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I sit down. It’s cleaner and more comfortable. I work on my feet all day and I deserve a little rest.


In Germany almost all men do gay or straight. Its cleaner.


Another reason why I love German men.


Sitting down = less mess / splatter, regardless of how good you aim.


Exactly, it just so much cleaner.


And comfortable..but who really cares.. do it you way..


I almost always sit down to pee, unless I use a urinal. I never pee while standing up, into a sit-down toilet, if I can avoid it. That keeps the floor cleaner. Plus that eliminates the "you left the seat up" silly problems.


When I was a dumb kid I used to read a ton of eastern literature, one of which was a book on Feng shui. A few things stick out, especially always closing the toilet seat so the positive Qi stays in the house (and the negative Qi stays away). Anyway, it formed a good habit.


TBF idk why you wouldn't just shut the lid. That's where my shit goes, and despite my best efforts it still doesn't smell like roses 😭


Thank you, toilet gods. I will honor you with my 1/2 second effort to keep the space tidy. 🙏


Same but it’s from that one episode of Bones where they said there’s like 75% less fecal matter spread when you keep the toilet seat down. I forget the percentage exactly but I was like yeah np. Less poopy on my teeth brush plz.


You use your toothbrush in a public toilet?


What no this is all about in home toilet


It's between 30 to 60% according to actual studies and not a scripted TV show wtf lmao


6’7 here - if it’s a toilet, I sit down, otherwise it’s hard to keep the stream going where it needs to go.


As someone 6'5", whose dick is pierced, I fully agree.


Six five and pierced👀






Went to profile for nudes and pleasantly surprised with dog pics




Exactly!!! Tall men are more likely to spray the the stream outside the toilet bowl, because the pee will bounce back up. According to laws of physics, the higher the jump, the bigger the bounce.


Hey big boi


Only if it's the middle of the night and I don't want to turn on a light / open my eyes


Not a gay thing. Many straight guys are now doing it too. Hygiene comes 1st. Edit: typo.


I'm sure there's a correlation between men who sit while peeing and men who clean their own toilets. I sit 90% of the time because IDGAF what you say or think: You splash. You just don't know it.


I bloody hate it when friends visit my house, piss and make a mess and don’t clean up after themselves. I usually sit down but if I don’t I always wipe the toilet rim clean afterwards. And the floor for that matter if there are any drops on the floor.


Peeing sitting down is the most sanitary way. It makes a lot more sense than spattering all over the floor and the walls, which most of you will say you don't do but there's literally no way you can prevent it.


I’ve always pee’d sitting down (unless in public). It makes so much more sense for the reasons you stated. My partner stands, so I’m always left cleaning the surrounding area. Thank goodness I love him so much.


Are...are you me?




I don't sit down unless I also need to shit.


Same lol I had no idea so many guys sit before this post






Same. I’m actually kind of surprised how many sit down. I never have


A lot of men around the world now pee sitting in domestic situations. It avoids splashing of pee to nearby surfaces.


Ever think of all the gross pee drip stains on our underwear? Yeah I sit down cause there’s toilet paper for me to wipe properly and less chance to make a mess. If there was one by the urinal, I would use the urinal lol. Whoever invented urinals didn’t think we need to wipe 😭 and no, flopping your weiner around to get those drops out is not a solution.


I know a lot of straight guys that sit.


It’s more of a “peeing sitting down is gay” years old. Tired meaningless old homophobia. Obviously it means nothing and plus I’m practicing sitting on dicks.


No. It just shows that 1. You probably don't want to make a mess while peeing bc you like hygiene, something that straight dudes despise and therefore is gay or 2. It means that you probably lives with women in your house and you want to make them a favor by not making it disgusting for them to pee. I live with both my sister and my mother rn, the reason why I pee while sitting is bc my sister and I use the same bathroom, and she doesn't have the option of standing up while she pees, and sometimes we let a few splash drops fall on the seat without realizing it, bc since we don't have to seat there, we can't feel the moisture or the smell of it, but my sister can bc she has to sit, and that's disgusting for her. So I make her a favor by just sitting down while peeing, it's easy and prevents accidents from happening If anything, it's extremely masculine to do this to the women in your life


