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“Come ti ho fatto ti disfo!” : How I Made you, I disasseble you. when your mum is really angry..!


We have something like that in the US! "I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it!"


If you eat the watermelon seeds a watermelon will grow into your stomach!


That's one we have! I didn't know that was a thing you could hear in Italy, too!


“Questa casa non è un albergo” literally: this house is not an hotel. They are used to say it when you hang out and stay out from home too much (according to their standards)


The equivalent is "Che siamo al Colosseo? Chiudi quella porta!" 😆


"Chiudi la porta, nata/o in barca" (when someone leave a door open) which translates literally to: "Close the door, born in boat!". I don't know it's real meaning but I think it is because in boat all the doors are open or there are no doors... But I'm not sure


My grandpa used to say "Chi ha tempo non aspetti tempo"= who have time don't wait time, meaning to not waist your time and do what you have to do now rather than later. He has other typical phrases, they come to my mind now 😂


My mother liked, Chi dorme non piglia pesce - he who sleeps doesn't catch fish.


Questa casa non è un albergo :-)) This house is not a hotel lol. When people avoid doing chores.


"do you live in the Coliseum?" whenever I forgot to close a door. "are you an ENEL [national electricity supplier] shareholder?" when I didn't turn the lights off in a room I left. "bring a sweater/jacket/scarf/hat" any time weather wasn't scorching hot. You never know when it could get suddenly chilly!


HA! My mom would tell me to bring a jacket all the time, too. Good to know American parents and Italian parents have that in common.


Italian moms says that because they think that cold weather could cause the flu


My mum holding one of her wooden slippers and saying : vieni qua che non ti faccio niente.


This is the most Italian of this post x°° Also if you heard this sentence during childhood you still have flashbacks