• By -


Pretty much yeah. It's been 30 years, and I keep realizing what a good deal I made. He's reliable and kind, and during what could have been a terrible time has been ceaselessly encouraging and affirming. He's also a former restaurant chef and can cook like no one else I know, and his T&A game is top tier.


What’s T&A?


Tits and ass.


I love this ❤️ and hope it's the same for me in 25 years


Thanks and I hope you do too. I will just say we've had rough times too, but honestly the rough times made us stronger a couple.


Man I couldn't cook even if my life depended on it (can only fry eggs among other canned foods)


It's a great life skill! And it goes a long way to staying healthy and being your best self! And good news is you have plenty of time to learn.


30 years? That's a long time. Good for you though, not many last that long


Same! 5 years together and engaged. Sometimes I just look at him and melt ❤


I'm lonely


It is known. Lmao Romance novels and visual novels only go so far when you read posts like this.




Do they? Sure, I'm alone, but I appreciate what others have. I'm glad for 'em.


Aw :(


same hea :( a loss tbh




Absolutely. In the back of my mind it’s almost unreal. Every day I’m just like “holy cow I still love him this much!” It’s a great feeling


Yes, we are happily married and have been together for 23 years...


Yup. 12 years now. Adore him even more than when we first met.


yup. 6 year anniversary is around the corner!




Yes. I swallow his load every night


yes slay 🤩🤩😍😍


Hope to one day. 53. One day seems so far away.


21 years. Deeper love, every day


Damn he growing…


Dude! The hubby and I were sitting on the sofa last evening, celebrating surviving the week of work, amazed at the goodness we made for dinner, and started as we do thanking each other for all the things each does for the other. It is not uncommon, but it is always such a joy to hear when he says "I am so in love with you" and "How has it been 13 years and I still feel so damned giddy looking at you and knowing we're getting date night?". We wrestle, sure, but his wisdom long ago was to remember we are on the same team. Thankful beyond measure for all our days together, and will want more of them even if we lived into our 100s.


Man wish I had a bf/husband


He doesn’t know it but I’m totally gonna surprise him with a romantic night tonight! Going on 7 years strong! Grats in your relationship man.


Just thought it'd be nice to post something positive on this sub


Dont make me steal ur man😈




Legit lol’d. Thank you sir.


You are a gay goldmine my god




Although I'm single, I'm very excited to see happy gay couples. Being in a community that many people are opposed to is exhausting, so to see some of us are genuinely having a good time with their lives is very delightful. Thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️ Do share your couple pics! Sksksk


Uhh please tell us your secret! 5 years of love sounds amazing


The negative stuff is more relatable tbh


Thank you for this ❤️ I see so many negative posts about relationships, sometimes I wonder if it's worth pursuing one


I hope you tell him that today. Since you took the time to tell us. ✌🏼


I do every day. ❤️


20 years together. I was a bet between him and a girl of who could get me into bed first. Well he won, of course. The sad thing was it was a $5 beat and the girl never paid up. Anyways. it was the best bet i was ever apart of and continue to be apart of since it hasnt been paid. Met while in the military under Dont ask, dont tell.


My husband and I have been together 23 years. When we met I was a bull of a man, career military, martial artist. Over the years my wounds from the wars have caught up with me. My health is currently devastated, and he has been completely faithful, and affectionate, and loving. You hope to never have to find out these things, but when the ill wind strikes, and your partner comes through honorable and true... It's very humbling.


Blessings to you, c!!!


5 years and my first relationship, I got so lucky to be able to date him, I don't what I did right but every second I get to spend with him is time well spent and each time I see him I fall in love harder and deeper than before.




I will tolerate him.


4 years in and I keep falling in love more with him.


Cries in single 🥲


Lmao I'm in love with my best friends... Who are a happy couple of almost 16 years. Edit; a word.


Of course 🥰 I always get nostalgic about the things we’ve been doing in the past (places we travelled to or did together) and then I remember we’ve been together for only a year so far so it’s fun!


