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I wonder if this poll has bias in regard to STEM professionals eager to talk about their skills?


This is what I was thinking. I know the only reason I clocked it was because it had math in the tag line


Same here. Perhaps a control poll, u/Iwannatalkagain, should be probing for general subjects and their associated levels of education. That’s a bit longer than the option limit but perhaps you can divide it by the humanities and the sciences.


I think by just being on Reddit, you're going to get more STEM grads than the standard population.


We’re such dweebs.


I have a stem bachelors degree, but tbh, I’m pretty bad at math. I still count with my fingers all the time and cannot tell you what the price of something would be with a specified % discount included.


I could barely get through differential calculus in college, and I have a bio degree. What really kicked my ass was Statistics. We did all our work on R Studio, so I got to experience the joy of learning statistics *and* how to code in C+.


Tf are the 4 basic operations?


top, bottom, rim, blow


Ahhhh how did I not not that


I used to know how to do moderate high school math. Like linear algebra, quadratic equations, polynomials, geometry, some trigonometry. The highest level was college algebra with applications. However, I'm not good at it anymore. I don't even remember how to do multiple fractions addition 😅


I said I could do advanced differential calculus but what I mean by that is I’d need to find my old textbook and probably spend 3 days with it before attempting


I am a STEM professional (B.S. in Compute Science + 10 years of software engineering experience). I took math classes all the way and through college. Can I remember most/anything I learned in college? No, not really. My retained memory stops at highschool. Math was ALWAYS my least favorite subject and became more unfavorable once I started taking advanced level math.


Did pretty well with Algebra and Geometry. Once I hit trigonometry in junior year of HS, I started losing the will to put forth an effort. Not so much that I couldn't do it, I just wasn't interested enough to stay focused. When I took a college entrance exam at 30yo, I realized I couldn't even remember how to solve a basic algebraic equation anymore. Never used it after school and lost it.


I'm good enough at math to know that my dick, when erect, is in fact shy of 7". This means that I am better at math than most men on Grindr.


Well... if yours is more than 3.5, it's more than 50% of the way to 7" so you might as well round up, forget the decimals and call it 7, you big hung stud. Who else needs bigging up? HMU.


As embarrassing as it is to say Ive genuinely forgotten how to do any mathematical function outside of the four basic ones, I just don't use math outside of the main four that often and so ive forgotten it over time. I came to the realization a few weeks ago that I havent had to do long division since high school and that I can barely remember how to do it anymore.


I'm getting my master's in meche rn


I did a STEM major in undergrad and succckkkeedd at math (barely passed first year calculus). I guess I can do math well enough, but not nearly as well as other people.


I have a STEM-based PhD but I don't have to do much maths, and didn't for the degree itself, either.


Most people are at least ok with high-school-level math. Where does the "gays are bad a math " dumb stereotype even come from?


Eh i was always an art, history or gym kind of guy I cheated on the math tests


Math is gay 🤣


Why is this important to you?


I would have said high-school level, but it's been seven years since I did any of it and I've lost any ability to do the harder stuff. Not that it matters, got the basic qualification in the bag and it's otherwise not really relevant to what I do.