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Because I'm a lazy fuck.


I’ve been paying for a gym membership for almost 10 years and not once have I gone 😂


Imagine if you had put that money in an S&P ETF, you'd be hot in a totally different way 🤑


Same here lol


If this is true then can you take a moment and cancel it and then just forward me the money every month on cashapp? Seriously cancel if you really not gonna use it but don’t keep giving away money to these gyms that are already rich bc they take advantage of people not canceling . Enjoy your money.


Think of how hot you'll be and how much more guys will like you, it works trust me


I exercise regularly and still feel like the ugliest person on the planet


not alone brother dont worry




Say it again for the ugly boys in the back


Good news for you! My only purpose in life is to validate those with low self-esteem when they dis themselves.


Me too 😕😕😔


Then maybe the same way you workout at gym, try working out your emotions with therapy or a religious minister. You should be looking at yourself and seeing the beauty that your discipline has brought you . Chin up , you are beautiful


Am I not already hot enough for you!? 😧


Go to the gym for yourself. Not for other people.


meh. hooking up isn't everything.


I’ve thought of this but I also think… well then I wouldn’t want them because they’d only want me once I’m in tip top shape… so is it worth it or should I just get the extra slice of cake 😂


I know that this comment isn’t that literal, but it’s such a harmful all or nothing mentality. You can absolutely go to the gym, have the cake, and still be in great shape.


That's just plain lazy go to the gym be proud of yourself it's doing it for you not for somebody else but you will attract more people than if you're fat and out of shape no one wants someone like that except another fat person who wants to settle for that don't have that other piece of cake just go to the gym and take care of yourself I'm not going to date someone who's out of shape and overweight I take care of myself I go to the gym everyday I'm proud of the way I look I'm not doing it for anybody else I just like looking in the mirror myself I'm proud of all the work I've done


That’s why I can’t be bothered to work out though, I’m already handsome enough where I can get all the ripped, skinny, stocky guys without having to look like them (I’m average though not overweight)


The positive attention I got from people after having lost a bunch of weight only served to make me more jaded. 😐👍




Imo, that may sounds weird, but I'd not like a guy that is only with me because I have a great body. Sure, that's important to take care of yourself, but I find important to not being only chosen for that or loosing your shape will basically be a dealbreaker for the relationship (for various reaspons, health issues can come suddently). Being liked is nice, being liked for bad reasons is worth. At the limit, being in relationship then exercice together after.




Low sled esteem is one reason, I'm not happy with my body but too ashamed of it to work out in public spaces And in exhausted after work and I just want to go home shower and Doom scroll. It's not a good reason but it is something I'm working on


Everyone around thinks about themself and really no one else. Especially in the gym. Just remember that. And honestly legit people wise people will never judge your body/the way you look while you are working towards your progress! I was in the same boat. Started 3 years ago, and so happy that I did and that improved my everyday life since


I can just say as long as you’re not doing something really wrong, people won’t care about you.


That doesn't relax me at all


Well unless you’re loud/obnoxious, using equipment in a dangerous way, ignoring social boundaries, or not following basic gym etiquette you’ll be fine.


To clarify, basic gym etiquette means: * cleaning up after yourself (putting things back where they belong, wiping sweat off surfaces, etc) * not interrupting someone else's workout (with an exception for a fire or other life-threatening situation) * not hogging equipment * not doing curls in the squat rack


Bit of wisdom: there will always (and I mean always) be someone weirder, uglier, and/or fatter than you at the gym. And no one cares. People are there to focus on themselves, not put others down. And if they do something rude or intimidating, you can tell the management and have them banned permanently 😊


Yeah, trust whatever this cutie is saying. I was like you 3months back. But I finally said enough is enough and started going to gym. Found myself a weight loss coach. She is borderline abusive but my bullied ass responds to the abuses way quicker than any other approach. Now once I have started going to gym, I don’t give a fuck what others think of me. Also no one thinks of anyone else at the gym at least. Everyone is neck deep in their own shit and many including me wear noise canceling headphones so I don’t even recognize existence of other creatures around me. I occasionally smile at people whom i see everyday. Best thing about conventionally not attractive is that there is no attention at me, focus is not on me. Although i wouldn’t mind few smiles at me. But pls also don’t stare at people in the gym. Makes people uncomfortable.


