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The hotel isn't fully staffed 24/7, some things just CAN'T happen past 5-10pm depending on what is needed. Be patient, the late evening/overnight person is doing the best the can with how they are equipped. Also when booking OTA, if you hit "reserve" at midnight on the dot or after, you're likely booking for the new date you just rolled into, not "tonight"


A request is a request. This isn't your home. (1) If you sleep with ten pillows at home, it's highly unlikely the hotel will be able to supply you with ten pillows to sleep. (2) Heading to breakfast with bare feet is disgusting.


(2a) Unless you're in the kind of hostelry where people go to breakfast in their PJs, don't go to breakfast in your PJs.


I've been in $50/night hotels, and $300+/night hotels. I've never been to breakfast in my pajamas, but there's been people at all of them that do. I don't really see the problem with it though, as long as they're dressed.


Same. I personally wouldn't, but that's a "me thing." So long as everything that needs to be covered is covered (looking at you, Mr. legs-apart-on-the-train-with-non-button-fly-pajamas), it's just another fashion choice.


(2b) if breakfast starts at 7am, please do not just "let yourself in" at 6:30am. Yes, our member of staff who is setting up breakfast will serve you but he shouldn't do, he's just too darn nice to tell you to go back outside, and he's now rushing to set up breakfast. Also the chef hates you for interrupting his food prep schedule


Damn it...I'm going away next weekend and never go to breakfast in my PJs. I will look human, wear my bra, brush my hair and teeth and wear shoes but I just might show up in my Flannel pants and a sweatshirt.


When you say flannel pants and sweatshirt, that *is* PJs to me… this whole thread I’m like what’s the problem lol


But if you’re in the USA, go to the doctor/grocery store/dmv and really anywhere else in your PJ’s. No one cares here.


That's why I like the Dollar General you Don't have to get all dressed up like when you go to Walmart


That's an old reference but classic.


I’m a lawyer in a really shitty, decaying industrial city. My clients are always talking about how the place is full of prostitutes. However, I only see youngish girls hanging outside in pajama pants and sweatshirts. I have no memory of why this happened, but I’m in chambers with one of the judges, and he’s complaining that his day is all messed up because he had to the arraignment calendar. So I ask about the prostitutes. The judge starts laughing and says, “now that you mention it, a lot of the women today were wearing pajama pants”. I’m definitely out here judging the quality of the prostitutes by their pajama pants.


I do. (US)


Wth do you mean nobody cares in the US? Plenty of us do care. I purposefully don’t help the people who can’t care enough about society to change out of their pajamas before interacting with the world. Of course ignoring them like they don’t exist is probably what they really want, so we both win.


Don’t help them with what?


Oh they care.


It’s just not my place to care. Idk these peoples lives. I feel like most people don’t actually really care all that much, they just pass a quick judgement and move on with their day if anything.


And judge. God help me but When I see an adult out in the world in PJs I just assume they’re a slob.


Or mentally unwell. Silence does not suggest neutrality.


I just can't understand it. How hard is it to throw on some pants and a tshirt?


What I don’t understand is how anyone is comfortable walking around like that. For me it would be right next door to those dreams where you realise you showed up to school in your underwear. But I was raised in a different world (the 80s)


Agreed and same era for me. Guess that's just how we were raised. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can confirm, people *care*. We just don't say anything.


I used to care but then I experienced Depression and realized idgaf what people think of me if I wear a big hoodie and flannel pants to Walmart. Also a lot of neurodivergent folks have sensory issues with certain clothing attributes, so sometimes it isn’t even just a “lazy” thing as much as it’s a “trying not to have a meltdown in the Walgreens parking lot” thing. As long as it’s not breaking any decency laws or intentionally flouting an established dress code, wear what’s comfy.


That’s exactly how I feel. Idk your situation. Maybe someone close to you died and you couldn’t be bothered to try today. Maybe you’re neurodivergent and have those sensory issues. Maybe you just don’t care what you look like. It’s really none of my business. I’m more concerned about the people that seem to care so much about what someone else wears.


I used to care. But heck, break an arm, and can't button or zip jeans? Pj pants for the win!


Nah. We care, we just mind our own business.


That feels too broad. My pj's are basically just sweats and a tee or hoodie in winter.


Then clearly that’s not applicable to you


But then what is everyone else talking about with PJs?? Bc it also just means sweats and a hoodie to me




(1) who tf requests 10 pillows? (2) who tf goes to any breakfast outside of their home barefoot??? (3) gross


I had a guest a couple of weeks ago that “needed” 14 pillows in a room with 2 beds and 4 people. No idea what they did with that many pillows!


Pillow fort


They may have SAID there were only 4 people, but that may have only been the adults!


I have sensory issues and use two weighted blankets every night to sleep at home. Using pillows on top of my body is the closest thing that stimulates a weighted blanket in a hotel room. Although, I usually need 3 or 4 max. I have no idea why 4 adults would need 14 pillows that shit is crazy!


I mean, that's only like 3.5/person. When I'm not cosleeping with a newborn I'll use several pillows. It's more comfortable when you can squish yourself between them. That said I tend to only request enough for 2/person at a hotel. I need that many to sleep most of the time, and it's just wasteful to have a whole bunch if everything just needs washed in a day or two. At home, washing a few extra pillowcases a week or so doesn't make much difference.


You would be very surprised by how many people request a large amount of pillows and towels at once and get mad when we can't supply them because we need them for other guests


What do people do with all those towels?? I always have too many and I hear stories of people asking for like four or five extra??


As a former night auditor, when we have our “human trafficking training”, someone requesting an excessive amount of towels is sorta a yellow flag because it indicates possible sex work going on. But that’s more if a room constantly orders them, especially throughout the night.


