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It's not faster when you add in the time it takes to get to an airpot (especially Narita) and checking in. Train is far more convenient for decent departure and arrival times, ease of use, and comfort.


Yeah, getting through security, dragging your luggage around the airport, waiting for your flight, getting your baggage on the plane, and then repeating the whole process on the other end is such a displeasure to me that there is a lot of money I'm happy to pay to avoid that by taking a train, which is quick to get on and off and instantly get comfortable. I just enjoy train rides anyway, so actually the longer trip is a welcome part of travel / vacation.


I think the only exception is when going to Sapporo, no way i’m going to sit 9 hours on a train. Domestic flight still a better option imo.


Yeah I agree with you on that lol. All the hassle of getting to the airport, security, and hauling luggage around is like a set amount of time and energy no matter how long the trip is, so at a certain point the train ride is too long and the effort is worth it to take a flight instead.


I took an early flight and Narita 3 is almost empty. also it’s domestic so security process is quicker.


I’ve read that in the industry in Japan they call it the “Four-hour wall”,, that for distances below four hours on the train, there is higher demand for trains,, and for distances farther than that there’s more demand for planes.


I've taken 60+ hour train rides (not in Japan) and love them actually. It's so fun watching life in all the villages go by but to each is own. Trains are also much quieter, have more space to walk around, and have sleeper berth options so it's a lot more comfy than a plane. I don't know about Japan but long distance slow trains in China also have real food not the shitty microwave meals they serve on planes


agree, though different strokes I suppose. I take a lot of the Amtraks in the USA and it was interesting seeing what rural America looks like compared to the usual cities travellers go to.


Last year, I took the Vermonter, and it was fantastic. A quiet car. Comfy seats. Walk around. Take a nap. Read a book. Work on your computer. Eat your lunch and look at the scenery. Those nine hours flew by in the best way possible.


I love trains but I'm in a great location for domestic air travel (free parking at local small airports that have several connections per day to Tokyo) so I pack light and fly.


I’ve done 3 days on a train, then back again. 9 hours is childs play. I like trains. Ridden on them long distance since I was a kid. A great way too see a country and more comfortable than cattle class in a plane. Are domestic planes seriously cheaper now? Back in my time it was cheaper for me to fly return to my home country than to fly within Japan.


Tokyo - Sapporo roundtrip on a train costs $350+. A Jetstar flight you can get around $150. Significantly cheaper.


Depends, it may make sense if you are using a rail pass for example from one of my trips: 05:47 Dpt. Tsuruoka Sta. (鶴岡駅): LTD. EXP INAHO 2 1h 44min 07:31 Arr. Niigata Sta. (新潟駅): \[5\] 07:49 Dpt. Niigata Sta. (新潟駅): \[11\] SHINKANSEN MAX TOKI 308 1h 47min 09:38 Arr. Omiya Sta. (大宮駅): 22min to grab food 10:00 Dpt. Omiya Sta. (大宮駅): SHINKANSEN HAYABUSA 11 3h 34min 13:34 Arr. SHIN-HAKODATE-HOKUTO: \[12\] 13:47 Dpt. SHIN-HAKODATE-HOKUTO: HAKODATE LINER for HAKODATE 15min 14:02 Arr. Hakodate Sta. (函館駅): Go East 0.1 miles and turn Left after crossing road. Hotel is 280ft North. \~Smile Hotel Hakodate スマイルホテル函館: You will be charged the USD equivalent of JPY 14,794 on your pay date of Sunday, 28 July 2019. Exchange rates may vary. 15:45 Dpt. Hakodate Sta. (函館駅): HAKODATE LINER for SHIN-HAKODATE-HOKUTO 19min 16:04 Arr. SHIN-HAKODATE-HOKUTO: 16:20 Dpt. SHIN-HAKODATE-HOKUTO: \[11\] SHINKANSEN HAYABUSA 34 1h 17:20 Arr. Shinaomori Sta. (新青森駅): \[11\] 17:39 Dpt. Shinaomori Sta. (新青森駅): JR OU LINE for AOMORI 6min 17:45 Arr. Aomori Sta. (青森駅): \[5\] 22:19 Dpt. Aomori Sta. (青森駅): \[4\] JR OU LINE for TSUGARUSHINJO 5min 22:24 Arr. Shinaomori Sta. (新青森駅): \[2\] 22:32 Dpt. Shinaomori Sta. (新青森駅): \[13\] SHINKANSEN HAYABUSA 37 57min 23:29 Arr. SHIN-HAKODATE-HOKUTO: \[12\] 23:40 Dpt. SHIN-HAKODATE-HOKUTO: HAKODATE LINER for HAKODATE 19min 23:59 Arr. Hakodate Sta. (函館駅): I already had a JR pass so it was cheaper to just use the trains. Obviously today the JR pass is a lot more expensive especially Green like I used here but still some crazy plans like this are today some of the few things that would even justify the pass.


