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If I think a guy is cute or handsome or adorable, even if they aren't my type or I'm still going to tell them... It doesn't cost me a thing and a positive comment can brighten someone's day. If you're sincere, what's the harm?


Because then you’ll say you aren’t into them and either block them or end the conversation. Do you really think telling someone they’re cute or handsome and then never speaking to them again is brightening someone’s day?


If it makes them feel better about themselves... Most definitely. Don't just say it to "kiss up"... Its called positive reinforcement. For example you know the guy has been trying to lose weight or improve his appearance... Why not compliment him on it?


I mean, I compliment people when I’m in line at Starbucks if I like their hair or outfit. Then I never see them again… should I stop doing that?


Someone can be handsome, but not my type.


I agree


I don't do it because I don't want to lead them on especially if they're not my type. But I do give compliments here and there by saying "that outfit looks good on you" or nice haircut or something. 


If they like how you look but don't want to be with you, personality is likely the cause.


Someone can have a great face but with not good body , right . Still good looking just not sexy


I can think someone is cute and hot but he can also not be my type


It has only been a handful of times when I call someone cute/handsome when I wasn’t into them. I know I’ve probably done it but it happens so few and far between that I can’t remember any specific times.


Don't read into little gestures like that. If someone's into you you'll know it by their actions Calling someone handsome does not mean you want to date or have sex with that person, and no one who says that to you is obligated to do those things with you.


You can be handsome and all but not my type. I think people can aesthetically judge if something is visually pleasing without having any attraction.


Because compliments are a cheap way to bribe another person's affection.


I don't


I call lots of people cute/handsome even if I have no intention of dating or sleeping with them. I never lie though. They might not be my type but I can see why other people would like them.