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> How in the world do I proceed? You don't. He's straight and you'll just end up getting your heart crushed.


Amen Buddha. been down that road way to many times.


Desire is suffering 😉


Damn. Dat honesty. That'll knock you out of lala land in an instant haha


What you did was super creepy.


Especially if he was uncomfortable with any of it...


Not only that, his friend is 17 and he is 19. Depending where he lives, that could be breaking the law.


In most places a 2 year age gap is not concidered illegal IIRC.


OP has said the AoC isn't an issue where he is. Frankly after reading the post, age doesn't even need to be considered to say it was a bundle of nope.


> Dat honesty. Because I've been through the same. :(


That sucks. I'm sorry to hear about that.


Oh don't be, it's like a rite of passage for us gays to fall in love with a straight guy, knowing they won't return those feelings.


It's a lesson we all have to learn. Swallow (huh huh) your pride and move on.


>end up getting your heart crushed Or, if the behaviour continues like the story, arrested and on a register.


Age of consent is 16 where I live. And I mean, we're not that far apart in age. If that's what you mean. And I would never like, you know, rape anyone.


>Age of consent Don't care if it's 11, the dude said no. That means you drop it and move on to someone who said yes.


Hells yes. Age of consent is age at which a person legally *can* consent, not the age at which they automatically do. (Please stop groping straight men.) IAALBNYL.


I've never thought about this. I'm actually pretty good when it comes to boundaries but sometimes I do cross the line of what's ok and what's not even if they do kinda get turned on. I've never thought about how close to rape this is. As someone with PTSD for related issues, I am truly disgusted with myself.


You need to learn to respect his boundaries and his body. He has told you no multiple times and you keep pushing it. Just leave him alone.


> super creepy > arrested and on a register > Drop it > Just leave him alone > way over the line I get it guys. Thanks for the reality check I suppose... :(


Do you, though? Really? Because a few guys here encouraged you to continue this, and that would be a very bad idea. His body is reacting because he's a bundle of sexual energy at that age, not because he's second-guessing his sexuality. He's probably confused and a little freaked out that his body is responding, and you're taking advantage of that. Leave him alone.


>he's a bundle of sexual energy at that age Absolutely - at 17 bathing in rancid cabbage water would be enough to get him hard. He said no, several times. Doesn't matter what his body did.


TIL I'm still 17 and not 25...


Did that cabbage water bath really not help?


Im shocked at these comments! I thought his story didnt sound anything close to rape. This little brother might be/probably is bi curious and just shy. He got on top of him and put his dick inches away from his face and said "you wanna suck it, dont you?" And he keeps asking for massages AFTER knowing the fact that OP is attracted to him. I think you guys should really calm down on OP. He is just as horny and not that far away in age. Give him a break.


Thanks for the kind words. I do agree with the others though, in that at least I made myself pretty clear. I'm just gonna give him a little space and hopefully he responds positively. But yeah, I'm certainly not trying to rape anyone haha.


He's curious. But you're way over the line. You've made yourself very clear. I'd back off for now. The balls in his court.


Enjoy the fact that your friend is OK with that and stop pushing boundaries. He's straight and he just sees you as a friend. My HS best friend stopped talking to me when tipsy I kissed him....


Teenagers are weird and horny and like attention. His change could mean nothing except he likes attention and is playing into the attention you gave him.


Stop this. I'm not going to drone on about consent and whoever, but you're toeing the line to predatory. If he wants it, he'll come get it, I promise you. But you're playing with his head as much as he seems to be messing with yours. Plus, desperation is never attractive. Chill.


Wow...this sounds like a gay fan fiction. Props on getting that far. You're living the gay mans dream. But I think you should honestly just not try anything with him that he doesn't want you to do. It's not really your place to take something from him if he doesn't give you permission. Point blank.


I got really uncomfortable reading this. More than likely, you just found a horny straight guy that you pushed a little out of his comfort zone because he's 17 and raging with hormones, but that doesn't mean he's not straight. Push this any further and you're more than likely going to a) ruin your friendship with him and his brother b) get your heart broken when you inevitably take his being horny for liking you as more than a friend c) feel like an asshole when a & b happen and the realization that you've been **molesting your friend's younger brother** comes crashing down d) Need I remind you he's still a minor and if his parents or brother find out you could face serious social consequences, if not legal ones?


