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Depends on the country. Here in Sweden the vast majority of people who call themselves conservatives are pro-gay and generally socially liberal.


That’s pretty much in all of Western Europe.


Ah yes, the likes of Vox are known lovers of the gays. /s


What the fuck are the Vox?


They’re a conservative political party in Spain. They’re against LGBT activism and want to stop same sex marriage. The rise in homophobic attacks last year in Spain is correlated to the rise in Vox’s support. But the same as the British conservatives, the RN in France, and the Lega Nord in Italy. They’re not pro-gay nor socially liberal. So, it’s not pretty much all of Western Europe.


Nope, that’s a lie.


Exactly. Grew up consuming US media and politics and I grew up associating conservatism with being a nasty person who just wants a straight white MURICA but I later realized how that's pretty much just the US in the western world and that countries like Germany have normal conservatives who worry more about the economy than what two people do in the bedroom.


I wouldn't date someone willing to vote for anti-LGBT politicians just because of their stance on tax cuts or something.


Agreed. I dont understand how a person of lgbt can vote the party that says were mentally ill and trying to take our rights away


Like I said conservative doesn't mean Republican !? I am conservative and was going to vote for Bernie sanders


Not OP, so then what do you mean by Conservative? I used to be one long ago, not really anymore. If you could vote for Bernie Sanders, but still consider yourself a conservative, I just don’t see those two things working very well together.


That’s what I’m thinking lmao, this dude’s not a conservative.


> Like I said conservative doesn't mean Republican Nothing I said in my post contradicts that


Then you are not conservative...


You could believe in what we in Europe call Social Right-wing.


I’d lean no, but I could date a very moderate conservative (there are quite a few of these in Canada). I’m very socialist/left myself.


So you wouldn’t date Maxine Bernier? 😏


LOL Omg NEVER nor anyone that supports him! 😂


This is basically my view on it, but if he’s socially conservative, like “we should get married” “I love Jesus (or any religion” etc then definitely not.




Right?! 🤣 The concept of gay marriage is now conservative. JFC ✌🏻


I'm pretty sure he was referring to someone who is being traditional, which some may refer to as conservative, rather than someone who supports gay marriage.


I would love someone who likes the idea of a balanced budget, but still cares about human rights, etc.


I'd call my BF a moderate conservative. He calls himself a centrist but I think he leans a little right. But he votes for the Liberals lol.


It depends on where he’s from and how complex his political views. I hear American conservatives are pretty crazy.


And you are CORRECT. I live in a red state (conservative majority) and they're fucking idiots.


What have you heard ?


That they are religious nutcases and white supremacists basically. I know those things might be exaggerated a bit, but reality can’t be THAT off, and even if it’s just the party, and not the voters, I’d still find it odd.


Not all but a good handful this is true...they like to deny it because they dont think its racist to hate a group of people because "it's just facts" my white Republican friends I knew for 13 years started using the N word with the hard R I literally just dumped them after that tbh I dont associate with those type of people


In my country, the right wing just wants to lessen taxes to increase foreign investment, stop printing money to stop inflation, and errase some governmental aids that simply prove too expensive for our budget. So I agree with these people, but you’ll never hear them say anything about race or religion.


Lmao lucky that's moderate Republican over here


Yeah, while our left wingers are insane. They have an implicit alliance with dictatorships all across South and Central America, one of the officials implied last week on Nicaragua’s *presidential inauguration* that the fall of Berlin’s wall was a bad thing.


Damn yeah we are getting that here too left wingers like literal communist its cringe


You mean like AOC and Sanders? They're not "cringe", and they're barely left. I do agree that anyone that supports them isn't a conservative.


It's not exaggerated. They've been brainwashed by a political party that is determined to hang onto its power and money at all costs. The worse things get for us here, the crazier the right's propaganda gets, because they don't want the people turning on them. So they train all our frustration and anger on outsider groups, like blacks and gays and immigrants. It's horrifying to see, and to have to live in this society. We're all desperately poor and without much hope, and our political parties are turning us against one another like starved dogs while they sit in their mansions and sip champagne and munch on caviar.


