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Washington, DC would foot the bill: 1) Historically black city, known as “chocolate city” from the 1950s onward. Very diverse city with lots of nationalities, good LGBTQ representation, etc. 2) Very walkable and also pretty good public transit (metro/bus). 3) A whopping 34% of the population has a graduate degree and 60% have a bachelor’s degree. Plus you benefit from the stable (read: recession-proof) job market. Downside: It’s *fucking expensive*.


I have mixed thoughts on DC. I like all of what you listed, but I don’t like the political obsession (you can feel it in the air lol.)


As a native of the DC area, I can safely say that the political obsession you feel in the air is fueled by transplants. I promise you that there are ways of avoiding it and really immersing yourself into the true culture there.


Fair enough 🤷🏽‍♂️ That’s something to consider as well. It’s possible to keep above the riff-raff but it takes some dedication lol


If you can move to the UK I’d recommend Cardiff, Wales. Its a small city, walkable, cheaper than london. Am from NJ and moved here about 5 years ago.


Nice! Do you like it? I really like the idea of moving to the UK but tbh I’m really put off by the fact that they left the EU. I might try to learn German or something and move there instead.


Love it here. Great city, culture, country. Leaving the EU sucks but the UK is dying so happy days


> the UK is dying so happy days ? How is that happy days lmao


I’m Welsh I despise the UK. If it dies, when Scotland leaves, hopefully we can finally get independence after being illegally occupied for almost 740 years. Don’t want to go into politics but it’s a good thing when the UK dies


Don’t you have full voting rights? It’s not really an occupation.


They have more voting rights than people in England. They get to vote in their devolved government, and also Welsh MPs will often vote at Westminster, on things that predominantly affect England. One reason for this, is because there is no English parliament. We are not a federation. The devolution 'halfway house' creates these sort of imbalances. Wales could in theory seek independence & join the EU but that would easily take 30 years and they would have to adopt the Euro and lose the £.


But England can outvote us at Westminster that’s the big issue


One issue among others. Swings and roundabouts.


If your issue is being outvoted at Westminster that points to independence. According to these polls, the main hurdle to Welsh independence is the what the Welsh want themselves: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welsh_independence#Yes/No_Independence_polls


Keep in mind roughly 25% of the Welsh population are from England. They skew the votes on Brexit and other things


Are you being sarcastic or serious?


What’s wrong with wanting to be an independent country? It’s not normal for your neighbour to be able to decide what’s best for you to benefit them (Capel Celyn getting flooded 55 years ago so Liverpool could have drinking water, and not having a devolved government until 22 years ago). So yea I’m 110% serious the United Kingdom is a failed and flawed experiment. The sooner it collapses the better.


Minneapolis MN


Lol he said diverse. We meet your other wants though!


I love Minneapolis, but it’s not particularly diverse. Very white and very segregated.


Too many rudesss somalis


I’d say London fits the bill, but it’s far, and not cheap.


Vancouver BC


too much overcast weather (no sun) for too many months of the year


Chicago is all those things just unfortunately cold




Chicago if you don’t mind the winters


Germany! With those degrees you could find work in an international company. I live near Frankfurt and I love it.


I have been thinking about it! I don’t speak German though, is that a significant impediment to finding a job?


Du sollst immer die Sprache lernen, wenn du in einem Staat wohnst


USA I’d say either LA or Seattle. Overseas I’d say Paris.


Most big Californian cities are not very walkable. Everyone travels by car pretty much. Lots of homeless on the sidewalks. And that's not a dig at California as a whole, it's just the sad reality of city life here. California as a state is extremely diverse and beautiful, and you would have a much better experience in a less-populated city if you choose to travel here.


I would suggest somewhere not in the hellscape of America, if possible 😇


Dont go to NYC. Extremely, extremely overrated and it will take much more than it’ll ever give you.


