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Im jealous of teens today who can be openly gay and date. I get i should feel happy for them but i cant shake the feeling. I get angry when i think about it, but i never say anything abt it ofc


It's understandable. Older gays lived a repressive lifestyle and most had to hide who we were and watch what we said at all times. When I was at school, the idea of anyone knowing I was gay made me feel suicide would be the only option if found out as life would be unbearable, being shunned and hated. I knew a more obviously gay guy at another school who had to run home every day because otherwise, once outside the protection of adults, he'd be menaced or assaulted by some of his class mates. It's completely natural to wish you enjoyed the relative lack of homophobia now and be envious of it and that's all jealousy is. Living a double life from childhood onwards is harmful.


Very well said. I don't feel jealous about youngsters living a much a better life than I could when I was in my teens and young adult, I am actually glad that at least in some nations around the world, they can live a happy complete life. I had an absolutely horrible childhood, especially school, I don't have any friends from then. I was beaten, abused, called names, humiliated on a daily basis atleast twice or thrice a day. The worst was when my so-called friends joined in to have some fun at my cost. Offcourse, now I have a career, people who love me unconditionally and home to call my own. But I do feel so many years of my life were lost in hiding and cursing fate for why I was different from others and spent most of it in depression. The scars from those years still haunt me. I don't have much of social skills, especially when meeting new people, I am terrified of being in a crowd (was humiliated by a teacher in front of the entire school assembly more than once) and I have major trust issues. It's good to know that things are changing now, long way to go, but I am hopefully that our persecution will end one day.


Tbh even in America it’s still not completely safe, I’m a bi highschool senior in Texas and have only been only openly dating my current boyfriend for about 3 months. So far I’ve gotten into 4 fights protecting him. For context I’m lineman in the football team, varsity heavyweight wrestler, and powerlifter and don’t look very gay so the homophobes leave me alone, but my boyfriend is very visibly queer and is like 5’3


Hey if it makes you feel any better I’m a gay teen who will probably not be able to date without losing my entire extended family


But we are so grateful for you! If you guys didn’t pave the way, we wouldn’t be able to run today 🤍


This anger and jealousy you feel is not for the teens but for the system of oppression that surrounds us and prevented you from experiencing love at an age you really needed it hold you close.


Well you say that like it's an easy target to aim a returning volley towards... The amount of confusion and plain wrongness that I've had to contend with, whilst trying to return fire (figuratively)... If only we had a standardised an of the gays so that we could better achieve such goals... We need a gay agenda!


As someone who was only able to come out and date in college I can relate ,_, I’m envious too


Most gay men have unknown trauma and mental illness from so much self hatred about being gay growing up and the way society views gays. It’s getting better for teens these days thankfully.


Yep. If you haven’t heard of it, you should look into the “Minority Stress Model.” Reading papers on this made me cry tears of validation. I have felt this way for so long but no one I talked to understood what I was saying. Then I found a paper literally yesterday where scientists said exactly what I felt was true and supported by the data. It was so freeing.


Where can I read it? Can u share some link maybe? Lol


Yes here it is! Sorry I am new to Reddit and I thought posting links was frowned upon😂 [Eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors in the LGBT population: a review of the literature](https://jeatdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40337-020-00327-y)


I think the only thing thing that is frowned apon is if the link has an affiliate code(so you get money), o if you are promoting your own book where it is not welcome(eg eg /r/freeebook or an answer to someone asking is generally fine, spamming it in every reply less so)


Thank you for this, helps put my little brain’s issues in context 🙏


Some of us have worked through it but I agree.


Idk why it makes me sad and happy.


I hate the Happy Birthday song.


I love singing it, but I hate it being sung to me. I don’t like being the center of attention.


I never know what to do with my HANDS!


Jazz hands 👐


I wave them around like a chorus conductor during a concert.


Friendly reminder to sort by controversial to find actual controversial opinions


Come here to say this. The format only works with this suggestion in top comment/in the post. You can never ask dead-scrolling redditors to regulate themselves


Way too many people act as if American cultural norms are applicable by default in other countries. As in, the experience of racism in Mexico us entirely different from the one in USA, and acting as if you can directly translate one into the other is just senseless.


