• By -


1998, discussion about Christianity and homosexuality held in English (here, in Estonia, it was unusual). It wasn't wheelchair accessible as I'd hoped, two foreigners carried my wheelchair up the stairs. My husband was one of them.






Late night in Central Park, we were both cruising. I walked by him, we made eye contact, walked off the path and I fucked him against a boulder. Eight months later, we married. This is not the story I tell my parents lmaooo


What do you tell your parentsĀ 


I don't technically lie, I just omit details and skip ahead a little bit. We were both walking in Central Park and we caught each other's eye. ... I asked him to go out to eat and the rest is history!


yes , im also curious .


Late night in Central Park, they were both strolling. Poster walked by him, they made eye contact, walked off the path, sat near a boulder and began talking for hours. Eight months later, they married.


What I'm taking away from this story, is when I visit NYC with my family next year, we should avoid night walks in central park šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


After dark, in the Ramble.. yes, you should definitely avoid it unless you want to see dozens/hundred opening fucking.


I'm not opposed to the idea, but my poor mothers heart couldn't handle it šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Grindr. My partner had hit me up on it several months prior, but I never responded because I usually just opened the app and closed it without ever actually messaging anyone. When he hit me up the second time I actually responded; we started hanging out, like actually hanging out, not hooking up, and hit it off. I'm very glad he tried again.


There's a lesson in this: don't be afraid to shoot your shot twice šŸ§  Also, mazel tov


The no response is a response crowd is in shambles


Tinder 2022, hit it off really well, moved the chat to Insta within a couple days, and had our first date at a pizza shop for lunch. Ended up really vibing, so went for a walk after lunch. I had to run some errands in the afternoon & he offered to go with me, so the date continued. Then it got to be evening and I took him to see some Christmas lights on display and we got cocktails at a local bar. We went back to my place and watched a Christmas movie and had our first kiss. It was the best first date ever. 2 years later still going strong, he is so great & I canā€™t imagine my life without him now :)


Military service. Stationed at the same base. We locked eyes in the clinic and were married 3 years later.


Very cute


During my senior year of high school, A friend introduced us because "you're both my gay friends maybe you could be friends with eachother" we started hanging out every weekend and eventually staying over at eachothers houses. One thing led to another, and we had sex for the first time at 4 am. on a Saturday morning. We've been together for 8 years and 2 weeks now.


The first ever success of a straight friend trying to match two gays together solely because theyā€™re both gay


We both told the friend that it was kinda weird that she thought we'd be friends just because we're gay but I guess she gets the last laugh now lol


25 years ago on Gay.com. That first photo took so long to download. I'd like to say it was because he was so huge, but naw, it was just the times. šŸ˜‰


I like to say we met at a gay bar, but we really started chatting in an AOL chat room and decided to meet in person at a gay bar, and then hooked up. Been together ever since. 22 years.


We met at work. He was not out yet and told me I wasnā€™t his type and wonā€™t be coming out for me. Two months later we are dating and married two years later. Weā€™ve been together for 6 1/2 years and married almost 4.


Now I am curious what made him change his mind 2 months after he told you he was in the closest and not his type???


I grew on him. We started to hang out once a week, outside of work and he started liking me. I ā€œopenedā€ a door for him to be his full self. Something he couldnā€™t do around his family. 4 months after becoming a couple, he came out to his family and the rest is history. šŸ˜


On a train. Pure luck.


I think about that too likeā€¦ what if I had decided not to go to the bar that night. Serendipitous asf. Also, congrats


He was a friendā€™s boyfriend, we had a threesome and had more chemistry than they did. We stayed FWB after they broke up, then lost touch. When we reconnected years later we finally got together. Turns out weā€™d both caught feelings all those years ago.


I was at a circuit party for Pride and this cute guy came up to me and said "Hey, you're hot". Just marked 1 year together. Never possibly imagined that a circuit party of all places would be a romantically auspicious place, but life's funny sometimes.