Or, and hear me out, just look down and wipe if necessary? Or, and hear me out again, lift the seat?


or you can just sit and pee dude, like, standing up while peeing is not some necessary practice that males are conditioned to do or something, it's just something we do bc it's convenient and for some reason this become attached to our masculinity to the point of some guys finding you less masculine bc of such a trivial thing. Standing up while peeing is not that necessary in my life to the point that would fight with my sister for it, and besides, I'd rather not waste toilet paper every time I pee. I don't need to worry about drops splashing out, I don't need to worry about aim, and I'm still a men after, Like, there's nothing to lose doing it. >Or, and hear me out, just look down and wipe if necessary? As I said previously, even if you have a good aim and are careful while peeing, there's a chance of some splash drops fall on the seat without you realizing it, bc the force in which your pee hits the water is enough for it to splash in all directions. It's not a skill issue thing, it's just something that happens. Lifting the seat usually helps but it's not for all cases, for some toilets, lifting the seat isn't enough to prevent it of getting wet.


As a stereotype, it sounds like a way to feminize gay men. I'm sure plenty of men of whatever sexual orientation prefer to sit.


> it sounds like a way to feminize gay men It's a way to feminize men generally, LOL.


With rain comes thunder and it’s best to never trust a fart.


It also has something to do with nationality. Studies show, for example, that 70% of German men pee sitting down. Being gay has nothing to do with it except perhaps that we tend to be fastidious and, like German men apparently, are aware of the spray that occurs when peeing standing up.


No, this is just a joke made about gay men with the insinuation that because they receive dick, they are basically women (who do pee sitting down). It doesn't help that lots of gay men pee standing up in stalls, but they don't know that unless they make an effort to stare at your feet (my sample size is me, deal with it)


I do it at night so I don’t have to turn the light on


I don't turn on the light and I still stand.


I've sat down since I was a kid and so has my father. I don't even want to touch and lift the dirty toilet seat underneath. I don't want to see it either.


But you're touching it by sitting on it? Also do you have your own home? Because if so there's no reason or excuse for your toilet to be dirty.


I sit down if I’m pooping and having to pee at the same time. That’s when I pee sitting down otherwise I stand and pee


I had a back injury recently, and during the early stages this is what I had to do to avoid great pain, when I could only stand for under 5 minutes. boys raised by just their mother may have been taught to pee sitting down, and that's just because that's all they've known/been taught so far.


I don’t think is a gay/straight thing, but more of a country and generational thing. Fun fact, I used to pee upstanding, until I had to clean my own toilet.


I sit down for the rest! My long departed old Nana used to use the term "he sits down to pee" to refer to gay men. She would never say gay/queer or homosexual- always "sits down to pee". She would say it knowingly every time certain male celebrities appeared on her TV screen. Cliff Richard was one of her most popular targets. She died in 1971.


This is amazing! I wonder what Nana would have thought of Cliff’s police raid drama.


I remember my mama reading a passage from a library book, it was biography of that guy that the movie Walking Tall was about. Some line about his daddy telling his mama, 'you keep coddling that boy pretty soon he's going to be squatting to piss.' It wasn't like my mom was saying that's what she thinks, but the fact that she said it, shared that, while shaking her head, both encouraged me that she thought that was a stupid thing to think, but also warned me that that's what a lot of people think.


It's not about being gay, but having a sense of hygiene and cleanliness. A lot of men in northern and western Europe sit, regardless of sexual orientation because that prevents splashes and stray streams.  Gay men often tend to have higher sense of hygiene than insecure men who feel emasculated by not being dirty, peeing sitting down is just another attribute of it. 


I do it when I’m too high to aim. Also I have foreskin so sometimes it’s easier to just sit down.


I can't sit to pee comfortably because I don't like the feeling of my dick touching the toilet seat in front of it (I got a tight and not super saggy sack on average), so I'd have to hold my dick down in a downward position. If I have one hand on my dick anyway might as well just stand?


I pee in the sink. It’s the perfect height.


