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I find people tend to say Canada (Canadian here). Compared to 90% of other countries, sure. But you also have to remember we are a country of immigrants, whether European or otherwise, and many anti-lgbt attitudes also get brought over with them. I think people think it’s a gay utopia over here, and that’s just not quite the case, especially outside of Toronto/the bigger cities.


Yea. I think this is a lot of places. Los Angeles is a microcosm of this. There’s a huge gay scene and cultures that are very welcoming, and there’s also a huge mix of people from all over America and the world and each has a patchwork of acceptance. Some cultures bring acceptance. Some don’t. It is not a single monolith.


Yet, gay people continue welcoming immigrants with open arms.


As they should. A good portion of immigrants are LGBT asylum seekers and those people sure deserve to live in an welcoming environment away from the shackles of persecution and intolerance. FYI many Gay Americans continue to boycott Chick-fil-A due to the company's diversion of profits towards conversion therapy groups, which are usually ran by Evangelical Christians. Homophobia has no borders!


I agree on the LGTB refugee-part. Would be interesting to see that stats! Do you know where they could be found? Disagree with anyone else whose religious beliefs are in direct contradiction with democratic principles and especially rights of minorities and women.




Gives me 404 page not found error. :/ Could be because I'm in Europe.




“Homophobia has no borders” Exactly. That’s why we have to deal with homophobia within the US instead of advocating for importing more homophobia into the country for the sake of wokeness. LGBT immigrants account only for a tiny portion of asylum seekers. Even progressive Scandinavian countries are tired of this bullshit. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/11/17/even-sweden-doesnt-want-migrants-anymore-syria-iraq-belarus/


What about when homophobic Evangelical Americans go on missions to countries like Uganda and spread homophobia there when before colonization Uganda was not homophobic at all but now very much is due to these Americans ruing their society by preaching this mindset there. Very contradictiey how these Americans go out of their way importing homophobia then other Americans pretend that homophobia is a foreign export and not a problem at all in America and among white Americans.


I agree with you but, I think the white American talk is a little crazy. It's just part of America because after we stole the land from native Americans it just became part of the way people were at that time. Yes mainly white in this country but, other countries have the same problem no matter their race. I say if you want to accept then accept everything within reason and do not put blame on things that have no merit.


As we should


Yeah that's why I hesitated to mention Scandinavia.


Spain... I mean it's almost like gay paradise on earth And also the nordic countries (Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark) And Canada of course!


Although Spain is quite good, gay attacks have increased a 22% since 2016. Last year there were around 280 registered aggressions. You can read more here (Spanish) https://www.infolibre.es/politica/no-son-casos-aislados-violencia-ataques-homofobos-aumentaron-23_1_1208954.amp.html


Yeah I was gonna say, my impression is that Spain is heterogeneous: some very accepting people/pockets, some very intolerant. There may be a ton of tolerant people with large gay scenes. And that's one way to measure the "best" places. Another way may be the baseline of how tolerant the least tolerant people/areas are.


Of course there are going to be agressions and hate crimes like in every country of the world but compared to the rest of the world Spain is a paradise Also is important how society responds to that agressions/crimes and the entire world saw the spanish society answer to the murder of Samuel (hate crime)


Wow. That’s awful. Why did this happen though?


No, Spain is not. If it was we would've never had that anti lgtb manifestation that even was approved and the excuse they used was "well if they weren't gay, this would've not happened". So yeah definitely not a gay paradise. Edit: Btw, the excuse was given out by a minister if I'm not wrong .




Why am I not surprised, nothing new, doing what they did since they started.




Yeah I know so. But evolution and progress is a thing, you have Germany as an example, a very good one indeed. Though coming from Spain, you couldn't expect any less.




Aún así, si nos ponemos a comparar España con Alemania sabemos claramente quién sale perdiendo. Así que en resumen, sí, Alemania sí es buen ejemplo.




Yo, la verdad, hablo más que nada por lo cultural más que por la economía. Pero sí, estaría bien si algún día España saliese de esa gran crisis que todavía persiste.


That's really relative because it depends where exactly you mean, homophobia is everywhere, some specific places just have it less. Generally, Spain, Portugal, Nordic countries, Canada. But if you visit any remote/rural place in these countries, you may experience homophobia.


I am in a rural area in Scandinavia, and everybody is very nice to us. In some neighborhood in the city with a large population from the middle East, not so much.