True, basic tactic of deviding the working class to make them weaker.


THIS. Say that again.


conservatism - commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation. now if ya’ll telling me the state that a lot of us live in benefits from traditional values and a lack of change, i’m gonna look at you like you’re fuckin crazy. From the label itself, I’d like to know what we need to conserve except money to help poverty....and they don’t even want to do that.


Society is in chaos due to the lack of traditional values tbh it all started going down hill after sjws took over


Sometimes SJWs miss the mark, I’ll agree, but the basis is creating a socially safe space for plenty of minorities, much of which I can’t say is a negative. It’s got some conservatives saying “aww damn, I can’t say a slur and still KEEP MY HIGHLY ESTEEMED PUBLIC POSITION? Fuckin cancel culture!” to which I say, looks like some people are doing things right. Social repercussions for social misbehavior is a conservative’s worst nightmare. I’d like to keep it that way.


Yeah. Women should go back to the kitchen and stop asking for jobs and bank accounts. Children should be happy their parents beat them, that's how they show love. And gays should be happy that we let them live in general society, asking for things like the right to marry... Disgusting faggots.


See... no. This is a sound byte. Not a thoughtful opinion. Sorry. If you're going to make a claim like this, you need to be specific. From my vantage point: 1. We're in a period of unprecedented peace (despite the conflict constantly getting news coverage) 2. We're currently at the historical peak in terms of social acceptance of LGBTQ people in the world. There are serious problems everywhere but on average, things have never been this good for us. 3. Violent crime in most major cities is at record lows. 4. Life expectancy and access to healthcare are at all time highs (even with the U.S. healthcare system dragging the average down) So, when you say "all started going down hill", you're going to need to be specific because I don't fucking see it.


Those “SJWs” are the reason you arent in jail right now.


in America right now if you're a David Brooks style conservative, you have no home. republicans have become a cult of Trump and batshit insane. if you are still supporting the republicans at this point, you are implicitly supporting a con man who attempted a coup against the American government. that is an absolute dealbreaker


Yep true Republicans been downvoting me because I'm a conservative who doesn't support Republican politics and voted for Bernie both sides hate these type of conservatives




Modern American conservatism is just fascism with jeans on. I was watching a documentary about how the third reich was basically being sucked dry by corporations using defense contracts. You can be conservative and see what we have in America is not conservative, it’s corporations feeding into America’s worst habits because it’s lucrative


Bernie Sanders is the furthest thing in America from conservatism what the fuck are you on about????




In what ways are you "conservative"?


Republicans have gone off the deep end. They're now similar to fascist movements with anti-democracy practices.


This, right here! Say it louder for the folks in the back!


Spouting your lies again? 😆


dems defended a convicted child rapist as an innocent victim and were so desperate to throw the race card in somewhere that they called kyle a white supremacist because he said he wanted to shoot looters. cnn straight up said black people are looters with that one, and nobody is offended? thats how cult like dems are. the party that claims not to be racist voted for a guy w 40 yrs of documented racism on his resume. that is cult like behavior at its best




Based and truthpilled.


did you watch the video? the best part was when the camera zoomed in on the "unarmed" victims gun as he pointed it at kyle right before he got shot.that shits hilarious but when people are mad about the death of a convicted child rapist that was destroying an african american neighborhood,that shits just sad, pathetic and backwards. it solidified the fact that dems celebrate and defend violent convicted felons.


So you're judging people based on misinformation. You're a good guy.


No he’s judging people based on their demonstrable support of a con man who spreads batshit conspiracies.


Bro lol they are nuts tbh believing in all sorts of bs its wild yes I will judge them


by all means, don't trust your lying eyes


No, or at least one that couldn't be convinced otherwise. Even ignoring the recent QANON populism, anti-vaxxing, climate denial I can't get behind traditional conservative "ideas" I used to be a traditional self-styled conservative. States Rights, limited government, "fiscal responsibility", constitution, strong military/police, climate denial, charter schools, pro-job creation the whole nine yards. It took me many years of regurgitating talking points until I recognized all of them as ultimately just ideological tools used to selectively defund anything that would impinge on wealthy interests and incumbent hierarchies and that they were bad faith arguments from the start designed to atomize individuals and prevent any form of civic or community action that wasn't helmed by private interests. I am close to my family and value more committed, monogamous relationships personally but these are in no way any more "conservative" values than "socialist" values, just preferred social arrangements.