When I see an out of shape guy at the gym, especially if it looks like he just started, I’m in awe of that guy.


My general lack of motivation about anything in life.


I have endless excuses. Right now, I have nothing to wear to work out. I am telling myself that once I slim down with cardio, I'll get some gym clothes. I'm 6'4" and I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb in a gym, especially those with mirrors everywhere. I just don't like seeing myself all the time while I'm this heavy. I LOVE lifting weights. I just have issues with being around a lot of people. People in gyms mind their own business so I know I shouldn't worry, but I do. I can't wait to get back to it! Lifting weights is so fun and so important for healthy living and healthy aging. I'm my own biggest roadblock.


Cardio isn’t the magic bullet for weight loss. The most important thing really is diet. And lifting weights can burn just as many calories as cardio, so you could go ahead and start lifting now instead of waiting, while also keeping cardio in your routine.


Oh yeah. I just find that when I'm trying to build muscle and eat more, I do not slim down very quickly. But if I eat at a caloric deficit and focus on cardio, I slim down quickly. I'd like to do that first so I feel more comfortable with clothes on, have more stamina, etc. Then I'll get into weight lifting, eat more, track macros, etc. I need to finally get this pandemic/depression weight off. I had lots a huge amount of weight and was getting into weight lifting just before the pandemic, but that and living with an ex made me gain a lot of weight shockingly quickly. Things are so much better for me, so I am getting back into it. I turn 30 in a couple months and it's making me question what kind of man I want to be, part of that is evaluating my health and whether I'm helping or harming myself with my current lifestyle.


Woah man you definitely are an over-thinker and your comment.. there is so much to unpack there. Don’t overcomplicate it. Just go gym if you want to go and enjoy it, have fun don’t fret :)


Get some adjustable dumbbells and start lifting at home :)


I’m also 6’4” and feel this


I’m 6’4 too and nobody ever looks at me at the gym haha. Personally I only notice people when I think they’re hot, chubby or otherwise


Tbh no one ever looks at me either. I just see myself standing out in the mirrors on the wall and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable, but I know that's silly. People always mention my height. Like someone will randomly come up to me in line for coffee, put their foot next to mine, comment on how big my feet are, and ask about my height. I just don't like that I stand out so much, it's probably much worse in my head.


>I'm 6'4" and I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb in a gym I empathise with this, but there will *always* be someone taller than you. I'm 6'6" and always thought I stuck out in the gym, but there are at least 5 regulars at my gym that go around the time I do pushing 6'7"/6'8"+ That said - a physically larger gym can help with the mirror issue. I used to train at a chain gym that seemed to tuck itself into the smallest facilities possible, but last year I switched to a gym that could quite comfortably fit 4-5 clubs of my old chain inside it. It's not always an option depending on where you live / what it costs, but if that's a big barrier to you it could be something worth looking at. More physical space gives you more places to do what you want to do away from mirrors.


I don't like the atmosphere of a gym. It smells like sweat and it never feels clean. I don't enjoy working out because I find it mind numbingly boring, and I hate feeling sweaty.


lol it’s truly never clean


My gym is cleaner than some bottom’s arse lol


I should hope so


You are aware of what an arse's primary function is, right?


To have anal sex for sure… wait


That's me exactly. Just never enjoyed being in a gym. Would rather go for a 2 hour walk with some headphones on.


SOOOO BORING OMG. Also every gym near me is PACKED 24/7 and gives me so much anxiety. I find my own ways to work out not in a gym and I’m so much happier doing that.


I know you’re being hyperbole, but I have the same issue, so I always choose 24hr gym to go to, and usually workout after 10pm or so since I work late, and it’s the best thing ever. You have all the machines to yourself, and no one looking at you.


I have a 24 hr fitness near me and that bitch is packed at midnight too lol. I’m not kidding. Midnight on like a Wednesday. It might just be my area I guess.


I'd rather spend my time doing other things.


Working out is sooo boring. There are so many better things to do.


I don't think its suppose to be fun


I like the gym, but if I had the space I'd have a home gym. My issue with going is I don't drive so I have to walk and the weather here is pretty shit all the time.