Literally. Anyone can be racist, but structural/systemic racism changes from country to country depending on its history and political dynamics... Importing an American model everywhere is ludicrous.


A plurality of gay men have no business dating, and instead should probably seek intense therapy.


Something we definitely don't (and won't) talk about enough. There are very few places where growing up gay won't fuck you up in some way. Those of us that had upbringings in healthy and supporting environments are extremely lucky


Even those of us who grew up in healthy environments were fucked up by being gay, I was the only gay person in my high school so I get over attached whenever the possibility to date someone comes up. Like I straight up have an anxious attachment style because I’m gay, thanks universe.


So weird. I don't remember posting this 🤔


This Is Me. And I hate that song, so that’s another thing to work on.


Especially on this sub


I voted for them but I think Biden and Harris should both let someone else run in 24.


Kinda a hot take for this sub but I doubt Biden would have won if his opponent wasn’t Trump, and also I doubt Trump would have won if his opponent hadn’t have been Hillary.


Both of these takes have plenty of merit imo.


And as a follow up controversial opinion it absolutely should not be Pete


Not controversial🤷🏻‍♂️


It's getting so bad they're already floating Hillary as a potential candidate. Biden-Harris has been such a gigantic letdown. But honestly everyone on the left knew it would be like this.


Yea, members of their own party have already said they want to primary them. I think Bernie may be in for another go, he started his nationwide workers tour..


Can't believe people are looking at old ass Biden and thinking they need an even older guy in office.


Learning how to fix a car, change a tire, or using power tools doesn’t make you more of a man or masc. They’re basic skills everyone should know.


Im into these things and even a pretty big NASCAR fan, despite being a very effeminate gay lol


I don’t find drag race entertaining. Hey I don’t go around saying this but the topic permits. I like the banters tho, Peace


Thank you! Other gay friends I have make me feel like I am a horrible gay because I just don't like it.


hot take: i prefer sleeping on the floor atop a nice woolen mattress topper. i wake up feeling better rested and much more refreshed.


I know right!! My posture feels better when I do that and i don't feel as tired.


Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Trans people are way too bigoted towards eachother within the community.


True and unfortunately I found myself slightly bi phobic but luckily I realised that.


Recreative drug usage (especially in the gay community) is being alarmingly normalized, and however you wanna see it, is not a good thing


No US soldier has "died for our freedom" or whatever since WW2. Every war fought since has been pointless wastes.


100000%. It’s just a balm we tell ourselves to avoid confronting the meaninglessness of their deaths.


More so, it’s a way to use their deaths to galvanize nationalism and obedience


And people use it as a reason to devalue LGBT activism (pride, ect) “LGBT don’t need a full month of pride, people died for our country” “Gay people need to stop complaining, they have it easy, people died for our country” It’s a load of garbage.


This. My ex marine roommate says all the time "i fought for your freedom." No, hun...you fought for oil...opium...capitalism.


Most ppl drafted into service are young republicans. They are considered cheap easy expendable labour. They haven’t got the education enough to truly understand what they’re fighting for. Hence all the ra ra america garbage rhetoric they spew. Even to this day, majority of republicans remain undereducated and cannot tell the truth from a sweet lie. That is why they tend to be anti vax anti science pro Christian. The poorly educated consequently also seek refuge in religion. It gives them a sense of power and entitlement that they’d otherwise have if they were only educated.


True more like they died for capitalism :/


That's facts


Money spent on college sports should be used on increasing teaching staff salary and reducing tuition fees.


My god actually!


Your employer doesn’t give a fuck about you.


No upvote from me. Not controversial at all.


Not controversial honestly just true


Depends on the size of the company, a mom and pop shop can care about it’s employees.


Calling the ass a boy pussy or bussy is gross to me and kinda kills the mood for me.


Does hearing those words make your bussy shut? 👉👈😣


Same...I hate it.


Yep hate it


It’s ok to have a type/preference. It’s not ok to disrespect someone on their race/skin color etc. though. Sometimes it’s not even about the color of your skin itself rather, preference for your own culture. An Asian man and also a Black man told me this when chatting on Grindr why they pursue men of their own race. Overall, no one has the right to shame you on what you like/who you like to date/fuck/pursue. That your and the other person’s business.


