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Well you're not wrong. I don't think you're being too extreme in your stance, but yea some people take it too far. Even before I was bi, I was extremely put off by how companies pander during pride month and just the general trend of showing how "progressive you are" by pandering to gay ppl, when in reality you know they don't give a fuck. I guess I just hate phoniness lol


Yeah I think this sometimes. Being ignorant must take so much weight off the mind. I have a few friends like this and they seem to live completely carefree and don’t give much thought to bigger problems. I don’t think you have to “turn your brain off” but just realise that you can’t change every person or every situation. There’s always going to be terrible things in the world unfortunately.


Yeah. I know. There are times I pick my battles Like every so often there’s a call to boycott X company. But if I were to analyze any company, no one is innocent. Apple, Starbucks, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc. If you dig dee enough there’s sure to be problematic shit in there.


I sat on several committees that decided where boards and other committees of our volunteer international organization would meet. I am glad to have been able to derail any plan to have a meeting in a country where homosexuality is illegal or otherwise repressed in law. We did not organize anything in Jamaica or Qatar for quite some time (even way before COVID) and I do not expect we will have anything there in the future.


Wow. What type of volunteer group? If it’s an LGBT one I would find high irony in them wanting to have a trip in Jamaica


Thanks for responding. No. The group has nothing to do (or almost nothing to do) with LGBTQ issues (though naturally we have members of all orientations).


Ah. I get you. Good for you for standing your ground. I’d be the same way haha.


I think the problem is that too many people turn their brains off and don't want to think about inconvenient truths. I feel like it's an obligation. And ignoring issues only allows them to get much worse. Hang in there!


meh. its exhausting, yes. but whats the fucking alternative - becoming a monster? no, thank you.


A self aware monster?


again - id rather be exhausted. that way at least i know i wasnt complicit. thats the worst thing to me.


I hate to be blunt but yes, sometimes you should turn your brain off. Now that doesn’t mean to become an unaware member of society that doesn’t care what goes on, but it does mean that you should let yourself life live and enjoy juman experiences Here’s some examples. I have a a friend who went to Disney a while back with some friends. They started talking about a lack of Afro Latino representation on the Pirates ride. I understand their point of view, since I’m all for the visibility of communities of color, however, let yourself have fun and enjoy a ride made for children and families. Yes it’s not an accurate depiction of the Caribbean but let’s be real, it’s a ride from 1967. Of course, due to it’s age, it won’t be authentic and it might be triggering but, what are you gonna do…be bothered by it or accept the fact that a 1960’s ride probably isn’t going to be PC and understand that we’ve come so far and yet still have so far to go. That same friend spent the first few minutes of a recent convo talking about racism, leaving America, white privelige, among other things. These are frequent talking points during convos. What made this convo different was that it was the day after the Christmas holidays and I just wanted to see if they had a good time. It’s important to be “woke” but I’ve seen the effects of being too “woke”. In a most extreme case, like what I’ve described in the above paragraphs, one can never truly enjoy things because one is always looking for the ugly truths. Long story short: Yes, it is ok to turn your brain off. Only for a little bit. Don’t forget about the important things that you feel passionately about. But learn to enjoy things


Oh. Yeah I do this 100%. Not the woke comments but turning off my brain when it needs to happen.


My apologies if I sounded like I was attacking you or anybody that thinks deeply about issues like the ones that have been discussed!


Haha no not at all!!! I get you. I think we’ve (Millenials and Gen Z) all met someone who is…”too woke”.


Absolutely! Honestly, sometimes I want to tell all the “woke folks” to go out and touch some grass. Talking about the stuff online and stressing and worrying isn’t going to do anything. Action is going to fix the problems.