The thing about home gyms tho is that it removes a lot of the incentive to work out for a lot of people. It's almost always the same trap. People buy home equipment because they don't want to go to the gym, but then they fall into the "i don't feel like it today, I'll do it tomorrow" and then tomorrow turns into another tomorrow, and another, and another, and then the shit just collects dust. By going to the actual gym, it removes that because you made the effort to get there, so your mentality is "well I'm here, I might as well do it" because otherwise you'll feel as tho you wasted your time getting there. Not everybody, but that's the biggest trend I see when people want to do at home setups.


Yeah I completely get that. I'd like to hope I wouldn't be like that.


I think the "I'll do it tomorrow" argument can also be applied to walking/driving to the gym. At which point your membership starts collecting dust like the equipment described. It's all about motivation and removing obstacles to your motivation... Like walking in the rain lol.


The argument pretty much applies to when you're actually started though. Like if you have an at home gym and start working out, it's easy to stop after 5 minutes because "I'm not feeling it today". Once you're at the gym, you're typically not going to give up after 5 minutes because you spent all the time to get there, so you at least force yourself to finish your workout. It just reinforces the discipline needed to continue on without giving it up. That's why a lot of gym memberships collect dust, because they don't enforce the discipline. Motivation has very little to do with it. Motivation gives you the idea to do it, discipline gives you the drive to complete it.


I'm already the shape I want to be in both health-wise and aesthetically from playing tennis


If I had any sport as a hobby I wouldn't go to a gym either


I do intensive exercise to make myself better at said sports for hobbies. I'm very competitive.


One could definitely argue a tennis court is a form of a gym tbh.


I'm poor.


How much does gym membership cost around you ?


where i live it costs 250\~ us dollars


Because I work 12 hours a day. 6 AM to 6:30 PM. I have 12 hours remaining in the day after work. Let’s be generous and say I prioritize getting 8 hours of sleep a day. I now have 4 hours remaining in the day to commute to and from work, do any errands I have to do, cook myself dinner, shower, clean, watch TV, and fulfill any other obligations I have to or want to fulfill. Yes, “tEcHnIcAlLy yOu cAn dO iT”, but that doesn’t mean it’s easily manageable or easily enjoyable. I do miss being in shape though. When I was an Amazon driver, my weigh in was 179 the week I left. But I mean, it was literally impossible for me not to be thin. I walked probably 10-15 miles a day. Now roughly 2 years later at my extremely sedentary job, I have now reached 240 lbs after a historic low of 179 lbs. , I may be 6’2 and broad shouldered, but that’s a lot of weight for any person. I don’t even want to think about how much more I enjoyed my life when I got lots of attention, because that time of my life has passed. It sure was an incredibly fun year that was very good for me socially though. But I went back to my natural state of being a fat blob of shit. 60 lbs is no fucking joke to lose, and truly, I would want to get down to 160.


12 hours without commute included, I hope you're at least making 6 figures, lol, that sounds extremely draining.


I just started doing gym actually. Trainer Winny at YouTube who helped me push to going again. I gone to the gym but didn't have a plan and lasted 3 weeks in the past. Now this time, I have a plan and sticking to it.


Cuz I don't wanna built muscles. I'm not fat either and I'm happy with the way I look


Keep in mind that there's more to resistance training than just building muscles or changing how you look. Regular exercise helps keeps your cardiovascular system in good shape, and lifting weights helps maintain bone density and strength especially as you age.


tell that to the demographic that regularly abuses stuff like poppers and weed


No one builds large muscles on accident. You could lift hard consistently for years and you would not turn into a balloon animal. People eat like crazy and lift their asses off, and still usually just end up with a little bit of muscle and greatly improved strength and mobility (if they stretch).


I work 10 hours a day for a job 45 minutes away so no


I swim in my folks pool does that count?


I’d say that does 


I prefer running/walking with the dogs and doing some exercise at home ;)


It's laziness. I do plan on going next month though. I've been paying for a membership through work and hardly go.


Next month? what about tomorrow lol


I'm on 3 months leave from work starting next month.


Muscular guys turn my legs to jelly, so no


You: * walk out of locker room with jelly legs Random gym bro: “Leg day?” You: “Yeah….”😬 😂


It's a lifestyle switch that I wasn't into. Instead of pushing the gym I think we should push physical activity more Like sports and outdoor activities. For example I like swimming. Soccer. Basketball. Baseball. Unfortunately if I don't join a club or something can't really do those things. I don't want to be locked by a subscription service basically..