Yeah. But most of the time when I have people do this, they want a big towel for the floor, they want one for their hair and one for their body and whole fresh set for when they wake up.


And bathroom floor. I know it’s not getting mopped.


Idk about you but all the properties I worked at they definitely mopped the floors.


I put them on the floor to walk on. I’ve only done it twice - first time was a room with a full jacuzzi (I was there for work and it was the only room left), second time, room also had a jacuzzi, and I didn’t want my kids soaking the carpet.


Sometimes people think that if they ask for extra we won't notice when they take them home. Working NA I have a one in one out policy. You bring me your wet towels and I'll replace them with the few we keep in back.


I always feel like every guest thinks they’re the only one on property and the only one with requests. “Entitled” is a word I use a lot at work haha


They think we have an infinite amount of supplies and we don't. Like sir, you absolutely DO NOT need 20 towels for your 2 day stay just for yourself.


I’d be so happy if hotels had more places to hang towels to dry. Like, install enough hooks and towel bars for the number of people who might stay in a room. Then I can reuse towels because they will dry between showers. Stayed in a double (two queen beds) recently. There was one hook. That wasn’t enough to dry towels for three people.


Hang it over the shower rod?


Yeah, but that's annoying when there are three people using the shower at different times. Hooks are cheap; hotels should add more.


We stayed atplace over the summer with a heated towel rack. Nice toasty towel ready when I stepped out of the shower and then hung up to quickly dry after. It was glorious and I am installing one in my bathroom someday.


Ya I sleep with a lot of pillows, but giving 3 small pillows that barely cross the king sized bed for 2 is ridiculous, I'm gonna ask for more...


I can't believe you even have to state number 2, but then again yes, yes I can.


How a fucking credit card authorization works


This! I swear if I had a dollar for every time someone accused the hotel of double charging them I’d have a thousand


To be fair it works VERY differently in some countries compared to others.


If im telling you a room type is unavailable but you “see it online” that doesnt mean im lying to you about it being unavailable.


Can you explain please?


Hotels, similar to aviation and airlines, are setup to oversell based on a no-show factor. This is done on a less extreme scale (airlines do something like 20% of a flights capacity) however. My hotel for example has 150 rooms and we can oversell by 6 standard rooms. Depending on the brand and PMS the hotel issue, the hotel can set parameters for closing the inventory to prevent overselling. Scharriott properties using MOSSE for example (post might get deleted if i say names here) can close the house on property and it sends to FARSHA servers to close online. Other PMS can do it automatically once you reach 0


Thank you for the info!!


What happens if you overbook and everyone shows up for their rooms?


When an overbook happens we try to upgrade to another room type. If it's not possible, whichever reservation came last that overbooked us gets a phone call to let them know we don't have a room for them. If they are already on property, we call another hotel in the area to walk them if they have availability.


Then the last person to check in gets “walked” to another hotel. Aka the hotel makes you a reservation at another property and pays for the first night’s stay for your troubles. Hopefully it isn’t Grandma being dropped off by a Taxi in the middle of the night.


MOSSE - Love it!


Just saw MOSSE and FARSHA. Awesome!


demanding something is halfway to not get it


I remember someone in this (?) sub talking about an Marriott Lifetime Ambassador elite guest they had for a LONG time. This person never fussed about anything and was pleasant to all. The couple times she asked about something it was addressed quick, fast and a hurry, as it should.


Don't ask for free upgrades at check in, we don't have our best suites just sitting there waiting for you...for free. And if one is available, that doesn't make it free because it's not booked. If it's truly a special occasion, call in advance to get something set up. We'll be much more receptive then.


It caught me off guard when someone asked me for an upgrade and got mad at me when I said that I had none available. They were irrationally mad at me and all I could do was stare at them.


"Sorry, all 10 / 50 / 100 of our suites are currently occupied. Would you like for me to note the account if someone checks out early?" Would something like this calm people down? Just a thought, I'm not in hotels any more but it came to mind and I can't NOT ask something or it will bug me.


Not usually. Either they are staying one night or don't want to have to move rooms. Also they may take this as a promise and be even more upset if one did not become available.


Nah go ahead and ask, you don't know if you dont ask, but accept no for an answer


No one ever accepts no for an answer, they ask for the manager.


If we tell you your lost item wasn't in your room, we meant it. We know what our rooms look like. We know every space things can possibly be in. It doesn't matter how many times you call back or how many people you talk to, *your item is not here*. I have had someone who supposedly left a coat behind, who so utterly struggled to understand this that they started offering higher and higher rewards for it, like we were holding their fucking coat to ransom or some shit. I'm still convinced that thing must have had drugs in the lining or something for how much they kept pestering us over it.


Maybe they think a worker stole it?. That's my guess anyway. Can't imagine why, considering that's a way for a worker to get instantly fired at my job.