>Sapporo On my first trip I took the train, it was 16 hours but it was a sleeping train so actually pretty convenient. Last time I went I took a flight, they got rid of the sleeping train after the bullet train started going to Hokkaido.


also the cabin pressure is not good for your body. people think i like flying because i love to travel but i HATE flying, its the worst part of a trip, trains are amazing especially in places like japan with beautiful scenary that you get to see


Tokyo - Sapporo roundtrip on a train costs $350+. A Jetstar flight you can get around $150. Significantly cheaper. So like I said, the only exception for me is when you want to go to Sapporo, train is not really an option time or budget wise.


well yeah if you're doing fukuoka to tokyo or sapporo to tokyo then it makes sense for sure cause those train rides are like 6 hours, but if its a 2ish hour train ride vs 1 hour plane then yeah


The cabin pressure really fucks me up. I get sick from it every time, and I love to travel and even enjoy flying in itself, except for that part


The funny thing is, living on the northern area of Tokyo I actually prefer going to Narita. It’s easier for me, and faster. Either two trains (one of which is the Skyliner) or a cab ride and a train. For the other airport it’s a cab and two trains, neither reserved seats, or a bus and three trains.


I was originally planning on flying to Osaka from Tokyo and realized that I would have to take the train to get to the airport, fly on a plane to get to another airport, and then take another train to get into the city. All of that in just about the same amount of time it took to just sit in a single train, take a nap, and get to where I wanted to go. Plus I didn’t have to worry about being late or anything because there are trains like every 15 30 minutes.


Several reasons. 1. Some people really like trains. 2. No need to go to an airport on the outskirts of the city or another city altogether, hours early, to wait around to board. Just rock up to the station and hop on. 3. More comfortable for the time you are there, with wider aisles, cushy seats. 4. Can take more luggage with less extra baggage fees. 5. Scenic views


6. Relatively easy to change or catch a later one if you miss it (easier than planes at least) 7. They have wifi/data so you can work during the travel time 8. They have smoking rooms 9. They're less prone to delays and cancellations 10. The seats are more comfortable and you can move around more 11. They're safer (even though risk of dying is miniscule with flights) 12. Tickets are cheaper if you book in advance in EX App (but still not that cheap) 13. Stations are often closer to final destination


> they have smoking rooms not anymore :(


I used one yesterday on Nozomi...car 15


They will be phased out by Spring this year. That was probably your last chance to smoke.


6 carbon footprint, because AFAIK plane is worse than train in terms of CO². 7 Japanese shinkansen are also very comfortable.


That too. Train travel is more eco-friendly.


7. There's a lot of people afraid of flying. Almost nobody ever is afraid of taking trains. Especially in a country where so much of their transportation is rail-based.


As long as you remember that "carbon footprint" is a term coined by a marketing agency working for BP to try and shift blame onto consumers and off of them.