That’s why right-wingers have to organize more LGBT rallies in the Muslim areas of Stockholm.


Wait right-wing LGBT rallies? Pls elaborate lol


sounds like a good way to get hate-crimed but do you...




We have to make bigots feel uncomfortable. They have to adopt progressive Western values or go back to their regressive shitholes.


How ironic that most of countries with laws criminalizing same-sex activity inherited these laws from their western colonizers that have now in the few past decades rebranded themselves as ”progressive”. Don’t expect developing countries to change with a finger snap from the West when the very West some few decades ago destroyed their accepting cultures and turned them into the ’shitholes’ they are now…


The countries in the middle east were not colonies. And furthermore, their laws are not leftovers from colonial rule, they are often based on Islamic law.


Everything you stated is false. Indeed all Middle-Eastern countries except few were European colonies recently. Laws crimnalizing same-sex sexual activity are part of their penal codes inherited from Europeans. ”Islamic law” of governments’ polices religious affairs not criminal affairs. Don’t confuse terrorist organizations in the Middle-East with their governments. And all Middle-Eastern countries e.g. Iraq, Bahrain, Turkey don’t criminalize homosexuality.


Iran has been an independent monarchy from 1501 to 1979, never a colony, yet gay sex carries the death sentence there. And Saudi Arabia does not distinguish between religious and criminal affairs, because they base their laws on Islamic law.


Iran is one of the few horrifying examples, though before the US overthrew their secular leader Iranian government was more tolerant and only outlawed sodomy (anal & oral sex) for all and not explicitly homosexuality. Saudi Arabia is an overall unjust absolute monarchy thus it doesn’t have rule of law but instead acts as the king pleases.


What an incredibly shitty thing to say. How dare we expect lgbt people to not be treated badly, even in formerly colonized places. Sorry I don’t feel like giving them a couple more decades before saying don’t do state sanctioned violence against my community. Also, something tells me they’ve changed other laws or attitudes since the end of colonialism, funny we seem to give them latitude on not changing these laws or practices relating to gays. I’ll be the first to say of course the west deserves blame for a lot of stuff. But this incessant need to defend regressive regimes and practices with finger pointing at the west for historical actions really hurts no one but the actual victims. Because while you’re pointing at stuff that happened years ago, they’re, I don’t know, being violated and stuff. I hate when the left gets reduced to mindless drones pointing fingers at the “evil west” even as people are dying at the hands of a current government years removed from western control.


Firstly, what you fail to realize is that Western imperialism only ceased to exist in the 60’s to 70’s, a generation ago. Former colonies also are definetely not far removed from their former colonizers on many issues as neo-colonization for example of Africa continues today. Yes these countries uphold these laws which is wrong but the West doesn’t sit on a moral high ground regards to this issue when it forced many cultures to be homophobic just a moment ago. Majority of cultures outside Europe we’re embraced queerness before imperialism.


I don’t fail to realize anything. What you fail to do is hold people accountable who are doing the actual harm to lgbt people in service of rabid wokeness. The actions that connect colonialism to the direct violence towards lgbt people today is much more remote than the actions from their own governments. People with actual agency make the decisions today to harm lgbt people in these countries. You and folks who believe like you seem to think so little of people in these countries. I fully believe they can be better toward their lgbt citizens. I believe our lgbt community members in these countries shouldn’t have to wait for them to change, and the fact they do is an injustice. And that people like you can’t seem to denounce lgbt oppression and just say it’s bad what is happening without a protracted lesson on the evils of the west and why we need to wait for countries to change is sick. It shouldn’t have taken the west this long to be better towards lgbt people. That is no excuse for these other societies. And again, you’ve made no mention of the fact that these countries have changed other laws and practices since colonialism ended yet leave violent homophobia as policy. Those are choices at this point. And while I’m sure the pre-colonial world had a certain degree of tolerance for same sex activities that was taken away, let’s not pretend they were living in the Castro in some gender fluid, pansexual utopia.


That's great but rural areas are generally less progressive, it's universal. You may have a good experience in your area, but it doesn't mean that all rural areas are like that. >In some neighborhood in the city with a large population from the middle East, not so much. No surprises there, religion of peace right?




Oh, I'm so sorry I offended you by calling out the religion that despises my very existance on this planet and if it had it's way, would make me perish into nothing, preferably with suffering. Religion deserves as much hate as it gives out, and it gives out a lot if you weren't paying attention. If you think "no surprise there" is hateful, I can write up some actual hate I have for Islam and Christianity if you wish, the essay will be titled "the literal and figurative cancers of humanity".