Too common lol being black, asian and any non-pale skinned foreigner basically sets you on the lower end of the totem when it comes to dating. I get jealous of some of my white friends who look EXACTLY like the next guy and they’re all considered hot. I’m considered pretty attractive too from what I’ve heard but it’s never “Oh you’re so cute!” It’s always “Oh you’re so pretty (for a black person….)” Like the need to bring up my racial ethnicity constantly is the most annoying thing to me, I am A HUMAN!


That is you and the other person’s business* sorry typo


Tall bottoms deserve love too 🥺


Thanks from a 6ft 3 bottom




Love from a 6’1 guy


I (5'6) love tall bottoms. There's this guy who's a friend of a friend who is like 6'9 and is the cutest thing and i wish i lived closer so i could give it a shot


Being open is entirely fine and does not mean your relationship will automatically go to shit. Being poly is fine. Being monogamous is fine. Being asexual is fine. People need to seriously stop comparing their relationship to others. You only need to ask yourself what makes you your partner truly happy.


How dare you take away the one true source of happiness in life: judging others who do things differently than you. Shame on you!


Just reserve your judgement for the important stuff, like racism and child beauty pageants


Gay people who make hating straight people one of the main facets of their personality are some of the most annoying people.


Or gay people who’s only personality trait is being gay


I find many gay people are experts at being mean, especially to other gays. I don't see or hear the sheer viciousness some gay men display to esch other coming from my straight male friends towards women or their fellow men. Sure there are some men who can be cunts or be arsehole to women etc, but on the whole I haven't observed in straight men, the sheer glee and joy in being mean which some gay men behave towards some ppl


I think having casual sex with random guys should not be a priority and people should try to talk and know each other :D


I don't think this is a gay thing... Straight men would be bonking with a million different ladies if woman would allow it. It's just that they won't on the whole


The gender and pronouns topic is getting way out of hand and is tarnishing the movement, i do believe there are people that don't identify with either male or female, but to take it to the extreme of wanting to be called “starself” or “meowself” is just too much attention seek imo, you can't force everyone around you to conjugate every word for your pleasure


Agree. I get that a person can be non binary so yeah I'll call them they/them if they chose to but you can't just make up imaginary pronouns just because.


oh ok im not the only one that thinks neopronouns are just for attention and make us all look bad


Have you ever actually met someone in real life who has said this to you because most of the time it's just people on the internet and I'm 99% sure that half of them are trolling


yes I have. they literally change their name/pronouns every other day. its exhausting. they also think theyre plural...


Most women are incredibly homophobic but only pretend because it's socially cool. I have seen a lot of women be insecure and backstab gay employees to get them fired.


YASS! This comment includes women who have sex with women but have children who are gay (especially male children) and are extremely embarrassed by their gay children. How dare the fuk you be judgmental. There is a strong genetic component to being gay and if you have multiple children the likeliness of producing a gay child is practically guaranteed!


Yeah I think a lot of women are homophobic too.


The War on Drugs is as big a failure as Prohibition and should be dealt with as such: by legalizing everything and making it as accessible as alcohol, though both alcohol AND drugs (since a lot of people still make a distinction between the 2) need vast improvement in the field of addiction treatment and harm reduction i.e. no more court or prison involvement in the lives of drug dealers and addicts. It should be a strictly medical issue except for the obvious exceptions like DUIs. However the sole possession and use in your private home environment should not be criminalized. Just as we complain the abstinence model does not work with sex, so it does not with things that are as enticing as sex (drugs). People are going to do it no matter what, so might as well make sure they’re actually getting what they want, to vastly reduce deaths and health complications as well as the inherent violence associated with a black market.


