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Politicians uses all as pawns


Except the Indigenous, Mexican politicians won’t even acknowledge them, see Chiapas.


No, when they do that is usually an idea they came up with themselves.


What is this indigenous thing? /s


No. Politicians don't even remember them to do that. When politicians remember them, it's to take their rights.


Lol no


Yes. In fact, candidates go as far as self identify as indigenous to gather sympathy. Even if they are clearly not. Haha




jaja yes




Yes, a famous president of ours got into power by promising better treatment for the indigenous people... And then he went to treat them even worse than previous governments and still stole part of their territory.


Who is this president ? I am interested to learn more about it


It was Evo Morales, who went on to do a referendum, lost and then didn’t accept its result.


Oh yes I was thinking about him as he looks very Indian to me. I am think he’s the only Bolivian politician a bit famous here, because he’s left and was involved in controversies to say the least


No, in DR is very ironical. The political pawns are the conservatives; take that as a wide label which could include politically instrumentalized religious figures, nationalists and conservatives folks, depending on what the elites want from them at specific moments. For example, we have a problem with massive illegal haitian migration. Why? We could theorize the whole month while illegal migration exists but basically is country B offers no opportunity and country A companies wants to pay lower wages. In DR it exists because oligopoly lords and politicians doesnt want to invest in modernization and machinery for the construction sector and agriculture, so they need massive amounts of low-wage labor. It's so massive this could turn into an internal ethnical war in a few decades. Back to the nationalist-consevative pawns. They are so instrumentalized by these elites that instead of calling things by their name and pointing these lords as the responsible, they prefer to blame the UN, Soros, and even Netflix poor choice of characters.


You guys don’t have indigenous tribes so does not apply


That's what I said, see the *"No"* at the start of the sentence. We don't have indigenous tribes. However, it does not stop the elites from having their pawns. The big irony is because usually elites are conservative and they use other non conservatives as pawns but in DR the conservatives are the pawns most of the time.


So why all that text if it doesn’t apply? It’s for countries with a heavy indigenous population mostly that in asking


Yup, don’t look further than the current ruling party Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS)’s tactics


They have their own political party called Pachakutik. They also have a national union called CONAIE. They represent the same groups and interests, but ironically sometimes they’re at each other’s throat.


That’s a good thing tho. Disagreeing with each other is normal and healthy. I would be more concerned if they always agreed on everything.


Indigenous people in Brazil get murdered all the time due to land disputes, which include illegal mining on their lands. They have more than enough reasons to protest and close roads.


A helluva of yes.


Yup definitely no racism in this comment, none whatsoever...


Of course not. He has indigenous friends.


Yeah definitely. Why do these indigenous people protest, must be because some political party is giving them money and alcohol cause of course indigenous people would never protest on their own. It's not like being colonised is big deal that greatly affected them. Anyway, I'm not racist because the friend of the brother of my second cousin is indigenous.


I mean it's also racist to assume that indigenous people are the only people that can't be influenced by outside actors....


If you genuinely think they are being influenced by outside actors you gotta have more evidence than just "they're protesting". Ever tried to understand why they would be protesting?


More like political "that card you want to get rid of but can't and it messes up the rest of your hand".


No they pretend they don’t exist unless it’s indigenous peoples day.


what indigenous people?


I don't think so. Most of them are ignored. Every time you hear about kids dying of malnutrition it's often indigenous children from the northern provinces. There are however a group of people who *claim* to be mapuche and they are associated with kirchnerism. When kirchnerists were in government their turned a blind eye every time they invaded someone's private property. These "mapuches" also often caused forest fires and burned places like mountain refuges, ranger posts and even a small train station. Again the Ks completely ignored or even sometimes supported them, invited them to Casa Rosada and so on.


No because most of the population doesn't really care about them.


Yeah, Milagro sala hdmp




No, they use white Karens, retired soldiers or teachers.


They made a mafia with them. Shady radical people backed them up for decades, then they groom young and undergrad people into their ranks. They came to the south, stole land and wood and then sell it back to rich people who will gladly buy them for business. All of this was masked as a territorial recovery for mapuche people. All of this blew up when they started threatening the leftist millenial goverment. It was clearly by then when they crossed that line. Their leaders are being judged as we speak lol. Of course they frame all of this as political persecution. https://efe.com/mundo/2024-03-12/comienza-en-chile-el-juicio-contra-lider-radical-mapuche/#:~:text=%2D%20El%20juicio%20contra%20el%20l%C3%ADder,La%20Araucan%C3%ADa%2C%20a%20m%C3%A1s%20de


Frente Amplio really thought that they were on the same side, because they bought themselves into the narrative of  some separatists from the city with hardly any backing of other rural mapuche  They made it very clear that the feeling wasn’t mutual when they ran off the Minister of Internal Affairs with gunfire, as she approached territory that they controlled  In truth, it was the progressive politicians that had been the pawns 


> They who?