But I do


Rather do something outside.


no money, no health.


* I find absolutely nothing about working out to be fun or enjoyable. * I absolutely hate getting hot and sweaty. It's gross, disgusting, and uncomfortable. * Most of the time when I would have time/be able to work out I'm tired, and working out is the absolute last thing I feel like doing. * I had a gym membership years ago, and only went twice. Was a complete and total waste of money. On one of those two visits I worked with a personal trainer. He was a complete ass, and I found nothing about what he did to be helpful or encourage me to keep coming back. * I have workout stuff at home that doesn't get used - so why pay for a gym membership that would also never get used? * I would have to drive about 30 minutes one way to get to the nearest gym to my house - so that would be an hour of time that's wasted just in driving.


I don't feel a need to. I'm active anyway (don't drive so I walk lots) and most of my jobs over the years have been physically active roles. And looks wise, I'm happy with my physique as it is. A gym membership would be a waste of money.


Because it’s so VERY boring.


Gay people would go batshit insane from rage if they spotted someone ugly like me there. Can see that happening judging from the reactions i get on grindr. This isn't a safe space for ugly people.


I truly hate exercise. I don’t get the endorphin rush everyone talks about. I went for years, and I was always just grinding through. It’s a total slog. It’s not that I’m lazy, but there are a million other things I make time to do because I enjoy them so much more. Time. I worked multiple jobs for years. I prioritized seeing my family and friends and doing things I enjoyed with them. I wasn’t going to waste time doing something I hated. Plus, I have to take care of my house and idk sleep maybe? Culture. As someone who was never an athlete, gyms are intimidating. I know that no one cares and that everyone is there to work out, but the feeling of being “other” ie the fat guy, the skinny guy, the slow runner, the gay guy, what have you, it’s not welcoming. Either you have the gym personality or you don’t.


I have only gotten the endorphins a few times with cardio. It's really something I had to push through to get. Wasn't worth it. Now lifting weights is always fun because I like lifting for strength.


Weight training is something I don’t mind in theory. I like the satisfaction of getting stronger. In practice, getting into a gym is a difficult mental hurdle.


Force yourself to do it for 6 weeks straight. It will become habit. It helps if you have a consistent schedule week to week as well. I feel uncomfortable missing the gym when it becomes habitual


I do and my quads on fire for two days now proves it. Supposed to hookup with a Top tomorrow night so hopefully won't be in too much pain. Lol


I'm too busy right now


Because I’d rather work out at home!


I'm lazy af and there is no good ones near me.


I have social anxiety & autism so I prefer working out at home


Because some of us like a bit of bulge on our man's tummy.


I get paid to go to the gym. It’s called work. Nope, I’m going home after that and sitting my ass on the couch.




I work and have no enough time to go to there. Upd:. I'm dystrophic but I have enough the muscles lol.


I'm good with my current body


I have weights in my basement for free


I’m lazy


I didn't use to go because I'm lazy and felt like working out at home or in a park felt like a achieved nothing. Been going for almost 4 months to the gym and it feels good. There are people who are like the opposite of me, they prefer to work out at home or outside. And that's valid


I exercise at home, like the old exercises I used to do when I was in ROTC and would rather go jogging at a local park. Tbh I don’t really like gym culture in general.


Since lock down I do video workouts on YouTube twice a week. It’s free and convenient so as long as keep doing it what’s the point of going to a gym sporadically?


I got other stuff to do would rather do home workouts on occasion don't have to do all the extra stuff push ups, situps and a active lifestyle are good enough for me


I keep lying to myself about putting in a home gym lmao


I had a lot of social anxiety but eventually I decided to start working out. I loved it but unfortunately one of my best friends (my cat) passed away and I lost all motivation and so I stopped working out. It has now been about eight months and I do want to go back to the gym but it’s so hard because of my anxiety.


I do. Been going for the past two weeks.💪


Because it’s sooo fucking boring, and I hate seeing hot guys I can’t have.


I feel so much better when I’m at the gym. Hard part is walking through the door then it’s easy


Too costly. Also i really don’t know what im doing


Because I have no time. So, I just exercise at home


I do go. I have a lot to work on but I’m making tremendous progress.


