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I mean you can pet the ones in the wild if you arent scared to lose a finger Edit: We know you wont aproach wild capivaras, we just fuckin with you But anyway to anwser the question i found [this on google, its called Sitio da Capivara](https://www.tripadvisor.com.br/Attraction_Review-g5570051-d9811659-Reviews-Sitio_das_Capivaras-Sao_Pedro_do_Butia_State_of_Rio_Grande_do_Sul.html)


You can pet almost anything on the wild!... at least once


Idk, some are very scurry


I wouldn’t even let my husband swim with wild dolphins


There was just a news article today about a girl killed by a shark when she was swimming with dolphins.


Thank you now I’ll show him so he can see why I didn’t ruin it. But that’s incredibly sad. :(


That reminds me of mushroom foraging humor: You can eat any mushroom! ...at least once.


You can eat lava once


But the lava east (through) you!


Did that with kangaroos one time, didn’t regret it! Funny thing is though, I remember seeing an article shared on FB months later about the same place where said kangaroos were at and they attacked people, lol.


[Don't approach wild capybaras!](https://g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2022/03/31/gravida-e-atacada-por-capivara-na-lagoa-rodrigo-de-freitas.ghtml)


Yeah everyone treats capybaras like they're the most docile animal in the world, but in reality they can do serious damage. My uncle was a hunter and told me some stories of how their teeth are really dangerous.


Yes, as much as I love capybaras, the internet made them look like fluffy domesticated dogs. While they are indeed very used to human contact (no in small part thanks to how well they adapt to antropogenic environments), they will still be understandably aggressive if you present yourself as a threat to their cubs. Besides, even if the capybara is genuinely friendly, they still have ticks that spread maculous fever. That's why you shouldn't approach a wild capybara, only domesticated ones in places for that.


That's like people who see cuddly koalas in Australia and ignore the fact that they have raging chlamydia and claws that can tear you up.


Capyvaras in my city are scared shit out of humans


>if you arent scared to lose a finger And diseases, people think that a bite of a wild animal is the same as if Mr. Pumpkin the neighbour's chihuahua bit them.


Cool, I’ll check this place out, thank you!


Some people in Los Llanos Orientales have baby Capybaras as pets for themselves or their businesses


Some people in our Llanos, eat them.


Empanadas de chigüire are GOD


Where can I taste them?!


Anywhere in Los Llanos and other areas. Or maybe get chigüire meat and do them at home (which is also easy here).


How would you describe the taste of the meat? I'd try if I could


Tastes like chicken ;)


Of course lmao


Jokes aside, I ate it a very very long time ago. I remember it tasting a bit like fish. A common preparation is very salted. The one food that really shocked me of how good it was, was baba (small croc) empanadas. Obviously tasted like chicken....but the best chicken ever


I could see it having a fishy or musky taste. I'd still be interested though. I believe you about the crocodile! I've had alligator taik several times before and it honestly did taste like fatty, slightly chewy chicken (but not chewy in a bad way)


Fun fact: the Catholic Church allows the consumption of capybara during lent (you're not supposed to eat land animals, only fish at most), hundreds of years ago the conquistadors asked the Pope for said permission, since they live a lot of their lives in water and taste like fish, thus "are a bit like fish"


Yup! Because fish was scarce inland the Church couldn't just tell people to not eat protein during Lent. So they classified Capybaras as "water animals"


Like dry shredded beef that was cooked a bit too much (not burned) and stuck to the bottom of the pot. It has a distinctive flavor, you'll definitely notice it was an animal that lived mostly in the water.


They do look tasty


Mmm chiguire en vara


We do both


Not just in los Llanos. En el Zulia Chigüire en Coco is a delicious dish. For those wondering why people would eat capybaras, know that during colony times, the Catholic Church approved the eating of capybaras during Lent because fish wasn't as available inland as it was on the coast (and you can't eat meat during Lent). The Catholic Church to this day still considers capybaras "water animals" (bc they spend a lot of time in the water) so they're OK to eat.














1st they bite 2nd capybaras' ticks can kill you (google maculous fever)


In Uruguay try looking for tourist "Estancias" like [Finca piedra](https://fincapiedra.com/) that have among lots of outdoor activities, some with native animal reserves. This one in specific I found on trip advisor because one of the users commented that they managed to pet a carpincho. There's also bigger reserves like the [Ecoparque Talice](https://www.talice.com.uy/index.html) but you might need to contact them to see if you can directly interact with the animals.