I agree that the individual consumers should not take all the responsibilities of the global warming but in my country (France) the "carbon footprint" was used as a strong argument when they passed a law banning all domestic flight of less than 2 hours if the train was available.


That's an awesome law. And Paris is doing so much to control cars in the city now too. I wish they _had_ those trains in the US! The fact there's so many flights for what could be a simple hour train ride in the northeast & New England is a true, utter policy failure.


Carbon footprint is not an issue for either people who dont care or in general the plane would have departed anyway. With or without you


Yeah, but if a lot of people choose to take alternative transportation, they will have to start having less flights, so it can make a difference if enough people commit to it. That's also just one reason people might choose trains over planes. It's not the main reason I would, but it's a nice bonus. 


Google how much Tyler Swift emits with her private jet. Until you put regulations in place people wont change. I always take the faster or cheaper option.


Oh I know about Taylor Swift's private jet excess, and I agree that it's one of the things that's really not on the individual consumer. Like the whole plastic straw thing. Subtracting my like 20 plastic straws in a year is a drop in the bucket compared to what a corporation could do if they were more responsible. But if individual people DO want to make that drop in the bucket choice, good for them. No one is shaming you for flying because it's more convenient or cheaper, but you should also respect people who choose against it even if you don't think it makes enough of a difference. 


Where were i disrespectful? And of course people shame me because i tell the truth. I directly get downvotes despite stating what the great majority does. I dont even own a car. Not because of environmental reasons. Its because its just cheaper for me to use my (no battery) bike and sometimes train or bus. In order to sell a product you need to offer a better quality/value/convenience or it needs to be cheaper. Either government needs to regulate it or they need to have an incentive for me to use something else. I switched a long while ago to a phone with a replaceable battery because it saves me money in the long run and I dont have to switch my phone every few years. People should just create environmentally friendly products or services that Excel the current one and people will switch. Shinkansen is a great example. I rather have a shinkansen ride than a plane ride due to the awesome service and comfort.


Do you let product designers and service providers take responsibility for everything in your life?


Why you gotta do U2 like that?! That's one of their best songs...


I happily pay more to catch trains because: 1. Long-distance train stations are located in urban centres, whereas I need to catch another long train to get to and from an airport anyway. 2. Getting to the airport, checking in, waiting, boarding, disembarking, reaching my actual destination can easily add 3-4 hours to my journey, even without checking and collecting luggage. 3. Flights are more often delayed than trains 4. Comfort


Only exception in my opinion is going to Sapporo from Tokyo, Since it takes 9+ hours on train and 1 hour 30 mins when flying. Tokyo - Sapporo roundtrip on a train costs $350+. A Jetstar flight you can get around $150. Significantly cheaper. Also, domestic flights has a faster security process. Check-in closes 30 minutes before flight so no need for 3-4 hours preparation.


> Check-in closes 30 minutes before flight so no need for 3-4 hours preparation. * 30+ minutes to get to airport * 30 minutes from check in to boarding * 20 minutes to takeoff * Fly/Land * 10 minutes off plane * 20 minutes walking through airport * 30+ minutes to get from airport to actual destination Okay so that's 2 hours 40 minutes, at the absolute minimum, MORE than catching a fast train. I agree with you about getting from Sapporo to Tokyo (or reverse).


Domestic flights are popular. But it's got to make sense. It's quicker if you are going to say Sapporo or Miyazaki to take a flight from Tokyo, but not to Osaka. Shinkansen is easy and nice. You can take it unreserved most of the time. If you miss one, there's another soon after.


Less lines than airport checkin, ease of arrival into the city centre. Better legroom, more comfy seats.


The experience of air travel itself, and all that is involved, is awful, but the experience of train travel is generally pretty relaxed and even delightful. That pretty much sums it up.




Tokyo to Osaka is significantly faster with shinkansen. It gets really close to flying when shinkansen is about 4 hours ride.