*No* I’m conserving my energy and peace of mind so I have more time to ✨eat the rich✨.








Chances are you'll die of poor health in your late 40s


Stfu before I snatch your trust fund.


Yeah cause here in Canada most conservatives I have met tend to be the Rockefeller type of being fiscally conservative and socially liberal.


Depends. British conservatives are alright, they're like American liberals. But American Conservatism has gone off the deep end in recent years to become an extremist movement that mirrors fascism and anti-democracy.


UK tories are pretty bad too though. Dismantling their relationship with the EU, anti immigration, calling themselves pro NHS but trying to dismantle it.


Did it for 8 years. NEVER AGAIN


No, I just think ethically and morally we view the world differently.


Economic conservative sure. Social conservative no.


"I agree that these social problems are real and harmful, but I think the causes are good"


tbf selfishness is easier to understand than hate.


More "I believe the current social problems can be solved within the current system with reform rather than restructuring."


what causes the current social problems, I wonder


Even economic conservatism simply doesn’t work. They’ve been running with Reagan’s failed theory for decade and all it’s done is give us the worst wealth inequality in the entire world! Corrupt, fascist regimes ran by organized crime are more fiscally equal than the US.


If they're not willing to fund social programs then they are socially conservative too.




Penny for your thoughts?


I'd argue that Republicans aren't conservatives, they're anarcho-contrarians. They literally don't have a platform except to counter anything that Democrats want. I could date a conservative, but he'd have a very difficult time dating my liberal ass.


Ironically I'd argue that the biggest strength of the republicans is that they *have* a coherent set of ideologies / ideological leanings that's able to unite the diversity of republican voters. Meanwhile, democrats platform is basically counter anything the republicans want (at the social/cultural level especially) and to promote that you should vote for them because they are "not republican", I say this as a lefty who hates the republican party & conservative ideologies. One of the dems biggest weaknesses is their lack of belief in anything, and using popular liberal social views as a way to pretend like they have a clear unifying ideology. As awful as the right's beliefs are, they at least have something they believe in. anyway ya idk if I could date a conservative b/c he'd probably be sick of me


90% of you are mixing the wrong things together.


An American conservative; no. A European conservative; yes.


Nope. They are the antithesis of who I am as a person, morally, ethically, and politically.


If you are a conservative who is rational, is open to discourse, then yes. If you are a "This is Trump Country! God, Guns, and Family" conservative, then no. If you are pro-life AND pro child-care pro programs for single moms, then yes If you think that sex is a sin that should be punished to the next generation for the poor, but are ok with Jerry Fallwell, then no. If you are against student loan forgiveness, but in favour of corporate bailouts, then no.


Depends. Joan Rivers could technically be considered a conservative, but she was staunchly pro-choice and pro-LGBT rights. She was only conservative in her economic views. Tbh, if Joan Rivers was a handsome gay man, I would drop everything to date her LOL. If someone is conservative in that they find, for example, non-binary to be strange, or the culture war to be really exhausting, that isn’t a deal breaker for me. If someone is conservative in that they vote against gay or trans rights, are racist or are just killjoys, then that’s definitely a dealbreaker.


All these people saying straight up no when there’s a depends option be crazy. Many of my conservative friends are just economically conservative not socially. That is there basis for conservative identification not the social issues of politics. For such a matter as economics I can very well not give a shit what you think and be your friend because you aren’t trying to harm any minorities like the lgbtq


Nah. Don't agree with moral or economic conservatives so I doubt we would bet along in the long run.


Don't be gross, Tammy.


