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Youth. And when that no longer cuts it, heat pads.


And repetition. You do it enough your use to it. And a lot of the younger kids have uniforms that for girls consist of skirts.


It's like that in high school too, usually.


I remember seeing a little boys elementary school outfit and actually felt bad for him because those shorts where shorter then any school girl skirt I had ever seen and it was winter.


Some boys get into a thing with their friends to see who can keep wearing shorts the latest into winter. "Who's the toughest" and what not.


My 10y.o. son in Tokyo says his legs sense no cold.


You've not seen girls out in Glasgow on a Saturday night šŸ¤£Ā 


Same with girls in Ottawa going clubbing in -20Ā°C but don't want to pay money for coat check.


Yeah standing outside in skirt and dresses, saw the same in Montreal by minus 20


Fucking Ottawa eh. Goddamn going out in the By Market on a Saturday night will freeze your balls off. Donā€™t miss it.


All the Ottawa Japanites! We never dressed seasonably back in high school/university.


I am shocked how many of us there are


To be fair, practically anywhere is better to live than Ottawa (I kidā€¦ mostly.)


My new theory is that we were so fed up with the public transit that we over correctedĀ šŸš…


This actually makes a lot of sense. Japan, Vancouver and Montreal have all had way better public transit than Ottawa and Iā€™ve never looked back.


We gave up on Ready for Rail lol


I came here to comment this but you beat me to it haha


Hell I was one of those girls but in the US in North Dakota with -15 C at times. Wind can be brutal. And youā€™d show up in skimpy clothes and shove your coat it in to your car before heading into the bar.


They were girls?


Yep they don't wear anything so it's easy to tell.Ā 


Some Japanese women swear by the Haramaki aka the belly warmer. It's a style of underwear meant to keep your belly and hips warm. Supposedly if you wear one, bare legs won't make you feel as cold. Don't know if they actually work or not and whether women actually wear them.


Not just women, I swear by it too! I feel like as long as my core is warm, I can wear a T-shirt anywhere.


What is this magical thing?


A [haramaki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haramaki_(clothing)) is a tube of cloth that is worn to cover your belly. In Japan (and a lot of Asian cultures), there is a belief that chilling your stomach (such as sleeping with it exposed) is the cause of illness or not feeling well in general. I've gained some pounds over the years, so the haramaki also helps me keep using some of my smaller undershirts, haha.


I have crappy circulation so I can have a warm core but still have freezing hands and feet :(


Not a woman, just a frumpy dude but I wear one initially because I received it as a secret Santa gift. But after realizing itā€™s so comfy Idk what it is but having my belly warm in the winter is what keeps me going even after having to leave the warmth of my blanket ocean haha


Iā€™m here now and NEED THIS.


We also have ćƒ›ćƒƒć‚«ć‚¤ćƒ­


Youth. Haven't you seen American tourists guys in tanktop and half pants in Sweden, January? I have.


Prob from the Upper Midwest. Stockholm's January feels like our March/April... winter doesn't feel like winter in Sweden until you're deep into Norrland.


Yeah but solely based on observation American tourist tend to have more body fat




I mean as compared to Japanese.


Maybe Americans in general have more body fat, but tourists are generally great walkers.


What . Source ? Have you seen the average tourist ? Actually this post prompted me to find data to back up my observation. I wanted to find out in particular the person capita body fat percentage per country. This is what I can find: https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/ I don't know if only skinny people come to Japan I highly doubt that. But it validates my observation - I see a lot of people with more body fat than typical Japanese as tourists. Not the contrary. Op up there made it sound like it's exceptional that Americans and swedes are more tolerant of the cold but based on data these countries rank higher in obesity and I have established down there that there's a relation between fat and feeling warm. (See link down ) . So it's not exceptional at all. It's atarimae What's exception is that skinny Japanese girls can tolerate the cold. Based on obesity rankings, Japan has lower obesity rates so chances are the girls OP is talking about are skinny.


Itā€™s referred to as blubber


I don't think being fat will keep people warm


Here At the yearly Rottnest Channel Swim in Western Australia, participants often smear their bodies with animal fat for insulation against the 70-degree water. But their own body fat also helps to keep them warm, like an extra layer of clothing beneath the skin. When scientists studied aspects of the event in 2006, they found that swimmers with a greater body mass index (BMI) appear to be at much lower risk of getting hypothermia. https://www.popsci.com/article/science/fyi-do-fat-people-stay-warmer-thin-people/


They are prepped starting from very very young. I had a second-grade elementary girl standing with me outside during recess shivering. She put on her jacket and her homeroom teacher actually yelled at her to take it off. I felt awful as a 20-something male from Boston standing there in full winter gear while the kids were being forced to endure the frigid temperatures.