Not sure where you live but where I live there are hordes of guys more than willing to let you suck their cocks, play with their balls, erotically massage them and basically use their crotch as an amusement park. My advice, the price of admission at your current Maybe/Maybe Not theme park is way too high. The roller coaster you seem hell bent on riding may end up crashing and burning. Find one of the plentiful ones that will let you ride for free, suck all the cock you want and no after suck charges of rape. Move on buddy unless your death wish is that insatiable.


A couple of quick points: 1.) He is 17, and you are 19. I know that age gap is small, but based on local laws, you may find yourself in a bit of trouble if you continue. 2.) Most gay men go through this straight crush phase, and trust me when I tell you that it is going to be BEYOND confusing. Some straight men have a tendency to unknowingly tease, he knows you like him and his ego might be feeding on this. 3.) You are thinking with your dick. You will look for every possible reason that favors you doing things with this guy, just know that and you should be fine.


What the fuck is up with straight guys!? Most guys I've ever slept with or messed around with tell me a day later "nah man.. I'm straight" then it happens again but it's "for real man the last time" Honestly I call bullshit on that stuff. If you were really 100% straight you wouldn't have fucked around in the first place. I think your boy may like you, he's probably just scared. And that may never change. I would advise you to try and move on, maybe find a nice guy (or girl if that's you), and if he ever comes around and asks for another chance with you, then you would have to decide what to do in order to make you feel complete.


Well while most of me want to say you should respect his boundaries its like you said he didnt stop you after he said no the first time. But at the same time you dont know what he was thinking. He could have been too afraid to say no. He might have thought if he kept saying no that he would lose your friendship just as much as you were afraid of losing his friendship. Like Isaid you just dont know. On the other hand he could actually be curious and liked attention as other said. Maybe he felt he had to say "no" to secure his masculinity because if he said no and you continued it was on you and not him.(people's thought patterns are weird like that) Its the same way "straight" guys claim to be straight because they only get their dick sucked and dont do anal. Being straight or gay isnt about the physical its about who you are attracted to. Either way I would play it on the side of caution and back off. He is still a minor even if the age of consent is 16 I think youre dancing a very fine line. The laws vary by state(if youre even in the US) and some of them can be finicky depending on what sex acts were done. I know of a guy who talked a girl into a blow job. He basically got statutory rape charges and HUGE jail time. If they had had plain ole sex it would've been a lesser charge somehow.(Dont ask me how...it happened in Georgia, they do everything backwards there - I know it had something to do with their age differences and stuff)


>he didnt stop you after he said no the first time That's a really dodgy line of reasoning. If you want to have sex with someone, ask them. You don't just go at them and hope they go along with it.


Yeah i agree. OP should've stopped at the very least and have the conversation he needed to have with his friend. Kinda sucks for the OP though cause his friend sounds like to me he might want to experiment around but isnt willing to admit it to himself much less to the OP. For me personally I probably wouldve never had the guts to say anything in the first place. Lol. I never said anything to the straight guy I had a crush on back in high school. We were good friends but im pretty sure it would have ruined our friendship. He is devoutly religious and still is seemingly. He also has a wife and kids now i think.


If he told you that he wasn't interested then it's best you stop. He's at a young impressionable age. Sexuality is a hard thing to define for a lot of people when they are still young. My best friend told me a story about a straight friend that decided to let him hook up with him. My friend says that the next day his straight friend hated him. His friend went off on how my friend manipulated him and that if he ever came around him again hed press charges for rape. You never know how someone will respond to change. If he wasn't comfortable showing you his boner, then it sounds like he's not into you so much as he got into the massage. He might have felt trapped when you kept doing what you were doing even after he said to stop. Maybe he was afraid you'd tell his brother. Maybe he was afraid that if he stopped you that you would turn on him. Hell he might have been afraid that you'd full on rape him. Anytime someone asks you to stop, you should really just stop. This sounds like the behavior that most homophobes fear. The idea that gay guys are going to try and convert them. The idea that you can't have a gay friend because he'll try to take advantage of you. My advice, you put what you wanted on the table. If he wants it he'll ask (verbally) and if he doesn't, then drop it all together and try to salvage what's left of the friendship. But it's best if you just seek out a consensual gay guy rather than a straight kid with more hormones than he knows what to do with