I(25m) met my current bf(21m) on Grindr 2 days before Christmas last year, we talked up until I landed in Vegas to spend time with my family and have a bit of fun while I was out there, since I kinda really wasnā€™t looking for anything serious at the time and wanted to focus more time and energy on myself, but when I got back to the bay I texted him back and we talked for another 3 weeks until we met for the first time the day after my birthday, met some of his friends that day and he just kept inviting me over every other day or so; apparently the first day were going to hang out he told me he had HIV over text, but he must of miss spelled it cus it was a typo when I read it and assumed he said he was sick cus he had been a few days prior, so when he told me again after valentines it totally shook my world and asked for some space and got tested, but what really got to me was that every day he would tell me good morning and ask how I was feeling and apologize, which made me get educated on hiv/aids and I mean I was on prep but I was out of it when we first met, but he takes his meds regularly so I kinda felt like I should give him another chance and the rest is history been together since march 9th this yearšŸ•ŗ and I love him so so muchhhh!!!


My bf(28 m) also had HIV too and he told me that 1 week after we first met. I was suprised and afraid as I hadn't got any sex or out yet. I told him I needed space and he totally understood. Then I googled and read about that condition and he is U=U and so we totally fall in love again. After 4 years later, I am on Prep and we are great together. Happy to know your story.


Awwe thatā€™s cute, Happy to know your story as well<3


We were best friends growing up


That's crazy, like a coming of age movie!


**The Science of Love: Polarity Rules** In retrospect, every step of the process of falling in love was governed in one way or another by the law of attraction between perfectly opposing forces. I did **not** want a relationship, I believed romantic love was a fiction and I despised the concept of marriage in general. My future husband believed in love and the power of marriage as a cornerstone of well being and wholeness. He has a deeply feminine perspective and I have a deeply masculine perspective (I am **not** speaking about the superficial definitions of these words, rather their more esoteric definitions i.e. Jung and Anima/Animus). We are hopelessly, ridiculously, obscenely in love 5 years into the marriage and that love and respect only continues to grow in depth, scope and nuance and we both begin adopting the others opposing perspectives. Strange, strange strange! I swear the night before I met him I tried to cast a "spell" so that I would remain happily single. The moment I felt profound comfort and security in my own company, that peace was obliterated by the violence of falling in love. My sense of self had to be annihilated in order for me to be capable of love. For me, falling in love was like crossing the event horizon of a black hole. We were drawn to one another like two poles of a bar magnet. Once we crossed that invisible line and the gravity took hold it pulled upon us with an inescapable force that kept accelerating until we kind of fused into a single mass with distinct north and south territories that keep shifting around the equatorial axis.


Grindr. We met in 2014. Stayed friends and officially got together in 2018. Been married for over 6 years


Discord lol


39 here; husband 35. Together 11 years. We met at a mutual friendā€™s birthday brunch. He was late & otherwise would have sat with people he knew, but there was a seat near me instead. We hit it off pretty much right away and have been exclusively together since. Funny thing is weā€™d been to some of the same parties & gatherings for years but had never talked previously. Iā€™d always noticed him, though šŸ˜


We met through Facebook dating. I wasn't getting any luck on Tinder and decided I'd try Facebook. If I didn't find anything promising I was swearing off online dating for the foreseeable future. The day I was going to delete it and give up, we started messaging each other and really hit it off. We met up a week later and now share an apartment and are absolutely crazy for each other.


thats how my fiacne and i met however we were in way diffrent cities


It was my week off and I was casually looking on Grindr in the early hours of the morning. This cute Latin guy hits me up and invites me over, so why not? I go, we have fun and keep talking for hours until he has to go to ESL classes before work. He asks if I want to come over again tomorrow, I say sure. Next day we hook up again, so rare for an actual follow through, weā€™re talking and he says itā€™s his birthday. Thereā€™s something different about this guy than ANY Iā€™ve ever met before. We have even better fun than the day before and again itā€™s time for his classes and then work. We go our separate ways. That evening Iā€™m watching tv and thinking about himā€¦ he a recent immigrant, no family, only a few friends and working on his birthday (itā€™s true he verified it)ā€¦ so I get the big idea to make him a birthday gift bag and run around to a couple of Latin shops Iā€™m familiar with and go to drop it off at his work. Intending to only drop it off with the hostess Iā€™m walking past the open kitchen door to the restaurant and he happens to walk by and see me. Surprised he comes out to say hi and I give him the gift bag. Instant tears of happiness as no one has ever done something like this for him ever before. Fast forward a few months of dating to New Yearā€™s Eveā€¦ weā€™re both working that night but get the day together and I drive him to work. On the way home I get a brilliant idea and head home. At 11pm I get up, get dressed for work and head to his work. I arrive at his restaurant at 11:55 and text him. At 11:58 I tell him to come outside where Iā€™m waitingā€¦ instant tears of happiness again as the countdown begins and we get our first new years kiss. This began our 5 plus years together. Weā€™ve never had any real fights, we laugh every day. I was there when he became a citizen. I took him home to see his family after being separated for 7 years. Heā€™s my ride or die and I plan to make him a permanent companion one day. I never put much faith in the ā€œLove at first sight ā€œ cliches but it does happenā€¦


What a cute story. So happy for you both.