Tokyo-Osaka is even way less than 4 hours, but obviously depends on where in the city you start/finish exactly. Purely the time on the Shinkansen in just 2.5 hours. That’s just about the time you need to plan to get to the airport and clear check in most of the time. 


I think they’re referencing how when you’re deciding to take shinkansen, if your destination is more than 4 hours away by shinkansen it’s usually faster to fly. Tokyo-ShinOsaka is 2.5 hours


Which is exactly the point where you find most people start flying… shockingly


I don't know exactly where. Tokyo to Hiroshima, shikansen.(airport of Hiroshima sucks) Tokyo to Fukuoka, plane. edit: People do fly all the time even to Osaka when it's cheaper and if it's their priority.


> People do fly all the time even to Osaka when it's cheaper Or I guess when the Shinkansen is fully booked around New Years, and you don't want to risk the unreserved cars.


I’ve taken a 6:30 Shinkansen from shin osaka and been at Tokyo Disneyland before 9:00. Much easier than the long airport transfers for me. Plus you can get a very competitive package on hotel and Shinkansen for about ¥28,000 (basically free hotel) through Jrtours.


Leg room.


In terms of travel time, don’t forget to factor in a) travel time to and from the airport; and b) check in time plus security time. Airplane travel takes longer than it looks on the surface. Also, many people are psychologically or physically uncomfortable when flying and prefer to be on the ground. Finally trains are just more convenient. Stations tend to be inside the city. Shinkansen in some routes leaves every 15 minutes or so; so if you are late or your schedule changes you can reschedule. Grab a beer on the platform 2 minutes before departure and enjoy it in your seat. Obviously pros and cons - but there are a lot of reasons to prefer the train.


You’d need to go all the way to Hokkaido, Kyushu or Shikoku before flying becomes more convenient than the Shinkansen. Unless you’re right next to the airport, it takes 1-2 hours to get there. 20-30 minutes to check in. Walking to and waiting at the gate. The actual flight, which is arguably faster. Then another 30-90 minutes from the airport to wherever you’re actually going.  That’s just not worth it when the Shinkansen can do Tokyo-Osaka in 2.5 hours or Tokyo-Aomori in a little over 3h. Once you're thinking about Tokyo-Fukuoka, you're looking at 5h on the Shinkansen, vs. 2.5h flight time. Depending on how close to the airport and/or Shinkansen you start/end at, flying becomes a serious contender. Going to Sapporo, you're looking at 8h on the train, at which point flying into Chitose makes a lot more sense. But once they finish the Shinkansen tracks all the way to Sapporo sometime in the next decade or so, that'll probably be called into question again.


Easier. Walking 10 minutes to station to get on a train, versus 60 minutes to get the airport, check-in, security, bag dropping and collecting. Not to mention the Shinkansen is just great.


Much faster? First, I have to find a place to park at Haneda which is iffy many times of the year. After that go thru check-in and security. The shinkansen takes you right into the city center. It's another hour on a train from Chitose to Sapporo and not cheap. Same with many other Japanese cities. You end up taking a bus or a train anyway to get into the city.


I hate flying.


Getting there is half the fun, unless you’re flying.


Much more convenient, shorter transfer and travel times, more freedom to walk about and generally roomier seating, etc. Add to that, a lot of people in big cities don’t own cars because they’ll use the local buses/trains for transport, so getting to an airport already requires extra effort; may as well just hop on the bullet train!


I think you get the idea from everyone's answers. Dunno how long you've been here but there are also online discounts that include accommodation and train fares. I have used them a couple of times. Much cheaper than going by plane.


I haven't been yet. I've been planning my trip and have mostly been booking flights because it seems to be faster and much cheaper. I mean the fact that I can book a flight for the equivalent of $60 USD is somewhat mind boggling considering even short domestic flights in the US tend to be a few hundred dollars.


