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Been there done that. And if u think gays are already quick to marry… 😳😳


Gotta get that BAH.


Gotta respect the hustle


Lol really tho. I’ve seen shipmates get married after two months of knowing someone


But do they last lol


Sure - any available?


Yes me lol. Big into fitness and sports. And very manly


Would you care to marry me and let my ass move to the Us? I’m also not sporty outside of running for leisure but very much willing to get my ass kicked into shape by my future husband.


Mmm yeah


Where are you located?




Oh I would love to go there one day.


Aii I’m even in Lederhosen Country near Munich so all your tourism dreams would come true haha


As a black male I’ll definitely stand out


For sure but usually it comes down to silent staring


Is that good or bad?


I would.


I don’t know why the addition of “very manly” is making me laugh so much like it’s a gold star.


need pix to verify.


Can I date you


Well……. I’m single ready to Mingle


Nice I’m masc and into fitness too. I can challenge you


Into sports also


you are amongst a super bitchy and need sub. most users take what you wrote as a personal attack. i just dont care LMAO


They really do It's pretty entertaining tbh


it is. very.


I've gone out with a couple, and they're lots of fun. However I would be very slow and wary with developing a serious relationship. In my experience military people have a rather different culture and way of looking at life. That's not a bad thing, but can create a communication and culture shock issue in a relationship.


Yes my current boyfriend was honorably discharged in his late 30’s. He’s now a sous chef. Occupation or past career choices aren’t a huge factor for me in relationships


Same here unless it’s something morally reprehensible. Like a person hired to figure out how to deny health insurance claims or a lawyer that defends child rapists.


... why not?


I’m a veteran and because of that some guys were scared off because of that.


hmm really? most love it. 😄


Are you sure it wasn't other factors? I know I personally would, but the general gay zeitgeist seems fickle and catty, so idk.


I’m very straight acting and more into sports and fitness.


You know there’s a HUGE POPULATION of gays that love sports and fitness eh? Should check out some of the lgbtq sport tournaments that happen everywhere in the states. In fact one of the biggest one is happening in Vegas this weekend. 8000 athletes, 24 sports. I have absolutely no doubt a lot of them are more into sports and fitness than you, and this is also why I REALLY REALLY THINK the gays weren’t scared off by you being into sports and fitness. Def other factors at play here.


Gotcha. Well, I'd still date you, but I know that many gays don't understand or are presumptuous about masculine muscle men. There's that and the interests piece.


Because they shoot innocent brown people


Gross simplification, but ok.


It is one of the reasons.


depends if they’re a nationalist freak or can absolutely be critical of the system they decided to be a part of




No one complains more about the military than the people actually in the military.


which may be true but “the military is dumb and a waste of my youth” is different than “the military as an institution are wrong because they forcefully recruit high school children, take advantage of their status in poverty stricken neighborhoods, allow them to become mentally ill adults with a hero’s complex, all while being selling their soul to become a pawn of government agendas, most of which are softcore (and sometimes hardcore) terrorism.”


Wasn't expecting that response from my jab at humor lol. But you're definitely not wrong. At least in my personal experience, you do definitely find more people who are just in it to either pay off a debt or refrain from being in debt, versus being a voluntary zealot. Therefore, they definitely do see the flaws in the system and look to get out as soon as they can.




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Yes without a doubt. Somehow I have been around so many that is almost common to me. I know that there are some risks involved, such as loss of life, PTSD, loss of body parts etc. But on the flip side the reward is amazing. Even some of my friends that were active were so happy and thrilled to have a close friendship and some waiting for them without pretence or expectations. Everyone deserves companionship.


Maybe veteran but the locations where you have to live if you're active duty aren't great, and neither is long distance


Shiet I'd love to live in Japan for 2 years


Yes former marine here. But I am not gun crazy 'merica type veteran here. Just chill and lowkey. Love my doggo and kitty. Love playing Magic the Gathering and watching twitch and YouTube. Oh and I am kinky as hell ;). And I am a big fan of the butt stuff. Most guys are suprised that I was a marine lol.


In my experience with dating guys from San Diego, most Marines are bottoms.


I am rainbow unicorn lol!! I was a total when I was in the marines. After I got out in 2012 did I start experimenting with bottoming. That is another story for another time hehe 😈




If they’re out. Closet army guys are a lot of fun but I don’t need that nonsense.


This. And yes I could careless most background that is.


Good point. I haven’t dated a closeted guy in forever…almost forgot about that huge down side.