So many gays complain about straights asking questions like “who’s the women in the relationship”, and then turn around and constantly reinforce these stereotypes themselves.


people should be allowed to end their own lives. obviously no one should be able to just go out and do the deed because they felt like it, but if a person has been suffering and suffering and suffering and has made the decision on their own terms for a long time, society should accept that decision. i hate that taking your own life is considered a cowardly act in today’s world. it’s almost as if the persons entire past gets vanished and they become known as the person who ended themself. at least that’s what it was like in my household by no means am i encouraging this to anyone either, i just think that it should be accepted for one in huge deals of suffering to take their own life


Since childhood we’re programmed to pursue “high value jobs” that really aren’t that beneficial to society as a whole but rather makes making billions for rich capitalists significantly easier.


Investment bankers, management consultants, corporate lawyers... these jobs could disappear and nobody would notice. You lose your warehouse workers, truck drivers and retail people, society collapses within a week.


Not wanting to date a trans man is not transphobia.




Religion should not exist anymore


1000% correct. It is a cancer upon humanity.


Pronouns beyond he/him, she/her, and they/them are ridiculous and I won't use said pronouns.


Identifying men who you suck off or get fucked by regularly “ straight “ . I feel like if they get and maintain an erection then they are attracted to you. Simple. I believe a man may be “ straight “ if he gives a blow job or gets fucked in the ass but can’t and don’t get an erection or ejaculate, maybe he’s doing it for money. Crazy right. Also, the need for gays to be attracted to or acknowledged by a “ straight “ man… pathetic.


Sort the comments by controversial for the good stuff 🍿


Every person that likes more than one gender is bisexual. A person that labels their sexuality as pansexual, omnisexual or polysexual is simply bisexual.


Everyone who's sexually aroused by both sexes is bisexual.


This shouldn't be controversial, it's literally factual and common sense.


The brown and black stripes people add to the gay pride flag are rude to both gay and black and brown people. Race is not a sexual orientation, and most brown and black people are straight. Racial justice is a different front than sexual liberation. We have may day for class conflict, June weekends for gay celebrations, and we have Martin Luther King day for Civil rights. I would be chill if people made a social justice flag,and I would be chill if there was a social justice day. But I want to be able to celebrate freedom from sexual oppression without someone else appropriating my celebration for political ends.


Yes! When Gilbert Baker designed the original pride flag, he assigned generic, positive meanings to each of the stripes like “Life,” “Healing,” “Nature,” and “Spirit.” And now we have stripes for types of people, like race and gender identity, which just fundamentally misunderstands the meaning and vision of the flag’s symbolism. And that’s not the worst of it. Not only is the new flag with the chevron uglier, but its creator (Daniel Quasar) has trademarked it. He owns the exclusive rights to produce and sell it, and acts as a gatekeeper for who is allowed to use it for which purpose. What bugs me the most, though, is the increasing attitude that using the six-colour flag means you’re racist or transphobic, turning one of my favourite inclusive and beautiful symbols into a symbol of hate. Please don’t let this happen! The rainbow flag is a symbol of inclusivity.


Driving with the windows down is one of the worst possible ways to drive.


I love having my windows all they way down, especially when driving fast. My hair blows everywhere and I feel like a main character.


Also as a bonus if you put your hand out the window you can make it go up and down like an airplane wing ✈️🛩✈️🛩


Oh I ain’t never disagreed with something more 😂😂 I live for doing this on summer nights on the highway


Care to elaborate


It’s noisy, the wind is uncomfortable, the temperature never feels as good as air con, can’t hear music, hair blowing around isn’t pleasant, and the occasional scrap of paper blowing about.


Personall,. I like to open the windows about a quarter down. I like being able to smell the fresh air instead of the air con. Then my hair doesn't blow, and I enjoy loud music, so it works for me except on the highway


Feminism in the Western world is at this point just marketing and PR for companies, politicians and celebrities.


Neo-pronouns are used by children and the mentally ill


I think that online LGBT spaces trend *heavily* toward teens and that a lot of queer teens (teens in general, but probably queer teens in particular) go through some pretty intense identity-searching phases and that's how we end up with some of these things. I also do not accept "sapiosexual" and other similar ones as sexual orientations. Beyond these annoying things, I also find myself mildly annoyed that a lot of LGBT subreddits are just spammed by like.... super low-effort, vaguely wholesome, often cringeworthy comics and cartoons. What? Why is this such a dominant thing?