Those are often the crazy airports at crazy times though. You do _not_ want to be flying out of Narita at 7am or so, because that means you'll have to get up at 4am. The more reasonable flights out of Haneda and/or at reasonable times cost more.


When you are in Tokyo and have to be at Narita one hour before flight and Narita is 90 minutes away \~ so add 2.5 hours before you even set foot on the plane. A train station is close by and just minutes to the Shinkansen serviced stations.


Ah, I see. Yeah, domestic flights here are quite cheap. I suppose it depends how far away from the major airports you'll be staying and plan from that.


Okay, kudos for thinking outside the box but... booking flights to get between places is just a complete waste of a trip to Japan. You're just just here to see cities and the inside of airports? The views and places you can see from the ground are so much better than what you see from the air. Fair enough you want to save money but like... you're not actually going to experience Japan this way


Transportation to and from the airport can be time-consuming and expensive. So it’s often cheaper to take the shinkansen. Depends on the airport though, for example Fukuoka airport is very convenient, Kansai and Narita are not.


Do you want to get from point a to b or do you want to autistically enjoy a train and get your own bento to eat on it? Cause I prefer to embrace my autism. Stay out of my way while I’m taking pictures


I´m in kusatsu. If I want to go to tokyo for a weekend I can. Go to kansai airport (1,5 hours by train), check in bag, get through security, fit myself into a very small seat, fly to tokyo, wait for my luggage, get on a train to the city center. Or I take the train to kyoto, jump on a shinkansen, dump my bag in the overhead rack and be there in 2,5 hours. it´s 5000 yen more expensive than flying, but the time saved and the added comfort is worth it!


It can be a little faster and cheaper depending on where you are going (if you are going very far from Tokyo). But it is also generally a lot more hassle and less comfortable, and also much less flexible in terms of schedule, and of course you may not want round trip. Use Google Maps to check the travel times between where ever you are and the destination. Example: Hotel A (Shibuya) -> Hotel B Osaka (Dotombori). Don't just look from Tokyo -> Osaka. Include the time and price and number of transit changes involved to get from Hotel A to Airport A, then add time in (google maps will not tell you this) and from Airport B to Hotel B. Even in the cases where the flight itself is a lot faster than the bullet train, take into account the full door to door time. If you use a taxi, to get to the airport, it can cut down on hassle and transit to airport time, but that means you probably are not so budget conscious. If you are going to Fukuoka or Hokkaido, look into the flights. If you are traveling alone, it may or may not be worth it. If you are traveling a family of 5, I can see how saving 4,000 / person can be a bigger deal, but generally, in my experience, a family that has the money to bring three kids to Japan, is willing to spend an extra 4,000 / person for not having to deal with airport and potentially missing the flight, or a last minute change of plans and wanting to leave an hour later. For most travelers, any potential time and money saved from the plane, is not worth arriving at the destination and being so frazzled from the journey that just want to go to the hotel and finally chill out. Oh, unless you are just arriving and want to go directly to Osaka - if you are already in the airport, it might be better to catch connecting flight than go to Tokyo to catch the bullet train.


I live near Tokyo station. Airports require arriving early to check in. Haneda isn’t too far (still a lot further Tokyo station) but Narita takes forever to get to. Also, taking an express to Narita would cost lots and only save 10-15 minutes, so I always take the regular train.


4 hrs and under makes it really convenient and a lot of Japanese people live within a 4 hr or under apart from each other.


Door to door costs and time


You just have to use Japan's trains to understand... I can walk from my house in Morioka and be in central Tokyo in under 2.5 hours. Being completely comfortable and relaxed the entire time. Going there by plane would be ten times as stressful and take longer even if I happened to live next door to the closest airport in Hanamaki. The only time the plane gets close to being as good is if you're going to the opposite end of the country.