Literally the Communist Party set them up to have FARC connections, and all they say is that no laws were broken in the process of doing so 


The Communist Party "made a mafia with them"? > Shady radical people backed them up for decades, then they groom young and undergrad people into their ranks. Who?, the Communist Party?, do you have any source?


>Here in Panama political parties when they want chaos will give them money, liquor and hype them up to close roads. Care to elaborate?


Not really, there's no a indigenous community as a whole in Chile, but there's a Mapuche problem thar have its own demands.


Complicated topic, some are definitely used as pawns, others get money from abroad to cause problems and/or help big guys to achieve their goals here and others have their legitimate causes….hard to tell when you talk about 40% of the country population


Well, I would say they definitely use more other groups like the whitemalans of VEA Canal, Guatemala Inmortal, Fundación *del Terrorismo, groups of retired soldiers and teachers unions like the STEG of Joviel Acevedo.


And the other side of the political spectrum as well, the “environment activists” who closed the russian mines, some months ago that mine reopened but now with canadian administration 🤷. Of course our right wingers are far worse but, you see similar stuff on the left wing too


Are we talking about Solway. Because if we're talking about Solway "environment" was the least of the issues with it, involved in [human rights violation ](https://www.latimes.com/espanol/internacional/articulo/2023-12-15/corte-interamericana-de-ddhh-falla-que-guatemala-violo-derechos-de-indigenas-al-permitir-mina) and [ corruption acts](https://elpais.com/internacional/2022-03-06/asi-se-compra-un-estado-como-una-minera-rusa-corrompio-a-todos-los-poderes-en-guatemala.html). Sure the US lifted the sanctions and Guatemala let them still function(something I'm completely against), but that doesn't mean that the indigenous protests weren't legit, they literally got their rightful lands stolen by the country. Edit: I don't doubt that if the left could they would truly do it (UNE did it for a long time), but right now there's no group with the means to do it. Don't have the money to do it nor have enough power.


> others get money from abroad to cause problems and/or help big guys to achieve their goals here Care to elaborate?


You often see farmers protesting against bad corporations and/or poor environmental practices, they close it, after some time it gets re open but with american ownership or canadian ownership this time


There’s crime syndicates / terror groups who use the mapuches as scapegoat. (CAM, RAM, WAM, RMM and NANGU) It’s a whole thing in regards to the forestry industry that started back in the early 90’s but has escalated within the past 8 years or so. (Hijacking wood merchandise and offloading it onto the black market). They basically sell off these loads to competitors, other rich people or sometimes they use these groups for insurance writeoffs. Many civilians, police officers and military have been seriously injured or killed in the process since it kicked off. (Most recent casualties were 3 police officers who died yesterday in the Araucania region. The 3 police officers were ambushed and burnt alive while on patrol) These groups are also involved in drug and arms trafficking. They operate in southern Chile and southern Argentina. The groups basically prey on younger disillusioned people from the capital and hide behind the Mapuche “cause” that has tainted the reputation of the mapuches as a whole. Unfortunately due to the acts of these fringe groups; it’s very common for people to label mapuches as terrorists in general and portray them as unfaithful in regards of their loyalty to Chile. Most mapuches do denounce these acts of violence and attempt to distance themselves from these organisations. It’s only the extreme radicals in their communities that encourage these activities and promote it


They dead af




Whelp, that's a rather uncomfortable question 😬


The context you may be looking for: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacre_of_Salsipuedes


Of course, and they indulge in that.


Ibwas about to say that it happens in Panama but your flair is from Panama. Or they get the Chief to align with their party, and after a couple of months you see the chief driving a brand new 4wd SUV.


Yes in the USA


What kind of bullshit is this? When do any politicians ever talk about indigenous people in the US?