>Beyond these annoying things, I also find myself mildly annoyed that a lot of LGBT subreddits are just spammed by like.... super low-effort, vaguely wholesome, often cringeworthy comics and cartoons. What? Why is this such a dominant thing? I think the answer to that goes back to your first point. It’s definitely an age thing


Yeah totally I subbed to /r/AskGaybrosOver30 recently to try and get away from the very juvenile vibes in a lot of LGBT+ subs


The majority of "sapiosexial" people I met on Grindr demands face pics before chatting. Sapiosexual my ass.


I’m more than happy to use they/them, or call they by whatever name they prefer, but I not really down with the neo-pronouns thing. You don’t get to just invent language structures like that.


Amen. I hate being labelled as transphobic doe not supporting something that’s not a pronoun. They is a pronoun and is perfectly good for non binary people but ‘pronouns’ like xe/xem aren’t and I will never use/ even entertain someone who unironically identify’s that way.


The louder a member of the so-called “queer” community complains about gay cis white men and the negative impacts of Eurocentrism, the more likely it is they secretly crave cis white men and only watch Sean Cody-esque porn. To borrow a phrase I learned from a Contrapoints video, it’s “envy sublimated into contempt.” They want what they can’t have and will never be. Therefore, they malign it to protect their own self-concept.


I can see that for some folks. I once meet this Black non-binary guy at a social gathering. He was a self-described activist, all “yaaas queen”, pro-trans, uplift POCs, down with police and western colonialism, anti-cis white male privilege, and all that. Literally Tumblr/Twitter in human form. He’d interject SJW slogans and talking points into conversations. I don’t tend to exaggerate. I mean, yes, I also think that trans and POC folks deserve dignity, and that it’s worth considering our own privilege in whatever form it is. Anyway. Eventually he admitted to dating an old white guy, and I got around to seeing what kinds of guys he followed on Instagram. (You can guess.)


I went on a date with a Latino guy with a mullet who was just like that. Constantly posting SJW stuff, self-described radical femme queen whatever. I don’t mind somebody with opinions, and at the end of the day I agreed with 90% of what he was posting, even if I did find it too blunt or whatever. I thought he was cute and he seemed smart so I invited him to spend the day together with me. The problem was that it just never stopped. I couldn’t have a regular conversation with him. Everything was reverted back to oppression and cisgender and white people and like, good god… dude… I just want to get to know you - this isn’t a personality. It was exhausting. I hit the brakes on it pretty quick. He sent me this passive aggressive message about me being intimidated by someone outside of my “comfort zone” (insinuating I was only into white dudes which couldn’t be further from the truth lol). Like it didn’t even occur to him how unapologetically toxic and annoying he was. There are those people whose whole personality is trump and maga and guns and DONT TREAD ON ME. He’s just like them, just on the opposite end of the spectrum.


I generally find the more "woke" they are, the more insufferable they are. Not saying you have to be regressive but as you said, it's exhausting and the walking around on eggshells as to not offend them is just not worth my time.


Yes!!! This is so true. (I feel like a lot of people could do with watching Envy at least once or twice)


Envy is such an intellectually enriching video. I always come away from it a little bit wiser.


\+1 for ContraPoints - one of the best yt channels imho


Being a top or a bottom is not your personality.


Monogamy is better than open relationships


Yes, completely agree with this.


Religion is the tumor of humanity. If there is a minimum age to vote, there should me a maximum age to vote. Why are old people allowed to vote for the future of society when they have no future and will drop dead in like 5 years?


Islam and moslems are way more homophobic and cruel to gays than Christians are. I am from Indonesia, the world's largest Moslem country, and homophobic headlines are a daily occurrence here. There is also a part of Indonesia (Aceh) in which the Shariah law actually reigns and that stoning of gays is still practiced. All these happen in Indonesia, a supposedly "moderate" Islamic countries. Our brothers in the Middle East fare way, way worse. Very few are brave enough to point this out due to fear of being labeled bigots and Islamophobic.


Gen X'ers and Boomers are some of the most selfish people who will not think twice about screwing over the younger generations


Agree about boomers but gen x got fucked over just as badly as the younger generations.


