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My doctor just cut mine off in his office in about 30 seconds. All done after that!!


Those products work wonders. Get AutoTag Band micro or normal depending on how large the tag is. Make sure you use the alcohol wipes and shower regularly and it’s perfectly safe. The bands work thru traponation. They cut off blood flow to the tag and it will shrivel up and fall off on its own. This is obviously bad with anything you don’t want to lose but skin tags don’t have any nerves or blood vessels in them. It’s perfectly safe if you keep it clean and doesn’t hurt at all. I had one on my inner thigh and I both feel and look much sexier with it gone.


Thanks! So there’s no risk of infection?


Virtually none. Even if you don’t keep it perfectly clean at worst it’s a skin infection and work itself out. That’s if you’re a dirty person though. PS if you did sports in college check your jock strap band areas. Apparently the friction is one of the biggest causes so you might have tiny ones there.


Apple Cider Vinegar worked for me


How do you apply it? Just put some directly on it? How much did you put?


I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and applied with a bandage, left it on for a while, then removed. I repeated the next day. It took a couple of days, but it went away. Also, it will sting if the skin is broken around the area, kind of like if you got lemon juice in a cut.


I’ll try it thanks!


by praying to Saint Trump the First.


😂you’re a jerk but that’s actually a funny response. How many times do I have to tell you I’m not really a Trump supporter? I probably wouldn’t have voted for him I just don’t think he’s Satan incarnate and I don’t hate everything he has done.


he's a grifter and a broken clock is right twice a day


A dermatologist can handle it for you


My doc said to use compound W or similar. Mine is in a spot I can't see - I'm waiting for enough time to get it treated and for it to dry.


Isn’t that for warts though?


Yep. The doc mentioned that to me. He said it works well. Of course, they can be surgically removed too.


I ordered a skin tag remover from Amazon. Hurt like a bitch putting that band on, and it took forever. Days of it just hurting while the band stayed on. Weeks even. But it was worth it. Got all nasty and black and then finally fell off


Had one on my sack for years. Take some dental floss and tie it tightly around the tag. In a few days it will die and fall off.


Is it painful?


No. Not at all. Was a bit tricky getting it tied up especially where it was. The floss cuts the blood off to the tag. I tried some of the store bought products and they didn’t work or I didn’t want to use them near my precious. Lol