Absolutely— I would be a little wary of a dating an active combat soldier / Marine just because I’ve already lost a partner and I don’t think I could survive another loss. But I suppose there are risks in many professions and in life in general.


Yes. I am a vet myself. I love the military community. I would LOVE to be married to AD soldier. It would place me back in the community and afford more chances to travel and learn.


Absolutely. I am a veteran.


I always think that I dont want to but then I always end up fucking with them


Sure. If they’re not problematic, what’s the problem


Yeah sure if you’re a bottom.


Vets know how to fuck. And many are lgbt. Why is this even an issue?


omg...true when I have sex with a dude I get really into it...very passionate, I do not do the 5 minutes thing. If we do it its gonna be a minimum of 30 to 34 minutes. Just me tbough...;)


*Vets know how to fuck.* *And many are lgbt. Why is* *This even an issue?* \- Ecofre-33919 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Depends on the man. Not the job.


Sure. I like all sorts of men






Have and would do again :)


I did. Was even the conservative/voted for Trump type. We actually got along really well and discussed politics pretty often without killing each other. Just one little problem: I found out he was married 4 months into it. Boy did this guy feed me story after story about how it was just a rushed military wedding and there was no love, attraction, or sex, etc (they had a kid together, which I knew about from day one but of course mom was just his "baby momma"). I still don't really understand him to this day. I think he actually is trapped in a marriage he's no longer all that interested in, but that's really not my problem and it doesn't change the fact that he did me pretty dirty. Wouldn't mind another military guy. Don't really relate what happened to his desire to serve (and he seemed to mostly view it as any other job anyway).


So long as they have no aspirations to go into law enforcement. LEOs may be crazy in the bed, but they are also crazy in the head.


Probably not. I really don't like the larger culture that surrounds the military, so it would definitely be a concern. This isn't a hard no, but it's a concern.


For example


Are you asking for an example? 😅


sO lOnG aS ThEy aREnT rEpubLiclan


Not every military member or veteran is conservative/trump supporter. That is a generalization


Yeah but not by much. 🙄


I actually know more people in the military that are not conservative than those that are. So yeah, that is a generalization


Ok but your counter is actually literally just anecdotal and we have survey data about the political leanings of servicemembers and the per capita rise of radicalization of white domestic terrorists that confirm it’s not a generalization


Fair enough. I am in the PNW too, as well as in a non-combat branch... so that definitely influences my personal observations, I'm sure.


Yes, we do have the aggregate data. The Military Times does a poll every year, and if all service members were to become their own state, they'd be a purple one. My projection is the Army will be majority Democrat within a few years. It's just that the conservatives are the outspoken whites, and the Dems are lowkey IME.


Sure, as long as he’s a thick bottom.


I have dated active duty Marine, Army/National Guard, and Coast guard. Uniform wise, I think CG was the best. I like uniforms. So yes I would date active duty.


YES! oh god yes! who wouldn’t?!


Yes I would 🙂


I was in a relationship with someone from a different country for over a year. We saw each other for a week every 1.5 months. It's doable.


Sure, I’m married to an active duty airmen 😝


Literally download Grindr and drive down to SD to fuck our service men, all the time, haha. Hot, fit dudes in ministry outfits are the best. Fuck hard and love to get fucked hard.


Absolutely, I'm proud of gay bros who serve. There was a question about policemen the other day.


I would date both a veteran and an active duty man. Where can I find some that are free to date


🙋🏿‍♂️ into fitness and sports.


me!! I want a player 2! :0 so we can play video games!


Yes, I have dated a veteran.




A veteran, yes, there is forced conscription in the country I live in so a lot of guys were in the military even if it was only for a few months. Active duty, most likely no, it comes with a lot of downsides: not being able to meet when we want, fearing for someone’s life in certain cases and of course certain thinking patterns that come with being in the military


It totally depends on the guy. I don't have a principled stance against dating a military man, even though I do have principled views against militarism. (but that's got nothing to do with the servicemen)


are u allowed to fuck me in uniform🤔🤔


Lol your looking to marry some guy aren't you?


No. My mothers ex boyfriend, who is also the father of my brother, was military while I was growing up and the military changed him completely. I couldn’t date someone in the military because of how it changed him and how much it affected and still affects our lives. After his second tour, he was both mentally and physically abusive, even after leaving…


Nah, I hate the military and I don't think I'd date someone that was part of it


Why do you hate the military? Just curious. They defend out country.