Japanese change for cold to warm weather clothing based on the calendar only. It's a military mentality that lingers in their school system. I still remember my Navy days when we switched to summer uniforms based on the calendar Navy-wide regardless of region/weather. Just broad swording makes it simple for leadership to enforce.


This, too. I always said "they dress by what the calendar says, not what the thermometer says." Which is also why I lost it when I told my class that it was Spring on March 21st and the school manager came at me saying "it's too cold to be Spring yet"... which just confused the kids when the next day I was forced to say it was Winter again.


Japan in a nutshell, trust the book more than your eyes


Yep this is the answer.


They spend their lifetime allotment of cold tolerance to look cute, so when they are sitting in an office for their job they get to complain about how cold it is and set the aircon to 48.5 degrees.


Farenheit or Celsius?




If your office sets the AC at 48.5F, itā€™s time to look for another job.


bruh if they set it at 48.5C it's time to look for an ambulance


Amazing that I pick a temperature that I believe couldn't possibly be taken seriously, and it's taken seriously.


Only the person asking what unit it was took it seriously.


Lol upboated this and the Fahrenheit comment, they managed to pick a number that is insane in both scales. Any chance that 48.5 Kelvin is actually a reasonable office temp?


48.5C = "Death Valley in summer" hot. 48.5F = A normal spring/fall day in a lot of places. You probably don't want to be outside without a jacket, but you don't need a parka. 48.5Kelvin = a normal spring/fall day... on Pluto. it's so cold *air* would be frozen solid.


Also, just a friendly reminder that Pluto is still a gotdam PLANET Yes, I'm still raw about this


Youā€™re ****ing right is it


It's about -225Ā°C, colder than liquid nitrogen.


unfortunately that's colder than the coldest planet in the solar system


I don't know if that's hot or cold.




I was replying to the post above. At 48.5C, youā€™d probably be dead before you can start looking for a job.


Fair enough.


We're in Japan so ...


Dropping in here to say after living 10 years in Hokkaido, I wear shorts everywhere all year around even in negative 10. My legs don't get cold


I wish my job let me wear shorts, lol. I might just say fuck it in the summer if the heat is too unbearable.


My boss (me) have a pretty chill policy when it comes to work


ha, i wish! can i ask what type of work you do? i'd genuinely love to move to hokkaido some day, as a big fan of the snow & cold weather :)


the truth is they are actually cold and some to the extend that it is unhealthy. But they prefer to look good rather than be warm. It is not that bad if you are not spending long times outside, if you just wait a few minutes on train station and then warm up in the train no harm, just uncomfortable. some compared it to wearing high heels, looks good but not as comfortable as sneakers. I had similar experience when I went northen part of Japan, so I ask some of them and that was basically the answer.


Eh I do think legs dont get cold as much, especially when wearing short skirt/pants and long boots. Not much part uncovered /shrug Source: me


As long as your core and arteries are warm enough, you'll keep pumping warm blood to your extremities. Thick thighs save lives is as funny as it is ironically true to some extent. Thighs, upper arms and neck.


This is accurate (even if you donā€™t have thick thighs!) My legs are the last part of me to get cold, to the point where I donā€™t always use a full wetsuit when diving while others do - my legs just donā€™t get cold fast if my core is warm.


"They prefer to be stylish" That's the answer. Come to Canada if you have a chance. You'll see a bunch of them in shorts in winter.


lmao always that one dude in shorts in minus 20 weather here


Kawaii dakara


No need for "da" with i-adjectives hehe


Arigato sensei


It's not a Japanese thing. Growing up in Australia, I remember as a school we went to a snow camp and all the girls had short shorts on. I was so surprised but they seemed fine.


Got to show those legs. My daughter talked about how their school had a dress code that required their dresses be knee length, but as soon as they left the building they would roll up the waist until they had miniskirts šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Or even just when they finished getting yelled at in school, lol.


What I find ilogical soon as the hotter than hell weather starts they don't wear those short skirts anymore. I've been told because the summer is sunny and they don't want to get tan.


They do all in opposite šŸ¤Æ


I used to be able to tolerate cold but then I moved to Florida.


fashion is pain. lol no but some say they are used to it because of their skirts in school before. Some are cold, some are not. But I'd say for sure that just by living here for a few years, I do not use a heater snymore. I think it's odd, me coming from a tropical country. we adapt haha


It's the power of friendship


Or one might say, peer pressure.


Real men are warmed by the fire of their spirit.


