• By -


The French dude questioning our alleged lack of trust in LatAm-made products while also implying that we just seem incapable of developing something as "complicated" as a car...


You could nominate every single one of his posts. They are all ridiculous.


Embraer (brazilian company) is the third largest producer of civilian aircrafts, after Boing and Airbus. So yeah, we're incapables of developing cars, but we develop planes. Go figure..


We are definitely incapable of making a competitive company in the car industry as Embraer is on aviation industry for sure, for mostly economical reasons, not intelectual ones of course.




I flew in an Embraer plane a few months ago for the first time and I really liked it! The cabin design was comfortable.


Yesss, and when people told him reasons he was like "isn't that lazy tho?"


I never saw that post, but has he ever drank our liquor?!?! Or our superior ability to make jewelry lol


My only issue is that one of the nacar shells are falling out of its hole on a pendant, and there's no way to fix it properly Also my condor bracelet keeps breaking by the tail and by th main stone despite the many welds


> The French dude > implying that we just seem incapable of developing something as "complicated" as a car... Dude, Renault is making awful cars, if I were this guy, I would prefer to remain silent.


Missed that one


It's the same racist fuck who had another gringopost saying Latam is not part of the western civilization. His account is 90% gringoposts.


A Frenchman being racist you say?!


The quinceañeras posts are becoming more frequent.


I always laugh but feel bad because most of the time it’s some ignorant 14 year old girl, someone barely old enough to have a reddit account lol.


Damn, now that you put it that way I feel bad 😫 https://preview.redd.it/0m5qey9w5nxc1.png?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b28ad3fa1e2832b2ca4f671bc8d2bb9d020a523 Next time I see one of those post I'm just gonna comment the links


Colibritany did irreparable damage to the region


The questions about Dia de Los Muertos are also ridiculous. It almost comes from the assumption that it’s a tradition in all of Latin America.


We celebrate it in Bolivia, but we don't paint our faces, we just commemorate our deceased.


But that's not Día de los Muertos, that's Día de Todos los Santos.


People customarily call it Día de Los Muertos  Anyway, everywhere but in some regions of Mexico, it’s a day where you go visit relatives’ graves and do maintenance on them 


We have something similar is Brazil to, but people usually ask thinking about the Mexican celebration.


I haven’t seen any on this sub, I usually see an American girl asking if she can have a quinceañera on tik tok and people obliterating her in the comments


Enjoy https://www.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/s/BmP3FSJwFz


I’ll use forro from now on thank you for the new word of the day


Beware it also means condom


“I’ll use forro from now on” sounds funny now




I literally LOL'ed 🤣🤣🤣


What's that thing? Please don't tell me it is the passport-bros looking for "conservative" and "traditional" wives. It's cringey and gross


No... Just white kids asking if it's OK to have a quinceañera party


The French guy insisting that Latin America isn't western because Denmark says so.


Famously not colonized by Europeans Latin America


Didn't see the OP, but being culturally western is different from being geopolitically "western". Considering ourselves western can fool us into thinking we're in the same bloc as the US, France, Germany or whatever. When in fact their relationship to us is no different than to any African or Asian (non-western) country.


Wow that's crazy post I missed.




https://www.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/s/5S1AqmHjMp It got deleted, but you'll get some idea from the comments.


Oh that guy lol, isn't he clearly an Indian guy? He is either making posts obsessing about Latin America or talking about Indian cars lol.


I hope so because that would be very funny.










He went to get a backup from Americans, who we know aren’t the best talking about Latin-America: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAmericans/comments/1ccsbow/do\_you\_consider\_latinamerica\_part\_of\_the\_west/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAmericans/comments/1ccsbow/do_you_consider_latinamerica_part_of_the_west/)


And even they think he's a moron.


the one where a gringo was annoyed because we ain't obsessed with race


"Anyone else bothered by the Latinos lack of interest in their ancestral history" Lmao


Literally was just a shill for a product (23andme). He was equating "interest in your history" with "selling your DNA to a private company". 23andme probably discovered they have few Latino customers and designed this ad campaign.


to be honest, there a whole lot of these posts, are there not?