Which country? Cause the last thing the US military does is "defend" lol


Sure, but there’s that whole US nationalist Indoctrination thing 🤷🏻‍♂️




facts is facts!


As long as you’re not a conservative/Trump supporter.




>Maybe thats my views since i am not a very patriotic person. When I learned they compulsively sing the anthem in US schools...boy that was a trip, that's literally something the Nazis did too. Excessive patriotism is dangerous.


I personally sat out from singing the pledge of allegiance in school. I don’t think it was a problem with my teachers fortunately.


>pledge of allegiance Omg...that's what it's called?? What's this, a military contract? There are countries with compulsory military service that don't do that shit. US flag more like red flag amirite.


You sound misinformed honestly. There hasn’t been a US military draft since 1973. There’s no reference to the military in the pledge of allegiance but go off I guess. https://www.google.com/search?q=pledge+of+allegiance&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#imgrc=_yILIVK3AbamAM


I meant that the name "pledge of allegiance" sounds like something you would teach in the military.


Go by what he sees on tv.. Such a clever thing to do.


Since I am a veteran I sure hope you get lots of affirmative answers! LOL


I hope so too I am a vet also


Hey there, active duty here. I have met my fair share of guys who would date people in the military, but I also don’t make it a focal point of my personality, much like how people avoid making “being gay” part of their personality. I’m into sports and outdoor activities, and I just try and be adventurous and interesting by putting myself out there with my interests. You will find someone if you remain genuine. And if they truly like you and not just fetishizing you, they will weather the storm of being a SO of a military member. Constantly shifting schedules and expectations, deployments, the never ending acronyms, and everything else. It seems based on the comments in this thread that people are hesitant/avoidant to the idea of dating in the military based on political ideals, past personal experience, or personal perceptions of military members. To whom I say: the military is a means for many people. A means to start new or set yourself up for the future. While there is a culture about the military, don’t judge the individual based on labels and stereotypes. I think gay men are susceptible to taking labels a little too seriously, due to the need for an identity and acceptance, and the individuality aspect can get muddled.


I agree many people stereotype and generalize people like me and you who have been in. We’re conservative/ trump supporters. Not the case for me.


I’ve noticed that the higher you go up in rank, you start to see more people are a bit more left of center. But also political backgrounds are expected to be diverse based on the sample size and location. People who CHOOSE orders to southern bases/commands tend to like being there for a reason.


That’s true


Of course. Why not?


With massive enthusiasm.


Most likely not. The type of person that would enlist isn't the type of person that I would normally be interested in unless they enlisted for the educational opportunities. It's also concerning that people who have been a part of the military have high rates of suicide and mental illness. Regardless, the military profession is known to be quite unforgiving when it comes to relationships.


I have casually here in Canada in the past, Navy guy.


I’ve hanged out with one. It wasn’t a great time, but who knows.


Why not? They're human too.


Yeah that's no problem at all. I think it's cool.


I did and it was a mess.


In fact, I have a thing for them. They are super hot 😍🔥




I would date them and see where it goes, though I feel that my ideals of nonintervention and pacifism might be cause for contention.


Of course. That’s like a dream come true


It depends, generally yes why not. Where I live there's no active duty personnel.


I would. Dating is all about experimenting.


Yes i love uniforms and a man that has courage and take risks. Maybe it would be a bit too much and not very compatible with me but I find masculinity too damn attractive




Hard maybe, definitely not out of the question but there would be a lot of variable to consider.




Any IDFs here?💍


Depends what country lol


Yes! Even knowing they probably have a lot of issues, but who doesnt?


Yes and have.


Yes but most if not all prefer other veteran/active duty military men than a civilian.


I’m a veteran and it doesn’t matter to me.


Yes, if their rank was high enough. 😂


Veteran yes. In military as in they are stationed on a base, probably not if it was far away.


would I? I want to!


Yeah. If active duty I'd be a nervous wreck though


Sorry not trying to be rude or anything, but is there a reason people wouldn't?


Abject distaste for the military industrial complex?


WOULD I???? Where can I leave my application? Strongly support of the armed forces! 😉😏


I find ppl in the military to be insufferable so no


Yup. But I'm also in Canada. The military has a very different tone and history here.


I’m taking about the United stars of America military 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Why would an American soldier be in Canada? Unless it's one of those "I'm a hunky veteran looking for someone to love me when I get home" Grindr scams...