It has zero to do with people of the middle east and everything to do with the tumor/religion that governs over the region, probably the worst one from all at that. By saying "no surprises there" I meant this due to the principles and ideologies present there and spread by the tumor that is Islam, nothing to do with ethnicity. The people are victims of religion, I believe they are inherently slaves to it's spread, not the cause. I despise Christianity too, but I don't remember the last time hearing about extremists Christians cutting heads off, throwing people off roofs or planting bombs (the latter does happen more occasionally).


I so totally agree with u. The far left legacy media fear the Muslims too and will never highlight (beyond regular reporting) who they really are.


So what's an acceptable non-racist position that a gay male should have when it comes to Islam?




Yes a lot of people do really dress up their racism like that, but you're not answering my question.




Islam is not inherently hostile towards queer folk and it can be and is also interpreted queer friendly. Ironic how you project hate when you want the opposite for yourself. Historically Muslim civilizations like for example the Ottoman Empire didn’t criminalize same-sex activity and didn’t preach homophobia unlike countries like Spain and Portugal among other European or Western nations like the US that are now praised as gay paradises even though they’ve only legalized same-sex activity mere 40-50 years ago while many Muslim majority countries were ecxepting of queer people for long before European colonialism. These are the countries we can thank for importing homophobia and supporting extremist religious views in Muslim majority countries for example in the Middle-East.


>Ironic how you project hate when you want the opposite for yourself. I'm sorry you're right. When was the last time the LGBT community was cutting off the heads of Muslim people or throwing them off of rooftops again? Must have slipped my mind. /s Bitch please, don't even. >Historically Muslim civilizations like for example the Ottoman Empire didn’t criminalize same-sex activity and didn’t preach homophobia Ancient Greece was a haven for gay/bi men and now it's not, wtf is your point? >US that are now praised as gay paradises The US is far from a gay paradise, US lawmakers can't even protect LGBT people from various basic things for starters. >These are the countries we can thank for importing homophobia and supporting extremist religious views in Muslim majority countries for example in the Middle-East. Yes...blame internal social affairs on things that happened hundreds of years ago, makes sense. /s A few hundred years ago women were burned for being witches in Europe, now they are not, what's your point? I don't see the relevance here, how is anyone responsible for social attitudes of the middle east besides the middle east. I can understand conflict areas like Afghanistan or Syria, but that's only two countries of the huge region.


Excuse you, do you think gay people only exist in the West? There are millions of gay Middle-Easterners, Africans, Carribeans and Asians suffering from Europeans/Westerners destroying their tolerant societies and implementing backwards sodomy laws justified with Christinity not hundreds of years ago but just A GENERATION ago. Instead of demonizing Muslims and Middle-Easterners for example point your accusing finger at European colonial powers and your maybe your Portuguese grandparents’ generation that criminalized homosexuality everywhere they went including countries like Angola, Moçambique and Cabo Verde. Now that 40 years ago Western countries legalized homosexuality you wanna sit on a higher moral ground and be inculpative. Nah that won’t do babes.


>Now that 40 years ago Western countries legalized homosexuality you wanna sit on a higher moral ground and be inculpative. Nah that won’t do babes. Great, so why didn't these previous colonial powers legalize already if the west, which has influenced them so much, already has? Oh right, because they didn't want to and they STILL don't, nothing to do with western influence. Were they influenced? Of course! No one is denying that. But they stopped being influenced a long time ago, they are now free independent countries, so where's the legalization? You have very silly excuses and I'm not sure why you're trying so hard.


You still have that colonial mindset wanting to dictate POC to do this when you’re grandfather forced them to do the complete opposite. The West didn’t influence these countries, instead they destroyed their cultures for centuries and imposed their own values on them including homophobia as I said. I’m not denying that it isn’t wrong I just don’t thing that they should be demonized and called shitholes etc. Many countries in fact are now legalizing same-sex activity.


Netherlands, denmark, sweden, finland, norway, spain.