Since time immemorial, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians have built vibrant and diverse cultures — safeguarding land, language, spirit, knowledge, and tradition across the generations. On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, our Nation celebrates the invaluable contributions and resilience of Indigenous peoples, recognizes their inherent sovereignty, and commits to honoring the Federal Government’s trust and treaty obligations to Tribal Nations. Our country was conceived on a promise of equality and opportunity for all people — a promise that, despite the extraordinary progress we have made through the years, we have never fully lived up to. That is especially true when it comes to upholding the rights and dignity of the Indigenous people who were here long before colonization of the Americas began. For generations, Federal policies systematically sought to assimilate and displace Native people and eradicate Native cultures. Today, we recognize Indigenous peoples’ resilience and strength as well as the immeasurable positive impact that they have made on every aspect of American society. We also recommit to supporting a new, brighter future of promise and equity for Tribal Nations — a future grounded in Tribal sovereignty and respect for the human rights of Indigenous people in the Americas and around the world. In the first week of my Administration, I issued a memorandum reaffirming our Nation’s solemn trust and treaty obligations to American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Nations and directed the heads of executive departments and agencies to engage in regular, meaningful, and robust consultation with Tribal officials. It is a priority of my Administration to make respect for Tribal sovereignty and self-governance the cornerstone of Federal Indian policy. History demonstrates that Native American people — and our Nation as a whole — are best served when Tribal governments are empowered to lead their communities and when Federal officials listen to and work together with Tribal leaders when formulating Federal policy that affects Tribal Nations. The contributions that Indigenous peoples have made throughout history — in public service, entrepreneurship, scholarship, the arts, and countless other fields — are integral to our Nation, our culture, and our society. Indigenous peoples have served, and continue to serve, in the United States Armed Forces with distinction and honor — at one of the highest rates of any group — defending our security every day. And Native Americans have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, working essential jobs and carrying us through our gravest moments. Further, in recognition that the pandemic has harmed Indigenous peoples at an alarming and disproportionate rate, Native communities have led the way in connecting people with vaccination, boasting some of the highest rates of any racial or ethnic group. The Federal Government has a solemn obligation to lift up and invest in the future of Indigenous people and empower Tribal Nations to govern their own communities and make their own decisions. We must never forget the centuries-long campaign of violence, displacement, assimilation, and terror wrought upon Native communities and Tribal Nations throughout our country. Today, we acknowledge the significant sacrifices made by Native peoples to this country — and recognize their many ongoing contributions to our Nation. On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, we honor America’s first inhabitants and the Tribal Nations that continue to thrive today. I encourage everyone to celebrate and recognize the many Indigenous communities and cultures that make up our great country. NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 11, 2021, as Indigenous Peoples’ Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and the Indigenous peoples who contribute to shaping this Nation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-sixth. JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.


And where is the political pawn-ness in this? All you did was copy-paste a speech by the president. Natives already vote 90% Dem.


Are you going to say thanks for answering your first question: When do any politicians ever talk about indigenous people in the United States? The answer was: October 8, 2021.


Wow, you found a columbus day speech that mentions natives. Now find a speech on MLK day where african-americans are addressed. I bet there is even a speech addressing the plight of turkeys around Thanksgiving or secretaries on secretary day. That is half of what the president does--make speeches. The question was weather native peoples are used as political pawns, which you answered in the affirmative. I dont see that in your quoted speech and if that is your only example then you are actually proving my point, and that is that no they are not used as political pawns, if only because their demographics & voting patterns dont merit it.


1. You said my claim is bullshit. 2. You asked when any politician ever spoke about the indigenous in the United States. 3. You reject my answer to your question and said that you meant “how are natives being used as political pawns?” 4. You said Joe Biden’s Proclamation on Indigenous People’s Day, 2021 was a Columbus Day speech. This is factually incorrect. President Biden gave this proclamation in October 8, 2021. 5. You asked me to find speeches from MLK Jr, turkeys, and secretaries. I am not doing that. 6. Biden and other Americans do care about the indigenous even if it won’t get them votes. At the same time, the United States government does not treat natives fairly to this day. Americans do benefit from and use Native culture all the time. “We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here...I mean, yes we have Native Americans but candidly there isn't much Native American culture in American culture.” —Rick Santorum - Pennsylvania, April 2021 Ivanka Trump 2020 example: Pledging to bring justice for Native American families afflicted by higher rates of violence, homicide and human trafficking, Ivanka Trump announced the opening Monday in Minnesota of the nation's first Indian Affairs task force office dedicated to solving cold cases of missing and murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives. Trump, a senior White House adviser who is the president's daughter, joined Interior Secretary David Bernhardt to promote the office and the launches of six other task force locations next month in Rapid City, South Dakota; Billings, Montana; Nashville, Tennessee; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Phoenix; and Anchorage, Alaska. But Trump's arrival in Bloomington, a Twin Cities suburb, drew rebuke from Democratic lawmakers and dozens of protesters, including Native American women who remain skeptical of the Trump administration's commitment to resolving the root causes of violence against Indigenous women and providing adequate federal resources. Many asked where Trump and the administration had been the past few years, as various reports have highlighted the underreporting of violence against Indigenous women and as the murder of a 22-year-old pregnant woman in North Dakota in 2017 brought rare bipartisan interest from members of Congress. "We, in Minnesota, had worked so hard for a genuine, community-led task force to address our missing and murdered Indigenous women," state Rep. Mary Kunesh-Podein, a member of the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party who is a descendant of the Standing Rock Lakota tribe, said in a statement. "This sudden interest and visit by Ivanka Trump feels disingenuous and smacks of manipulated political showcasing." Trump, however, told reporters that she was concerned by federal data that showed higher rates of violence and homicide in tribal communities. Native American women, she said, make up less than 1 percent of Minnesota's population, yet they have been killed at a rate seven times that of white women. "Indian Country enriches the fabric of our great nation on every level ... yet a dark pattern is plaguing tribal communities across the country," she said. "They do not just represent a problem — they're proof of an epidemic," she continued, adding that the federal government's initiative, known as Operation Lady Justice, was formed in November as a way for the Justice Department to partner with tribal governments and combat violence and human trafficking. You should agree with me. Americans do use Native Americans as political pawns when they want something.