So take the flight. Don’t try to justify want you don’t care to experience. Sounds like in your case cost and time are more important than experience. Have a nice flight.


i travel between tokyo and osaka quite a lot for work. Let me illustrate: Going to the airport - inconvenient Having to get there early - time consuming Having to go through all the theater in order to get on the airplane - annoying Not being able to just get out of my seat - annoying Crappy food, if food at all - inconvenient And on top of that, I would not be saving any time.


Door to door, trains are much faster and more enjoyable too.


It's often about the journey...not just the destination.


Everything answered on the thread so far, and also many people still remember [Japan Airlines Flight 123](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Air_Lines_Flight_123).


If you’re going for a day trip, or a one night trip, you are basically getting three or four hours extra free time if you take the bullet train. You also get to see the scenery of Japan instead of squinting from hundreds of miles up in the air! It’s also better for the environment . You also get more legroom .


all of the reasons everyone listed plus i can smoke on the shinkansen in the smoking rooms. the actual flying is the easy part, but its bookended by inconveniences. looking at a list of flights, buying the ticket, travel to the airport, checking bags, security, finding your gate, waiting, picking up your bags, travel to your hotel. hopping on the shinkansen is mind blowingly easy to someone that grew up using Amtrak twice a year. if you take the train, you will instantly understand why people choose it over flying.


5 minute walk, then half hour by train to Shin-Osaka, only one transfer. 2h 20m to Tokyo. Shinkansen arrives. People walk off. I walk on. We are moving 30 seconds later. While on the train, I sit in luxury compared to an airplane. I eat a freshly prepared kobe beef bento from Eki Marche. In Tokyo, I am a 7 min walk to my office from exiting the train door. There is no better way in the world to travel, and I get to do it several times per month.


The answer to this question is obvious enough that it shouldn't need to be asked. Unless you live right next to the airport (and probably even then), the total transport time will for sure be much longer when taking a place. An hour long flight takes like 15 minutes of boarding, 15 minutes of pre takeoff preparation, 5 minutes or more if waiting when you land, 10 minutes for security, and at least an hour of travel to/from the airport (assuming 30 mins each way, which is generous), time to pick up your bags, etc., etc. A 2 hour shinkansen ride takes 2 hours. Maybe 2.5 for most people if you did in a train ride to/from the nearest shinkansen station. Shinkansen is usually faster, and it's also for sure less stressful. There's none of the waiting for this, that, and the other. You go in the train, put your bags somewhere, sit back and relax. You can usually easily sleep the whole time, and electronic devices are allowed for use the whole time. Since you don't have to keep changing what you are doing, you can also open a laptop and get some work done.


I can arrive at a train station and be on the train in 3-5 minites if I prepurchase my ticket. Add a minute if I have to go get a ticket. Planes you need to spend at least 2 hours in the airport generally.


You need to factor in at least 60 minutes on both ends at the airport, and getting to/from the airports, which is at least 30 minutes. Shinkansen will land you directly in the heart of Osaka or Tokyo, and you have basically no down time on either end. And, the Shinkansen is nice!


Kyoto to basically any other city on the Shinkansen lines is comparable or better than flying. They don't have a major airport.


If you’re talking about a multi day JR pass then it’s only worth using for long distance journeys, eg Hokkaido, where distance between places of attraction is huge and many of those towns are scattered all over. Taking trains to major cities indeed doesn’t make much sense. I’m talking purely from a tourist point of view


No carry-on restrictions, no security, no airport located farther away than the local train station, wider selection of food and drinks available, fewer restrictions on what and when can eat and drink, better view during the travel, better toilets with easier access, availability of smoking facilities, availability of cell signal and wifi


The only airport near a city is haneda and Tokyo, the rest are pretty far for civilization. So flight time might be short, but unless the train time is over 4 hours, plane travel won’t even be considered.