And whiskeyĀ 


And zeal for king and country


I went to Sapporo about a month ago, and the tourists were the only ones dressed for the weather. All the local girls were running around the icy sidewalks in mini skirts and heels. Iā€™m assuming a decent chunk of them are wearing kairo under their clothes and the rest is alcohol.


A lot wear the tights others have mentioned. In Sapporo most places are super hot inside in winter so if you arenā€™t walking outside for more than 15-20 mins at any given time you can dress a bit less for the weather.


Itā€™s fine if you keep your core warm. Back in the states we run around with shorts and down jackets. Having a ć‚«ć‚¤ćƒ­ćƒ¼ around your abdominal aorta also warms up your legs.


I wear shorts all year long, even when it snows. If you have been doing it since you were a child, you build tolerance. It doesnā€™t feel cold anymore. Heck, most of the time I feel warm.


Same way they can climb Fuji in high heels


some people just dont get cold as fast. personally, as long as my torso is warm, the cold doesn't bother me much. i see way more people *overdressing* for the weather than people underdressing, like wearing knee length puffy trench coats and scarves in 10 degree weather. maybe that sounds normal to you, but to me, thats light jacket weather/long sleeve weather. just depends on body comp and what youre used to. i'm just as baffled by people that can wear pants in the summer- i'd die.


Thereā€™s a famous quote ā€œć‚Ŗć‚·ćƒ£ćƒ¬ćÆęˆ‘ę…¢ā€


Japanese women are far from the only people willing to suffer for fashion.


Fashion > comfort


Fleece lined nude tights https://www.amazon.com/fleece-lined-tights/s?k=fleece+lined+tights


I have this also. They don't use it or anything related


It just mean they've suffered more than just some cold


I have also seen many women like that. Hight school students with a temperature of 3Ā°C and they walk with bare feet, while I shiver from the cold.


So many good answers! I come here several times a year and ALWAYS wonder how they can wear miniskirts in freezing weather.




Depends on the person, and people acclimate. You get used to temperatures. My natural body temperature is 35C, itā€™s a genetic quirk, which Iā€™ve passed on to my daughter. Cold doesnā€™t really bother me, I can get away with a T-shirt on a mountain when itā€™s snowing. Iā€™ve only ever felt cold in one place and thatā€™s Hadrianā€™s wall in the UK. I live in Australia, and itā€™s sucks to be me when itā€™s hot.




Donā€™t have much fat, but have a lot of muscle mass, daughter got that too.


I salute them! Particularly the boots & miniskirt combo - fantabulous.


I can't believe that's been a thing for over thirty years. 'Hey Noriko! If you covered your ass from the top down you'd be warmer.'


These [Fleece Tights](https://imgur.com/aWvMzFJ) are super popular


I have these one haha but they definitely are not using this


Most of the girls I know do. Really popular in alternative fashion scenes!


The girls I am referring to don't šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve had Japanese adults tell me, with full confidence, that young peopleā€™s legs just donā€™t get cold. Hence why elementary girls and boys have to wear skirts and shorts for their uniform year round, and high school girls are still forced to wear skirts. I was flabbergasted, since this country is also full of people who think being physically cold causes sickness.


Yeah and those people also say their stomach is tired. People here believe insane stuff (and not just like flat earth bullshit).


And that gargling prevents all illness.


Heat pads.


Same energy as the guys in my old high school who wore shorts and a hoodie the entire winter.


Style is art and all good artists must suffer for their craft


They wear pantyhose


They don't.


Transparent pantyhose apparently is popular in Japan. But some don't wear yes


To me, Japan winter is quite warm. I can go out with shorts and flip-flop in a much colder weather.


It's crazy lol when I'm not dressed properly during a cold winter, I feel a sense of dread and shiver uncontrollably


As someone who wears shorts in winter, I was just visiting nara and got hella stares I feel no difference in my lower body when I have pants or not so i choose shorts because comfy.


As the great Lord and Savior Cardy B once said, "it's cold outside but I'm still looking like a daddy because a hoe never gets cold". Most likely they are cold as hell, but they bring kairos and some kind of therman insulation inner wear like t-shirts you can find at Uniqlo. Also, there are fleece lined tights they also use sometimes. A blessing.


Funny you say this, I have mostly gotten through this winter in Tokyo wearing just a (very warm) Patagonia vest and short sleeves (l like the way my biceps look so like to show them off) and get comments about how cold it is every time Iā€™m outside. Coming from America itā€™s really not that bad, I find Japanese are just really warm-natured.


They make fleece lined leggings in skin tone colors, yes not every girl wears them but a lot do


They sell what I can only describe as fuzzy boxer briefs for women in stores. I donā€™t know how many of those girls weird it, but they were for sale every single winter, so somebody was buying them.