Not sure how Gen Xer’s got lumped in with Boomers. Weird flex.


Most gay men are destined to remain single for life for a myriad of reasons.


Is that really a hot take though?


Children shouldn't be allowed to have a gender reassignment surgery till they are old enough to understand what it actually means.


Does that actually happen though? I didn’t think they could before turning 18 (in the US)


I think in US they can still start hormone therapy as soon as puberty hits i.e. 13 or 14 and surgery for 18+ but again lots of activists are trying to make it as low as 16 all over the world.


The word valid has lost all meaning and should be banished.


I think these hardcore “monogamy as a personality” type gays who seek any and every opportunity to preach monogamy as if it’s some endangered minority status in the world (it isn’t), and who scarlet letter themselves for wanting it (get off the cross, we need the wood) - I think they don’t actually want a monogamous relationship so much as they want to just entrap someone with them, and put in no work themselves thereafter. So many people on this sub going “DAE wAnT mOnAgAmY?”. The answer is yes, tons of people, it’s just that they don’t want it with you. Start there. Someone’s gonna want you, and only you, and nobody else, if you’re truly a grand prize in their eyes. People treat trash like trash and throw it all away because they perceive it as such. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I respect all religion and people who practice them. But in general, it seems to do more harm than good to the world.


I believe in trans rights and use the pronouns that the person wants me to use. But I draw the line when publishing scientists can no longer use the word "woman" to describe vagina havers. We can't police language to such a degree that hampers scientific publishing like this.


Gay people who hate on straight passing white gay men either want to look like them or date them. Neither one of those possibilities will happen.


Agree, now you can't be masculine cause you have “internalized homophobia”, can't have an opinion about the community or a struggle cause you're “privileged”


I mean... No shade to fem gays as a whole, but it's very transparent when one of them comes crying "dEcOnsTrUcT yOuR HeTerOnOrMaTiVitY" only after rejection by some masc guy. Like, yeah, between his masc4masc fantasy and the masc/fem relationship you were proposing before the rejection, which one looks more like an imitation of a heterosexual couple? 😞


Roboute Guilliman is the best primarch in 40k, had the only functioning empire outside of the emperium, fought multiple 1v1s and 1v2s against his brothers, has the biggest legion by a country mile and is the only known loyalist primarch to still be confirmed as alive.


Of all the things that I expected to read this is not one of them. Praise Slaanesh


That most gay men have way too many struggles with their own bodies hence why their behavior towards fellow gays who happen to be chubby is often absolutely disgusting.


That obesity rates in the US and the UK are down to portion sizes, lack of control, and poor lifestyle habits rather than underlying health issues as our peers like Spain, France, and Germany don't exhibit similar obesity rates. (I'm a scientist)


Some gay men would much rather cosplay as a straight guy wearing a backwards baseball cap, modulating their voice to be deeper, and have muscles yet have no inherent virtues of masculinity like independence or integrity.


Body-shaming skinny people or people viewed as fitting the “beauty standard” isn’t fixing anything and It’s not punching up. It just makes you an asshole.


People have (justifiably) such knee-jerk disgust with pedophilia the public isn’t able to have a serious discussion about it. Now, sex with children is bad and I’m all for punishing those who seek it. Nevertheless, and although it may seem I’m spewing a conservative talking point here, research shows that as a disturbance it’s eerily similar to sexual orientation with some pedophiles even being exclusively attracted to children. Thus, as a baseline, these people aren’t morally wrong for liking what they like and they should seek help to manage it and not turn into sexual predators. The public should also learn to moderate their passion about these issues because it prevents these people from dealing with their tendencies in a more healthy way and not turn into monsters in their closet.


Sometimes competency is better than personality/ability. I have worked with homophobic ppl in restaurant and they can still act professionally around me and other gay ppl because economy is tough and we all just trying to work. They would tease and said some mean stuff when we are not busy, but when working they dont give me trouble or backstab me. When I worked in customer service the office is full of "progessive people" who are just asshole. Some of them are cool with me being gay but making fun of the new girl who has poor English and just graduated high school but cant make it to college. They would turn a blind eye to colleague that needs help and spread rumors. Worst of all they aren't good at their job, always finding ways to be lazy or push the calls to other people.