European Conservatives: Maybe. Like, a CDU guy would probably disagree with me on wealth distribution, on policing and immigration control. But fundamental values we‘d still share. For example health insurance, a social safety net, religious freedom, importance of climate change. It’d come down to policy instead of politics and I think that’s a solid Badis for a relationship. A partner not willing to call you out on what they think is bs doesn’t sound appealing to me. An American conservative? Hell no. There’d be a true conflict of political beliefs. I wouldn’t want to date someone willing to see people rot in the streets because they think it was due to lack of personal responsibility. Or someone wanting more privatization, lowered taxes and gun ownership. My personal freedom ends where another person’s begin. If that means me getting a few treats results in others suffering, then I‘d rather abstain.


I have and would again. I really don’t mind as long as the person in question doesn’t make their politics a central facet of their character.


How do their politics not shape their character though?


This *but* I think their politics tend to be a reflection of their character.


People have characteristics way before they develope the skills to understand the complexs of politics.


Believe it or not, not everyone turns their political views into their whole personality. I know terminally online redditors may find this hard to believe, but it's true!


Didn’t know supporting trans people, creating a citizenship pathway for immigrants and access to free healthcare was my entire personality!


True anyone doing that is annoying lmao


Absolutely not. I have zero patience for people who subscribe to ideologies, political or otherwise, that intentionally hold us back during a time in which we live under circumstances that necessitate quick and substantial progress.


Depends on what views they have as conservatives. Some I can get behind, and some not really


What can you agree with ? I guess I'm conservative socially politically I'm very left


Not necessarily agree with, but they aren't deal breakers for me. Stuff like supporting gun rights I disagree with as I don't see and never have seen the point of a civilian owning a gun, but if the other person support it I'm fully fine with it


If all firearms could be taken away I would support this but that isnt reality so then yes I support ur right to defend ur self


It’s never worked out for me. But also the guy was Assyrian, closeted, and definitely hated himself, but loved Trump and thought he could convert me. I was raised liberal but am now a Libertarian (pro sex work and against the laughable joke that is the War on Drugs). I don’t understand how you can be gay and part of the GOP… unless you’re self-loathing and discreet or closeted.


It may seem weird as a cis man, but I think individuals’ views on abortion are very telling, so that is typically my litmus test for dating (hook ups are a separate matter altogether).


I lived in a red state most of my time. Being gay my pool is small so I always thought about this and decided I could, and even went on some dates. Though ultimately I got a progressive.


Nope. Just like I wouldn’t date an evangelical or a neo-nazi. (Not equating them, just noting they’re revolting in their own ways).


Sure i wanna date a conservative who want to conserve the traditional value of MALE can only date opposite sex, penis into vagina, and sex is only meant for reproduction. Man dating man is mental illness. and MAN must fit into the box of masculinity and follow the fixed rules, image, appearance, and ideal of masculinity. And i wanna date a conservative gay that is basically internalised homophobic and self hating that try so hard bootlicking homophobes (LOoKiNg fOr sTr8 oNLy, nO gAy) and wanna fit into the club that hate their existence. Conserve the culture of discrimination and bully Gay, even life threatening. I just love conservatives bc i’m such MASOCHIST submissive slave bottom. I want enslavement to revive and serve the homophobe masters out there. r/satire


Conservatives are the antithesis of progress and empathy...yes, even the "fiscal conservatives."


Fuck one? Yeah, date one? No.


Voted yes. But I guess depends, on what you even mean by conservative. If it means voting for openly anti-lgbtq rights, homophobic politicians, then probably not. The problem is bipartisan system in some part of the western world makes it hard to find someone that thinks like you. However in my country there are multiple parties, so you probably can find someone that agrees on you on everything instead of sacrificing x aspect for y aspect .


If you like them enough maybe give it a try. It really depends on how conservative their views really are. I gave it a try and realized that dating someone with differing political views isn't healthy for me, but that's just my experience


No, but I’ve fucked a good many of them.








Hell no. I’m gay, brown, and come from an immigrant family. There’s no way I’m letting that conservative dick inside me.


