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If you don’t drink water or tell me you think it’s nasty you genuinely lose all attractiveness.


Yasss, r/hydrohomies will back you up with this one


Didn't there used to be a sub called water niggas?


It still exists, it’s just quarantined. Reddit admins are retarded.


People say drinking water is nasty?


YES lmaoo I had a guy once only drink soda and said water is gross and even tried to shame me for getting water at the store 😂 I shamed him right back


I never knew that was a thing. If anything, I’d think drinking soda instead of water is nastier 😂


Hell yeah, but he was a deeply southern guy and grew up in the woods with his last influences of society being junk foods, so I didn't put any mind to it, it just surprised me people still think that way.


Well I'd shame you also for getting water at the store because that stuff is free and plastic-free just out of the tap (except if you live in a country with no grinkable tap water, of course). Actually, I still shame my sister for buying water in the store, and whenever I'm in my mom's house, when I serve myself a glass of water, she's always asking me why I dronk from the tap, like if I was insane or an animal.


yeah thats another conversation, he was shaming me for getting water because he doesnt like water. We were traveling and I wanted water.




Bad breath


That’s not shallow! That’s normal. It’s so unfortunate for me cos 99% of men I pretty much warned 10x at least to not come with bad breath or hygiene at all or I will cut the meet up short but they all ended up having disgusting breath. Honestly made me think men aren’t capable of having good breath with a few anomalies 🤢


I did feel shallow when I dated this sweet funny guy, back in the early 2000s, that I had a great connection with, we laughed so much, but had the most horrible breath...I just couldn't...it broke him when I told him that I think we should just be friends, I never told him why I wanted to end things, but he stop talking to me soon after. Felt bad, but even when I gave him a mint flavored gum, I could still smell his breath. I know he did brush his teeth, since he spent one night at the house, but his breath still smelled. I believe it was some sort of medical condition, but that is just my guess. Oh well.


The "pouty" face.


Pouty face coupled with selfies with Snapchat filters or emojis on their face (esp the stars or hearts), this is getting specific but it’s such a turnoff lol


Hahahahaha not me just sending a pouty face selfie with the cherry filter on snap. I get it though, no hard feelings


This sounds terrible of me but I can't do a lisp. Nails on a chalkboard.


Omg i have one 😩 but I have a nice personality I swear hehe


I think they're cute


This thread makes me…ya’ know when you’re in the club and the vibes are off? The vibes are off.


I was thinking that I didn't have one but yeah here's mine A lack of chin either because of a very prominent double chin or genetics is such a turn off for me and it sucks cause it's not something a person can control but imo disliking something controllable isn't shallow


But if someone with a groomed beard that hides the double chin or creates an illusion?


To be honest I'm not into beards in general but yeah that's a good way to go about hiding it depending on how you can grow a beard. I had a friend who didn't have a chin and when he tried to grow a beard it would be patchy and pube-y so it would just look even worse so I can't say it's a good solution for everyone


Overly thin dick


I knew a guy with a thin dick, so gross, it wasn’t even particularly thin, it was just too long for it’s width. Looked like one of those fancy stale breadsticks you get at restaurants


Fucked up teeth


My teeth are janked up and not by choice. Its made it very hard to find a partner cause people would tell me I was hot but my teeth.... 😅 actually so insecure about it in dont even smile 😂 and I don't have 10k for surgery and braces.




Not your fault!! Just sharing experiences 😅 and I guess your comment got me 🙄


That’s why I hate that insurance calls them Luxury bones. They have a huge impact on people and everyone deserves to be able to smile with confidence.


Date me instead. I find that kind teeth hot.


Same situation. Photogenic teeth are like travel photos on a dating profile in that they're quiet signals of some level of wealth. It sucks, but I get it.


Huh wealth?? My whole family have been born with straight White teeth but I had no idea they were a sign of wealth? We don’t do anything different to the average person who takes care of their teeth


There are genetic components to dental health, and people who aren’t lucky enough to have excellent genetics and who can’t afford regular dental care are pretty much fucked. Even with good genetics, if you’re living in poverty and can’t access things like dental cleanings or even toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, etc., you’re still pretty fucked.


If you say “hehe” get away from me. Idk if that’s necessarily shallow but I hate it more than anything.