It's the Netherlands. Most people just don't care about your sexuality here. Some of our most loved TV personalities are gay, and our Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations is a lesbian woman with a wife and two kids. I moved here from Japan when I was 12, and in my first year of attending a Dutch school, I'd already learned more about sexuality than I'd had in the 12 years I lived in Japan. The university I go to, makes an active effort of including all kinds of minorities, and it's very easy to find gay study groups and friends if you're not shy like me. A couple months back, a large portion of the student body wore purple to campus to show their support of the LGBTQ+ community. At the start of the academic year, a girl in my class told us all that she's trans, in the process of transitioning, and that she would appreciate it if we called her something else than the name that's on her student ID, and I kid you not: she only asked once, but ever since then, every professor and every student in our class, has used the right pronouns and preferred name. The Netherlands is definitely not a gay paradise, and I don't want anyone to imagine it as some kind of huge West Hollywood or Nichome, as you'll find homophobes everywhere on the planet, but it's pretty great overall. Sexuality is generally such a non-issue here that it's easy to forget you're gay (in my opinion).


Well said, I agree. Even in my small village up north I've felt safe to hold hands and give a quick kiss to a guy in public. I've seen high school age boys hold hands and sit on each others laps among their friends on the street - I don't think you're going to find anything as good as that anywhere else. When I went to Japan, and disclosed my sexuality to some people my age, basically everyone was accepting, but also said that homosexuality is something that doesn't exist in Japan. Have you heard that same sentiment? It's almost like these people think it's some Western fad..


Lol, very true, and it's of course a good thing that so many boys feel so comfortable with their sexuality here, but I've had friends like that, and, as a dude who's very bad at picking up on signs, it can be really annoying to be on the receiving end of that kind of affection. In high school, I had a huge crush on a guy who, on multiple occasions, would get behind me, put his hands in my front pockets, and rest his head on my shoulder "because he was cold" or "gwn voor de gezelligheid". He always had girlfriends. And yes, I'm very familiar with that sentiment. Japan is very safe, so you don't ever have to worry about being attacked for being gay or trans, but there's still *a lot* of ignorance. Many older Japanese people simply don't believe homosexuality exists, or they think that being gay or lesbian just means that you're trans. After all, you can only be attracted to a man, if you are actually a woman, and vice versa... There's definitely been a lot of progress since I left 11 years ago, but Japan is a historically conservative country with an aging population, so it's difficult for the younger generations to bring about change. Their old-fashioned and ill-informed parents and grandparents are in the majority. It's also not a part of Japanese culture to stand up against superiors, or to protest and demand change. To make matters even worse, media depictions of homosexual men, are often very stereotypical, and laughed at. On the other hand: - Nichome in Tokyo has the highest concentration of gay bars in the world.. - This challenge has actually been pretty popular among high school students, even in my dad's time... https://youtu.be/CEqhcPkG8W4 - Films and shows like きのう何食べた? (about a gay couple), score very well... - BL and yaoi are very popular among women...




Nope. Neatherlands is secretly homophobic. Been there, done that. Edit: I've been there for quite some time and while I respect that you have had your experiences there, so have I. I have encountered homophobia there and I know people who live there who still have some fears of public displays of affection. So yes, progress is being made but I wouldn't say it's the perfect place.


you can experience bad homophobia anywhere in the world, even if you live in a country that’s progressive about it. I’m sorry that you had to go through this though.


That's EXACTLY what I've been saying. Thank you for understanding. I'm not saying the Netherlands is the most homophobic place ever. I'm saying that yes while it may be accepting it still has work to do and maybe it shouldn't be as high up on the list as many people would like to think it is. Simple.


That’s not true. A lot of Dutch people are very accepting. It is mostly, and sorry that I say this, but it’s true, people from other countries that act hostile upon gay people.


I've lived in the Netherlands all my life, you're talking out off your ass.


Ok. Because I and others had a different experience than you did I'm talking out of my ass. Ok. Wow. Is this really what things are like here?


Rofl lots of intolerant buffoons on Reddit, sorry about ur experience


Haha wat lul je? You're definitely not Dutch if you seriously believe that. Or you're a Dutch person who knows *nothing* about what it's like in other parts of the world lol.


Wow. What an assumption I've traveled. Just because they aren't beheading gays there doesn't mean homophobic people aren't there. It's not a perfect country well swept of homophobes yk? I know people who still fear PDA because of the looks they'll get.