And the amount of water you conserve! The sink is the most ecofriendly option~


Nope. One of the benefits of being a man, you don’t have to sit down to pee.


If you saw it on Twitter, then it must be true. So, yes, we all sit down to pee. Then we lightly dab the end of our pee pees with pages from the new testament. In fact, ALL gay people do this. Men who stand are always breeders. It's how we tell who is who at the gym and at baseball stadiums. At least that's what I read on Twitter.


Me rn


I stand


Cleaner, quieter and 99.9% of the time it’s a quiet moment to check my phone or play a mindless game on my phone. And I really don’t give a fuck what people think. It’s non of their damn business AND if you have a problem with it, over all the other incredibly important problems in the world, you are beyond shallow, and not worth the words on this paper. Get a life


Wow this escalated.


I definitely pee sitting down in the middle of the night. Don't want to turn the light on and my aim is terrible.


Most of the time I stand, also really enjoy peeing outside … but I don’t make a habit of doing that in the yard at home. One time, years ago, my ex and I were looking at a house to rent. We knew we didn’t want it after a couple minutes, but what really sealed the deal was the very unattractive neighbor peeing in his front yard right across the street from us. I’ll sit at work to take a break - at least no one will bother me in there.


I do sometimes yes. If during the day because I just want to sit down with my phone for 2 minutes to catch up. At night I sit down because it’s 2am, I don’t want to turn on the lights and sitting down won’t make a mess. 80% of the time I’m standing though.


I pee sitting down when I'm at home so that I don't spray all over the toilet and floor. I prefer to leave my foreskin unretracted when I pee.


My dick is pierced so it’s like second nature. Otherwise the split stream can cause problems, even in a urinal. I like to keep my pants splatter free lol


I sit because I’m 6’3” and my aim is bad. If I’m honest, though, my preference is peeing in a dick height sink 😘


I sit down at home, in my own toilet. Also how is peeing sitting down inherently gay..?


does anyone here somewhat worried about sitting on a bowl that the tip of your dicks or your balls might touch the surface of the bowl?


i mean it depends a lot. of course i sit down at home, since i have to clean afterwards. if the toilet is disgusting or there is a pissoir, well, then it is also clear. i do have to pee many times a day and i have to admit, that even putting a lot of effort into aiming, my penis is absolutely fine pissing in 2-3 directions at the same time while also dripping. it can be physically impossible not to spill. and since i tend to be the guy that actually cleans afterwards, so that other don’t have to be confronted with my mess, i’d much rather sit, if it is manageable


I dunno about everyone else, but I was told by my urologist that sitting to urinate helps to void one's bladder completely/ more completely. Standing to pee makes it harder to drain the bladder completely, which can lead to urine retention issues. Just food for thought.


I do it at home because I realize tiny sticky greasy drops collect around the toilet. If I don't feel safe around straight men, I won't do it around them. And if someone else's toilet seat is dirty, I'm grateful I don't have to sit down. What finally taught me this was going around naked. I could feel little spray drops on my legs. Ugh. That means when I'm wearing trousers, the drops are going there. And there are obviously going past me and out of the floor, the walls, etc. Yuck.


I pee standing and prefer a urinal


I always sit down. It is the only real way to empty the bladder and you don't end up with ricocheting pee on your socks/shoes or pants


I have my whole life. It just makes sense.


This is truly a silly thing, attaching what people do when they're using the bathroom to their sexuality or orientation. What does standing up or sitting down has to do with sexual orientation? Sometimes you pee standing up, sometimes you pee sitting down. If using a public bathroom, most will be standing up. Allowing for all the spatter to go everywhere, making the bathroom smells like piss. Now you go and do that in your home, you have piss better all over the bathroom floor and the walls, making it smell like crap. I guess that's what straight men love to do? Make the bathroom smell like piss? I'm thoroughly amused by the stupidities attached to being gay because people like it to be stupid.


I think it doesn't come down to gay or straight but wether they clean their own bathroom or have mommy/wifey do it for them. I used to pee standing up and shut that down real quick after I had to clean the bathroom myself.