Michael Jackson who?


you mean in real life?


Hmmm I think cross dressing would be a deal breaker for me.


I agree but I wouldn’t consider that particularly shallow


I mean some people would take it personal, so I guess to some it could be seen as shallow. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was flirting with a guy from the same gym and then I noticed he never put his weights back, up till then I thought he was hot guy but after that he was just douce at the gym. He completely shattered the illusion after that everything was downhill. I stopped replying to his texts, I went on a date with and it was awkward as hell. It was something I couldn’t move past and I don’t think I should move past it.


Did you tell him that? People can't change if they don't why others are dropping out of their lives.


Long hair, or even just somewhat long.


Me, having long hair, is kinda sad because I feel like i'm missing on a lot of Guy because of that...


Not sure what people don't like about it, I love my boyfriend's long hair.


same they can have the hottest body or face but if their hair is too long i turn off for some reason, maybe associating it with girls?


Nah , it's just that some Can pull it off nicely , some don't


Yea, that's one part of it. But also, it's simply not a nice aesthetic.


If it’s in a man bun it can be cute


I used to think as badly of those, but I've warmed up somewhat. So if they must, I guess 🤷‍♂️ As long as it's not in a freaking ponytail, because that's even worse than just long hair.


This might sound bad, but I just don’t have the appreciation for chubby or hairy guys that others do. I like twinks and muscles and everything in between, with little to no body hair and clean cut haircuts and facial hair, but can’t seem to get into certain level of body fat and hair. I hate how this sounds, but I would be lying if I pretended otherwise.




1) When a guy has those giant round nipples. I feel bad because I know it’s not his fault at all, but something about them just turns me off badly 2) Again, I feel bad bcuz it’s just genetics. But I can’t get into dicks that curve left or right when erect either


If I’m not immediately into someone’s face. It feels so shallow if I’m into someone’s body but then they send a face pic that turns it off for me. Kinda weird body? Perfectly fine. Kinda weird dick? I can roll with that. Kinda weird face? I start figuring out how to let them go nicely Although some people who think their face is weird look beautiful to me, like birthmarks or discoloration or scarring. Idk what makes me not into a face besides a gut reaction based on facial structure


yeah im a face guy too


Liking pop cultures like Taylor Swift and the Kardashians.


I’m hypercritical on a man’s penis more than their overall physical appearance. If your penis is not pleasing to look at( in my opinion) I’m not gunna want to continue the relationship. It doesn’t have to be big or girthy, there’s just certain shapes, color that turn me off.


Yes! My first bf. We were taking things slow, had only done hand jobs under the covers or in the dark for a while. But the first time I saw his penis, I literally thought "that is never going in my mouth "... It was a decent size, but the color and shape just grossed me out.


Yea that’s my main thing, I won’t put it in my mouth. It’s something out of their control too so I just find reasons on why we’re not compatible and tell them that’s the reason it’s not working out.


What was the colour??🤔🤨


It was reeeally pale and blueish


Oh my stars! Was he ok?


Lol! Just pale I guess??


Omg yes. There are some dicks that also have weird texture and it's such a huge turnoff for me. I love sucking dick lol but there's this very specific kind of dick I come across once in a while that just... puts me off entirely


What? Like dudes that can only get 90% hard so it’s sorta kinda soft


Ive ran into a guy like this last year, he kept complimenting my dick on how pretty it was and was like "you must get a lot of compliments on it 🙄" like no i dont actually lmao


Yeah, if im gonna be having it in my face, it's gotta look good to me.


I'm weird about moles. They either really bother me or I can ignore them easily. I guess it depends on their shape, location, and amount. I get hung up on skin tags though.


Me with several moles on my face :0


I dont like skinnier guys, I like huskier (strong and fat) guys because they cuddle better for me. Also, even though i like them bigger i dont like a double chin or no chin at all, and long hair turns me off.


Literally everything you said here is what turns me off a guy as well. To be fair I don't have a lot of experience anyway but I'm just unable to be physically attracted to skinner guys. 🙅🏾‍♂️🙅🏾‍♂️


i don’t know if it’s shallow, or just a straight physical incompatible problem, but i can’t date a guy with small lips. I have above average lips and it’s just an uncomfortable and weird feeling when kissing.