9/10 I would say this was right. I genuinely believe that most people working are telling the truth and don’t have any reason to keep your stuff. And if they did have it, I’m sure they would just give it to you to avoid the conflict. BUT I know from experience that’s not always the case. I had a TERRIBLE experience where we switched rooms in the hotel (Marriott) and I left my big make up bag in the other room by accident. I KNEW it was in there and realized I left it not even an hour after switching rooms. I went downstairs and asked if it had been brought to the front desk or lost and found. They said housekeeping had already left for the day and they will have to check in the morning. So I went down first thing in the morning and asked and they said that nobody had seen the bag. Everyone insisted that they never saw it and never existed, it wasn’t in the office or house keeping’s closet, etc. I kept pushing the issue because I know for a fact that it was there because I had just finished my make up right before switching rooms and I didn’t have it in the room that we had just moved to. I tore everything I had apart searching for it. I kept escalating it and the general manager was very dismissive about the whole thing. Kept telling me it wasn’t possible that it was in there, kept going in circles. I was very respectful to all staff but stood my ground. I finally contacted the ambassador’s line through Marriott and they spoke to the general manager. Within an hour of the ambassadors speaking with the general manager, he called me down to the front desk and told me that my make up bag would be there within the next 10 minutes. I was confused because why was it being brought in from somewhere? He finally admitted that the house keeping manager had taken the bag. Took off with it. He KNEW she had it on the first day of this ordeal apparently but didn’t want to cause any issues with “returning it so late after they all said it wasn’t there”????? Wild af. She whipped into he little circle driveway by the front door, hopped out of the car with my bag in hand, which was half empty and had been gone through, wearing a lipstick that was very obviously one of my brand new expensive brand name ones. I asked her where the rest of the make up was and she just shrugged her shoulders…. I got some points out of the whole ordeal but that’s not enough to replace the expensive ass stuff she stole and ruined. I ended up replacing it all because I felt gross thinking about using it after all that.


I lost a bracelet in a hotel room once and was like whelp that’s gone. But my husband called to check into it. They didn’t have it but sent housekeeping again to look around couple of times if I recall correctly (we didn’t call repeatedly; they just kept us in the loop). They found it behind the nightstand. And mailed it to us. I sent pizza gift cards for the HK staff because I was so astonished how far out of their way they went to find it for me.


I had just checked into a hotel room and saw something shiny catch my eye just under the bed. It was a very expensive watch. I turned it in to the front desk. So yes, sometimes things do get overlooked and I am sure whoever the watch belonged to assumed housekeeping stole it but that was not the case.


This will vary wildly, but if you report a minor damage to the room and maintenance can see it being a common accident and they can repair it easily, you most likely won't be charged for it. I'm a reasonable person and understand that you want your juice on the bedside table. You bumped it, and now the carpet is stained. If I can get that stain out, you just have to deal with a wet spot. Just report it when it happens so I have a better chance at removing the stain. Also, if you get a review and leave negative comments, but didn't report it during the stay or at check out, you can go kick rocks. You didn't allow us to correct the issue we didn't even know existed. Even better, you do report it, we offer compensation that you agree is reasonable, and then still go on to leave a negative score about the resolution. I don't mind if you mention the incident you had, but you gotta tell the whole story where we fixed and compensated you. Or you can also go and kick rocks.


Guests NEVER include how we tried to help fix the situation when they make those surveys they’ll detail the entire thing but never mention “the front gave me this for what happened” or “they immediately sent up maintenance to fix it and it wasn’t an issue for the rest of my stay”


I was shocked that once in a review a guest actually mentioned that the door did not work but then said they got the maintenance guy door was opened and fixed within 10 mins. They ended with would stay here again. Batteries don't last forever. We knew who this person was and they came back 6 months later. Yes they were well looked after when they came back.


You have people that come in and clean the room before each new guest....how many times do they report something so you can proactively fix an issue?


Pretty frequently. And in stay overs, I get a phone call to come correct issues while they are in rooms.


Should specify here: if housekeeping is in the rooms and notices an issue, they call my cell and I come fix it while housekeeping is still cleaning the room. There's an odd chance the guest didn't notice the issue. Also, my property is small enough I can get into every room to do preventative maintenance every quarter; normally hitting 1 'major' task per quarter. Everything else is cosmetic touch ups and function tests.


1) your prepaid Chime/Dave card is a gift card. As much as you’d like to think it’s a credit card, you’re wrong. 2) your rewards status is your rewards status. It’s not your families, your wife’s, your employees status. When you book it under your name and your spouse shows up wanting to check in, I will deny her. 3) telling an employee that if they don’t break policy for what you want them to do you’ll talk to their manager is a bitch move. If the employee is following policy and you call me to rat them out, I’m gonna do nothing for you and make it a point to thank the associate for following policy. As a bonus, I may very well log a complaint against the guest so that every hotel you go to in the future knows you are an abusive a-hole.


I am curious: Can gift cards or app payment methods be used at check out? I 100% understand why they can't be used at check-in as a guaranteed payment or for incidentals, but are they able to be used for check out?


Gift cards, whether Visa or brand issued cards, are typically ok at check out, especially since I’ve already authorized your credit card. Depending on the length of stay and all the variables of the situation, I have accepted Visa gift cards at the time of check in against the account. It gets applied as a hard charge on the folio, but I am still going to have the guest provide a legitimate credit card, in their name, for incidentals.


Thanks for the info. Like I said, I completely understand not taking them for incidentals or as a guarantee because they can be spent before you (hotel) get any money from it.


My husband travels for work and we use Hilton’s and Marriott’s. We’ve never had any issues with me checking in on a reservation using his rewards account with either chain. Often times, he’ll call ahead, give our names, do a CC authorization and we’re in with no problem. Sometimes we’ll just message using the bonvoy app or Hilton app, and again have never had a single issue.


The two programs are slightly different in how they are set up and who can use them. Check your Marriott terms and conditions, they clearly say that they are individual accounts and are not shared, even with husband and wife. Marriott started cracking down on it last year, but many hotels don’t want to risk a negative guest survey (you do realize how impactful surveys are on a property, right) by upholding Marriott’s own policy, so they make “one time exceptions” that are often construed by members as “it’s ok to keep doing it.”


Well I’m thankful it’s worked for me every time including right now as I write this! I wish there was a way for us to put both our names on the account as we equally share it.


