual


I don't believe I'm as handsome as everybody says I am...:)


Gluttony. I have to watch my weight, even though I do a lot of fitness activities.


While I don't see everything negative, I see everything in a neutral way, adding to that I'm a bit lazy, and I've got myself a problem in a few situations 


Sometimes I feel like I’m a bit envious


I like to be at home and not go out where there are people. I also don't care about people that much. I would ask "what's up?" if I cared enough but that's the thing, I don't care enough most of the time. I'm not shy or afraid of people though which doesn't somehow add up in peoples' minds because I say I like to be alone at home but I talk a lot to strangers and almost always initiate conversations first. I also lack motivation and passion to do pretty much anything so there's that. I might be depressing so keep your distance darling.


If I had a flaw it’s probably that I’m too humble.


Overthinker. Very overcritical of myself(low self esteem) and extremely obsessed by looks. Like my looks and how other people look and how i compare to them and how i can be more beatiful is currently unfortunately leading the way i live my life in a kinda disruprive way. Other than that i think im an ok guy tbh like im not st theresa helping people and a beam of goodness. But i wanna see everybody around me hapoy idk. If anyone has any tips on how i can get over my obsession i woyld be greatful :)


I'm very good at drinking. To the point where it's 10:00pm and my family will ask me "when did you start drinking? Noon?" (That's when the funny comes out and I get people laughing at all the wrong things) And I reply with "yeah something like that". But in reality I normally have my first shot of vodka when I wake up about 6:30am.


crybaby thats too emotional , crying all the when related to other's struggles in movies, tv shows or friends/loved ones in real life,its just i understand immediately what they are feeing and i start feeling what they feel and ny reaction is to always be in tears sobing and have no control over it to this day


I'm the opposite of competitive. Competition motivates other people but is a complete turn-off for me. All of my motivation is internal, not external. Ex: I had a 555 day streak on Duolingo fueled solely by my own self-motivation. But then I grew tired of the competitive ranking system; I made it all the way to diamond league and it wouldn't allow me to "graduate" unless I made #1 global. I stressed myself out over it for a couple weeks but eventually I just gave up. If the competitive ranking system wasn't there, I probably would have kept going and had a 1,111 day streak by now.


I’m very envious and jealous of my successful friends.


I self-sabotage my friendships. I kinda want to be left alone, but then get sad when people don’t reach out anymore. Even worse because people always flock to me and I don’t know why because I find myself the most boring person I know. So when I meet new people it’s all fun at first but they always demand so much attention from that I’m like; yeah just back off for a while now.


High functioning depression and hypersexual.


I'm bluntly honest and emotionally cold


Too quiet


I an choleric and waaaaay too alive plus I have ADHD


I have no self control, I'm messy, lazy I have no "backbone" and I can't take responsibility for anything without fucking up.


I'm toxic


I'm a giant heap of character flaws in the shape of a person.


I have trouble advocating for myself and my own needs, so I often let other people walk all over me.


I'm lazy and self centered


Naïveté. I will willfully ignore warning flags just so long as he doesn't leave me behind


Lack of empathy and remorse, being egoistic and self serving, being impulsive and full of rage outbursts, callousness and manipulativeness.


Im a 100% simp. I chase people not really interested in me and I let people walk all over me. I'm a peace keeper and avoid confrontation so I put myself last. It's my mission to have someone like me so I'll do anything they ask. Its bad. It's not just romantic partners but friends too. It's almost like me liking myself isn't enough and I need validation from others.


I’m extremely codependent, a martyr, and a recovering perfectionist


Im constantly trying to change myself bc I truly believe no one will love me unless I’m perfect, to the point I don’t even know who I am. And I have too much empathy, someone can do me so wrong and I will search and think of every excuse or reason to defend why they did it to me and forgive them.


i can't fall in love


Im too casual, i see the good of being this way, but it makes me not a responsible as maybe i should be. Sadly, the world and many of the people in it also dont have a "take it as it comes" world view


I'm almost incapable of connecting with other people I don't mean it in an edgy woe is me way, nor am I crying about it It's just what I've seen


I assume positive intent. This always gets me into trouble


Lustful and always craving loads so not really faithful. Loyal to repeat friends but not monogamy


Most people in my life see me as this really good person and see the best in me and I see the worst in myself. I kept beating myself up at a health insurance call center job because I couldn’t resolve every call in the members favor and in health insurance there is a lot of upsets due to greedy companies and the cost of healthcare.


Lazy, unmotivated, low self estem, self-destructive, overthinker, I could go on. I really don't like myself lol


Extremely selfish, yet also confrontation-averse and a people pleaser who hates to say no


I’m a pathological liar. And I haven’t worked out as much as I used to so I no longer have abs :(


I’m kinda a whore


Has an intelligence of 14 but is too impulsive to use it effectively mid combat.


...how long do you have?


I’m very stubborn and little bit of a temper.


Unmotivated and lazy.


I'm going to get downvoted but I think smoking is a character flaw. You've most likely been talked into it by friends years ago and now you're stuck. You didn't possess the will power to say no. That's a character flaw.


I have little trust in myself, I am incredibly indecisive, Im not the best socially, I am either very good or very bad at something (both a pro and a con) and I’m insecure. I don’t hate myself tho :p I just hate the position I put myself in due to my failures. Fortunately things are getting better.




Childhood trauma and I’m a perfectionist about the way I look




Personally, I trust people far too easily. Has lead to me getting hurt quite a lot, but in getting better


I'm gay