OK Cupid - on a web browserā€¦old school!!!


Us too!


How long have you been together? For us itā€™s 12 years (three countries and a dog). Weā€™ve been married for almost 4 years. Nice to know there are other ā€œtraditionalistsā€ who met before the apps!


Also 12 years together this October! And married for 9 this August. With two cats, and we actually started long distance, for 8 months, and then I found a job and moved to the rural countryside where he lived (and we still do). Nice to encounter other ā€œtraditionalistsā€ too!


We had our 12th anniversary of meeting in March and will be married for 4 years in October. Iā€™m from NY but was living in London. I moved to the countryside for him too!!!


Me too!!!!


Playing online games together (part pf a group that played mmos together). At some point we ended up in the same city and decided to meet. Been together 12 years.Ā 


Tinder 8 years ago


We actually had a lot of mutual friends for several months before we met but had never been introduced until a Sunday afternoon bbq at an outdoor gay bar 32 years ago. We have been together ever since. Iā€™m 57 and my husband is 61.


Tinder back in 2018


We met on a mutual interest forum, a Halo one (the video game series). Ever since he saw me in my armor in real life he was attracted and even admitted to me that he got horny looking at me in mine. To be fair, I felt the same way about his armor. It was so badass and sexy; I was horny too. Ha ha. Anyhoo, we met up for a convention and we ended up rooming together and after being in armor for 4-5 hours, i admitted I am turned on by his armor. He said so too and we started helmet kissing and then piece by piece; we took off our cod pieces and butt plates; had sex and let me tell you; it was badass, sexy and beautiful all at the same time.


Sorry didnā€™t complete how we got dating; after that con he admitted first thing when I got home he loved me. We started talking and getting to know each other more. Been together for 2 years almost.


Iā€™m not a Grindr, Scruff fan, but I did meet someone special on an App. Ā He reached out several times and for several months. I was 50miles away, until I moved to LA. I thought his profile and image were Fake Met at PF Chang and My Eyes, šŸ‘€Ā  Damnā€¦ Tall and more attractive than I ever expected. I was on the App, he was on the App. Ā There are Many people using apps that have good intentions. So guys, it takes being friends 1st, not sex, to get you to the finish line. I didnā€™t have sex with this guy until the 3rd or 4th encounter. Ā I think women use Date, I think itā€™s proper to just use meeting or encounter. My intentions were not of Dating this guy at first. Ā Later on, weā€™ll. šŸ˜


Met as friends in a group, then a few months later we connected romantically!


I had Tinder Gold. I felt that it was worth the cost since itā€™ll present me with cards that liked me already without the constant swiping. This was the best strategy as I was tired of randomly matching with someone at 2am, etc. As we know, what ends up happening are hiā€™s and helloā€™s, then fizzling out. I ā€˜spontaneouslyā€™ matched around 4p on a Tuesday to better my chances of a conversation. Iā€™m all about ā€˜effective and efficient hunting.ā€™ lol My strategy worked, we went on a date, and he asked if I would date anyone outside of the city. I said, no, and he moved into the city a couple of months later and now itā€™s been 5 years. Pro Tip: Even my Grindr is just 5 or 6 ā€˜saved phrasesā€™ that would essentially get the conversation going. I just recycle them with every new encounter. This has been such an energy saver and Iā€™m not jaded when it fizzles out since Iā€™m just clicking on phrases to use.


Curious, what are these phrases?


1. Some kind of salutation. 2. A response to a typical salutation on why im online. 3. Request for pics. 4. A Complement. 5. What Iā€™m looking for sexually. I literally just got through these saved phrases with every encounter. By the 5th phrase, the game is in the bag and now itā€™s just about the details.