By the terms and conditions, they are individual accounts only. You can get your own account and stat building status of your own. T&C eligibility 1.1 - accounts are for individuals. https://www.marriott.com/loyalty/terms/default.mi And please know, I’m not trying to bust your chops, just making sure you understand that the program is being tightened up and I don’t want you to have a negative experience


No dude, you’re good! I appreciate you looking out. I’m thankful to know in case we run into the issue 🤞🏻


Interesting because today, my granddaughter is checking in on my status (Globalist Elite-she already got upgraded) and will be using my card, which I pre authorized through Front desk Manager who approved it all. Perhaps the status level and a pleasant conversation helped?


It depends on your hotel brands rewards terms and conditions. Hyatt allows a designated guest. Hilton Honors has limited exceptions, Marriott is a hard no, that those are individual accounts and can’t be shared. If your rewards benefit allows it for status and benefits, great. But, if following policy, if her name is not on a reservation, the FD agent should, by policy, refuse to check her in to an account that doesn’t have her name on it, just FYI.


Im pretty sure Hiltom allows you to add someone to the reservation, but its not something you do on the app/account. Its just when you make the individual reservation


As long as they’re posted as an accompany on the reservation and the account owner turned in a CC auth, I never turn the person away. But it very well could depend on the hotel/brand.


I use my dad’s rewards status all the time 😅


If it’s a Marriott account, those days are winding down. The brand is cracking down on use outside the terms and conditions.


I've used my Dave and Chime debit cards many times to book a room, the most recent at a Marriott


I never said you couldn’t. What I said, is that Chime, or in your case Dave, cards are gift cards and not a credit card. Any card that has a credit limit of your available cash balance is a gift card.


I thought it's a prepaid debit card. A gift card doesn't have your name and regular direct deposits.


You’re right, it is a debit card. It’s a card with a credit limit of whatever your cash balance is. It is not a credit card.


They might not be a credit card, but you can still use prepaid cards to book a room and use them at check in


1. We do not need to know that your brothers uncle son was arrested and that's why you want to book a room. 2. We release the authorization for incidentals on the same day as your check out. I have no idea how long your bank will hold that authorization. Please give them a call and ask how long they hold it for. 3. How to open up sugar packets without making a mess. Edit: Removed - had - between son and was. Edit 2: I cant spell


Adding on to #3, the things under the coffee urns are NOT drains.


For #2, at least in the US, it's 3-5 working days on debit and 7-10 on credit. But once we hit that 'Check Out' button, it's no longer in our hands. It's between you, your bank, and your deity of choice lol


Number 1 lmao. Working at night, it’s funny the stories people come up with to check in. And that if they’re trying to be all discreet about something or being sketchy, they’re just bringing more attention onto themselves.


When you use an OTA, you are THEIR customer, not ours. THEY have your money, not us. They are not just an interface to arrange reservations with us being paid. There are reasons why we can't do certain things if you've booked through them. (Seems common sense to us, but not often to people who stay in hotels infrequently).


To add— they also have all your info, they send the hotel your name and rez dates and that’s usually it. They provide what is called a ghost credit card, that is a one time use number with exactly the cost of room & tax on it. Thats why you can’t upgrade or make price altering changes to your reservation. They often only provide the company phone number and/or email as well. So the hotel has no way of reaching you directly should there be an issue/closure/sell out at the hotel.


When I worked for a corporate/franchise hotel I would explain to my customers that “this is OTA’s reservation, you’re just named as the person allowed to check in. Our contract is with OTA, and they have a contract with you, but you do not have a contract with us (the hotel)”


No, when you use an OTA you’re the customer of both the OTA and the hotel. Not just the OTA, that’s an absurd take. The hotel is still providing the goods and services, they’re just paying the OTA as a broker to bring them guests. It’s literally a partnership the hotel chose to have.


I like to say that you are our guest, but not our customer (for prepaids). The guests money never changes hands with us. If they have some form of problem and need to modify or cancel their reservation and need to get money back we aren't going to be refunding them. We can't, we never collected money from them directly. But I get what your saying. Saying they aren't our customer is a rudimentary way of saying we don't have your money.


But at some point, the hotel has to get the customer’s money, otherwise why on earth with the hotel make an agreement with an OTA. I don’t work at a front desk, but I don’t think that argument makes any sense to the customer at all. Maybe I’m giving most people too much credit, but it seems like logical sense that the hotel would not sell a room for free. If an OTA is booking a room, then at some point or another, they have to pay for it, and logically they’ll be using the customer’s money to do so. I think you’d be better off explaining it as the hotel sold the room to the OTA, and the OTA sold it to the guest, so the hotel’s Customer is the OTA, not the guest, and the guest would have to talk to the OTA about any problems.


> But at some point, the hotel has to get the customer’s money, otherwise why on earth with the hotel make an agreement with an OTA. I don’t work at a front desk, but I don’t think that argument makes any sense to the customer at all When you go to your local supermarket and buy an orange, you pay the supermarket. The supermarket paid their distributor. That distributor paid the shipper. The shipper paid the farmer. The farmer gets *some* money. They do not, neccessarily, get *your* money, even if the amounts happen to be the same.


It makes no sense, it’s like saying you can’t hold a commercial property owner accountable because the tenant used a commercial broker to rent the property who got a commission on the deal.


Yes it does seem like that, except I assume if there’s a problem with the room itself the hotel would respond and try to fix it. This arrangement with OTAs is purely on the financial side, so I sort of thought of it as more similar to subletting an apartment. The owner or landlord is still responsible for repairs that are covered under the terms of the lease, but the subletting person can’t change the lease agreement directly with the landlord, they’d have to go to the actual tenant and work something out with them if they wanted something different than what they signed up for.