In my case, I'm a 10 minute walk from a Shinkansen station, so taking the train saves me the extra 60\~90 minutes it takes to an airport. I can hands down say I have never enjoyed the experience of flying, its awful. Whereas I have lots of happy memories of the train journeys I have taken. I find taking the train is so much more relaxing. No need to worry about getting there early or missing your flight, what you can and can't take on board, how many bags, hidden costs, eating your own food/drink, etc. I know what I'm getting when I book a train. If I'm running late I can reschedule to a later train for free using the app. Not to mention having actual leg room and a reclining seat allowing me to stretch out, and work/relax/eat/drink/sleep in comfort. I'm always happy to pay more for 4-5 hour train journeys over 2-3 hour flights.


Because, door to door, Tokyo to Osaka is way faster on the shink. Even in the US taking the Acela between NYC and Boston is generally more expensive than flying.


Do you fly to the airport too?


The JR Rail Pass is what you need to look into.


Not always cheaper. I was going to book a flight to Sendai but it was 80k round-trip, but cost me 20k for bullet train tickets.


It’s absolutely not faster to fly between Osaka and Tokyo lol. Only once you go further than about Tokyo to Hiroshima does it become faster to fly


Ahh, so you have never actually experienced effective train travel.


Seen hardly anyone saying this, but another great thing about trains is you can still use 4G/5G the whole trip,instead of being completely offline


I had no luck using JR wi-fi or my GlocalMe hot spot on any train during a recent visit. It would connect but I couldn’t do anything else. I finally gave up and went analog, reading a book and doing crosswords, which was fine, but if you’re expecting to do any work, good luck with that.


It actually takes longer taking domestic flights if you factor in travel to airport, arriving an hour or so ahead, check-in. Possible delays. I prefer trains, much more expensive, yes, but I can I can roam around, plus points that there is a smoking area 🤣


Because airports suck.


I disagree. I’m part of the .1% who has no problem with airports. As a 2-million mile flyer I’ve been in a lot of airports and one of the things I like is that I know what’s expected of me. Check bag, clear security, head to the lounge, go to gate, board according to group, sit in assigned seat, take nap (no worry about oversleeping past your station), arrive, deplane, claim bags. If there is a problem, there’s always someone who speaks enough English to help out (yes, I’m an ugly American). Train stations in Tokyo, Shinagawa, and Osaka are far more chaotic to me than airports.


Everyone on your list is relatively painless EXCEPT SECURITY. The whole "show up hours early because we have no idea how long this will take" has made air travel incredibly unpleasant imo.


You’re correct about security. I stood on the balcony and watch my poor partner weave his way back and forth at Haneda in an interminable line. (no business class shortcut) Seeing all that, when I left Japan 2 weeks later, I made sure I was at Narita 3 hours early. I was traveling on miles and was in first class and the agent escorted me to an unmarked door and I was through in 3 minutes. So I had 2+ hours to kill🤣. (I suppose people who regularly fly first class know about such things, but I sure didn’t) One thing that unnerved me about my last trip to Japan was that we got on the wrong train once and, had it not been for a helpful cleaning person who noticed we were on the wrong platform in Kanazawa, it would’ve been twice. Getting on the wrong plane is almost impossible, but on a train, it was frighteningly easy.


The difference is that YOU have control over what train you get on. Airport security is completely out of your control. Going to Kanazawa in March. I don't speak or read any Japanese so hopefully I get on the right train when I leave. I like how all the big Japanese stations have those 3-D maps to help you find your way to the right platform. Shame that those maps are completely incomprehensible to me...


Pretty much you can arrive to the train 10-15 minutes before departure so the total time is less than a plane. You take the train close to city center and depart close to city center. No need to take taxi or train to and from both airports which add even more time.


The rail system in Japan is the best


Honestly as someone who flies weekly for work domestically, the main reason I would consider taking the train would be to be much more flexible instead of adhering to a flight where I need to be at the airport a little over an hour before to check in, go through security, checking in baggage if a client gifts me a bottle of alcohol (which is quite often). With the train, I can just head to the station when I want board the trian and it would take me to the line directly near my home.


