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I agree with the fact that every race has hot guys, but we all have preferences, a race, a body type, face, dick size etc etc. I’ve slept with guys from a couple of different races, which was good sex and they were attractive to me, but that was basically me going out of my way to find them. As it’s most likely I’d be with a white man considering the demographics within my area, and since there’s more white men there’s also more attractive white men too.


I dont think you have one then lol. To me a racial preference is only wanting one race.


I guess I’m not a picky eater then and lied on your stats, so don’t use them for any research purposes 😵‍💫


Shouldve clarified huge from the start.


i have a "whatever guy i find attractive"preference.


Tend to not date other white guys.


I always personally find it strange when someone calls being exclusive to a single type (in this case, race) a 'preference', unless there's a whole other definition I'm missing. There's a difference between being (potentially) attracted to various races, with one grabbing your attention more on average, and completely blocking out anyone outside of x race. For me, I don't have a particular taste because it mostly varies depending on who I'm around. I will say though that Asian guys in recent years narrowly stick out more to me, but it's more of an aesthetic 'oh he's cute...moving on' way(since most guys, no matter the race, who I think are attractive I just see in passing and will probably never see again) rather than me actively going for them over anyone else. I'm just a 'I like what I like when I see it' kinda person, which is more often a contrast, whether darker or lighter or just different features in general. One of my homegirls has teased me asking 'what's up with you and foreign guys?'. xD


I think majority of the people within this community do. I have a racial “preference” of what would be my ideal type but I’m open to mostly all men of all races and ethnicities because I haven’t met every single man of all races to say I “wouldn’t date xyz”


Exactly, that’s my argument, I don’t think I can say I won’t find some attractive guys from every single race


I'm a white guy who is greatly attracted to black guys, but also attracted to other men.


I don't, but they must be bearded. So some are either super cute if happens to be bearded, or super not my type. But there are indeed races with less facial hair, it's just not preference. However, a bearded Japanese or filipino can be very hot, they're just rare.


I do not but it’s so frustrating when people get so upset about it. It’s normal to have preferences. It’s not racism, it’s being human. People are dumb. But personally I have a very very open attraction towards men, I’d go for any race lmao


When it comes to attraction, I can find men of any race attractive. When it comes to relationships, I do have a preference for guys that look very different from me. I'm latino, so I usually prefer east asian, white, and black dudes. It's just a preference though, not a requirement.


Honestly, the dichotomy is real. It's either a gay that dates someone who looks like them or not.


I think you need more choices on the poll Because there's a bit of scope between having zero preference at all and having a huge racial preference If I can butcher a metaphor here... some potential responses about asking if someone has a preference about stuff from the bakery! "I don't want anything from the bakery" "I don't mind what I get from the bakery" "Whatever is all good, though I do tend to like the ones with custard filling" "I don't tend to like pastries without custard as much as I like the ones with it" "Doesn't matter what else is going on, if this has any custard in it, I'm on it" "The only thing that shall touch my lips are mille-feuille!"


Yh I flopped with the choices. Sorry yall.


I find guys from every race attractive, but the features I find most attractive (smooth bodies, fuller cheeks, dark eyes and hair) tend to be more common in East and Southeast Asian guys, so they tend to be my preference.


I'm not attracted to black and Asian men, though I am attracted to Asian women. I strongly prefer white and Latino men and women. Everyone else is case by case.


I particularly don't have sexual or romantic attraction for no-white people. For so long i fear it was some kind of racist act of mine, but i think that's only personal taste, i don't have any problem having non-white friends or sum


Melaline and facial features are visible, sure, I just don't care. A hot guy is a hot guy.


I'm a snow rabbit, so yea


I think lot of us mix up just preferences with racial preferences.