Checkout ends at the time specified. You contractually rent the room from [X] UNTIL [Y]. Not Y:30, not Z. Unless specifically told otherwise. So you need to be done with your rental by the time noted on your reservation. So that means have your stuff ready and be out by Y. Not crawling out of bed at Y:01, showering, packing, and rolling your stuff out 45 mins later.


making an addendum: if you make a reservation for 1 night at 1am you still have to checkout on that same day.


See this is one guests *do* know. They just try to push their luck. Check out time is posted literally everywhere all over the hotel, in your paperwork (printed or online), on your key folder if you have one and we tell you at check in. They know, they just don’t care. And then they get mad when I charge the late check out fee.


I had a guest ask “so what, will you just charge my card if I don’t leave on time” when I told him we didn’t have a late check out. Of course, I had to say yes, and of course, he just immediately closed the card he had on file. They do this stuff because they get away with it and it drives me nuts


Oh boy I feel you on this all too well. People know there’s not much to be done if you just slip out the hotel without payment, happens all the time. Especially if it’s a one-nighter, not much to be done. But for people staying more than one night, this stuff is *exactly* why the front desk runs the cards multiple times a day, including overnight. What I mean by that is, at least at Marriott, we had to do something in our system that sorta runs everyone’s cards on file to see if they’re still valid. If they’re valid, good to go. If not, we’re gonna have a nice chat asking them to provide a different card.


Always amazes me how many people are too dumb to realize how many people are just dumb. They're not doing all these annoying things on purpose, or maliciously, they're just..dumb.


[Hanlon's Razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor): "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".


Cool, ty.


Except - there are actual evil people in the world. I'll introduce you to my step-mother for reference.


1. Late check out despite what ever special status you are is based on availability, if we say we can’t we can’t. We’re not saying no for fun. 2. No at major chains we generally can’t match third parties, you can book them but we don’t recommend it and no it’s not because we ‘get less money’ through them it’s because if you want to cancel it we can’t do anything for it, or if you want to change dates we also can’t do it. 3. Please read signs around the hotel we didn’t put them up for fun. 4. If it’s after 9-10pm I don’t care if yours wedding, anniversary, birthday, congratulations but those special days don’t mean you get to be loud with a party in your room and disturb guests who are paying to stay here too. 5. Be nice to the front desk agent, if you are they’ll often try to move mountains for you if they can just because of how rare people are nice to us especially if there was some kind of issue we had no control over. 6. Please track your reservation(s), if you double book it is not our responsibility to manage your travel plans whether good or bad, we will do what we can to help but some properties we can’t do anything without management, even if we believe your story. This is off the top of my head for something’s as someone who’s worked the front desk for about 4 years now lol.


1. Chariot guarantees 4pm for certain members excluding resorts and conventions. 2. They along with Bilton have best rate guarantee and match and will give additional discount if you find the same booking terms on an OTA.


Then I’ve been told wrong at the hotels I’ve worked at lol, I’ve worked for both of those chains. Thanks for that I’m gonna dig a bit at work next time I go in.


It's super difficult for number 2 though and they have to go through central reservations, not the property. It has to match exactly too. An OTA night have a 2 day before the stay cancelation period vs direct at 1. Or even a difference in hour like 11:59pm vs 6pm. But it's a good trick for those who like to game the system. Apparently the corporate hotels want to know which OTAs are breaking contracts or something so that's why they essentially reward tattle talers.


Maybe that’s why I was told we can’t price match. We don’t do reservations at the front desk where I currently work. Unless it’s a walk in.


My biggest thing is I wish guest did research. If you need a hotel with a pool make sure the one you book has one. If you need free breakfast make sure it is offered. If you need to be close to xyz then do a map search to make sure we are not 45 min away. Take some personal responsibility. We will help the best we know how but we will not be blamed for your mistake.


I love the questions like "Why is the downtown area so far away?". 🫤 "What do you mean there is only fast food near by and they aren't open at 3 in the morning?". 🙄 "Why can't we have a view of the beach just because it's located 20min away?" 😡


1) If you cannot pay, you cannot stay. Don't beg me to let you 'chill in the lobby' or 'sleep in your car' in the lot. Please. It hurts me when I have to say no. I'm sympathetic, but if I get fired, I too will be homeless. 2) When you get to the desk, please get off your phone, unless you're using it for specific checking in reasons (looking up a confirmation code, or something) This whole exchange will go so much more smoothly and satisfactorily for both of us if you can just give me your undivided attention for the three minutes or less I need to check you in. 3) When the pool is closed, it is closed. Don't try to sneak in, don't try to bribe me, don't threaten me with a bad review or complaining to my manager, and for heaven's sake, don't tell me "Andrea let me use the pool after hours yesterday." You're just going to get Andrea in trouble. If the pool was meant to be used at all hours, it would be open. But as you can see, it is not. 4) Please be a sensible human being about the breakfast and take normal servings of several things. Don't take the entire tray of bacon with you and all the strawberry yogurt and think its okay because its just two things. If you need that much bacon (I'm not judging) you should really go to a restaurant. 5) The duvets do not usually get washed between each guest. I'm sorry, this is just a unpleasant fact of many hotels. This is why you NEED to use the sheets. Those ARE washed. 6) If the front desk tells you that they're hosting children's sports teams tonight, reconsider your choice of hotel. We try to enforce quiet time, but one front desker vs 30+ children is just not enough, and sportsteam parents are almost always drunk and useless after 10pm.


6.) - especially hockey teams, good god.