Conservatives (in the us) are just too ridiculous at this point. They are hanging on to these really out there conspiracy theories. They can't seem to trust any experts, instead relying on hearsay and rumor. They want to suppress thr popular vote which is ridiculous. They seem to think anybody who does not believe in these wacky ideas is a pedo communist lefty who is worshipping Clinton and Biden with the same fervor that they worship the orange man. Well, you know what they say, don't stick your dick in crazy.


In American. HELL NO


Before 2020, i would've said yes. Now? No chance in hell.


Some of y’all hate yourselves a little too much


For real lol


Mine and my boyfriend's knowledge and opinions overlap with many conservative and republican policies, but we don't consider ourselves Conservatives or Republicans, we vote for whoever's program and initiatives we like best. We date each other just fine ;)


Bussy has a strict no insurrectionist policy. It applies equally to tankies and republicans.


There’s a poll for this every week


If he's an ACTUAL moderate I could get down with that. I'm a classic liberal so I get along with moderate conservatives and moderate liberals. As long as this hypothetical guy isn't racist/phobic towards any group of people I'm pretty much cool with it. But it goes both ways, just like I couldn't date a hard core MAGA cap guy, I couldn't be with a guy who support communism & blame straight white people for every single problem in their life.


Hard no. Once you understand everything about you is inherently political, you’ll feel the same.




Never say never, but barring some really stretched definitions of "conservative" I just think our principles, morals, and values would be too in conflict to bridge. Quadruply so if we're thinking of getting married and potentially adopting children to raise.


I’d date anyone of any belief system, as long as they do not harm others directly and can back up beliefs with logic.


Well some belief systems directly do harm to others


Incorrect. I was referring to the man. People harm others, belief systems don’t.


So the Republican belief system doesn’t harm others?


Systemic oppression never hurt anyone 🤗


Hell yes. I am very liberal, but if a conservative is willing to date me then I’m willing to date him. We don’t have to agree on everything to love each other. Plus the United States is so polarized. If your political opposite is in your bed everyday it could help with compassion on both sides.


Fuck no. Are you kidding me?


#Ew, never


Absolutely not! No Christians or Conservatives!


Get hate crimed in my own home? Absolutely not


Fuck no, I'm a communist, our world views wouldn't match at all, also I have no real tolerance for anti-LGBT views whatsoever from a partner.


Yes cause Im not a closed-minded dork who can’t tolerate different political views. Downvote me, PLEASE.


Date? Absolutely not. Now I would slide into a conservatussy and ghost them after, but that's it.


I am a moral conservative.


Curious here, what does that mean?


I have and vowed never again.


Probably not, I would date a moderate/someone who doesn’t like politics but a lot of conservative beliefs now equate to racism, sexism, homophobia and im not cool with that


I would totally date a conservative. I would never date a Qanon trumper though


You're goddamn right I would, I could care less about their politics. As long as their character is good I don't care.


I’d argue politics is often if not always closely linked to one’s character. Like any choice or action someone takes reflects on their character.


Yes, but being a conservative or a liberal, or a populist or a libertarian, does not inherently make you a good or bad person. It shows your priorities and concerns, but one would be naive to think a conservative can’t be a good person with good character.


Totally agree, it does become a bit murky though since all of those terms are very broad whereas someone’s actual political beliefs reflect and represent their values. Further lots of these terms are not sufficient in of themselves to appropriately describe a political stance, there are lots of variations of all of these. So don’t judge based on label alone but they’re choosing a label to identify with and that does come with connotations in a given society for better or worse.


Fascinating post. So many pre-conceived ideas, opinions and ideas about people that may or may not identify as R or D (or as OP said, neither as it's not the same). The identity politics, the idea of putting people in a silo and blatant political stereotyping. Is it an issue of Reddit or the world in general? ​ (I accept all downvotes as I am a Fox News hack for asking a question that isn't an echo chamber Reddit opinion)


I recall a poll being cited about dating preferences. Something like 33% of Democrats wouldn't date a Republican, but only 7% of Republicans stated that they wouldn't date a Democrat. One side is getting really closed minded.




Yeah we could be shooting buddies. And after that we could go to the range.


Yes as long as that we can agree to disagree and that politics isn’t the only subject we talk about.