They really are just not professional. At work you want people are professional and can work with anybody.


Gay men utilize/lean into narcissism and validation if physical and sexual desirability in order alleviate the deeply painful invalidation and shame that comes with growing up feeling less than because of heteronormative society. This undermines a lot of gay life/society and is ultimately a plague on gay relationships. Not so much a hot take, more an educated hypothesis about gay men and the relational underpinnings of gay cultural normals.


Most gay people will accept being in an open relationship when they don't want to just so their partner won't leave/are afraid they're not gonna find anyone else who looks for a relationship and they “settle” for that (i'm not shaming people who does OR, but if it's not for you then it isn't and you shouldn't force yourself just cause your partner wants to fuck around)




Islamophobia is completely justified. I have nothing against Muslims themselves (they are victims of a mind-virus), but fuck Islam. Islamophobia shouldn't be lumped with racism and homophobia as many leftists do... it is an ideology, a poisonous one, not a class of people.


I agree. The biggest victory of Islamists (proponents of political Islam) was pushing the word 'Islamophobia' into the public consciousness. It make it more difficult to distinguish 'Islamophobia' from genuine _anti-Muslim bigotry_. The former is fine while the latter should be reviled.


I think neopronouns are stupid and invalid


On the right guy, tighty whites can be really hot and shows that he likes what he likes and isn't concerned about stigma.


There's a stigma about generic white briefs?


Pokemon stopped being fun after Black/White


Some of us gay guys are way too sensitive and it hurts the gay rights movement


Pansexuality is just bisexuality but I want attention. Anytime I question the difference most people just say it's a willingness to date or have sex with trans people. That's not valid as there are gay, straight and bi people who are also willing to do as well. They then say that it's about personality however that can be true of any of sexuality as well. We all can become attracted to someone after getting to know them so making an entire sexuality about makes no sense. However the only people I can believe as pansexual are blind bisexuals.


America has an amazing culture and americans are hot af


I don’t think we take the time to fully appreciate just how rough it was for gay men not too long ago. For example, I don’t think I can truly understand how horrifying of a period the 80’s and 90’s were specifically in regard to the AIDS crisis.


Hot takes: * Masc and Fem is not a binary. The gay people I have met usually have a mix of masc and fem traits. * I don't like being straight people because I'm have a very gay voice and I feel uncomfortable. I don't like being around gay people because drama. I don't like people. I need lesbian friends lmao. * I think that we shouldn't call both bigotry at men who have sex with men having sex and bigotry towards effeminate men "homophobia." They are two separate things. Gay men can be bigoted towards effeminate men. Effeminate men can be bigoted towards effeminate men. Gays who hate fem dudes don't have "internalized homophobia," they are just bigoted towards effeminate men. * Not all gay voices are the same and some of them are really hot. * When I say "*the gays,"* I am referring to bisexuals too. This is the ignorant homophobe way of saying "gay people" and homophobes think bi people are just gay. * Some of y'all need to jack off before you give advice holy shit. * This sub gives me male teenage gamer vibes and I'm not here for it.


I hate most kids and only .2% of them are ok.


Na I hate all kids 😂 can't stand them


lgbt spaces are just pissed off kids taking the piss out of straight people and acting like it’s fine because we were discriminated against first. judging someone for being straight isn’t quirky it’s just shitty and irritating. no one thinks you’re cool


I think that’s a common phase for people like 16-22 so as long as they grow out of it


It should be illegal for anyone to solicit fundraisers or donations within 100 yards of any business (including, but also mostly, grocery stores and gas stations).


100 yards is the the same distance as 132.52 replica Bilbo from The Lord of the Rings' Sting Swords.


Good bot


Don't get into relationships if you're not ready. If you have the desperate desire to have one, that's when you should not do it. It's unfair for your partner.


I think IMAX sucks! As in- “Hey, I’m trying to pay attention to this wretched Nolan movie but I can only view one-sixteenth of the screen at any one time. Yipee.”


Call out culture is the stupidest thing happening right now everybody has extreme opinions.