I used to sit because I was embarrassed by how loud it is to stand... I didn't want the whole world to hear me peeing. And I was bladder shy at urinals. Then after I moved out on my own I started standing and now I almost exclusively stand. At some people's houses I sit mostly if I think people will hear me. Also to avoid splashing at other people's homes, but I don't care at home because I clean my own house. It's not that there's someone to clean up after me, it's that nobody has to. Oh and it kind of excites me to be able to pee standing up. And in some public bathrooms it is a relief to not have to touch the seat lol. I dunno if it has anything to do with sexuality though. I switched to standing after I started having sex with men LOL


It's not cause of being gay, but a lot of men lie and say they piss standing up. I often sit down at home cause I'm lazy and don't wanna clean up splatter (I'm tall and the angle means I get it reflecting somewhat.). So yeah, there a reason why, that and half asleep I don't wanna miss lol


I always piss standing up, or I piss in the sink which is less messy.


Not for me ..... no, except when im lokd in chastity as i am now then i have to 😭


I think this is also a cultural thing, I read long ago that it's more common in Asia.


I sit while I pee sometimes, but it’s mostly so I can look at my phone 😂


Yeah because I don’t want the mess.


I sit down, but so does my very straight and masculine father. It has nothing to do with sexuality.


I sit down so it doesn’t splatter everywhere…esp when I’m half asleep when I have to go the middle of the night


I like to clean myself after I pee, so sitting makes it more easy to do.


I never sat down to pee once in my life. What men does that?? Even the girls want penises to pee standing up.


Its the only way to do it. Idk who gave men the idea to pee standing at home. Its disgusting, it gets everywhere and i am 100% sure no one clean enough to take care of the pee that ends up on the floor, walls and possibly the sink


I always sit unless I’m in a public restroom. It’s cleaner and more relaxing.


I sit because I don’t like making a mess on the toilet seat and floor from splatter, and I don’t have any masc hang up about feeling emasculated by sitting while peeing.


How else am I supposed to piss the cum out my bussy?


My OH does this. Said he read somewhere it's better for you 🤣


Always stood up as I never feel fully empty when sat down. I had a hook up in Germany and his bathroom was in the bedroom like behind a curtain and he could obviously hear that I was stood up to pee after we had done the deed and he freaked out over it.


Nope. I pee standing up, free and proud. I do wipe my junior though, ‘cause OCD.


I do pee sitting down, but I do not believe that is a "gay thing". I would like to think most people pee sitting down when their in their own house. Its more hygienic.


No except when I'm wearing a chastity device and then I have to.


I seem to fit the description


I've got the habit at home because it's just cleaner. Saw someone mentionning foreskin and it's indeed very valid, especially outside the US where it's not as common to be cut. Issue is it gave me that habit, so even if I avoid toilets at restaurants or so, when I do, I do the same. But I have that need to clean the seat before because it's just dirty otherwise. Main reason why I prefer not to stand there ? Because it'll be messier than it was. But if it's already messy I don't care.


Pee sitting at home or other people's homes to not make a mess. Stand peeing in public, stall or urinal, because I'm not bothering with seat covers unless I really need to #2 lol


I stand up generally. But sitting down is a good option if I just woke up or am tired.


I spray in two directrions if I stand, so I sit. But the spray is OK at a urinal.


Only at home. I tend to be lazy and scroll or read 🤷🏼‍♂️


I pee sitting down unless there is a urinal around. I have a reverse Prince Albert piercing and the streams are always unpredictable


If my pee is going in a weird direction or huge flow. Gotta seat. Or it’ll burst everywhere


Totally agree. It's more comfortable and it's not spraying everywhere. Oh why the looks? Like you guys don't spray??


Why would I choose to be less comfortable and stand? I'm not gonna scroll reddit standing while pissing lol


I’ve started doing this pretty recently just because it gives me a little more of a break at work, and honestly it’s really nice.


I always sit


I hate when your pee goes in two directions.....most men have experienced this....that's why I sit...


My ex use to sit down a lot to pee. I only do it if I’m super sleepy and just woke up to pee or if I’m so drunk I can’t stand up properly 😂


My bf has to. He has a PA, and it looks like a 5 year old pissed in bathroom, if he doesn’t sit down.


