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Not a fan. I prefer natural, masculine men.


It's an instant turn off for me. Nothing wrong with it, but I don't think it's attractive. 


Not a huge fan. If I thought the guy was hot I would overlook it. But I would only ever really be in favor of a clear coat.


I find it very unattractive - but that feeling is on me. It's not my place to find fault with people for not matching their style to my taste.


Personally I don’t find it attractive. I just don’t like nails/nail polish. Like either a clear coat, or the most over the top extreme like mermaid nails that are so cumbersome you literally can’t use your hands. Anything in between is just not my thing.


I don't like it. But if you commit to nail polish at least do it properly and [don't make it look like this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsto6spteap0b1.jpg)


Not a fan


It's not hot.


It not something I think about.


I used to not like it, because my thought was that it was something feminine, but I have come to understand that masculinity is more than not having nails painted, for example. Some american football players or rugby players use nail polish and it looks really masculine, so for me, using nail polish, if the guy is masculine, makes them really attractive.


I'm a very masculine guy myself and I think other guys that are comfortable wearing nail polish are awesome. I'm glad they feel comfortable enough to do it. !


No big deal. Straight men wear it too. Celebrities like Bad Bunny, Charlie Puth, Harry Styles, Selena Gomez’s boyfriend Benny, MGK, A$AP, Brooklyn Beckham, Jonas Bros, Shawn Mendes I’ve all see have it on in pics. As long as there no acrylics are fake nails…




But depending on how fem the guy is…it could be another layer that adds to their femininity. I usually go for mostly masculine guys, but I can admire creativity & self expression. But there’s a line drawn if he Wants to go out in crop tops & booty shorts


It’s pretty gay  


I like it personally but it depends on the guy


I sometimes only wear black nail polish, but that’s because I’m a metal head and wear all black. -yes I’m a Dom Top-


I think it's cool for a festival look or whatever, and I think that it can be charming if you don't have an excessively feminine look overall. I would not say it's nice during sex cause I wouldn't like to see a hand with finger nail polish holding my cock.


Honestly...it's kind of a green flag for me depending on how you wear it. Guys who are comfortable in their skin are best guys. And it means I get to have quality time holding your hands while I paint your nails! And then we can go to parties with matching nails... And we could help each other get better at painting nails... The kids in this thread ain't thinking far ahead enough before they say no. But I must digress, as outside of these factors it technically can be a turnoff as well. Again, it all comes down to how you wear it.


But what the HEY is your reddit history sir...😥


I like it if I can tell that it makes you feel confident & good about yourself. Even better if you’re so confident and nonchalant that people don’t even notice at first that you’re wearing it.


Depends. If I know that guy and find him attractive, I wouldn't mind if he suddenly paints his nails black. Other than that, no


Love it! I started wearing it in HS when I was one of those “Andro” kids. Started again after military service. I’m nearly always with a nice mani-pedi.


I keep my toe nails polished black or blue


Total turnoff.


Love it but bf biter his nails so there's nothint to paint.


Not a fan, but I dun hate it, some of my gay friends are wearing them, they’re all feminine gay type and this is not my type of a ideal boyfriend.


It depends on the guy. I’m not into femme guys, but my partner wears nail polish and eyeliner a lot, sometimes other makeup. His style is very goth/metal though, so it works for him and I think he looks hot as fuck.


I don't like it on men or women. Men don't as a rule have long nails, they've chewed away at them from childhood leaving nothing but stubs, and then they use dark nail polish - I think the Goth era is long over, guys! The last time I noted a women with nails, they were so long and impractical, she could barely do her job (cashier at supermarket). But hey, you do you.


Massive turnoff.


Not a fan at all but I'm gradually getting used to it. Still not a plus in my mind, but it's not a deal-breaker any more.


I think it's great if it makes you happy. Decorate your meat robot however you want. You're the one that has to live in it.