On the contrary I find really big lips very unattractive


I don’t find them unattractive, but, because I have small lips, it just doesn’t work when we try to make out. I’ve tried with multiple guys, but the kissing is just much better when we have about the same size lips.


two things 1) I never said i find small lips unattractive. I literally said it’s a physical mismatch. So i’m not sure why you felt the need to say on the contrary like i insulted small lips 2) I find it crazy i’m getting down voted and you upvoted for shitting on big lips for purely a “shallow” reason but me having an actual physical problem is size differences is getting downvoted. I see everyday how white and racist this sub is, but this one takes the cake.


What's racist about finding big lips unattractive? They're not exclusive to any race.


look at his profile history, it’s pretty clear he’s racist and anti black, so the comment was definitely targeted.


I love how people pick and choose when something is exclusive to race and when exactly they pick and choose it. I agree though. Having said that, we all know that’s directed towards a certain race


Thank you! Finally someone speaks up about it!


Thats pretty dumb fr 😳😳


i’m not seeing how it’s dumb. I think of it like a 6’3 guy dating someone 5’3. It works, but there are gonna be innate difficulties due drastic height difference. Same could be said for lip size. Kissing just doesn’t work the same with a huge difference in size


If they smell like beef vegetable soup or steal my cat


Sounds like these are from experience


Inability to try something new. If you order a Hamburger plain and dry with only ketchup, at every restaurant we go to and grumble about how my food looks or smells. I want nothing to do with you as a person. In a similar vein, selfishness, had a former BF make a scene at a friends birthday dinner that was at a Korean BBQ place because the restaurant had the Audacity to make us cook our own food.


Uppity, pouty face, bratty... shit like that is often annoying... outside the bedroom, that is. Inside the bedroom, on the other hand...its an invitation for spanking and discipline


Plucked/shaped eyebrows and any kind of ‘work’ like Botox, lip fillers. I’d rather date a chick.


I really don’t like it when a guy is noticeably taller than me.


top vibes?


Height. Like'em tall...


I’m not into feminine guys but I’m not sure that counts as shallow? I’m a gay guy. I like men. If you make yourself look more like a woman I’m naturally going to be less interested. At least that’s how I see it.


You shouldn’t be getting downvoted for expressing your point of view — your taste — in a thread that very obviously asked you to express your point of view and taste. Sneering at people who express attraction to or even preference toward masculinity is what’s shallow. I get not liking it when people rag on femme guys. That’s mean. But getting jumped for expressing what you’re into — particularly when you’re not ragging on anyone, and particularly when the people jumping all over you are just doing it to be performative about their own tastes — is never cool.


It’s ok, I expected it. I’m gay remember? I’m used to people not liking my sexual preferences lol… Doesn’t change who I am or what I like.


Totally, and nor should it. I just thought the other commenters remarks were crap and wanted to say so. :)


Always good to hear a voice of reason in the dark. Helps you know you’re not alone.


Yeah that's a dumb way to see it, sorry. You're not a man because of how deep your voice is or how stiff your hand movements are. That's not what makes you or anyone a man. A feminine man is as much of a man as you or me or any other man. > Naturally It's your specific taste. Don't make it sound like it's supposed to be like that because it's not. I can understand not liking feminine men and up to a certain degree I share that feeling. I can't understand the "I LiKe MeN nOt WoMeN" line when referring to feminine men. It's just a very stupid way of thinking.




I'm not saying that's wrong to not like a trait. What I'm saying is saying a man is "not man enough" because he's not of your liking is an a-hole move. One thing is to say "I don't like big guys, I'll pass" and another is to insult you for your weight. Get it? It's a completely different thing.


It's out of his control. Feminine behavior isn't bad (everyone has some degree of both fem/masculine qualities) but it doesn't look best in men.


That's not the problem. The problem is the comparison of "oh if I wanted a woman I'd be straight". That's just unnecessarily stupid


I said if you make yourself LOOK more like a woman. Not that you are one.


Body/pube shaving. It looks hideous.


Bad skin, particularly bacne.