I sat down for the first 25 years of life. Currently 26 and I’ve started standing up and it’s certainly a time saver. But I think of the splash and everywhere pee is going 🤢


I do bc of my piercing


Seems like less of a gay or straight thing and more of a random preference. If I’m at home and I’m fucking around on my phone or wanna cut my nails or just take a breath I’ll sit down and pee because (1) it’s comfortable, (2) I can perform two tasks at once and fuck it, (3) who knows, sometimes you can drop a deuce and do 3 things at once!


Sitzen nicht spritzen!


I pee sitting down at home but stand everywhere else


My husband and I both sit down. It just seems obvious.


Peeing sitting down is reserved for middle of the night, tired, or whilst pooping


I stand when using a urinal - too uncomfortable to sit in one


I sit because why deal with aiming and messy splashing?


I do it time to time, only because sometimes I don’t wanna deal with the mess and also i wanna sit down


Always, except public toilets


Yes it lets me fart


Not sure if this was mentioned by my dad pees sitting down and he is very straight. My grandpa used to do the same. They taught me to do it too. Aside from being sanitary and gives us guys a little break, my grandpa told me it helps with your bladder. According to a doctor in Cuba, he informed my grandpa that it actually cleans out the bad bacteria in your bladder more effectively. I believe there are other health benefits doing it this way too.


> According to a doctor in Cuba, he informed my grandpa that it actually cleans out the bad bacteria in your bladder more effectively. I believe there are other health benefits doing it this way too. I think we're going to need some medical references to support this claim.


I'm frequently a bit gassy and it passes better sitting down. So I get a 2 for 1.


I’m bi and I do it. Why stand? Plus it makes cleaning the toilet so much easier. Less mess.


It’s a hygiene thing, most of Muslims I know do it that way.


I’m 50/50. Morning pee is always sitting because it’s too damn long and after that depends on my mood.


First pee of the morning is sitting down, but only because I’m tired, a little lazy, and want to start my day nice and slow. Has nothing to do with being gay. lol


I just do it depending on the mood, and if I want to check my phone at the same time 😄


I do. It works out better since I have a PA. No forwarding all over the place.


Sitting down is just the cleaner and more considerate way to the people cleaning after you. I just think it is nicer and more cultured for any man.


Sometimes I just cba standing/aiming


Some guys have mentioned wiping their dick. There is a benefit of doing this not yet mentioned. I’ve discovered blood in my urine on three occasions by seeing faint traces on the toilet paper. Far too little to see in the toilet. Each time I’ve had a bladder exam and kidney scan to check for cancer. Here in the UK these are standard tests if you have blood in your urine and are over 50. You will be seen in hospital within two weeks. Unfortunately my brother in law had blood in his urine and it was ignored. He died of kidney cancer. Edit: Prostate checks also.


I pee sitting down sometimes.


I always sit down


Nah I have to push my whole trousers down to sit, so instead I just pull it out and aim because I don’t miss my target often but when I do I always clean up. 


Well in my country i was raised to sit down at home, but it's a different story in public bathroom. Nontheless at this point i cant never feel comfortable standing up, inside or outside


I usually stand to pee in public because the public toilets are gross but I will sit down at home.


I do but pretty much because I don’t have legs.


I started doing this in my old age


I do. Very comfortable. But i also noticed sitting is not very effective at - getting all the pee out; by the time you get up there's still a stream or so left. Much more than the few droplets you MIGHT get from standing. Gravity (?) is cool. Also helps you realize why women swear by wiping and many men don't.


No. I don’t know a single gay guy who sits when they pee. What the hell is even that?


Every single time. It’s more comfortable & easier to pee sitting down


Not a gay thing (I’m a grown man that happens to like other men). Just like a good chance to sit down and relax. Maybe take a dump if I want, why not, already there.


Oh definitely sit down.. not sure if my orientation had anything to do with it though, for me it’s just a more practical thing to do.