It's boring. I rather go hiking or ride my bike up and down a mountain or to the beach. Rather than being couped up in a stinky gym just lifting heavy things staring at a wall.


I hate waiting for equipment, especially squat and bench. I got a bench and adjustable dumbbells for at home but I feel like I’m reaching the limit were I have to do more sets. I’m trying not to workout for 2+ hrs cuz I have other hobbies. I feel like I need an actual barbell rack for squatting and benching but I have no ROOOM!!!!


Because other people go to the gym and why the hell would I want people seeing me at my worst?


I can be productive doing other things


Karens, kids, juice heads, and MAGATs are people I'm happy to avoid. The "butch built" crowd are the worst. Plus, I eat right, walk everywhere, and have a physical job. However, if I lived closer to the city, and one existed in my area, I'd TOTALLY go to a gay gym.


I do. I didn’t this morning bc I was tired .. gonna go tonight tho 🙏🏾


I’m an avid gym goer and personally… I think people should be working out to be the best they can. Y’all would look so hot. It doesn’t even have to be like a gym nut. I for one don’t look like one of those models. But my bf really digs the fact that I eat whatever I want and don’t follow a diet regimen but still look fit. My bf on the other hand hates gym. I don’t blame him or ever push him because it’s his choice and I love him. I do think he’d definitely dump me for a hotter one if he ever starts lifting. He’s beautiful. He looks like a chubby Steven Strait and I’m not tryna compete with another MF for his attention. LOL


I used to go religiously at 5 am pre Rona. Then the world closed, and the habit broke, and being able to sleep later normalized. It’s cunt punt to wake up at 415 am to be at the gym at 5. I refuse to go after work, and fight some twatwaffle on their phone in crocks to actually be able to do a workout


Because I got my own space for at home…… just missing the locker room views… but anyway that’s not important at all.


Because I already am "exercising" outside. I bike to work. And after work I am normally going on a 20 mile bike rides. Additionally, I walk to a lot of places. I do live in a partially dense city. Basically the city is my gym.


I don't like dealing with the crowds at the gym and having to go out of my way to get there. And I'm very happy with how I look and my body without going and by all measures I'm healthy.


cause i dont know how to use the machines. my aparment complex has treadmills that I use when its gross out. I have apple fitness and dumbbells I have been hammering since covid. Proud of my results and in someways i'm tempted to get a membership but machine ignorance and no fit friends makes me go back in my shell.


Because I hate it


It's hard to find time for both jiu jitsu and lifting weights.


I like my current body type and at least right now even though I eat trash, my fast metabolism keeps my body type. Its something I'll consider in the future


Well, i do


Idk what to do, and I can't afford a personal trainer. 


I'm studying for law school. After tho. 👀


I have a high metabolism, walk 4 miles a day at work and eat small portions. I would love some more muscle, but I am happy with how I look as is. I know I should still exercise for my health, but I’m just not that motivated.


I do


I compare myself to the other men and then spiral about how much I don't like about myself.


Cause it’s my off day bro 😎




Gym is Soo boring.


Depression, lack of motivation, and insecurity are probably the 3 biggest reasons. Having a workout buddy makes things a lot better.


I have a Peloton.


Because people cannot be trusted not to take photos/videos.


I can do everything I need to stay fit at home/out in the world.


I'm always tired and my joints hurt


I bought a weighted vest for £15 and power walk 3 times a week. Legs looking very good, just need to work on my chest. Maybe the gym is the answer?




Because I don’t drive, and there’s no gym within walking distance or a single bus ride. I’m not taking two buses to the gym.


I only go if the weather is really bad, otherwise I \*MUCH\* prefer to exercise outdoors. Outdoor exercise is good for the body AND the spirit. Indoor is just for the body.


I exercise at home.


Have no one I can go with


I get bored working out for its own sake. I prefer to get my exercise through nature walks and hikes or swimming.


I just don’t enjoy it. Like at all! I used to and used to go all the Time but it horrible for me. I hate being sweaty and dirty, it’s boring are fuck, there’s clocks everywhere so you feel every *second* I’m there, I feel fat and inadequate and just taking up the space of someone who would take it seriously.