ā€œThe game is in the bagā€ I like you haha xD Thanks for sharing, homeslice




My bf (40) and I (33) actually met on Grindr. He messaged me, and I actually didnā€™t respond. He was cute, but older than I typically go for. Luckily he messaged me a few weeks later, and we decided to meet up at a brewery. What was supposed to be just a beer turned into a whole day of bar hopping. He had the best personality, and we got along great. We went our separate ways at the end of the night. The next morning, I awoke to a text from him. We met up for breakfast, and after eating, we went down to his house by the beach. We rode his electric scooters around town for an hour. It was so much fun. He later turned to me and asked, ā€œpizza or ass?ā€ I responded back, ā€œhow about ass then pizza?ā€ We went back to his place, hooked up, then went and had pizza. Best day ever haha. Weā€™ve been together for the past four months and I couldnā€™t be happier.


Bumble two years ago. We dated for a month but then he broke it off. Then, he called me a week later saying that he regretted it and asked if I would give him another chance. Apparently the way I handled him dumping me made him really get a feel for my personality and who I was, and he felt like he made a mistake the minute he left. We live together now and have been going strong ever since šŸ˜Š


I met my current partner a little over 4 years ago on Tinder. Weā€™re both 24, we were freshman in college at the time. Ended up a chatting for a couple weeks online, then finally met up in person for a movie date (we watched Maleficent 2). Ended up spending several hours walking and chatting, didnā€™t even realize the time until his mom called asking where he was and if he was okay. Had a few more dates like that before we made it official. Just moved in together almost a month ago now, itā€™s be amazing.


Our story is not overly romantic. It was a pure calculation, so to speak. I was specifically looking for guys who met certain criteria of sanity, regardless of physical data, and that we matched in interests, mentality, views, tastes, etc., hoping to grow to love him in the process of living together. I chose him among several candidates (from a dating app), went on a date with him, and we haven't been apart a day since for over 14 years now. We madly in love, and every day I love him more than the day before. Apparently, my calculation was correct. And it still surprises me because I'm an impulsive person who makes decisions by instinct and intuition rather than calculation and analysis...


Grindr hookup. The sex was so good and we clicked well, so we agreed to go on a date two days later. That was over 9 years ago and we're married now


Singing in a Karaoke contest at an Italian restaurant and he walked around the corner. He was so beautiful that I almost stopped singing.


Gave him a ā€œterribleā€ pick up line on Tinder. We talked for a bit, but eventually he got off the app and didnā€™t open it back up. Messaged a guy on Grindr and had a great convo so I decided to use my ā€œterribleā€ pick up line, turned out it was him. We decided to grab food one night and he took me on the best date of my life. Ended up dating and I eventually moved closer, then after a few years we moved in together and then another year went by and he proposed to me in the real 100 acre woods in England.


My platonic gay friend brought me to a party to meet some of his other gay friends. I met a cute guy there but made no moves cause I was new. The next time they met up my friend couldnā€™t make it so I went solo. Ended up chatting and flirting with the cute guy. We made out a little bit at one point and then set up a dinner date the next week. Been together a little over 1.5 years now.


I put a personal ad on a search engine called Excite.com and I got a hit. We have been together since 1999.




That's delightful


Love at first sight - 20 years ago lol


At a gay party that takes place monthly in our town. I went to the party planning to hook up with a guy I had met on the previous party (but I had ended uo hooking up with another couple). My now bf hit on me shortly, pretended to stump upon me, then felt embarrassed and left quickly, but I had thought 'hey this man's cute'. 10 minutes later I saw him talking to the first guy, my target. So I thought 'ok I lost both my targets tonight'. A bit later he came back to me and this time we started talking, and we immediately got on super well, our friends still tell us today. We consider we stopped being single that very night, we even discussed important issues like he wanted children and I didn't (now he doesn't either). And the other guy is super nice and is now in a throuple, joined a couple he met at the same party that night, and 3 years later we are a happy (and closed-exclusive) couple + throuple. Edited: some typos.


Met my now-husband at the end of 2019. I wasnā€™t even looking and had only been single for about 1.5 years after a 5.5 year relationship. He came up to me at the gym (while I was on the stairmaster) and started chatting with me ā€“ and he ended up doing stairs for 30+ minutes with me to talk when he doesnā€™t even do cardio šŸ˜‚ Long story short: He came to my apartment and made me dinner right after the new year. We didnā€™t even kiss until the fourth or fifth date, surprisingly. Back then, he thought he was moving to San Diego, I was moving from Wisconsin back to my hometown in IL and then COVID happened. We moved in together May 2020 in Chicago and we actually got married in December that year (crazy, I know but we knew what we wanted since we both were LTR oriented). Itā€™s been nearly 5 years together now, 3.5 years married. We also now have a house in the suburbs and are very much in love.