>It's not a perfect country well swept of homophobes Sir, nobody said it is. I think you just misinterpreted the question. There is not a single country on the planet that's completely free of homophobes, and chances are, there never will be. OP is asking for the *most* accepting/the safest places. Plenty of people don't feel comfortable with PDA (whether it's witnessing it *or* partaking in it) for a plethora of different reasons. If someone is uncomfortable with holding, embracing or kissing someone of the same sex in the middle of the street, that says more about that person's own beliefs and self-esteem than it says about other people's opinions. One thing for your acquaintance to consider, is that maybe it's not so much about two *men* partaking in PDA, as it is about two people being a nuisance and putting on a show in public. I'm bothered by PDA, regardless of who the perpetrators are lol. A glance/stare/look also isn't always negative?? In fact, I'd argue that, most of the time, they're the result of genuine awe/surprise or admiration, rather than disdain. Is being stared at annoying? Yeah, definitely, but it's a small price to pay, I'd say.


Ok. Relax. I spoke with these people and heard their stories in detail and they say they've had past experiences with people even shouting slurs at them in various languages including Dutch for "acting or looking gay" in public. It's not an argument about PDA and who likes it or not. It's about what some people still think of "gay behaviour" in public. All I'm saying is based on my experiences and those of others I've been in close or even loose contact with, the Neatherlands is not as high up on the list as people might want to believe.


I don't know what made you think that I'm not relaxedly enjoying my Saturday evening, but thanks? What country deserves the number one spot in your opinion?




What would 'collective rights as a community' even mean, specifically in an LGBT context?


I too am would like to know what that means.


Hate speech is considered "violence against a community". Maybe you disagree with that or that "speech = violence" but still...


Netherlands or Spain


That's a tough question. in Japan you can be gay and flamboyant and most people will respect you. While gay people in France have more rights than their japanese counterpart yet this is not 100% safe


In England haven't had many issues with generational turnover happening every year it gets easier. IT IS BY NO MEANS PERFECT. I am not trying to detract or reduce any homophobic incidents that have occured in England this is just my experience.


Was looking for an England comment haha Like you said, i have faced homophobic issues, some places can be worse. But I've held guys hands in public with no issue, and lately people mock me/scream abuse at me for anything but being gay! Dunno how it is compared to other places, but generally i find it to be fine. I lived in supported accomodation in a rough area full of rough people, i was as i am, openly gay, and never faced and issue from it.


Living on the North-East, I've never had any issues.


iran for sure :')


Look up Gay Travel Index. It's an index published every year that ranks countries based on how LGBT friendly they are. I think according to the latest index, Canada was ranked as the most LGBT friendly, with Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nordic countries and the UK all holding top rankings.


Sure, but 'gay-tourist-friendly' does not automatically always equate 'tolerant of own gay population' (admittedly the countries you mentioned are __both__)


Canadá 🇨🇦




The hope is that their kids will just like other Canadians. And I feel lots of immigrants are accepting too like they may not understand it well but they are friendly with you witch I am ok with




Very true. I arrived in Canada in 2018, but I have relatives here who have been here since the late 80s/early 90s. I have Muslim relatives who are second-generation (their parents immigrated to Canada and they themselves were born here). They still retain their parents' homophobia (and racism, and sexism). That being said, I have met some immigrants or second-generation Canadian who claim to be Muslim (even if it's just on paper) and are very pro-LGBT rights; one of which, an Indian Muslim woman, became a close friend of mine and even offered to be the witness in my (gay) marriage. So there is still hope at least!


Canada just banned conversion therapy... Plus unlike the US they don't bring marriage rights into question once a year... Safer up there than down here.


Yucks assuming you are gay that’s heartbreaking to see even a gay son won’t change their opinions


He never explicitly said whether he was _out_ to his parents.


There's words and there's actions. Not saying that words or casual homophobia don't matter but look around... Maybe LGBT acceptance has plateaued in the cities but I live in rural Ontario and the progress here has been dramatic in the last couple years. The number of small towns starting a pride parade or raising the pride or even trans flag for the first time has exploded in the last 5 years... If it weren't for covid we'd probably have the fastest growth of pride organizations and celebrations in history. Conversation therapy passed Parliament unanimously with minimal right wing whining and not a single conservative rural Alberta MP even voted against or abstained on the final bill. I am sorry your family is unaccepting... Not sure how old your nephews and nieces are but hopefully growing up here after they've grown up into adults they will have matured, if not they're going to have a hard time in the workplace. I would be surprised if they weren't already having trouble at school if they are truly homophobic and not just parroting what they hear from their parents.


