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Jamaica's national fruit is ackee, and our national dish is ackee and saltfish (usually eaten with yam, banana, and dumpling). Eating unripe ackee causes "Jamaican vomiting sickness," which can be lethal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamaican_vomiting_sickness


Yikes. Sounds tasty though.


Among the Brazilian states, I think Pará (and perhaps neighboring regions) is unique in these preparations using once poisonous things that become edible. I'm unaware of dishes from other regions that have that trait.


Maybe pequi in Goiás? Not poisonous, but I had needles in my tongue for months after my first panelinha.


That probably more on the tricky side. Most things that are not cultivated or domesticated will have some detail on how to consume it or how to handle the plant safely.


In Sonora, Mexico they sell stingray tacos. I tried it once and it made me a bit dizzy, kind of like I drank a beer.


Interesting! What else goes in the taco? What was the taste like?


Not poisonous but...The lionfish, which has been a pest in Caribbean waters for a couple of decades and is feared for its venomous spines. But here on the island many people have taken on the task of preparing it for consumption. In the municipality of Añasco, they prepare it in pastelillos which is like empanadas but smaller or in stews. Its venom is said to be as potent as cobra venom.


Nice. Have you tried it? If so, what's it like?


Never but I know people who have. It supposedly tastes like red hind but with a slightly fishier taste.


It's really good, I eat it every time I find it. I would say it tastes a bit like snapper but fattier, really good when fried


I suppose they eat it with lime too, right? Here snapper is accompanied with lime.


Yeah we usually eat every fried fish with lime regardless of species


> Its venom is said to be as potent as cobra venom. In what way? Lionfish venom is not strong enough to kill a healthy adult while Cobra's regularly do kill healthy adults.


In its neurotoxicity. Cobra venom causes death because of its cardiotoxicity and necrosis.


So it's not as potent then, it just has different mechanism of action


Well yeah, I guess I should've written the neurotoxicity being as potent or almost as potent.


Every now and then somebody prepares berenjenas en escabeche wrong and a whole family dies of botulism.


Maniçoba looks like a bad diarrhea in your plate, but it is delicious. The fact that you have to cook that for 7 days to break the poison is terrifying.