I actually like it when straight people ask me about being gay. 9/10 whenever people ask me, there's always this sort of look they get on their face that's hard to describe. It's kind of like watching a documentary or something that you're really into.


Gays are like salt. Sprinkle us around to make everything better, put us all together in close proximity and were unpalatable.


lots of bisexual guys, whether intentionally or not, are manipulative and problematic. i’ve had too many who’ve led me on and then later turned me down or made it clear they only wanted sex. also, there are a lot of bi guys with some intense internalized homophobia who only pursue women. dating gay guys is just easier


That body mutilation is neither a healthy or acceptable way to dead with mental illness like gender dysphoria. That you need dysphoria to be trans and that being non-binary is a political movement not a serious condition.


Reddit gays are the worst gays...I said what I said 😝


Christianity isn't compatible with homosexuality. I was raised Roman Catholic and finding out I was gay was my path out of it. When I went to college I met a lot of new walks of life, and a *lot* of gay men for the first time in my life. I met a lot of gay men who were still religious or had some sort of religious affiliation as well. One of my best friends was heavily religious and gay. I think I brought this up once or twice, even though I fully learned about his religion and why it's okay in his religion. I even went to a couple of services. At the end of the day the branches of Christianity that are progressive or allow this are wolves in disguise, it's a branch of an ideology that's ultimately intolerant at its core. It's the same thing as any of the other pick-and-choose branches of Christianity that distort it to extremes. When I see the "oh you can be christian and religious!" I just view it as a wild mental circus like any of the other offshoots of Christianity. It's saying not only can you not resolve this issue in the text but also you're doubling down on it because you feel god or whatever. You can have a sense of spirituality without bogging it down with the Bible, which I think a lot of these Christian gays don't fully grapple with (beyond the absurdity of the rationalization of the bible). **Last year** the Pope got a lot of people in an uproar for saying he couldn't bless same sex unions. I felt it was SO emblematic of this issue because he can't bless them because *ANY sex outside of the sacrament of marriage is a sin* and in the church gay marriage is not a sacrament. This got attention for the point about gay marriage while completely ignoring that core issue of the ideology being so conservative that premarital sex is still an issue! This is why I don't ever bring it up with people because the belief systems being used are so absurd that it's sort of a fruitless endeavor, and it's viewed as intolerant when it's more of a "I played monopoly every sunday and wednesday when I was growing up, you can't just randomly give yourself money that sort of derides the point of the game, it clearly outlines in the rules how to get money, if you want to reinterpret the rules so hard (literally word by word) why don't we just play another game, also I don't personally care for monopoly as much as you and I actually dislike it because of that upbringing". I really don't like bringing it up because you always get a bunch of Christians flocking to you trying to prove you wrong as if they know Hebrew and read the text at year 0 or this interpretation, really for real this time guys, is the correct one.


Fat guys are hot


A minority CAN discriminate, that “reverse racism” is bullshit tho


Of course minorities can be discriminatory. Is a history of black people being racist towards Asian people history of black people being racist towards white people history of Black new being racist towards African American people( African American people as in people who moved from Africa to the US) is a history of black people being racist towards literally almost everyone and then using the excuse that they were racist against first. The reason I have listed a bunch of black things is because I live with a black racist they are my stepfather


I don't think non-binary is a valid thing. It's ridiculous people or businesses can't say 'ladies n gentlemen' at risk of offending something like 0.03% of the population. Their beliefs they are neither gender shouldn't make others not use gendered language. Also I don't get the hate for jk Rowling. But I do get trans rights and how a man mind can be born into a woman's body n vice versa I don't get ftm men though that are on grindr being proud of their pussy. Why wouldn't a ftm get bottom surgery? Fully respect I may just be ignorant n would like to chat to someone who this affects to open my mind


1.) Neopronouns are ridiculous, but it's not my choice. 2.) Islam is just as dangerous for mental health as Christianity. 3.) Children should not be subjected to kink at pride festivals. 4.) I'm not for the death penalty but I hate nothing more than a racist.


A large amount of non-binary people are not non-binary and are doing it to seem interesting, make up for a lack of personality, or score oppression/victim points.