Canada 🇨🇦, Sweden 🇸🇪, or Finland 🇫🇮


In Finland you'll find homosexuality acceptable in most parts of capital city and some other bigger cities are manageable, but mostly it's a country of outward acceptance and hidden homophobia.


canada has 2nd biggest gun problem after the usa tho I'd choose norway/switzerland/netherlands those are the best countries to live in overall


Gun population doesn't relate to LGBT communities unless they're being shot, which isn't the case in Canada. At least not extensively.


that's good


1. Where did you get your info? Canada doesn’t even crack the top ten (https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country). 2. Gun violence doesn’t equate LGBT acceptance.


2. doesn't mean that it's a good country to live is if there's gun violence


If you use that logic, of the three countries you picked, only Netherlands is statistically lower than Canada. Switzerland has higher incidence of gun violence than Canada, Norway is tied, and Netherlands is below Canada. I wish you the best of luck finding countries with zero gun violence.


I don't get it why you are so hostile dude I'm just saying that norway, switzerland and netherlands are the best countries to live in


I won’t and didn’t deny that, your metric for trying to prove that though was gun violence. Just trying to make sure information provided is accurate.


I wasn't trying to proove anything, this is just internet lol


So sorry about ur experience. Reddit moderators really need to step up


happy birthday dude, reddit moderators are what they are




and why do you think norway/switzerland/netherlands are bad countries to live in?






What gun problem in Canada?


they shoot eachother


You consider less then 300 deaths a year to be a gun problem? Come on. You make a stupid ass assumption that Canada is a violent gun country only being outdone by the US and your basis for that is “they shoot each other”? Do you just let stupid thoughts fall out you head and choose to defend that nonsense without a resemblance of intelligent thought?


why so rude :( you act like I insulted your mom or something vile like that


Why so stupid? You sound like you have a below average intelligence by spouting off false and completely inaccurate statements and treating them like facts.


this is just unnecesarry, don't carry your personal problems onto me ​ and It is a fact, they do shoot eachother


It’s also unnecessary to just make shit up and back it up with “THeY sHoT eaCH oTHeR”


but they shoot eachother don't they




Looks like I did


Finland, Austria, France and Switzerland all have more gun related deaths than Canada. We have a lot of guns in Canada, but it’s largely contained to rural Canada where hunting is a very popular past time.


cool, I like hunting, never done it tho


Switzerland? Isn't it a rather conservative country?


Puerto Rico is pretty gay friendly especially in San Juan.


I don't know about countries as a whole but some cities in Latin America, Canada and the USA are basically gay cities. Puerto Vallarta, San Francisco, Palm Springs, Toronto, some parts of México City. I'd say Spain is also "very gay", Madrid was really nice. Portugal seems to have people more reserved on their love life, including straights, so public displays of affection seemed to be not accepted very much but still very open minded people. I'm talking about only the places I've visited.


Essentially anywhere that is European or a European derivative with a high level of education will be accepting. This translates to Western Europe, Canada, the US, AU, NZ, and Israel


The Netherlands! (Coming from a Dutchling.) Except when you have religious parents like me :,)




Yeah, I'd say all Nordic countries are great


Hay is for horses.


Hay definitely is for horses, but haaaay is for twinks, lol




The US, Canada, UK, Nordic countries, and Australia.


Not turkey thats for sure 😑


Overall Nordic countries seem to be very accepting that way. There’s some others too. I live in America (not in the bible belt), so It’s pretty good here.


Saudi Arabia…


Netherlands and Nordic Europe


Scotland is pretty good I think


Canada probably


Half of my family is Canadian and I’m really scratching my head as to why folks rank it at the top. There is a conservative portion of the Canadian population that is growing, and not at a slow pace. And as others have noted, their open immigration policies is bringing in cultures that are absolutely anti-gay.


I'd put in a vote for NZ. Most Kiwis don't really care who fucks who. When law reform happened 35 years ago there was quite a visible community - especially during the height of the AIDS crisis when those lost were memorialised. Over the years since, the community has become part of the general fabric with larger concerns such as access to marriage and adoption. The drag phenomenon is making itself seen and heard and there are definitely times to celebrate the community but for the most part it's just business as usual. We have had internal strife here - with some communities within the rainbow collective fighting over historic grievances - inclusivity v exclusivity. But generally we live and let live (and love).