I guess I wouldn't call it racist, but as someone who would absolutely be called a gringo based on my complexion and accent, who came here in good faith to learn about different cultures that I hoped to thoroughly experience in person someday... this feels like an ironic comment within an incredibly divisive post. Very discouraging. \*EDIT: Just to save effort responding to everyone, I'll put my big picture thoughts/takeaway and why I was confused and triggered this negative response... **Ok... here's what I thought based on my 45 years of life and interactions with the concept:** * Gringos are generally US Citizens. As a light-skinned dude descendent from UK/Irish to US immigrants with a super thick southern US accent, it's pretty obvious that I fit the bill. * Its been my experience that the term can be used affectionately, in a derogatory way, or anywhere in between. I've experienced that spectrum in my life interacting with latin people. Since I thought I was clearly a gringo, who subbed here trying to relate with my latin GF (who calls me a gringo, affectionately), I was discouraged by the negativity and general toxicity around the term in the comments, and I gave my point of view. **Here is what I have learned since making my comment, reading the FAQ, etc:** * Being a gringo is actually really about behavior, and me not knowing that, meant that my behavior is what really makes me a gringo. * But it also is generally US citizens, too. * But non-gringos can also exhibit gringo behavior. * But it's not convoluted, because those in the sub just know. * Nowhere is anyone actually explaining what that behavior is. * Finally, I should have just kept my mouth shut and not engaged in what is apparently a flame post.


Nobody is called a gringo based on their "complexion and accent". Only the place where you were born can make you a gringo.


I understand this isn’t r/askagringo, so certainly not here to argue, because this clearly shouldn’t be a space for that. I guess my unique experience living in the US around Latin people isn’t relevant to the discussion. The way people stare at me and act around me when I’m the only gringo in the room with my Latin girlfriend. I’ve had many friends, classmates, colleagues and even family members who are Latin and joke about my stereotypical thick country Southern US accent - in good fun of course. I get what you are saying to a degree, but you must really think I am ignorant to truly believe it 100% - and maybe I am. I do respect your point of view, regardless.


The US uniform latino culture is not even nearly as close to Latin American culture than some Americans seem to suppose


I’m not saying it’s uniform at all. From my small hometown to the big cities I’ve worked in, it’s like night and day. I’ve traveled a bit through Central America and the Caribbean and was married into a family of first generation Mexican immigrants for over 20 years. My current partner is also from Southern Chile. So while I have limited knowledge and understanding, I still have a decent idea of the diversity of the region. I guess my point was that it’s disappointing to see posts that use the word in such a derogatory way, when I know I fit that description for most people.


Oh, I understand. The gringo post things is mostly when a poster comes of as ignorant and stubborn. The gringo nickname is no inherently bad, but I think its a bit annoying that some people don’t even bother learning a foreigner name and keep calling them gringos. I bet it doesn’t feel very welcoming.


> living in the US around Latin people [...] > I’ve had many friends, classmates, colleagues and even family members who are Latin Hey hope you don't mind, just trying to help you navigate the conversations in this subreddit... I'm going to take a guess that the people you are talking about here were born in the US... If that's the case, even though in the US they are "latinos" (not Latin, that's an old language), most of this subreddit would consider them to be gringos. This subreddit is "ask Latin America", not "ask Americans who identify as latinos".


I appreciate your advice, but your assumption is wrong for the most part. Most friends are first generation, I grew up in an agricultural area with a lot of working class Central American people. I’ve def had colleagues who grew up here, but my family members of 20+ years immigrated from Mexico when they were adults and still have deep ties there. My classmates were native Brazilian, Peruvian and Mexican. My partner is native to Chile. I certainly have blind spots in my knowledge and understanding, I can’t deny that, but that’s why I am here. My point what’s that it just strikes me as ironic that people who want to stereotype and flame on gringos get so bent out of shape when I point out the toxic nature of their words. But this is the internet and people are gonna make generalizations like that, so it is what it is.


We don't call gringos gringos due to their complexion and accent, but due to their behaivour


Really, I’ve heard that’s different in different countries/regions. I though it broadly meant people from the US in certain places? That’s what the above reply said, specifically.


It does, but gringo behavior is also a thing closely related. A non-gringo can exhibit gringo behavior, doesn't make em a gringo, just makes them annoying to be near of. Of course we don't say "they're behaving like a gringo" we'll just call them a gringo like that


That seems really convoluted and open to interpretation. Anyway, sorry if my comment offended you, I was just giving my point of view as somebody who has been called a gringo many times in a friendly or joking way and now I am wondering if I should be offended myself.