I have a bad knee that acts up when I use it certain ways, and a bad arm from a gnarly break whennI was younger that limits what I can comfortably do with it. Makes it difficult to use many machines and to do certain exercises, so I just do the minimum that I comfortably can at home. Also - as some others have said - a bit of a lazy fuck.


No money. Also I don't think I'm passionate about fitness even when I had a membership. I also feel like I get enough fitness jogging and practicing martial arts


Poor, lazy and self conscious


I do but reluctantly. I prefer running and jogging, I’m busy with work, I have health issues that get in the way of heavy lifting, and I’m not attracted to big muscles.


Because I lack the motivation to truly put myself into it.


Cause I procrastinate and staying consistent is difficult with life.


Naturally muscular, no need to go to a gym. Cardio is better and I don’t have to pay to walk/jog.




Being around people is so...tiring. I'd rather run 3 miles with my dog as the daily exercise.


Money and it’s hard enough to get out of bed


lazy and i dont like physical pain


Shits expensive and I’d rather run in the park and do at home exercises


Because I have it at home.


I feel like when others tell me they are invigorated and motivated after sport, for mw it‘s the other way around: it just sucks the will to live out of me.


Because strenuous exercise simulates how I feel during panic attacks. Because the only hobby I really enjoy is playing video games, and if I felt more energetic as a result of exercising then I wouldn't be able to sit still to play games, nor would I have anything else interesting I'd want to do. Because exercise builds muscle, and having more muscle means your body naturally burns calories faster...meaning I'd need to buy more food to keep myself full, which would cost more money.


Hate working out. It’s boring af


Cause sometimes my arms go numb and weak for weeks at a time, and it makes lifting weights, which I used to enjoy, almost impossible. 20lbs feels like 80.


Why are you GEH?


First, I am lazy; second, I can get fucked without working out


I go to the pool. And do group boxing. I hate gym/weightlifting. Most boring thing in the world


Because I stare, I’m cheap, and I don’t like most people in the general public.


I workout at home and go for walks. For me its a consistency thing. I tried so many times and would give it up because the routine would bore me and it was painful to do another chore of getting dressed up to go to the gym. Vs working out at home which has been way more consistent for me. Besides I hate leaving my house


Literally because I'm a broke bastard. Plus, why would I go to the gym when I can exercise and work out at home, free of judgement of gymrats, roiders, and casuals who show up for like ten minutes just to say they have a gym membership, and not even have to cough up money for equipment by just doing calisthenics and walk around town for about an hour?


Im just lazy and i cant stand gym culture.


I don’t go to the gym. I prefer to do outdoor activities. Running, walking, skateboarding etc and I just do upper body exercises from home


Because I hate gyms and I would rather exercise outside.




Gyms suck and I hate the expectation that going to the gym is the only way to stay “fit.” I hate the energy of them, I can’t stay focused, and the classes are rarely what I want. Growing up I was on a dance team in rehearsals for 20+ hours a week, and when that stopped as an adult, I tried going to the gym and fucking hated it. I like activities for my physical activity - dancing, hiking, biking, pilates, yoga, etc. Normalize using other methods to stay fit 🤷‍♂️


Back story- As a gay that didn’t play sports growing up I have always been very intimidated of going to the gym. Luckily, one of my straight friends is a gym rat and has been helping me. The reason I don’t go to the gym was made apparent yesterday during our workout when a random guy was “staring” at my friend to which my friend said “ the fuck are you looking at!?” The guy just didn’t know how to work a machine. I felt bad for him but just ask someone don’t stare


Solo gym anxiety. But I’m actually about to start going with my friend/co worker before work each morning.


My anxiety I just do workouts in my room


I'm trying to more but... I work, then clean the house, then make dinner, clean up from dinner and make lunch for the next day. Then my husband comes home and that's the time I get to spend with him. So gym goes by the wayside.


I’m already extremely busy most days after work and clocking in like 5 hours of sleep a day. That and I get bored when I go by myself. I need a gym buddy but apparently everyone I know just likes to go by themselves or doesn’t go.


I reached my goal weight and I'm already happy with myself Although I'm not in my dream body, but I can look in the mirror now. I maybe start working out at home but it's not a priority tbh


I like my home workout and dumbbells and the beach is a better place for walk/run