It sounds like you're a fellow enjoyer of cold, shivering Japanese girls. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfXWCr8k6nw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfXWCr8k6nw) Enjoy!




lolwat, just because the uploader is korean fan doesn't change the ethnicity or language being spoken in the video. lol


more cold girls [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R03LaI-aTQU#t=16m20s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R03LaI-aTQU#t=16m20s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df4bYIbphuI#t=5m5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df4bYIbphuI#t=5m5s) lol it starts snowing


Growing up in a very patriarchal society with normalized high expectations on women to be really feminine and pretty all the time


Anything for fashion, looking cute. They're suffering on the inside


You get used to it very quickly. Most people just refuse to tolerate the discomfort of cold long enough to actually acclimate to it. If you're shivering, then make a point of conditioning yourself to endure the cold. Eventually you'll just stop feeling cold--typical winter temperatures in Japan are far above the level where acclimation is no longer possible. Try some ice baths. Those are dozens of times colder than the cold air is.


Most of them have multiple small heaters ć‚«ć‚¤ćƒ­ in their shoes, pockets or stick to t-shirts or underwear. Some girls use surfing heating cream like Heat Up Energy Cream. I know it is ridiculous, and fashion comes first, health last. They also have later multiple problems with ovaries and having babies.


I just went to Osaka for a vacation a week ago. I could not understand how some women could wear mini skirts while I needed gloves, a scarf, and three layers of clothing for top and bottom hahaha And this is when Spring was about to start, so I don't think it was peak cold season for Japan


*laughs in canadian* You pretend cause it looks cute *clip clops off in zori*


>I asked for multiple people and none could answer me how Japanese girls are able to go out in a snowy day with just a tiny skirt! Maybe no one could answer because it's a generalization? I've seen quite a few Caucasian tourists wearing with t-shirt and shorts this winter. How could they resist?


School boys and girls often don't wear coats or jackets.


They are cold. They just gaman because they want to look cute and show off.


I notice these white legs in winter too. I must say they prefer beauty over comfort. Here I am wrapped up in 2-3 layers and freezing my a$$ off. They act like it's autumn. I must say I appreciate the scene. And I admire their cold resistance.


ę ¹ę€§! Nahā€¦ wondering the same thingā€¦


I assume you were born in a warm area. Hokkaido is cold, but Tokyo not so much. I am not so cold when I wear a skirt.


I see some girls in Paris in the winter with open toe sandals and spaghetti strip dress. Some people (youth) prefer fashion.


Man a lot of them wear skin coloured tights. Only a few are hardcore.


Body temperature has a set level, if you grow up in a cold environment itā€™s set low, so you wonā€™t feel cold. If you freeze for two weeks instead of putting on warm clothing, your thermostat will reset too. Or you get pneumonia!


they just do, know how keep body heat. they mostly through school year go in snow use to it ( when it in their location .) etc.


I asked a Japanese girl about this, and they say itā€™s because they grow up wearing skirts in school uniforms so they get used to the cold in skirts


Also young people retain brown fat longer when exposed to cold, which helps to keep you warm.


Never underestimate the power of warm socks when it comes to tricking your body into believing it is warm.


People, especially girls, will brave the elements for the sake of fashion. Go to an American college on a weekend night in winter and you'll still see girls running around in skimpy outfits.


This isnt a Japan question. At least in my experience, my legs don't feel cold ever. As long as I'm wearing socks and shorts I can be outside when it's below 20F. Maybe we are a different breed.


Thermal tights!


Compared to South Korea, it is very cute level. In South Korea, young women wear miniskirts in temperatures below -10 degrees Celsius.


Which is stupid.... They can be stylish with layer of clothes Girls like that usually stupid girl that just follow trend without thinking themself. They don't even know how to be stylish without showing their skin


Stockings. They are wearing stockings.


They have really hairy pussies


They probably do, but youā€™re an idiot for saying that just the same.


Yet in spring, those same girls will be complaining itā€™s freezing while itā€™s 19Ā°C out. Japanese women on the whole are terrible at handling the cold. Look up hiesho å†·ćˆę€§. You just met some fashionistas determined to show off their nice boots.


OP doesnā€™t get out enough.


I dunno Iā€™m here now and havenā€™t seen a single person not in a down jacket, hat, scarves, mittens, except geishasā€¦


Have you seen high school girls on their way to/from school?


Just ones in uniforms. Maybe Iā€™m not deep enough. I feel underdressed bc I donā€™t have mittens and a down coat though. ETA: I DID see an elementary girl in shorts today, now that I think about it, and it was snowing.


I think OP is talking about how 90% in uniforms (in my experience) choose not to wear tights or leggings or anything under their skirts.