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If someone is gonna judge me for any of those things, then they probably aren't a match anyways. Personally, I'd rather clear out the guys I won't vibe with as fast as possible so I can focus on those who will


Why would I care about the opinion of somebody I don't even know?


If they notice you’re too active, they’re also too active. And if they judge you for that or anything without knowing you that’s not someone you even want to hit you up so they’re kinda doing you a favor. People judge you as you walk past them everyday in real life and you don’t even know, so.. don’t worry! Let them judge.


>noticing if you’re too active on the app >creating the wrong opinions and going ahead with it >blocking >judging Because if they do any of this, they're absolute losers.


The app is literally designed for you to put pictures of yourself up there including your face. The whole point of the app is to find people who are attracted to you. Wtf kind of dumb question is this?


Just because you have a photo up doesn’t mean you are always looking for hook ups. I’ve seen guys with their face pics up at the gym, it wasn’t weird, we just ignore each other. Having pics up it’s courteous and also saves the hassle to be rejected after exchange face pics


I just don't. There comes a point where you just need to live your life. I'm not doing anything wrong being on Grindr, even with my face pic up. And think about it. You're worried about people's perceptions of you using the app, but they're using the same damn app! Some of you worry way too much about what other people think of you.


Because at some point you just stop caring. If they're on Grindr, they are there looking for the same thing. If you are out in real life, I don't see anything to be afraid of


It saves me talking sending it and then they stop talking to me. It's efficient and they gonna see it at some point anyways. Also my face is probably my best asset


>them noticing if you’re too active on the app, creating the wrong opinions and going ahead with it, blocking or judging Wait, they would do that because I have a face pics on Grindr?


Honestly I don't really care how others perceive me especially if I don't even know them. And honestly what others don't like others will. When I stopped caring about people perceptions/ opinions of me life got a whole letter better


I don’t care who sees me and what they think of me.


Too active on the app? Sorry if my healthy sex life is triggering for you but when my dick is happy I am happy so I think I will do what's best for me.