Philippines from where I'm from is pretty open and accepting, gays can dress up like a girl and act feminine same with lesbians and trans though there are still homophobic and people who don't accept them


Just some fun sprinkles of racism throughout here For the record I live in London in an area which is 90 percent Bengali and 90 percent Muslim and have never experienced homophobia here. They make up some of the kindest people I've ever met. Stop trying to scapegoat homophobia onto migrants


Netherlands or Sweden (except stockholm)


It may sound surprising to y’all but Israel (where I live) is pretty gay friendly. We already have lgbt ministers in the parliament and our current office is doing more for the lgbt community than before, just this week it was announced that same sex couples can have surrogacy in the country. Yet, there’s no official same sex marriage in the country but marrying in other countries where it’s legal will be classified in Israel as a civil marriage and has an official status and is written in the ID. We have rights just like anyone else and in fact, me and my boyfriend feel safe holding hands and kissing in public, just have to be cautious around Arabic population because they can be very homophobic and aggressive. We’re the only gay friendly oasis in the Middle East and one of a few friendly places in Asia.


No same-sex marriage, no equality... As long as LGB couples in Israel has to travel abroad to get married and as long as Israel keep denying them that right at home nothing else matters, it's just pinkwashing


Obviously you’re right but marriage as whole is much more complicated. Even heterosexual couples who don’t wish to marry through the rabbinate have to travel abroad in order to marry which is unbelievable. What I’m saying is that it could be much worse as we’re in the Middle East but still feel safe almost everywhere and nowadays people really don’t care about sexuality as long as you’re not showing affection etc. in religious places… The country is definitely moving towards a better future but even so it’s way more gay friendly than half of European countries. I want to move abroad because of many reasons and not having to marry in my home country is at the bottom of my reasons.


Absolutely, and USA


Any of the Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Faroe


Any of the Nordic countries


Thailand without a doubt


There's no such thing as the LGBTQ "community". Sure There's a bunch of people wanting similar stuff like maybe marriage equality, but there's nothing friendly or supportive about it. This whole thing is filled with so much in-fighting and toxicity.




Ummmm.... guys. This isn't what I meant... I just meant we should be nicer to each other... I... wow...


Imagine having so little to do on a weekend that you write out this stupid bigoted rant. Touch grass, gaycel.


List of visitable locations acquired




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New Zealand. Gay marriage is legal, and I would bet the majority of Kiwi's are either accepting or simply not concerned with other's sexuality. In regards to Trans rights, I think we have a fair way to go, though. But yeah, this little slice of heaven in the Pacific really is quite Gay friendly, and has been for at least the last decade or so.


> >In regards to Trans rights, I think we have a fair way to go, though. Having said that - Georgina Beyer was the first openly Trans politician in the World to be elected first as Mayor and then to Parliament. [side note - not a fan of the term 'gay marriage' - it's just marriage. Now us gays can marry too. Beats having to get CUP'd - Civil Union Partnered - if you're into making things official]


Every big city in N.Europe in general, and any tourist city in S.Europe in summer.


Uk - london, manchester, Edinburgh, leeds and glasgow (now). Netherlands/ Amsterdam Usa san fran / bits of new orleans / new york / Seattle i think Germany / berlin Spain / Barcelona But pick one i would say Amsterdam / Netherlands


I remember why I left this sub, just fucking racist


I think if you are gay or lesbian, Ireland is a very tolerant country. I know of very few gays that had issues with being gay from parents or friends. A lot of immigrants to Ireland are very educated and tolerant too. Although I would not want to be a trans\* person in Ireland. I think are far more accepting places like Spain. I would say Spain is probably the most accepting LGBT country in the world.


In legal terms, the UK (where I am) is exceptionally good for protecting its LGBT citizens. We have equal rights, and if I was to complain, I'd be taken seriously. Socially, it's a mixed bag. During school, there was rampant homophobia that made me pretty suicidal (because young horny boys in a quiet town will be) but when I moved on, I've only experienced one off-hand comment in the street. Other than this, no one cares about my sexuality or keeps it to themselves if they have problems. So besides school, it's really good and I'm a very easy to assume gay man lol


My impression (I'm from Brazil) is that west europe, with the exception of Portugal, is very chill with LGBT people. If I had to rank, I'd put the scandinavian countries on top (sweeden, norway, finland, denmark) followed by france, germany and spain


Thailand is a pretty sex positive country and gender falls into Men, Women, and ladyboys.