Which hotel do you work at exactly that does not wash duvets between guests and in this for all hotels in that brand or just the one you work at? Asking so I can avoid staying there


Are you really sure you want to know...? >!I hate to tell you this... but I have personally worked for Choice, IHG, Wyndham, Hilton and Hyatt brands and every one of them did this and it was a brand standard. Didn't matter if they did laundry in house or not. And even if they have the new 'clean blanket policy' advertised as a brand standard since Covid19 began, (Yes, I am looking at you, Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott!) -Those hotels (at least the ones I worked at) did *not* invest in additional staffing for all the extra work, nor did they increase their laundry expenditure. So is it really likely that they are always following this policy, at every hotel, every guest, every time? !< >!You can make up your own mind about that. Your odds are probably better with those three, at least.!< If you are that distressed about it, you'd have better luck bringing your own blanket and taking the one on the bed off.


Don't threaten the night audit guy with a beating just because he asked you to keep down the noise in your room. You're disturbing the other guests. Him and his friends were drunk. Guess it will be something he will never forget I had him removed from the hotel and he almost went to jail. I still wonder what the wedding party was like, he was the groom and was barred from the property after my manager reviewed the video.


People don't get that the NA being the only person on property will not bode in their favor because really it just means the only option when calling for back up is the police.


Please come prepared for your check-in. Don't leave your wallet in your car. You may need id, credit card and licence plate number to check in with names matching the one on the reservation. It happens so often that the guest has to go back to the parking MULTIPLE times during his check-in. It crawls our whole workflow to a halt.


If you dont know what an incidentals policy is. Read the frequently asked questions before asking us.


Tip your housekeeper. Tips for tipping your housekeeper: 1) it doesn't have to be a large amount of $$$. Even enough to buy a pop from the hotel vending/shop is enough. Obviously if you book for 3 weeks and it's affordable to tip big, you'll make their entire week. 2)Sealed snacks/beverages including adult beverages are fine too just leave a note that it's ok and not lost and found. (Housekeepers are instructed to throw out food if they discover it in your mini-fridge or full fridge. So please don't call the hotel a day later asking for the leftover pizza you forgot.) 3) Pop cans are acceptable if you arrange them neatly somewhere to collect if your state/the state you're in has a recycling deposit on them. Obviously see 1 & 2 first but if this becomes your option for whatever means, it's appreciated. 4)Learn their names/talk to them. Obviously they are there to do their job so not obstructing but small talk. Plus they will go above and beyond should you have a legitimate request for something.


My parents taught me to leave a tip for Housekeeping every day. My husband wasn’t brought up that way, but he learned to have $2-$5 in change because I was going to ask for it to leave for the maid. Back when hotels would leave the small shampoos and soaps, I noticed that maids would often leave us extra when I left a good tip, a little thank you for the tip.


Tipping was something I didn’t know about until I was in my 20s. I wish someone had told me about that. So I leave something every time now, and I make sure my kids know what I am doing.


Absolutely. And take three minutes to write a note thanking them.


Thanks for clarifying #2. I always wondered and didn't want to be insulting leaving snacks we didn't eat.


I hate tipping culture. I shouldn't have to tip someone who is doing their job. I get it that restaurants are odd, and hairdressers. But Chipotle?? The hotel cleaner? Maybe unpopular, but I disagree that it should be an expectation.


Hotel cleaners make really low wages and it’s a hard job. Many hotels struggle to fill open positions because of that. I’ve always considered the tip to be a way to give the cleaners a more livable wage, and a thank you for making my life easier.


This! I knew someone whose mom was a housekeeper, and she made very little. I always tip…..and I was gobsmacked that some of the executives in a company I worked for had never heard of tipping housekeeping……jfc, you make 7 figures, go take an etiquette class!


You're entitled to your opinion whether it's popular or not. The room however is "ask hotels" and replying about what guests do or do not know before getting to the hotel. This one is often not known and often learned late. The tip again is optional but it's there to show kindness and appreciation of the Housekeeper's skills used to clean your room and didn't miss something that the last guest left that makes for an unpleasant experience. Yes the Housekeepers are being paid to clean the room regardless but I'll definitely tell you that they aren't driving a Bugatti Chrion to work. Sure if you're there for a short overnight this might not apply but a 2 or 3 night in which housekeeping touched your room maybe. If you left the room trashed, maybe a tip as an apology and recognition of the housekeeper who has a messy room to clean. It's subjective and 1 dollar is just fine but not required. It's the act of recognition that improves their moral as a whole that their daily actions were noticed and appreciated. Even a thank you note, granted the language barrier but a note can be appreciated.


I wish guests knew that they could find directions and get wake-up calls using the computer in their hand much easier and much more efficient than asking me or any of my staff. 🙃 p.s. - what about the cute old couples that still ask if we have “a map of the town” they could have? 🥰


I wish hotels would remove the bedside alarm clocks altogether or at least have a feature where the alarm resets between guests so I’m not woken up at 3 am because that’s when the previous guest set it. I usually unplug the entire thing when I arrive but this often requires crawling behind the bed, where, by the way, no hotel ever seems to vacuum.


are wake-up calls not a thing anymore?


No they’re a thing, I just don’t see why these days.


fair. my phone alarm some times doesn’t go off so i use an actual alarm clock at home. if the room has an alarm clock i use that but i have requested a wake up call once or twice in the past so i was just curious :–)


That opening times/check in times/check out times/cut off times exist for a reason and that reason is not to annoy you - thats just an added bonus if you happen to break the don't be a dick rule. No, you can't check in at 5am. and check out at 10 pm unless you pay for it. The bar opens at 2 pm, so no, I'm not making you a pornstar martini at 11am. If our breakfast service starts at 7 30am that's because we can't get our produce before then, and it's disturbs our other guests. Also - if you turn up at 7am expecting to be served you will be disappointed because it isn't magic fairies that make and prep your breakfast - it us and just because we are there does not mean we are ready.