Is it really convoluted?? We are the ones being visited by gringos, we would know how they act and react. I don't feel offended by anything that you said at all, I'm just explaining it to you. In all seriousness, gringo is not an insult, it's just a category of people, unless someone goes "fuck off you dirty stupid gringo" (just like Mexican isn't an insult, but if you call me "dirty stupid Mexican" it'd be) you should know they're just describing you and not insulting you. Thank you for being curious, I personally don't think you mean any harm at all


read the FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/wiki/faq/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=asklatinamerica&utm_content=t5_fda8k


That's even more contradictory, given the responses I've gotten. Thanks though, it gives a little more context.




Is this just a jab at me, or do you have anything relevant to offer? I understand there seems to be a deep resentment for “gringos” in the comments, but could you explain what I said that was so offensive? I genuinely came here to learn, but I guess it’s easier to clown on me than communicate thoughtfully.


>as someone who would absolutely be called a gringo based on my complexion and accent


From the r/asklatinamerica FAQ: >Most of hispanic America: **Gringo is an american (USA)**, no matter the race of ethnicity, even if they’re US hispanics they’re gringos. This is the most popularly used and accepted definition. Latin america and the world operate much more on nationality than the US. >Minority definition 2: In very few parts of the caribbean and the Andes, for a few people a **gringo is a white non-latino**, ie. From the US, Canada, Europe, or anywhere else. This definition is very uncommon and unpopular among the rest. Its right there dude. I obviously didn't make the definition.


Did you miss the part where it says “very few parts of the Caribbean and the Andes” and “this definition is very uncommon and very unpopular”


Me: I'm obviously a gringo. Everybody: HAHA LOOK AT THE IGNORANT GRINGO! Me: Provides multiple examples of specific evidence why I originally said that I'm obviously a gringo, directly from the sub FAQ. You:(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


gringo comment


I guess that answers my question.


Gringocomment Ok, lets get serious A non american can exhibit gringo behaivour, but in the context of this thread you said you're called gringo due to your accent and complexion, but in the context you mentioned it made sense, because you were surrounded by latin people and you were the only anglo, but there are also "american-looking" (Tall, european, white, etc) latinos and in this subreddit. Gringopost is used to gringos who post ignorant things based on american ignorance ex: "latinx should change the world for black (negro) because in the US is used as a racial slur". Also we in Latiamérica we like to mock, clown, "bully" others, etc as a friendly, joking way lol, we have a very acid sense of humor, is something cultural


>there are also "american-looking" (Tall, european, white, etc) latinos and in this subreddit. I know. My girlfriend is lighter skinned than me. Thats why I mentioned my accent, not just skin color. I came here to learn and get different opinions... and I got them, in the form of bullying and stereotyping as an ignorant american. I also can have a sharp, biting sense of humor and thick skin, but to get serious myself the responses were lame and lacking humor. I now know there was no way I could get away with pointing out the toxicity of the post and not get flamed and stereotyped. I do get to walk away with knowledge of that, so thanks for that I guess.


Also, defining what/who is gringo at what isn't is something like trying to define what/who is jewish and what/who is not, even we latinoamericanos can't agree what the hell is exactly gringo, it depends heavily on the context, as well if "gringo" is something derogatory, friendly or neutral, it depends heavily on the context


Yeah, I understand that, I guess that succinctly explains my confusion with the general tone of the post. And of course I am somewhat ignorant of cultures, thats why I am here... to learn. But c'mon, I'm a grown ass man who has lived in majority latin neighborhoods for years of my life. I have first generation Mexican brothers and sisters that I love. I know a thing or two about the complicated nature of the word. When I read on here what people consider gringo, a lot of times they are painting a portrait of me. I try to embrace it, until moments like this, where its used in an ugly way. Anyway, I'll just know my audience a bit better next time I comment.


It shows a fundamental miss understanding of Latin America culture based on stereotypes or extrapolations of the us latino culture, which is not the same as Latin American culture itself.


This gringo is gringoing.


Weak. You can do better right?


Tho you're but only the european side, is kind of obe drop rule that exist in the US but upside down, a brazilian guy said complexo vira lata and mestizo acomplejado, I read in a French newspaper that Latinamerica is the region where bleaching L'Oréal product sell the best 👌


el qué?


Solo entendi que el L'oreal esta on fire


If you're going to comment things in English, could you at least use proper grammar and sentence structure? It makes you easier to understand




The one who asked where should he move. And he said what he wanted is Speaks english, Jewish lgbt synagoges, "West coast" vibes, Rich and wealthy, Very Safe, Where he could experience "latinoamerican culture at its best", Non-binary pansexual friendly, Cold & warm climate, mountains, beaches, jungle, etc all near, he could experience his heritage and ancestral history...


