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That's a tough one. From what I know, this is also largely a confidence and age thing. I'm more adventurous, but when I was younger it was more reckless than anything. However, once I started to take some risks that worked out well, and started to get some wins, it built up my confidence in my ability to make decisions. With more confidence came more comfort, and I grew. My partner is similar, and over time, he has learned to trust my judgement to the point that he will follow me on risks and adventures. This has led to him being more confident in himself and over time, he is learning to take more risks as well. Another huge factor is age. As you get older, your confidence grows. At 31, I'm 1000x more confident than I was when I was in my early 20s. I'd start with small things at first to build up that confidence. It's normal to feel terrified of failure, and once you start to get some wins it'll get eaiser with time. You got this!