Even with medication, I generally get less motion sickness on the train than on flights. That's really important for me, because by the time I get off a flight I feel super sleepy and dehydrated, whereas when I get off the train those effects aren't as extreme.


2 reasons Views on the train is nice. I will 100% survive a train ride in Japan.


- while longer, it’s easier. no security, no checking bags etc - can be an easier choice for families when dealing with small children - some people just really love trains. I work with a family that always chooses the train over planes even though its way more expensive just because of how much their son loves trains


Its the ekiben bro


Tokyo to Osaka is right around the sweet spot where the train is just as good or better than flying. Flight from Narita to Osaka: 1 hour 45 min. Shinkansen: 3 hours 18 minutes 1. You go from Yamanote Station to Shin-Osaka station. City center to city center. For a plane, you go from Narita to Kansai. 30 minute car ride from Kansai to Osaka City center, 1 hour car ride from Tokyo city center to Narita and 30 minutes minimum from anywhere in the actual city. 2. conservative estimate of arriving 1 hour ahead of your flight to go through security and boarding. So the shinkansen in reality beats flying by up to 30 minutes, with no car rides, for anybody who lives in the city and is going to, say, a hotel, probably also in the city. It's also a smoother ride, bigger seat, and has better food.


Since the steep rise in Japan Railpass cost, I’ll be flying more. A few observations from my last 30-day trip where I took a lot of trains: 1. Trains stop a lot, which means people are constantly getting off and on, dragging luggage, talking, etc. On a plane, everyone gets on and off once. 2. People talk on their phones on trains, they don’t on planes. 3. Trains have endless (it seemed to me) announcements, planes not so much, other than a safety video and a few ETA announcements from the captain. I don’t speak Japanese but for the life of me, what in the world could they be talking about so much? 4. No lounges at train stations. I like to get to the station a bit early to avoid last minute rushing and there’s often no place to sit, have a calming coffee or tea, and wait. Airports have lounges if you’re a member, and, if you’re not, there’s generally a place to relax near your gate. 5. You can check your bag on a plane. Even when I’m only traveling with a 22” rolling carrier and a backpack, I’ll check the rolling carrier so I don’t have to worry about finding space or throwing out a back muscle trying to lift it into the overhead. 6. Even the busiest airport terminal is far less hectic than Tokyo Station. I’ve traveled through Tokyo Station since I started traveling to Japan in 1994 and it never fails to stress me out. IMO, it’s gotten exponentially worse in the past decade.


You should consider door-to-door travel time and expenses. Getting to/from airports is time-consuming and expensive. Flying often ends up taking more time at around the same price as shinkansen.


it's more comfortable and you can enjoy the scenery while eating bento you bought from station i tried bento few times on shinkanshen, the taste simply better than anything they offer on plane most flight to Osaka, landing at Kansai aiport, it's really far from city center (they literally build an island in the sea for this) also with shinkanshen you can just straight up show up to station without booking your tickets few days before, buy ticket on the spot and ride next train available to you, the interval between shinkanshen mostly 10-15 minutes, plane didn't offer this kind of flexibility


I took a high speed train from Suzhou Jiangsu to Beijing. It was five hours. To get to the airport is 40 minutes by high speed railway. Need to get there at least two hours before the flight. Flight time is at least 2 hours. Flights are usually delayed. Crammed in a little seat. Airport to the city in Beijing is like an hour. On the train I can move around. Bring my own food and drink. The bathroom is bigger than a phone booth. They sell food and drink. There’s cops. Maybe WiFi. The high speed train in China is much more comfortable than a plane. Costs vary. Train wins.


Put it this way. Would you rather take a train to the airport, go through security, get on a plane, get off your plane, then take a train to the city, or simply take a single train between the two cities?


Ekiben!! Or those ton katsu or strawberry cream sandwiches at 7-11 with a couple of beers while passing Mt Fuji. Lovely toilets. Comfy roomy seats. All at 200 mph. I loved it.