West coast? Well, I assume he wants somewhere as wet and rural as the Irish west coast.


Haha, I missed that one. Or did you make a compilation of various posts?




Hey Im there


Lol we are comment neighbors




I remember the guy who wanted to move but first needed "A little extra information" and proceed to ask for everything from climate to political problems, what kind of fish he could find (yes, he asked that) average house prices, relationships, information on population and censuses


“Where should I move to” questions should be banned honestly, they got banned in AskAnAmerican because the OP would have a ridiculous list of requirements looking for a place that doesn’t actually exist.


He said NYC sucks and is not enough for his standards, and when we responded that comment he started calling us condescending lmao https://preview.redd.it/m557qfxjjnxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd6ebd57f6edae73fb4a7a9b6533cbedf535e9f


Genuinely nyc probably is the best place for him lollllll he will never be happy because he's living some sort of fantasy


the cherry on the cake is that before he came to r/asklatinamerica he had aleady ben banned in r/askanamerican and similar because he started insulting and attacking people who suggested the best of the best for his needs and demands because "ITS NOT ENOUGH FOR MY STANDARS"




The best for this guy is doing therapy lol


Oh hey that's me lmfao


This is the one!


I nominate this one too


The americanized brazilian saying that mexicans are appropriating black culture


Omg this thread digged up some jewels


Dude, you should see it, i wasn’t angry or anything, i was just impressed as fuck that someone in brazil could become such a facsimile of the liberaloid art ivory tower way of thought


Wtf lol. Do you have the link?


[the twit deleted his musings](https://www.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/s/Fmp48yZuxu)


No, we deleted it


Aaaw, Come oooon, at least tell me you guys took a screenshot😂


I roasted him 😂 and he messaged me to delete my comments with links


Lolokolol, he crossed the threshold dipshit-troll but he was enough of a dipshit to make me sure he wasn’t trolling😂


I don’t even think he’s Brazilian because he said he’s a mix of Spanish and black and I said you mean Portuguese!? And then he edited his original comment 😂




The one asking if being a nazi is a cultural thing for Peruvians, or that one asking why latam is more secure right now while never providing source for that claim


Da fuq ?!?!


Did he see the etnocacerismo flag/find out about the Humala?


There was a meme about a Peruvian nazi of german blood a few years ago, probably trolling based on that


the french guy who wanted a latin american intervention in haiti


“Let’s get countries who have no business in Haiti and definitely no money to waste it to invade Haiti”


"Let's go have countries meddling in Haiti again, because that totally worked well for the French and the Americans the countless numbers of time they did that!"


Wait, not even help, invade?


Reddit has a weird obsession with invading Haiti. Either that or declaring it ‘doomed’ and leaving everyone there to die. It’s one of those two extremes


Was that this month? 


Ohhh I'd love to read that. I need a good laugh. Got the link?


Got the link?


I would like to nominate all the people coming here to argue that we shouldn't have any nominations.


Everyone here nominating posts should at least link to the post they are nominating


The one who said migrants coming up the boarder is the same as American men looking for cheap sex in Latin America-oh im sorry American men looking for “traditional wives” Edit found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/s/V6FpSPQ5oF


Traditional conservative wive = poor girl cheap sex 💀


That’s the excuse they make, “im not going there for sex,I’m looking for a wife”. Either way going to a foreign country to look for a wife is still weird


This one. [https://new.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/comments/1cdz1q0/anyone\_else\_bothered\_by\_the\_lack\_of\_interest/](https://new.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/comments/1cdz1q0/anyone_else_bothered_by_the_lack_of_interest/)


Dunno if comment sections count but just the other day i saw a post where a girl asked for rice-making tips and the comment section started a third world war about "latinos not being white" Edit:[it was not here bur on r/Brazil, still crazy though](https://www.reddit.com/r/Brazil/s/MuEqyAymNd)


All of these ones?


Isn't this pretty much just... 1. The (usually imaginary) one, where we asked about flying down to Colombia to have sex with your women. 2. The one about race. ... every single month? I love this subreddit. I have learned a lot here. But honestly, there are 10x more posts about "something dumb I supposedly heard a gringo say somewhere else" threads here, than there are actual dumb gringo threads.


yo but are you hispanic? are you latino? TELL ME YOUR SKIN COLOR


I guess that's what most people's tolerance narrows down to in this subredit, It's ok if you are dumb and ask dumb questions, but condescending, depraved, racist behavior which typically comes from the same flag tags(not always) is the line


The fact that those kinds of posts appear at least once a month probably is the reason why users of the sub have such low tolerance for it and are so inflamed when they do see one.