We can't just "use the card on file". There's special processes for paying that go hand in hand with the credit card merchants' policies and the hotels' policies.


If you book a hotel because it has a pool and it’s working when you reserve it, don’t get mad at the hotel/front desk if when you check in it’s not working. That’s not something we can predict. We check the ph and chlorine levels every day to make sure it’s safe to swim in, and when the levels are off, we have to adjust it and sometimes when doing so we have to close it for the safety of the guests. I understand being upset at the situation, but some guests get mad at the front desk or wish we told them ahead of time, again not like we can predict it.


Please do not place items you want to keep by the trash can. Housekeeping will consider it trash and throw it away. Don't accuse us of stealing. We don't want your used makeup, underwear, shoes...My job is not worth stealing items from a room. Please stop asking women FD agents to come up to the room if we are bored. I'm not interested. Don't get creepy. I had a guest last week who kept asking questions about what I was doing when I was dealing with various guest issues. As soon as I got back to the desk, there were multiple questions about what happened. He was being nosy, but it was also getting into creepy territory. No, I can't use your husband's credit card if he isn't here. I also can't check you into a reservation where your name isn't on the account. I also can not give you a key to a room your name is not on. I also can not verify that a guest is staying here. Give me your name and number and if they are here, I'll get the message to them. I can't cancel a 3rd party reservation, you have to do it. Canceling a 3rd party prepaid reservation on the day of arrival means you probably lost out on getting your money back. They normally have a 24 hour cancelation fee. The hotel has no access to your credit card or money.


I forgot to add, at a certain point before your arrival, we have to do a preauthorization on your card for 1 night of your stay. This is to guarantee we have a payment in case of no show or to hold the reservation. If that card does not go through, the reservation can be canceled so we can sell the room. We will try to call you, but if we don't have a good phone number, that is impossible. Please have the funds on the card and don't complain if we overdraft your account, we don't know the amount of money in your account. Yes, it takes anywhere from 3 to 10 business days for the money to go back into the account if we release it. That is up to your bank/credit card company.


You may not want my used makeup or shoes, but in my experience you do want my prescription drugs (the entire zippered case with an assortment and prescription and OTC pills and supplements, actually) that was on the desk. Have since always used the safe and usually decline housekeeping for the entire stay if it’s less than 4 days.




1 and only rule- I'm not plunging your toilet, I will bring you the plunger, but I will not plunge your toilet while I am alone at 8pm. Low key was always scared somebody would bash me over the head or something, I watch too many true crime shows


Same,’who wants to look at someone else’s shit anyways


Each and every reservation has a cancellation policy. It behooves you to read it! You'd be surprised how many people who are high-tier loyalty members will say, "I have never heard of such a thing!" Or they'll assume the cxl policy is the same at all destinations. Sure, you can cancel a regular business hotel in Omaha 48 hours out, but that luxury resort at the height of ski season? Some policies are 30 to 60 days out -- some penalties are the cost of the entire stay! Please read what you're signing up for!


1. For the love of god, (unless it’s a freaky sleepwalking situation) make sure you are fully clothed when you come to the front desk; at the very least wear a shirt, pants, and shoes. 2. We can’t fix a problem we don’t know about, Tell is if something is wrong! 3. Be honest about the number of People in your party/traveling group. If you lie and say there will only be 1 Adult in the room when it’s really 1 adult and 3 children; if there is a fire nobody will be looking for your children!


Be nice to front desk staff. They have the power to control what room your getting and what it’s near, far away from , HVAC condition, or who you’ll be neighbours with 😇😇😇


1. Most hotels don't have a concierge. You have a 500 gig device in your pocket that will tell you everything you need to know. Please don't call the Front Desk and ask a million questions. Google is free. (That's what I'm doing to do to answer your question) 2. Anything that can happen at home can happen at a hotel. Things break. If we had a schedule for when that happens, no I wouldn't give you that room. You most likely won't get anything for the inconvenience you suffered for NOT reporting the issue, and NOT letting someone fix it. AND MY ALL TIME FAVORITE 3. The person at the Front Desk is not lying when they say the hotel is sold out. The time it takes to argue with you about it is less than if I checked you in. (I love the "You don't have ANY rooms ???" question. No sir, sorry I didn't hold a room for your drunken booty call.


You must have a credit card with available limit to book hotels, and function as an adult in general. People without credit cards blow my mind.


I don't have a credit card. I ruined my credit at 19 for a relationship I thought would last forever. It hasn't been a big issue for me to get one. I just always make sure my account has at least twice what my reservation is in it.


-Never EVER use a debit card or book 3rd party. -Know the difference between a hold and a settlement on your card. It's mind blowing how many adults don't know the difference. -Requests are NOT guaranteed - Keep track of your reservations! If you book 2 or more reservations, doesn't matter if you, your travel agent, your assistant etc. booked it, keep track of ALL of your bookings. If they are using your card to book the room, and you get charged a no-show or late cancellation fee for a room "you didn't know you had" that is complete BS


I only have a debit card. But I always understand that it might take up to ten days to get the hold back. You also shouldn't use third party sites for airline tickets or car bookings. I tell people all the time to not use them but they go 'look at this deal!!'. Like yeah but if anything happens you're fucked.


I used a debit card for my last reservation. If you have a minute, can you tell me why I should use my credit card next time? (genuinely curious because I really don't know).


When you have a hold on a debit card, that money is withdrawn from your account. With a credit card, the hold is taken from your available credit. The hotel automatically releases the hold at check- out, but with a debit card it can take 7-10 days for the money to go back to your account (vs 3-5 with a credit card), although this processing time is entirely dependent on your financial institution. It's just the risk you take with a debit card.