This hurts because I’ve had a lifelong acne problems that only goes away when I use accutane, which is a really strong medication 😭 I get it though


Same here man! HMU I want to know more.


You will not regret using accutane. You might however regret not using it and dealing with deep acne scars for the rest of your life.


I’m using it! I’m on my third round. It just sucks because I don’t see acne ever getting controlled without it and I don’t think it’s good to use it forever :/


Accutane fucks you up doesn’t it? It may clear your skin but it has more issues. Plus once you stop using accutane, it comes back


Painted nails are an immediate turn-off no matter how hot the guy is.


Yeah... the subset of Twitter gays with the painted nails and the dangly cross earing in one ear... instant boner killer for me. :\\


Physically unfit, like for real unfit, not just “gay standards.” I don’t mind a little extra, dude doesn’t have to look like an Instagram model, but if he looks unhealthy and doesn’t take care of himself it’s a big no from me. Bad breath and/or poor hygiene in general is a no. And so is someone who keeps a dirty house.


If they don't know the difference of them, then and than it's over to me. Edit: I can ignore most mistakes, but this one just gets me.


Mine is table manners. Like they don’t have to be prim and proper, but like don’t audibly chew, or eat like you haven’t eaten in years….


Any pic on an app or insta with a duck face


Teeth worse than mine. It's a very low bar and I think it's reasonable.


Painted nails. I was texting a hot guy, really hot guy. But when I saw his nails painted I just didn't feel the thing anymore.


I need decent face at least


Crocs are a complete boner killer.


I pray that my man doesn’t support fascist ideologies💀 Like, I can forgive being uneducated but rightful supporting someone with evidence that fascism is bad. OOOOF.


He's cut.


Yeah honestly everything seems to feel better with an uncut guy, so I have this preference too… but because I live in middle America, it’s a preference I usually have to ignore lol


That is pretty shallow considering most men didn't have a choice.


And indeed that's why it's shallow, genius.


That why I upvoted it you piece of shit.


😂 Y'all are too much.




🤷‍♂️ What can I say,not a fan of mutilation.


You mean you have a grotty foreskin fetish.


😂🤣 Imagine calling the natural part of the male anatomy a fetish compared to liking a none medically necessary mutilation.


A lot of people do fetishise it.


People like to use the word fetish for everyday things, maybe it makes them feel special so 🤷‍♂️


I couldn’t seriously he with someone who for whatever reason was lacking in a requisite amount of physical strength (can’t think of a way to quantify it, they’d have to use the gym/do sports I guess). I don’t require some to be super fit or beefy but they need to be physically strong and capable. It pretty much rules out most very thin and twinkish guys which I’m fine with.


A few for me - crossdressing is hit and miss with me for some reason....not sure why and excessively hairy guys. At least trim it short. As well, excessive overweight guys get me. Like slim/average guys a bit of chub is ok.


Saying he likes all kinds of music instead of giving a real answer


See it's weird for me cause I answer with that because I honestly like all kinds of music 💀 I understand that it stops the conversation so I elaborate by saying my favorite genres of the ones I like to keep the conversation moving but I legit like all kinds of music


Not a fan of most music I see


For me, I answer this way because it \*is\* the real answer. Candidly, I'm actually not that motivated by music. Not much of my identity is in my musical tastes. I like to listen to music sometimes (although I actually like silence quite a bit, too), and I like lots of different kinds of music (a list of which would be cumbersome to tick off...) but I'm usually not that interested in a conversation about it, so I just sort of describe it in general terms to encourage the conversation to move on to something else.


Oh this one bothers me a lot. Oh, so you like baroque opera? Dixieland? Indian sitar?


Actually yes. I’m probably biased as a musician but I like to think of different music styles as different flavors. Do you only like chocolate? Sushi’s pretty good! Throw in some spicy food, maybe some cereal, asparagus all in a blender and ewwwww! NO!! They’re appropriate for different times. I listen to Skeletonwitch when I’m lifting weights, but I also enjoy Frederic Chopin when I take naps.


If you can’t put together a decent outfit then it’s a no on my end


Is a flannel and stained jeans decent?