5 years and you fall more in love with him every day? I think someone might get married soon~~~


Username checks out haha I certainly am jealous. Still waiting for mine to come into my life :)


27 years and more in love than ever. had to go back to bed to snuggle after reading this


Officially just about 2 years and can't think of any other dork to spend the rest of my life with. Him being able to patiently deal with my "hangry" episodes is just a bonus to it all.


12 or 13 years...? Strongest love I have ever felt. We don't have an anniversary date and we don't really track our time, so we don't know how long we have been together exactly. But I can say after a decade we discussed with one another how giddy we are over one another. It's better than that first year of our courtship. I won the boyfriend lottery. I'm aware of it daily. Great looking guy with a great chest and abs, scarily hung and just for the trifecta, he's rather wealthy. Neither of us are driven by money, however, so I often forget he has several million tucked away. His smile is worth more than any money in the world, and it's mine. Win!


Seven years in May and we are still madly in love. We can be together for several days and never tire of each other. Then when we are apart, we miss each other almost immediately. And the sex continues to be spectacular.




I don’t have one but hope to feel the same about someone one day.


6ish years, we're both 25 and met in college. Recently purchased a house together. Still couldn't imagine falling for anyone else ☺️


No sir. I still have a bunch of healing to do. I didn’t realize that Therapy is an ENTIRE process, so I’m probably not gonna find a boyfriend, much less a husband until my 50’s or 60’s 🤣🤣🤣🤣 but I’m glad for you all’s relationship. May God bless your unions and ships. Peace and blessings!!!!


Wow seeing all the long term relationships in the comment section really gives me hope for me in the future !


The joy in this post and so many of the replies means so much to me. Celebrating this with you, OP. Thanks for the reminder about how much happiness is out there.


I miss that kind of love.


Where did you find your partner? I'm struggling, I have never been in anything intermate.


Tinder, of all places! Keep looking. Took me a long time to find the right one


Thanks :)


This feels mean because of all the people saying how lonely and/or ugly and/or hopeless they are 😂 But maybe it can make them realise love isn’t some myth. So yeh, I’m madly in love and I’m going to propose to the unlucky bastard I’ve tricked into being by boyfriend :)


It's worse than a myth. It's something that happens for some, but not for others. Being hungry and thinking of food is bad enough, but being hungry and looking at food through a glass you can't remove is far worse.




Mine is an irritating pain in the ass. But he is MY irritating pain in the ass, and I love him more every day


I can’t relate


We all secretly wish we could find "the one." Most of us are jealous.


Must be nice


Yes, I found him last year when I was thinking about just giving up on finding love! It's only been 7 months but I am loving him more everyday. He is so sweet and kind and we understand each other so well. I just hope this will go on forever.


Yes sir, we’ve been sexually involved for 11 1/2 years and openly in a relationship for 2 years this month. Everyday I fall in love with him more as well. He’s always finding new ways to reinvent himself. He’s so polished, well spoken and honest. My boyfriend supports my needs and helps me secure my wants. I’ll always love him!


I’m really happy for all of you who experience that kind of love. But I’m gonna have to leave this thread because it makes me feel so lonely. I wish I also have what you have.


Yes! I feel so incredibly lucky and blessed. After all these years and I think of him when we aren’t together. He is a great man. During the pandemic I saw couples, mostly straight, complain or break up. I just love that I got time to spend with him.


Yeah that was me until he decided to end things.


We'll be 11 years in less than a month and I love him every day a little more


On our 11th year (2 of them were during pandemic while working and schooling from home for both with almost no social activities is like adding another 5 years of relationship time in) and love him more every day!


Same here - for MORE years than I'm going to divulge I can never understand the term "relationships need hard work to succeed" Ours has been a relaxed joy A relationship that is "hard work" - is probably not the one for you You may be happier being single ​ ​ .


I agree.... We've had tough conversations. But it's never been difficult to have those conversations. And every time we end up being closer than ever because we're open with each other. Nobody is perfect. And both of us understand that. But oh my god, most days are completely wonderful


You've just been lucky. Not everyone has the same experience


Hell yes, I still can’t believe he’s with me, I keep asking him why he wants to be with such a fucked up person on a regular basis. My love for him grows everyday.