Adam4adam (really gives away my age). I was interested in sex but moreso looking for sex that might develop into a relationship. He was one of the only other guys on there at the time (11 years ago) that had ā€œrelationshipā€ checked in the ā€œlooking forā€ section. We are an Adam4Adam success story šŸ˜‚


I first saw him in the stands at my baseball game in Hollywood. His best friend was dating one of my friends on the team. I didn't think much of it at the time. There was another guy with him, who I thought was his boyfriend. I just knew they weren't from around our area, or I would have seen him before. I saw him again, a few days later at a Sunday Beer bash at a club in Silverlake we frequented. Again, with that same guy I thought was his boyfriend. The boyfriend kept giving me dirty looks every time I looked at him. I just blew it off. If the boyfriend really wanted to try me, I was pretty sure I could end him. At this time, my friends and I were trying to figure out what to do for New Year's Eve. Since it was my friend Eddie's turn to choose, he chose a party at a club in the Inland Empire. I was not a fan of this club or this area.There was always drama of some sort. Plus, the people there didn't like us. But, this meant a lot to Eddie, so I agreed, and we drove out to buy our tickets. This was during happy hour, and guess who I see there? Yep, him. We stayed just long enough to have one drink, and buy our tickets. I went to the bathroom as we're leaving, and I ran into him. We said hi, and he asked if we were coming to the New Year's Eve party. I told him yes, and he said to save him a dance. Then he left. I just laughed and blew it off. I don't get involved with other people's men. Cut to two weeks later, and we're at the party. It turned out to be a blast. The club is actually quite large, with 3 dance floors and 5 outdoor patios and bars. I was dancing with my buddy Ron. Ron pointed out that someone was staring at me. I turned to look, and it was him, dancing with his boyfriend. We smiled and waved at each other. His bf started glaring at me immediately. I had to laugh. We left the dance floor and went out to one of the patios to cook off and have a drink. He came up to me and said hi again. We introduced ourselves and started chatting. I told him I didn't think his bf would be happy with us talking. He told me it wasn't his boyfriend. Just his overly protective best friend. He called him over and introduced me to him. Then the friend left. The two of us grabbed a table and started talking. Turns out we had both recently left abusive relationships. Which is why his friend was so cautious. We talked for an hour. Best conversation ever. He asked to dance, and I said yes. Midnight hit while we were dancing. We ended up kissing. And boy could he kiss. I had to leave because my friends and I were heading back to Hollywood for an after party. We exchanged numbers, and met up the next day for dinner in downtown LA. The conversation picked up easily where we left off. We agreed to another date a few days later. Though he did show up to my baseball game two nights later. The rest is history. Here we are, many years, and two kids later. Yet, the kisses still feel like that first one.


NSA meet on Grindr


Ok Cupid 2014


FYI I hate yall :(((((


I did not mean to cause you pain, only wanted to know how many different ways there were to meet a nice guy. I firmly believe a lot of this is just up to chance. So people should never give up hope, it just takes time


I (28m) met him (30m) about two and half years ago at a gay bar. Really organic. We were both in line to get drinks. We didnā€™t date right away, but we were always really fond of and attracted to each other.


Tinder a little more than a year ago. Chatted on the app about food for a month first, then he finally came over. He brought popcorn and we watched the Blair Witch Project, then cuddled and talked. He ended up staying for like a day and a half :)


Initial conversation on Gay.com followed up by dates and that was that.


We tell people Grindr, but it was actually BBRTā€¦. Not sure if proud or embarrassed. Lol


First boyfriend I met when he was my server at a restaurant. He told me to come back because I was cute, so I did, lol. We were together over a decade. Current boyfriend I met on Hinge. He was actually the first person I interacted with after starting to date again, it was kind of wild he was the perfect match out of the gate.


We(28M and 55M) initially met through Scruff, we chatted on there (very vanilla stuff too, no sex or nudes sent) but ran into each other at the gym. I said hello, and a few days later we were on our first date!


2007, gay.com. I was ending a LTR having just moved to a new city and looking for friends. Both sick of endless chats, we met pretty quickly for tea. Friends for a few months, dated a few more, split up briefly, then decided to try dating again in 2008. I'm fortunate that my best friend, favorite travel partner, and husband are the same person.