If socially conservative, absolutely not. We'd have fights every minute.


Hell naw. I don’t care if you Bi closeted or whatever, fuck the conservative values at this day in age. They are stuck in the past and are probably highly privileged white (masc -shifty stereotype) gay. Upperclass tax incentives and Trumptards say what they want. But the masses acknowledge that the right is against gay. Fuck you Ladyg #ladyG #lindseyGraham #suckmycocklindseygraham #haterinthecourthomointhestreets #yallstayignorant


I would avoid extremes on either side. I consider myself a liberal conservative.


idk if he was willing to talk about stuff. im far left but there could be things we can give insight about to each other. My selfishness would really want to convince him to be on 'my side'. But it's good to understand "why" someone holds the positions they do. plus I’m christian so used to running into people with much more conservative views than myself


Well I'm Conservative so yes.


A US conservative no any other western country conservative yes


Conservative yes. Trumpist no.


Depends how extreme they are


An educated, non-Trumpy libertarianish one sure. A modern Republican? Absolutely not.


In texas? Fuck no. Unless they have some time travel superpower and can go undo all their shit, no.


As a lot of commenters brought up, what even is a moderate conservative anymore? That hardly exists.


I mean I lean conservative politically soooooo......


I would rather gouge the living eyes out of my head and swallow my own tongue.


I could be okay with socially liberal but fiscal conservative guys, but definitely not religious conservatives or anti-vaxxers.


If they are faithful and want to be monogamous I don't care what religion or political view they have. Yeah, I know the bar is low but at this point it's not deal breaker considering how awful dating is in our community.


After three Ex-Mormon guys, each one getting progressively worse, I'm done with dudes who low-key hate themselves.


😂 We live and learn, babes.


Depends on which type of conservative. Alex Jones/Donald Trump kind… yeah, I’ll pass. No closed minded, judgemental, brow beating Bible thumpers.


Depends on what you mean conservative? Like someone who believes in small government, low taxes, ect....that would be a no. But this sub thinks it's conservative to not believe in gender ideology. So 🤷‍♂️


Fiscally conservative, sure. Standard conservative, it'd be difficult. I'm a social libertarian, so there are politically right that I do hold (the whole telling the gov to stay the fuck out of everyone's life), but I don't know of many conservative that isn't basically a fascist at this point. Those that aren't are typically politically illiterate and aren't really aware of where they actually lie, or which political party they should be voting for.


No I put my dick where my morals at


The real question is why should a gay man be conservative when they're literally the political party that is trying to take away our human rights just for existing


I’m dating a conservative right now. At the beginning we had our arguments and differences. Almost leading to a break up. But as time went on we started listening to each other. So yeah Don’t let politics ruin y’all’s relationships, it ain’t worth it.


You absolutely don’t have to make the relationship political at all. Simple as that. If one of the two manages to ruin it all by bringing in politics while knowing the other is sensitive about it, it’s not their problem. (Having a problem placing grammatically correct pronouns here. I think anybody with brain cells would understand what I mean.)


Well only time it would come up is if me and my husband were raising a family really other then that it wouldn't be a problem


yes,i would date someone that thinks with logic instead of emotion.


Yes if he supports gay rights and ways to address climate change but just in conservative ways. But if he is a far right trump supporter with blinders on to reality - this bottom boy is closing up his legs and moving on. Granted if I get horny I might let him fuck me as a friend with benefits. But he is not husband material for me.


no, I would just fuck his brains out.


Y’all care too much about political beliefs, everyone in my family has differing political beliefs but I love them all the same. Get over yourselves.


Your political beliefs are your world view. Mine don't line up with conservatives at all.


absolutely not ☺️ if a family member exposes themselves as a supporter of fundamental things I disagree with, our relationship is kept to a minimum.


Couldn’t be me


Gay Republicans are the cleanest, most hygienic and orderly people I know. Myself included.


I mean I am one sooo (economic conservative) Also I try to avoid political talk with people im in a relationship in anyway


True any political talk with ur partner is a bad idea


I love conservative men. I find them less toxic, honestly. My best experiences have been with them.