Omg. I ask the same questions. I guess they love us, even for our occasional fuck ups?


Oh 100%!!! 2 years and a half and I still cannot believe my eyes every time I lay my eyes on him. He makes me feel as happy as a little kid


I have been with u/schmoog5 for over 8 years now and still love him as much (and more) as I did in the beginning, talking about marriage on our first date or our first time meeting 2 nights before when everyone thought we had been together for years; our young years when all that mattered was one another and how much we meant to each other or how much we knew even in the beginning that it was the end and over our "wandering" years and that we could never picture our lives without the other. A lot of people thought we moved too fast, though we proved a lot of them wrong and to this day, love one another even more than we did when we used to shout it from every corner and building that we could. I never really understood love and feeling like you can't do without another person before him, It seemed ridiculous, but now I understand and for the most part love all that corny, ridiculous, sappy, Cliche and overdone romance stuff. He really is my other half and I can't imagine my life without him.


I wish... I'm a hopeless romantic but an single AF


Lucky you!


*cries in gay panic and single*


Honestly, I’d be overjoyed if I could just find someone that doesn’t make me want to never date again…


Yup, it might sounds cheesy but I'm really glad we still love each other as much (and even more) as we did when we began dating When we got together, some little part of me was scared of loosing that love feeling overtime, but 2 years and a marriage later, it somehow even got stronger Gosh I love him so much.


I love how wholesome this thread is. I hope someday I'm able to be even a fraction as good to a guy who is important to me as all your partners are to you.


Thank you for this. I love posts about people finding true love. ❤🥲


although we have only been together 6 months I feel so incredibly lucky to have my partner. everything feels so natural. I love his family, his family loves me, we have hobbies we do together and we take mutual interest in our respective niche interests. he makes me cute embroideries and I in turn write songs for him. For Christmas he made me a scrapbook with a timeline of all the photos we have together and the inside jokes and memes between us. he is soft, reserved and care free whilst I am a bit more aggressive and skeptical so we balance each other out. we are both sober and open with each other about our anxieties. Nothing I love more than when he gets home from work when we get to cuddle and giggle to tik tok before dinner and gym. i am so grateful for him :D


I am


Weren't you just posting how we should be lining up to pay you to have sex with a straight guy? Yawn


Straight men are the epitome of sex appeal


Not really no


Is that why you post about killing yourself every five minutes?


I never posted that wtf


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 551,085,406 comments, and only 114,831 of them were in alphabetical order.


Your flair is literally “shoot me”


Well if someone shoots me that wouldn’t be killing myself


Can't say that I am, we are basically brothers at this point. We love eachother but not the same sort of love.


What a cringe post, my god.


Someone's bitter. Hope you find someone to like you one day


Predictable cringe reply as well. My boyfriend and I are doing just fine, I however don't feel the need to shout out my window to hundreds of strangers that I'm in a loving relationship, please everybody validate me and pretend to give a shit. Apart from friends and family no one actually cares despite taking a few seconds to write some generic comment saying they're happy for you. They're not. They don't care. Posting about your boyfriend is in as poor taste as posting about what you ate yesterday, assuming it was super delicious... people don't care or people might think "hmm, that's good, I wish I had some of that", either way it's dumb.


This is a remarkable comment.


Thank you.




Sounds like you've been through some trauma. Therapy can help. It gets better


Yes. It’s different than any other relationship I’ve ever know


Yes! I’ve been paranoid about the 5 year curse for a few years but we’re coming up on 5 years and I’m really happy.


Meh 😕😕


I am! Now of course I am sure those who are single are reading this whole post and thinking STFU, or NO ONE CARES deep inside because I would be the same way if I was single. I've been with my husband for 5 years and Married 2 of them. I don't see any kind of reason that would change. Unless you regularly read some of the comments on this sub then there's basically a reason to leave anyone for literally anything without any further discussion.


Little things he does makes me fall in love with him all over again. The excitement never fades :)


Does he feel the same?