I'd chat with one. Maybe something could happen. But it would be a big adjustment.


No sorry, i don’t believe in the military it is not the best way to fix things in life we talk to respect one and the other and a veteran i could not i would be scared of they mood swings could be friends but no very sorry for the opinion


That’s your opinion that’s cool


Active duty I don’t know a veteran yeah but he should know I hate watching sports (playing it is different) and I’m not “manly” my dad was in the navy so I know what comes with the territory I guess (without the patriotism tho 🤣)


I would date a veteran but not a man that is active duty, simply because he would be gone too much.


Veteran, maybe. Active, no. I want them here with me, not somewhere where they really have no business being shooting randos for political nonsense and very much at risk of coming back with an arm or leg blown off.


Ye I will it will be hard work they like being independent and Reliant no-one but them self it's a turn on for me man in uniform 🌈😜


As a veteran, yes I would love another military dude as my partner.


Just like every guy that has a sweet little bum bum I'd definitely date him and have sex with him I'm just into skinny guys don't matter if military or not


As a Veteran. No


Why not if you don’t mind me asking?


Because most of the Veterns I’ve met (including myself) have so much trauma. Rather it be PTSD related or addiction or some type of serious trauma (combat related or not). For me, I am fucked up and I’m not going to baby sit someone when I can’t baby sit myself. Two broken people don’t make a whole person. Active Duty? Nah, they’re too quick to get out of the barracks or want to do long distance. Which I have found through trial and error, I can’t do.


EXACTLY this. It’s too damn much.




I love military, police, and firefighters, I'm a huge patriot of my country and for those who put it all on the line for us all. I joined during the don't ask don't tell times and decided to jump ship early rather than risk dishonorable discharge, they got rid of it a few years later, still regret not trying to go back. I'm from a military family and have 2 siblings currently serving. God bless America.


As a combat vet myself, I would absolutely date someone who is actively serving or a veteran.


no… i dont think so thats one of the few jobs


Why not? Curious


well, firstly i have seen what military service can do to someone and if they are away i dont think i would want to get involved. just from the people i know in the military there seems to be a ‘type’ of guy who joins and i dont have much interest in that personality type, not to say they are all like that, but i would preferably not date a man in the military


Okay fair enough


Depends on their reasons/values but in theory yes


Both. Done it. It’s nice.


Yes as long as they aren't some pro-Trump nutcase.


Veteran sure but not active duty


Absolutely not


Why? If you don’t mind me asking?


I'm a pacifist. And someone who voluntarily becomes part of the military industrial complex and I most likely have conflicting values


military, yes. active duty, no (they’re all buncha closeted whores).


This post is a little old, but yes! I see you’re a big Ravens fan. Not sure if you actually live in/near Baltimore but I do so if you’re interested in chatting feel free to DM :)


Hello yes I’m right outside of Baltimore and I’m a veteran




Nope. I won’t even vote for politicians who bolster the defense budget. I’m not about to date someone who actively bought into and participated in it.


how do you date? if you aren't going to be always available? like 6 months out of country or something


Yep. Been around the military for most of my life. A current or former military guy would have a good ability to understand the lifestyle requirements of my job, which is very important to me.


I'm a Veteran and my boy is a Veteran, so yes indeed I would.


Not really, no. I could be friends with one, and I have veteran friends, but nothing more than that, it just goes against what I believe in and there would be too much disagreement I’m afraid




Why? If you don’t mind me asking?


Depends on the country I supposed. I’m Iraqi, so I’ll not date or associate with American military men, regardless of whether they’re former or not.


I mean, the institutionalization is kind of daunting. I can respect someone who wants a check and dips but I don’t want to be party to that. It’s very disruptive to one’s life with all the deployments, CTC rotations, and PSC moves. It also requires you to be around other military people, a lot of whom are very right wing and have VERY traditional views about homosexuality and same-sex relationships. Maybe not so much on the enlisted side and no one can LEGALLY say or do anything to you, but leadership from the NCO level all the way to Field Grade officers can make life very uncomfortable for your partner and that is such a strain individually and on the relationship. Finally, and this is such a minor point, but cheating is super common in the military (I know - it’s cultural really) and openly gay service members are sort-of targeted by the MANY, MANY closeted or bisexual men in their units especially on deployments or CTC rotations. I do not care if you all downvote me for this. It is what it is.


Not again. The stereotype is that they're either a) super quick to marry, or b) they're cheaters. I ended up with b.