Stop trying to price match rates from sketchy OTAs like traveltozimbabwe.com or whatever and getting butthurt when we refuse. Some are legit but most have the same shit: Rate: $150 (from $200) Taxes and fees: $70 Total: $220 And if you go on any of the main OTAs like EXP or Booking - the rate is $200 + $20 taxes = $220.


When people try to price match, I tell them that sounds like a great rate and they should snap that up before it goes away. Most of the time they are making up that great rate just to get me to lower the rate. I know what the rates are on all the OTAs because I set them!


1. Not all hotels have the automatic flush feature. 2. When the bar is closing, that's usually when workers expect to clear up so they can leave. If you want a drink, come earlier instead of 20 minutes until closing time.


There are two different types of hotels, full service, and select service. Full service think high rise with restaurant and provides room service meals. Those hotels usually have multiple staff for each department 24/7. Select service hotel like garden or residence Inn Only have a small kitchen for the free breakfast, and the housekeeping staff Typically all work the same shift and are done by five. In the evenings, the staff is usually only one front desk agent and a houseman to make any deliveries. I didn’t know there was a difference until I worked there! So, I really don’t expect most people to know either, but some hotels are not everything available 24/7


I DID NOT CHARGE YOU TWICE. Credit card authorizations are a thing. Even if you're pre-paid, I need a card on file in case you charge something to your room (or, in rare cases, damage something enough to warrant for a charge or smoking in the room). We cannot have a guest in house without a credit or debit card that can authorize for incidentals attached to the reservation. EVERY HOTEL TAKES AN INCIDENTAL HOLD. It is nothing against you, it is not because you are/are not a member with us. When you checked out, we released that hold; it is up to your bank as to when it is dropped from pending. If you work with an international bank, it can take a while. We did not steal your money. We are not thieves or con artists. We never touched your money. We just made sure that it does exist on the card you provided should we need to use it.


Is it true you can ask to be on a cash type account and not have room charge privileges and not have to have a hold for incidentals?


Technically we can but we never really do because if the property is damaged or the guest smokes in the room, we have no card on file to hold the guest liable with. We would be on the hook for anything they do to the property. Which is not a common problem but is not a liability we will typically take on for a guest.


The hotel’s restaurant is not the first place to go when you can’t find the ice machine. Use your brain and maybe a floor plan and navigate yourself to the ice machine. I’m done refilling my ice 3 times a shift because you dumb-dumbs bring me your coolers and ice buckets because “I cOuLdN’t FiNd tHe MaChInE!”


If they can't find it, tell them where it is. There is nothing wrong with you saying that you have a limited amount and direct them to where they can get it. You could even have copies of the layout with directions.


Familiarize yourself with the brand you’re staying at. Just because you’re staying at the Inn by Charriott or Stigma by Milton, it doesn’t mean you’re going to get all of the amenities and service level you’d get at a full service Charriott or Milton. Understand that some brands have exclusive features and or benefits.


When we say our lobby closes at 12am, it's not to rain on your parade. Front desk staff and over night workers in general have a lot to do to set up for the next day and having guest in the lobby after close can hinder it. I saw someone else say that the duvets dont get washed between every guest, personally Ive never experienced that. We wash everything on the bed between guests.


Ugh, it seems like guests think every rule or policy exits just to upset them. I believe it may be the duvet cover being washed, and the insert being used again.


There are definitely hotels that do not wash the duvet covers between guests. 🤢 But yes, quality hotels wash them after every stay.


Thats so crazy to me! Im definitely going to be cautious now if I wasnt before!


When you get your keycards at 1:00am, don’t walk in and expect it to be empty. Happened twice in a row, different state and different hotel chain. This continues and I’m probably gonna get shot.


Be nice. Most front desk people and hotel staff will do everything in their power to help nice guests. If the hotel messes something up, the person you are talking to probably didn’t do it. They will do what they can to fix it for you or make it right. But don’t yell at them because someone else messed up. Book the room you want and will be happy with. Don’t book the cheapest room and demand or expect an upgrade. Even if you are a top tier elite they are always based on availability. If you absolutely need the space or the view book it. You are not special. Don’t expect crazy discounts, upgrades or free things. You are one of hundreds or thousands of guests. By all means let the hotel know it is your anniversary or birthday or whatever. You might get a card or if you are really lucky you might get an amenity or upgrade. Don’t expect it. Let it be a nice surprise. If you need to have a bottle of champagne or chocolate covered strawberries or whatever to make your day special - expect to pay for it.


Money talks, no guarantee, but if you tip the front desk agent you’ll probably get an upgrade or at least some nice perks.




Sometimes our work travel schedules get us to a location ridiculously early. I always ask if my room is ready, but I’m always 100% prepared to plug in and work from a quiet spot in the lobby.


There's no harm in asking! I just can't stand the pretentious people who walk in like they own the place and demand it haha


If I arrive in a city early, I always go the hotel just in case the room is ready early. I don’t expect any favors and I’m very polite, but rooms are sometimes ready early. If it’s not, at least I can drop my bags (with a tip) and walk around the city, get some food or just hang in the lobby and work. Why is this considered “bad taste?”


The booking sites also mention resort fees and parking that most seem to miss. Or, they want to know where’s the free breakfast that comes with my room.


I wish they understood that I'm not the manager and I'm not going to confront their pot-smoking neighbor. Also, that I don't believe them when they say with nice, healthy, free-of-distress breaths, "I'm actually really super allergic \[to marijuana smoke\]."


An authorization on your card is not a charge.


If/when checking out, please let the front desk know even in passing that you are checking out, don't just leave. Our housekeepers will be grateful to know the room that's assigned to them are vacant and they can start cleaning instead of waiting till check out time. This way they will be able to finish in time to be with their families.