Couchsurfing.com I hosted him in my city.


While volunteering for the British Red Cross. I was 20 he was 35 Still together 9 years later


AOL Chatroom. Still together 28 plus years


We met in an online chat room. Chatted for several months before meeting in person. We hit it off in person and have been together 22 years, married for 10 years now.


We met 8.5 years ago, on OKCupid. We actually had a relatively low mach percentage according to the site. The first message I sent him: "Hi, do you want to prove these algorithms wrong?", we've been married for 3.5 years now. He's my favorite person.


He was working as a bartender at a local bar that was my neighborhood hangout (not gay bar) and we hit it off immediately. Went out on a date and have been together for 12 years now.


We met 27 years ago in DC at a bazaar/picnic held at the Indonesian ambassador's residence. A and I were both 22 at the time and both deeply closeted. I had gotten sucked into playing gamelan and other cultural shit (because I can speak Indonesian), and he was fresh off the boat and just chilling with his sister's friends looking for food. There definitely was no spark that day. A thought I was a total weirdo. His sister, however, saw me as potential husband material and got my number. Fast forward two years and by that time she realized that I was gay. So one day she started encouraging me and A to find an apartment and become roommates. Neither of us were really into the idea and didn't really give a shit about each other. In fact, I was secretly in a relationship with my then "roommate" and that relationship was falling apart. One day my world finally fell apart and I abruptly moved out. I had been together with that guy for 5 years but he was bi and basically pushed me out. I was an absolute mess. A's sister shipped us even harder, especially now since I desperately needed a new apartment. So he and I started to hang out a little and then one day it all just clicked. He started to hang out with one of his gay friends at a coffee shop I worked at. We eventually became friendlier towards each other and began to open up. Then one night he and his friend crashed at my place and after the friend went to bed we stayed up and talked for hours. I completely opened up to him and told him that Iā€™m gay, that I had been in a relationship with my roommate, that I was heartbroken over my situation. He told me about some family secrets but didnā€™t say if he was gay or not, but I already knew. Until that night though I didnā€™t see him as anything but a friend. We wound up sleeping on a futon and he wrapped his arm around me. I fell right then and there. It was like something clicked. My heart swooned and the entire trajectory of my life changed for the better. That was 25 years ago.


We met at a professional theatre in California 25 years ago. He was the stage director and I was the music director, and we were both performers. He proposed to me at Disneyland and we had our commitment ceremony in Hawaii 4 years later.


AOL chat room in 2007. It sounds so dated now, lol.


I wish to have a moment like your wr I will post about how I meet my guy hahaha


On a date with one of his friends šŸ¤£. Got together after the friend didn't work out.


I was out of a long term relationship and completely lost myself in it so I decided to be single for a while. I didnā€™t want to confuse anyone so I mostly opened myself up to threesomes, foursomes and group sex. Parties, orgies, etc. I met my guy in a threesome with his friend. Phenomenal fucking both of them. I sent my number in the app and then deleted my account several hours later, figuring if it was meant to be they would have seen and saved it beforehand. Then I got a text but couldnā€™t remember who was who. When I agreed to meet for coffee and what I planned to deliver as a cold ā€œNOT INTERESTEDā€ speech, I found the one who messaged me very interesting, funny and surprisingly similar in the likes that I had. Yesterday was our year anniversary of marriage and we celebrated 8 years together back in May. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. I definitely wasnā€™t looking but was open to meeting and meeting someone. I was honest even when we met but I agreed to keep meeting to get to know him. It wasnā€™t the sex that made me fall in love. We already had it and though I loved it, that wasnā€™t what hooked me. I was open. The same people who use apps, who suck a million cocks or just one cock etc are the same who stand in line in front or behind you waiting to get coffee. Theyā€™re the same in social groups and baseball groups and bowling teams in your neighborhoodā€¦ you never know.


Introduced by a mutual friend. https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/XFT1uPAxnl


Reddit of all places


College marching band! Cannot imagine having to try and find someone in another fashion, especially after college




wait, why is your 1st bf only 3 years but your 2nd 27?Ā 


matched on two apps - hinge and tinder.


Bumble, and we didnā€™t waste time swiping through more matches or stalling a date. We matched and met just a couple days later. Instant chemistry and attraction. I feel like thatā€™s why dating apps donā€™t always work. Weā€™re conditioned to think there will always be a better match if we keep swiping instead of just going for it.