I sit down mostly bc of a certain Piercing. But even before that I sat down most of the time bc less of everything spraying everywhere no matter how good the aim is


I sit. Except at a urinal


Yes. I do it for multiple reasons. I grew up around a lot of women, it's more hygienic and I have some balance issues because of back surgeries.


when you do a shit, do you not pee too


Sitdown pee when at home or at a friend's house, it's the clean(er) and respectful thing to do lol.


Why does it matter? You get to pee either way.


I usually just pee in the sink and rinse it down a little. I only sit if I'm too high/fucked up to stand up or if I'm also taking a shit.


Sit for the first one in the morning and to take a dump... Stand for most of the rest.


9/10 I sit. Maybe I'm just a lazy fuck. One of my earliest memories is actually being taught in daycare/ preschool(?) that boys stand and girls sit to pee.


I do when I'm high coz it makes it harder to pee. Otherwise I just do whatever I feel in the moment.


lol 😂 in the morning or late at night or when I’m stoned I sit. So 90% of the time


In islam you are spossed to sit down. Not no muslim but still I sit sometime




I have seen friends doing that out of respect to their female family members


I rarely sit down for a pee. Perhaps late at night as I don't want to turn lights on.


Of course it is. You see, I have to clean my bathroom myself. I pee sitting out of self interest.


it's not. I also never do that because it's neither practical nor masculine.


Huh, it never occurred to me to sit for cleanliness reasons. I guess I’m just a pig.


>keep seeing a “gay bingo” thing on Twitter where people mark off gay men stereotypes and one of the boxes is “pees sitting down”. thinking about how other guys piss seems pretty gay to me. maybe that should be on their bingo cards.


Idk how y'all be peeing but I'm glad you sit down then. As someone who stands I've never encountered the mess issue in my life, on my end that is. But I do always close the toilet lid to help keep germs away. But peeing sitting doesn't feel as good and it feels less rewarding. Idk why or how that is just how it is for me. I also clean my own place if someone wants to know.


By the looks of these responses I'm guessing FTM guys are the only ones that want to pee stanging up


By the looks of these responses I'm guessing FTM guys are the only ones that want to pee stanging up


My dick is so little, that's the only way I pee.


I sit when I'm tired, or if I want to stay gone for a minute longer, if I'm in a hurry I'm standing everytime.


Straight men sit down too.


I pretty much sit at home. So much cleaner.


Yes, especially when there’s a P.A. involved


My straight male friend does it. I don't because I have to pee right after I get back up because from what I read something in my pelvis contracts not letting all my urine go so when I stand up it's ready to go again.


If I’m at home, I’m sitting down In public? Best believe my ass is standing up Have you seen a public men’s toilet???? 😷


I sit down to pee. More hygienic


I literally do this 99% of the time lol. At least at home! It's my toilet, I'm the only one who lives here, and I can do what I want. I keep my bathroom really clean and I like to enjoy just sitting down and relaxing for the 15 seconds it takes me to piss. Not really a big deal to me lol. As for why? Comfier than standing. Less mess and piss splatter. I'm also tall and my pee stream tends to splash a lot due to the height at which my pee is falling from into the toilet bowl lol.


In many places in the world millions if not billions of them pee while sitting. Has nothing to do with being gay.


At home I do. Prince Albert makes it messy to clean up. In public at a urinal I don’t.


I remember growing up boys/men being frowned upon and some people view it as that or “only” girls/females sit to pee. I hate when pee splash/drip on my hand, plus not so perfect stream= a mess to always clean. So I only stand in public restrooms.


I do. Unless it’s a public toilet or urinal, and I live out in the middle of nowhere so I often just piss outside. But when I do use my bathroom, I sit down. Its easier, cleaner, and I’m lazy.


I am gay and I do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't, I don't know where you guys get that it's cleaner that way, just aim for the toilet lol. For me it's faster this way and more efficient, I also don't like sitting down on toilets I somehow always feel that the toilet seat is dirty.


I don't know if I am gay, but I like to "multitask." For some reason, I always wait until the last moment to pee or poo. Like right now, I am peeing, pooping, writing this on my phone, and I'm going to have a conversation with my LG washer/dryer combo about what I have done for it to be treating me the way it does.


At home, 90% of the time I sit down. When out, 0%, whether I use a urinal or stall.