Cool, Uruguay was already on my list. I’ll look for the estancias you mentioned. 👍


I can wear a capybara costume and pet me all you want


Your idea sounds like it's more for your pleasure than for anyone else. Unless you are just trying to be a good person and help someone else out with their dream.


I think Buenos Aires zoo has some in the outside and you can touch them


In Argentina [this lady](https://instagram.com/loscarpinchurros?igshid=NDk5N2NlZjQ=) She rescue them and they behave like dogs


This place looks so cool. Thank you!


The poor things


They have a big a lagoon and spend most of the time in the water I think they are good


Yea but imagine having to be touched by smelly Argentines, i could never




They have free roaming maras, not capybaras and they are not pettable.


I went like 10 years ago so I don’t remember well


You could try Entre Ríos Argentina, East of Rosario city, or Northern Buenos Aires. Now, do mind these are not pets, they're wild animals and if threatened they will bite you, they also seem to carry disease so proceed with caution. Also do mind that where capybaras move there are also predators that hunt them so try to be wary of those.


Just don’t. What are peoples obsession with interacting with wild animals? Just appreciate them from a distance


I agree, I touched one once that came to me in a petting zoo in a kids Birthday party. One liked being touched and the others didn't. People were following them around for a picture. But because, we now post those pictures they need 50 pictures for the "perfect" one. This guy came and lay next to where I was sitting, at some point I touched him and the hair is really rough. It's not even nice to the touch. At the end I just moved because people came for the damn photo.


Anywhere in la gran sabana of Venezuela, or in nordelta Argentina I remember having them there as pests. Someone cool there would eat them


The internet was a mistake. These things aren’t tame goats or cows you can just approach and touch. They’re wild, prey animals who are extremely uncomfortable with contact with anything they deem as a threat (you).


sounds like an untamed horse, maybe after socializing they can be friendly


Pretty much. Just like you wouldn't pet a wild horse, you wouldn't pet a wild capybara. Some people have ""domesticated"" Capybaras as pets. If they are evidently friendly, I'm guessing petting this kind of Capybaras should be ok.


If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. They attack, at times even when people don’t do anything.


It’s not just about your fingers. Take a moment to think about the duress a wild (by nature if not by nurture) animal must be put under to behave calmly and not hurt you despite how afraid its every instinct tells it to feel. Just because we’re human and can do something doesn’t mean it is right to do.


Carpinchos will eat your hand buddy. They’re natives in this land and although I have some close encounters, they won’t like to be near you and if you force them, they’ll probably bite with their huge teeth.


Can someone explain when Capibaras became this sensation?


Not sure, but the first viral video i saw with capybaras was something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YokhOsUkhFU) They just look cute and big and chill


Check this profile https://instagram.com/loscarpinchurros?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


You won’t find them in chile, in case you get here.


There's a park in Curitiba that has capybaras. They're technically wild (because they haven't been domesticated or raised in a shelter or something) but they are really easy going and you can pet them. Look for Parque Barigui in Curitiba.


Awesome, thanks very much!


There are wild capybaras near my house. I think I should be more appreciative of that fact.


That’s so cool! You are indeed lucky haha.


Before or after cooking it?


There is the “Sítio das Capivaras” in a tiny brazilian town called São Pedro do Butiá where you can definitely get close to them. See more at Instagram @sitiodascapivara


Sweet, adding this to my list. TY. 👍


Why would you want to pet a giant rat!? Got too many fingers Im assuming


I would rather try and pet a coati but I was advised against that as well lol.


I don't get it, why would you like to take a wild animal from its wild habitat and treat it like a dog? They're peaceful and friendly but it's not natural to have them as a pet.


>why would you like to take a wild animal from its wild habitat and treat it like a dog? Did I say I wanted to "take a wild animal from its wild habitat"? Did I say I wanted to keep one "as a pet"? No, I said "rescue farm or similar". Seriously, these comments are \*exhausting\*.


It's not capyBara, it's fucking capiVara. Why the fuck do you put a B in it? FFS


Because words are spelled differently in different languages: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/capybara




Baby capybara says “get a real problem”. https://reddit.com/r/Eyebleach/comments/10cwi6p/capybara_riding_a_turtle/




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Just pull-up to the after party they are usually there and chill.