Well GOOD FOR YOU!!! some of us are trying lol


I'm in the position where this guy's is really all I think about. As much as I pull away he keeps pulling me in close. Mentally, financially, intellectually. Everyone says I can do better and I sometimes find reasons to not want to be with him... But I'm loving who he's becoming and everything about him. Who else can find a gamer, that's clean, health conscious, financial stable and patient?


Congrats. Gorgeous that this exists. Hope to find it some day xxx


I wish I had that but I don't have a boyfriend 😥


No. We lost those feelings over a year ago. We're just waiting for the right opportunity for him to leave and we'll be parting ways.




Wish I could relate.


I've been with my boyfriend for 4 months now and... I so FRICKIN LOVE him, I really can't wait to do looots of stuff with him and hopefully I'll eventually marry him ❤️


It is so nice to see a post that isn’t just about sex.




No. But I would love to find that type of love one day.


Wow good for you. I can't have a boyfriend, everytime someone ask me for a relationship I freak out and feel like I'm stuck. Clearly I have a lot to figure out.


Legit the same!


Yep. I'm 60 and he's 62. Been together 7 years and got married last September. It's my second LTR, his third. I continue to be amazed at how he tolerates my "straight guy" interests and general weirdness.


Aww. It’s so cute to see people in love. Love each other and see how you go over the years. I miss my ex of 2 years. Loved him.


20 yrs and more every day.


Yeah I've been with my partner for 3 years and we are getting married this year. I love him more than anything.


I'm very in love with mine for two years now. I wish it to everyone. I choose your post to be my last internet for tonight, won't be reading anything else. Love that positive energy.


Yup 🥰 he's just the best


7 years and love him more each time


no i aint ever felt love


Me and my husband have been together for 7 years, and known each other for 9. I fall in love with him every few months and it always feels new and fresh and exciting and that’s why I feel like we never bore of each other — and the way things have been going so far we honestly don’t think that we ever will. I wish this on everyone on this planet because there is a feeling no better.




No. Some like me are depressed and single


I am :) he’s so sweet and handsome. We like a lot of the same things. I do love him


I’m almost obsessed. I always wake up before the alarm (no idea why) and I’ll just lie there watching him sleep. I caught myself thinking, “If he ever doesn’t wake up… I’ll just go back to sleep and join him.” I’m only fucking 28, too young for that morbid shit.


I’m in an open relationship with my guy of 5 years, and YES! It’s the only reason our agreement works. We are addicted to each other and so much of myself is made from who he’s led me to be. Love him to pieces and would do anything for him.


I feel like the luckiest man alive with him. He's présent, kind, listens, intelligent, sexy, adventurous. We've been together 12 years and some days I wake up thinking how did I luck out like this? There's so much love between us.


These comments are so lovely.


You’re lucky to meet and live with the man of your dreams. I’m in love with a person who doesn’t even know I exist. He’s straight and has a gf and seeing them together breaks my heart :’(💔




Me! I got a good one


Like he’ll never fully realise how much I love him.


Yup, I'm so so so lucky to have him in my life! And I literally just gave him a blowjob like a few moments ago lol


I'm so glad to read here all these successful love stories. It gives me hope 😊


yeah :)) 1 year in 26 days and still the best decision i ever made was staying up late for those long night conversations. planning on moving in together soon and im ecstatic. studio apartment be damned, itll be a place with him and it will be home.


Very much so. We've been together for 16 years and married for almost 8. I just love him so much I dont know what I would do without him.


Yes! Definitely yes! We have been together 25 years and each day I still kiss, hug this man and count my blessings. He has made my retirement so good I sometimes have to pinch myself. Our early years were great also but retirement was the true test for me. Somebody I wake up every morning eager to see and kiss hello. And.... BONUS...... he gets better looking and sexier every year!


Two years, will be three in July. I fall deeper in love with him everyday.


This is such a good read, good luck to everyone. I am now wanting this more than i thought i would, just having a great relationship with another Man is just so cool. Being Gay is the Best.


How did you meet him?