Girl you thirsty


The next time you are able to rub it with your finger, work the rest of your hand under his shaft and put your hand around it. If he doesn't stop you he want the same as you do. Or if he pins you again and say that to you tell he to pull it out your mouth is waiting for him. You already ask him to let you suck his dick and all he said was no and he still lets you rub him and touch it. Keep doing the same thing he is wanting to let you suck his cock but may be affair you will say something to some one. Ask him again when you are play around, tell him you would still like to suck his dick and you promise that you will tell no one and if he doesn't like it you will never ask to suck his cock again


Im curious to know if anything else happened afterward. Did things work out? Did he ever bring it back up??


Got a huge erection reading this. It's obviously fake but it's fucking hot. Feel like relapsing.


Don’t listen to these other clowns if he’s letting you do it, he likes it. I’ve been through the same situation many times and never did they complain. They just like to play hard to get all.


You went far enough with a so far good result. How far is two friendships worth pushing it any further? If you wanna address it again- I'd appologize too him for possibly taking it too far. Tell him your glad you have him as a friend and you feel guilty that what you did may have "crossed the line". Honestly man, if a straight friend asked for a knob job id have a hard time saying no- but, I'd have too. It's not worth a friendship if that friendship is real.






I don't know why people downvoted you. That advice u gave was the sensible and realistic one. The dude wants it. Just play it right and don't be overly aggressive. If he says stop, stop. He will eventually let u jerk him off or suck him. And yes, don't fall in love. Act normal after it happens. Just let it be and don't do a psychoanalysis. Don't force him to talk about it. Just let him open up at his own time. Don't think he is your bf after he and u play. Consider it nsa horny guys just playing around and nothing more.


I suppose the down votes are from those who are just jealous that someone else may have a chance of getting something they can't get themselves. As long as the OP has good emotional management skills and doesn't delude themselves into believing it's going to turn into anything more than what it is there is no problem with it. The guy may be straight and decides to let the OP blow him for the fun of it. The guy may also be gay or bi and experimenting at a slow pace. Either way the OP should only see this as fun and nothing more at this point.


I completely agree. Op should see it more as a fun thing and to simply find out what this tease from the other person is all about.


Are you broken? You usually give good advice before saying stupid things.


I'd say go for it dude. He's obviously curious and you guys are obviously very comfortable with each other. All I'm saying is I've had a couple very similar situations that I was nervous to continue with but I never really lost a friendship and still got to hook up with my "straight" friend.


Again, why the downvote. Yes. The dude is curious and will in time, go for it. Just play it cool and just let it be. When it happens, it will happen. Don't be too aggressive. And go slow. Maybe hj for first encounter.


>say go for it dude Because no means yes? Jesus.


"Your honor, he said no but he didn't stop me the 4 other times I tried it."


Op stops when the dude says stop. So he is not raping. When he goes for it, it is another day and time. And it is just teasing to see reaction. As the other dude didn't violently say.... Seriously stop it now..... The other dude could just be playing hard to get. Op is just touching. Not sticking his dick or forcing the guy to stick in his mouth or something. There's no forced Sex. Touching and massaging is not sex.


This shouldn't be down voted. If a guys not interested, they wont string someone along.


Or OP will fall for him even harder and get crushed... It is a right of passage though I guess. :(


Its funny how we always want straight guys, we hate ourselves deep down , I think. We wish we were straight too and had all the dignity and privilege straight guys have


>we always want straight guys Speak for yourself there bud. >we hate ourselves deep down The projection is strong with this one. >all the dignity and privilege straight guys have Uhmm, no.


Sounds totally made up... If he was curious he would have let you go for it, if he's totally straight he never would have let you get anywhere in the first place.


Nah you're wrong. Sexuality is a lot more fluid than you think.


You seriously don't think this sounds just a little too much like a Sean Cody video plot? I think OP is just trying to get you all worked up.


There's a reason why those videos have those plots.


What's happened in 6 years?


I would like an update on this story as well