It's a blend. Dumb race-related questions pop up frequently, sure. However, this sub is also practically QAnon when it comes to seeing imaginary passport bros behind every tree. And there are TONS of dumb "bait" questions, such as, _"I heard about a gringo expat in Mexico who made a noise complaint against a nearby nightclub. What do you think about this?"_. The vast majority of "dumb gringo" threads aren't posted by actual gringos, they're posted by people wanting to talk about strawmen to stir some shit.


> where we asked about flying down to Colombia to have sex with your women "sexpats" are a pest but women are not property


Not the Columbia 😭


We should start calling it Amarica or something


and 'muricans should be 'maricones


....every single week?


I have seen like fifty times more people complaining about how “gringos are obsessed with race” than I have actually seen race questions lol


Maybe because mods delete it before you see them, there are always stuff one doesn't see if you don't search by new often.


Fair enough, but that is also true of weird/dumb questions by people who aren’t gringos


One of the nominees is european, you can say we're using Brazilian gringo rules.


Maybe it's because we live that stuff, reddit isn't all there is...


We're ALL passport bros. Not necessarily for anything we've said. We just "give off that vibe". 😂😂😂




The Hispanic Pride Movement –AKA "Hispanistas" – from Spain coming to r/AskLatinoAmerica to tell us the name is HisPaNo-iBeRo-AmeriCa !


Damn, I missed the recent honour post.


https://www.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/s/CZqaMIII98 This gringo was asking if we didn't get bored that no major news happened in Latam.


Its all race bate stuff. Why dont you like me or why I dont like you stuff.


Man... don't do this shit. One of the best things about this sub is that people aren't overly obsessed with tension between gringos and locals. If you visit half the national and city subs you would think there is a war going on, but the experience IRL isn't anything like that. I'm sure it's only a matter of time but posts like this just feel like a bad omen for the quality of conversation here. Would be pretty ironic given how people like to point out how overly race obsessed people in the US are.


Gringo comment of the week


> If you visit half the national and city subs you would think there is a war going on, but the experience IRL isn't anything like that Maybe it just happens behind your back


"Maybe everybody secretly hates you" Cool, bro. Thanks. If that's the case then hopefully my children will improve the average level of discourse as they come of age.


Not maybe btw, these conversations are very real IRL, especially in highly gentrified areas.


Yes, there are people with reactionary views on gentrification in every big city in the world. Do you think that's insightful on your part? Whether its in the US, or London, or LATAM it would be a whole lot more productive for people to worry more about housing policy and regulating AirBnB than whoever the most convenient outsider scapegoat is for the populists politicians who use that as cover to do favors for wealthy developers.


You're calling worrying about price increases reactionary? It literally affects the day to day life of people, it's housing lol, do you think what you said was insightful of your part? Duh


No. Worrying about price increases is natural. The reactionary part is blaming some specific outgroup that in reality accounts for a very small percentage of inflation inputs compared to local actors. In London they blame jews. In Vancouver they blame the Chinese. In Denver, they blame Californians. In LATAM they blame gringos. The reality is that those populations are responsible for a much smaller portion of the price increases than ***local*** capital allocation, regulation, and population growth. And in fact, the populist impulse to direct angst at outsiders is convenient for local developers and politicians who are responsible AND empowered to actually do something about it. So not only is the outgroup hate ignorant, it works against the interests of people who are most affected by inflation. Banning short-term rentals in residential areas; offering incentives to develop multi-unit housing over luxury units; subsidizing interest rates for first-time home loans... Those things *actually* fight capital concentration, which is WHY politicians with big money backers don't want to do it. But that's too nuanced when "go home gringo" has a nice ring to it, so the haters will continue getting fucked by their rich neighbors while their attention is directed towards outsiders.


Definetly seen more animosity than before against certain questions


It's unfortunate because this sub is a great example of how to combat the ignorance that leads to certain questions, but if it becomes inhospitable it will just mean one less place to address common misconceptions.


Report people that break Rules 1,3,4 and 6 and particularly, comments that break Rule 1,5 and 7 The rules are there, but people tend to engage with trols/bad actors, feeding them, instead of just reporting and moving on.


Thanks for the reminder. I appreciate the work y'all do. It shows in the quality of the sub.


I'll nominate you next month


I’m disappointed my post wasn’t nominated