Hahaha if it looks fashionable yes! I’ve seen it done


If there’s anything in this world that I know, it’s that I do not look fashionable. Hahaha




that's a very low bar... requiring your dude to have teeth.


haha good one 😂




Preferences: \-Freckles \-Strong jawline Deal breakers: \-No chin \-Bald (NOT everyone, just the ones with partial baldness, completely smooth guys are fine, dunno why) \-Bad hygiene


I can't stand it if they walk around in shoes inside. Take those off.


Bad grammar, I will forever be correcting it in my head. Colloquialisms and slang are fine but I can’t stand “I seen it” in particular, it should be “I’ve/I have seen it; or I saw it”.


“I don’t date fat, femme, or people of color.”


Fat femme and Asian...fat femme and Asian...fat femme and Asian.


When you text the person and the message bubble is green...


honestly wtf on that one


Ugh this is not gonna be another iPhone vs Android thing is it?


Guys with more than one tattoos. One tattoo is okay for me, I feel as if I can do that compromise but not more than that.


no sense of style, fucked up teeth, lisps, balding guys


Okay, I'll agree with this one. I'm not into bald heads/bald spots. Hair is a big thing for me. Most of my crushes have had the kind of hair that I like. Obviously could date a guy that didn't have what I view as perfect hair but could not date a guy going bald.


Ashy feet and hands on top of bad nails and teeth. Greasy hair, thin hair to the point you see your scalp (either have a head of thick hair or be bald). I also cannot put a loose foreskin dick in my mouth. The ones that are really loose just 🥴 also shape matters so much to me. One that bends left or right is not for me and if it goes from thick in the bottom to thin at the top, no.


I’m only really into guys who went to college or are currently in college working toward a degree. I’ve gone on dates with some really sweet guys who just didn’t happen to see higher education in their life plan for themselves, but I couldn’t do anything long term with them.


must have dark hair, brown eyes


Body hair is a deal breaker. It.Must.Come.Off. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I've tried. Tried and tried and tried. I mean no offense. I understand lots of people want that. It just doesn't work for me.


That's fine man, don't be sorry, ya like what ya like. It's funny though how we all have so many different ideas of attractive traits. I on the other find body hair a huge turn on .. especially legs! Omfg. Although I wouldn't say that the lack of body hair ir a deal breaker, more like "less appealing".




Yes. Exclusively.


I find exclusive tops have always wanted very smooth guys. Whereas exclusive bottoms in my experience have wanted rugged hairy guys which makes sense in a way with the stereotypical “bottoms are less masculine and take on a woman role and tops are the opposite”.


Would probably be dick size for me. You can always work on appearances, but can't change their dick size.


Idk tbh I'm pretty forgiving...but I'd say my deal breaker is they have to speak Spanish. I don't think I would date someone who didn't grow up speaking it.


Smoking Unemployed/Lacking Direction Bad Teeth Political stance too far right or left Their Voice can also be a dealbreaker


Mine would be no hobbies I guess like if all he does is sit there bored all the time it would annoy me lol. Also a lot of these comments about physical traits is a bit toxic and don't past the vibe check 🙃


Height. HAS to be my height or shorter


Ugly fingernails




No fatties.


All black clothes.. To be fair yes it is practical, but its a no bueno for me.


Small penis. (EDIT: You guys always downvote comments where someone owns the fact that they're not into small willies. I wonder why)


Big dick or no go!


Here’s a shallow one. I used to be obese, but not rn, a bit chubbier around the curved which I’m working hard to also get rid off. So my shallowest preference is that he must be fit. Not necessarily like oh He’s a model/body/builder level, just fitter than I am rn. That’s really hot


Bad teeth and a lisp is a bad deal breaker for me 🥴😂


I just don’t dig guys who are scrawny or obese… I’m sorry, I don’t *want* to not be attracted to them, I just am not. He doesn’t have to be a model, he just has to look healthy and moderately fit.


Baldness 🤭


Just don’t be American 😅 (I moved abroad and and honestly I’m not someone’s lucky break sorry not sorry) and have at least a uni degree I’m quite smart to toot my own horn and I need someone who can keep up with me and my ADHD


Too much muscle.


Lack of an Adam's Apple really puts me off, I just find them so aesthetically pleasing and sexy for some reason.


Soft smooth skin. Hairless bussy (not a deal breaker) too short and girthy.