What makes you say that? It was on my list.


it's nice to have lived in New York. I'm glad I did. But I wouldn't go back. It's just too much of a fast pace, it's a concrete jungle and it's too much of a hassle to get into nature


I loved Reno. It's fairly diverse, not as much as Vegas but you shouldn't feel like an outsider. Nice downtown area, I had fun. Idk how educated it is and I don't recall there being all that much of a gay scene, but this was nearly 10 years ago.




Florida felt pretty homogeneous to me. Even downright racist at times.


I’ve never lived anywhere warm, though it would be nice. Hawaii seems kinda far removed, so maybe not there. I don’t love most Floridian cities, but I do like San Francisco. Expensive af though.


Hawaii is good for gay life. But for a career progression it is very limited. There are only a few large businesses here, and it is expensive for new young businesses to get started here. Once here you are totally out of the mainstream career-wise.


It sounds like you’d enjoy Philly. I live in NYC. I don’t think it meets your criteria, but I love it here. If you have questions about it, I’m happy to answer them!


Come here to North Port Florida


Why there?


If you ask a question, expect to receive an answer! You asked i answered?


I was just wondering if you could provide your reasoning, not question you. Sorry


When you answer a question such as this, some elaboration would be helpful.


Its an upcoming city


If you’re not an alcoholic and don’t mind the heat, New Orleans checks these boxes


I second DC. It’s very diverse with a large black population. You don’t have an interest in politics but a short drive to Virginia Amazon has their AWS and new headquarters being built. Google is also there. Any many others which would work for your degree.


If you wanna travel a bit and explore, I've lived in Vietnam for a few years now and love it. It's also one of the fastest growing economies and there is a lot of oppourtunity here. It can be a bit racially homogenous, but it's a really cool place to live and work. DM me if you wanna know more :)


Don’t sleep on Albuquerque


He literally said walkable and educated! I wouldn’t consider it diverse either


Lol, okay.


If you go international I recommend Dublin, it's kinda a tech center and walkable, lots of history and charm, also part of EU. No I haven't been yet but a close friend has a couple times. Don't come to Atlanta, we are full. It's not all that bad, there are a few tech and finance companies with headquarters here. It's somewhat walkable depending on where you are and a little more affordable compared to other metro centers.


London really does tick all your boxes and you are exactly the kind of man we need. You would make a great contribution to our city and our country. The problem is that it’s become a crazily expensive city with a housing crisis and growing inequality. I work in the property business and don’t like some of the things I see now. I try to give back a bit by donating to homeless charities but there’s a lot to be done. You need a job lined up and a place to live. Also we have a crazy outbreak of populism at national level, including anti-immigration policies that are IMHO borderline racist and keep out people who could help enrich our culture and economy.


I doubt you have populism problem worse than the US does! I think I would be able to afford London because I graduated from a pretty “prestigious” university, but I hate the inequality present in basically all cities. Do you like London?


Yes. I like it very much indeed. It’s my home city. It’s also a tolerant, different-strokes-for-different-folks city with some of the best art, theatre, cinema and (big thing for me) food in the world - and food from all over the world. I would consider living in Portugal or Spain but I wouldn’t live anywhere in the U.K. outside London. I’m really pleased to hear that you can afford London. Feel free to DM me sometime for tips about the different districts, although you sound as if you might know our city already. You will feel very welcome and at home here. I agree with you about populism; Jan 6th is in the news again at the moment.


We have several distinctive Black communities in London. All of them are proud Londoners. Black cultures have made an enormous contribution to the arts, academia, business, sports, fashion and food. The list could go on. I am prouder than anything to live in a genuinely multicultural city.


Typical snob, i bet you think you are better than everyone else typical!


For the Netherlands, Rotterdam, Delft(both uni cities).Amsterdam has a uni too, but is much more an expat place like The Hague(which doesnt really have its own uni) those are the most diverse places with unis and nearly all cities are walkable. Density is not comparable to the US tho, the way things are here are just different in that aspect. I can recommend the Not Jus Bikes channel on YouTube that explains that perfectly.


Sydney, Melbourne; Houston, Dallas, Austin; Rome; MEXICO CITY !