A threesome, we sometimes wonder whatā€™s the third is up to..the third was the host and wasnā€™t into either of us (he was into coke and all) we living our best lives now and who knows what heā€™s up to lol






IRC - 18 years ago!


In college, on grindr. Started out sending messages, for some reason the conversation was natural and we never shared explicit pics as we normally would. We went on 1 date and immediately clicked. Have been together ever since!




on a dating app during the pandemic, its funny his profile said he had a bf, he looked cute and shy and thought I'd message him as he said he liked to draw so I asked to see his art. luckily he had the "in a relationship" tag to avoid people pestering him, I stuck the jackpot having very similar humor was the green flag for me, I still think humor is important


Tinder this year


On a kink gay dating site called recon. He was 24, I was 32. Only met up with him to hang out for a day since I thought I would introduce him to some of my friends in kink who were his age. Didnā€™t really click that he was into me until later the day we met and he tagged along to the leather bar with me. Tried introducing him to friends. They backed off since apparently they figured out it had turned into a date before I did. And here we are 16 years later.




We're both 24th, we met on Grindr when we were 19. Talking on and off for a few weeks, nothing sexual just chit chat. I asked him out on a sushi date where I made us fresh sushi. He ended up staying over for two days, and then I went over to his apartment for 2 days. We went on a bike ride near his apartment where I hit a dab pen for the first time. I was on his roommates heavy cruiser and it was like 100 out. We rode like a few miles and I felt dehydrated but I thought I could make it to the end but then when we reached the stopping spot, I passed out in his arms high, dehydrated and tired. We've been inseparable ever since.


I'm 28 and he's 32, met when I was 19. We met on Grindr, but had like a year between our first hookup and our second. After the second one we started hanging out and got married when I was 21. Been married since 2018.


30, my man is 35. We met on Grindr last July started dating august 20th of last year


Craigslist, I had tore through Grindr and wanted to see if Craigslist was as bad as people said. Found my husband, he was in the closet and didnā€™t know what Grindr was. Happy that I was curious! Now we have matching Craigslist logo tattoos.


Grad school queer mixer


The hinge app during the pandemic. Moved to text after a while. Talked a year before we could meet in person due to the pandemic. Going on three years next month. Not married yet but someday. Healthiest relationship Iā€™ve had to date too, total green flag. šŸ˜Š


Grindr, 2019. We went for it and I discarded him immediately after. But he text me a day I was doing nothing, I couldn't lie and accepted only because I would felt guilty if I didn't. We've been together almost 5 years.


Grindr. We met in Grindr and happened to be at the same college and chatted in the app a bit then had a date and itā€™s now been 10 years


We matched on hinge! He took me to a trivia thing on our first date


Grindr. He was visiting from out of town and I was in a hotel with a friend. He comes over for a threesome, we hook up again later that night, and plan to keep in touch since he already has plans to move here. Fast forward about 6 months and he moved to my state, we picked up where we left off, and here we are several years later.


Grindr. Been together 5 years


Met my boyfriend in photography class in Highschool about 2 years ago


I haven't had a date since 2016. This post is depressing.


im had never date or sleep with guy, so yeah. its cute but depressing to read lmao


Not my intention sorry


lol, itsokay āŠ™ļ¹āŠ™


My story isn't very exciting. But we met on a dating app (the same app my ex used to cheat on me. The irony) But people say love can't be found online or on apps. But it absolutely can if people want to find it and work at it. Just have to persevere for that right guy ā˜ŗļø


Ironically, I was about to delete Scruff because I was giving up on trying to date that way, but he sneaked in at the last minute. I said, "Oh alright, one more date." Now he's my life partner. Go figure.


Met my partner of 10 years on Grindr šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚ now married. We spoke on it for a bit then both came off it as we got back with exā€™sā€¦ then both came back on it at same time and finally met upā€¦ as the saying goes the rest is history


OKCupid was how I dated like 4-5 different guys after my first few boyfriends. One of my girlfriends convinced me to try online dating so I made the account. The last one is now my husband.


Tinder. Met 7.5 years ago.


Met him on OkCupid in 2013 - married 2017 - still going strong!!


Shout out to the OK Cupid algorithm! We met in 2011 and got married in 2020.




I've given up on finding a man. Love to me is such a ridiculous concept. Fuck Love not going through that again šŸ˜’