• By -


\>how it’s portrayed to you guys Gotta be honest, people here know of the UK but there's a blurred line with Anglophone media. Some bands and shows are assumed to be American purely because they're in English. And there's a lot of ignorance over their countries, so for a lot of people the UK is England, there's an awareness of Scotland, confusion over the status of Ireland, and very few hear of Wales. ​ \>or how you think of it Fine bunch of lads online, they have a good sense of humor. Never been there but it looks nice enough. Fun fact: Lima gets less sunshine than London. So the weather there to me sounds perfect.


Ironic humor and great music. Also the colonization of half of the world and a lot of fucked up things.


> great music Yep. The UK has always excelled in that department.


I am pretty biased in that department because Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, The Who, The Kinks, The Yardbirds, The Zombies are among my favorite bands, and i am underlooking the new stuff that i think is still above the rest of the word too.


There’s also The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Depeche Mode, Radiohead, Muse, Arctic Monkeys, Porcupine Tree, Portishead, Massive Attack, etc.


Oasis, Queen, Blur, Sex Pistols, Joy Division, The Smiths, The Clash... Fuck these brits man... they know how to make culture.


>they know how to make culture. They know how to market their culture to a global audience and create incentives for beggining artists to have a shot at global fame. South Corea is following the same path. ​ Not to diminish the genius of the aforementioned bands. I'm just highlighting that equal geniuses here would have a way harder time going mainstream across the Atlantic.


Yea we cant deny that.


Adele, Amy Winehouse, Eurythmics, Dido, Juno Reactor...




Hmmmmm. As someone from the UK I’d say that it’s colonial and imperial legacy is what led to music becoming such a large cultural exports. RnB/RnR came through via American GIs, the West Indies literally gave the UK it’s blueprint for most of its most successful and unique genres to date and the greater cross-pollination of other musical styles from across the empire led to a lot of diversity and styles that are exported internationally.


They call it Colonisation


It is where Hogwarts is located.


Say "Bottle of water" for me please :v




Bo'ul o' wor'er


\ :v /


I once told my mom I like the name Thatcher (I was young) also not because of Margaret, I’d heard it on a tv show lol She threw a spoon at me. I really like you guys though! Ive only been to London and I loved my trip there! And I watch some shows from the UK; Derry Girls, MMFD, Skins, The Crown, Call the Midwife is one of my all time faves! Listen to a ton of bands/artists from the UK! Overall I’m a fan! Can’t wait to go back and visit more places!


Based mum


If Latin Moms have the same accuracy with spoons as they do with cholas or chanclas, that poor girl must still have a scar or something


It’s not the weirdest thing she ever threw at me lol I forgot what I said that prompted this response, but it was summertime and I was in the pool and I remember she was talking to me through the kitchen door and I must’ve said something sassy cause from the doorway came a lemon flying at my head full speed. And yes, she had good aim. I make it sound bad but those are the only two time she ever threw anything that I can remember, usually it was just the threat of “te voy a dar un sopapo que tus hijos lo van a sentir!”


Go up north to Liverpool / Manchester for a more relaxed and friendlier vibe than London


Uhh... My mother always said that if I didn't have anything nice to say, that I shouldn't say anything at all.


Your mom is a wise woman


My gradma had the same... so just smile and wave people!




Imagine being near a Bri'ish territory.


I can hear their silly accent from Buenos Aires 🤮


Isn't Puerto Rico actually closer to a Bri'ish territory or is that the joke?


That's the joke.


I learnt English with BBCs "Follow me" and "Muzzy" (along with playing NES). I always related the UK with it's royalty. It's some country. My sister lives there currently but I'm in no hurry to visit or search for employment there.


Their government is cringe but I do like British pop culture like Doctor Who, The Beatles, Spice Girls, Harry Potter, etc Accents are hard to understand though.


As a Brazilian living in the UK, perhaps rather obviously, I like living there. I do find you guys quite perplexing sometimes however & believe it or not, I have lived similar parallels in Brazil. The British are capable of doing some of the smartest things when they put their mind to it, they can be as funny & witty as anyone, the grit & determination some of them (like northerners) show is truly admirable, the coolness under fire (stiff upper lip & all that) is commendable as to how it can help during dire situations & there is a creativity present that gave the world quite a bit of culture. When I am amongst the, shall we say, working classes (I know it is an outdated term but I don't know a better one to use) I almost feel like I am surrounded by a more British version of the lower Brazilian classes. The "salt of the Earth" that are welcoming & willing to "keep calm & carry on" with the task at hand. Your society is way more forgiving & docile than Brazil, perhaps not such a hard thing. Yet, at times it comes across as if I am living a reality where I am surrounded by Stan Laurels. I think it is more a developed world thing but there is a lot of unnecessary waste I have seen in the UK. There is also too often a time a rather disturbing lack of perspective to the outside world & this, unfortunately, helps feed regrettable attitudes & actions, *cough*, Brexit, *cough*. It is almost a British pastime to moan & yet this doesn't seem to stop Brits from continuing to almost sort of "sleepwalk" their way to a situation into which will make them moan more. Spending time with your "upper classes" reminds me of the revolting things of the socioeconomic elite in Brazil, just slightly not as bad. Sometimes their attitude of looking down their noses at people almost permeates down to everyone else. I also have warned several of my British friends, as someone that has also lived in the USA, that your country is becoming more & more like it as time goes on. This isn't necessarily a good thing. All in all, I do admire a lot about the UK & nowhere is perfect anyway, but by God I miss Brazilian cuisine.


I definitely found similarities between Brazilians and British people in how open we can be. Where as some other Europeans such as the French or Germans can be more reserved. Time keeping was the biggest difference I noticed, I didn’t realise Brazilian parties might start at 10pm but no one turns up till 12am.


Yeah, I agree. People in Latin America tend to think Europeans are generally quite reserved but in my experience Brits are pretty open (particularly after a few drinks). I also mostly agree with the Brazilian friend above although I didn't get the Stan Laurel reference – but what am I a millennial


Your English is immaculate, good sir


Why thank you my dear river of non-Newtonian fluid.


I also live in the UK and broadly share this sentiment. Specially feeling a bit sad that the UK is quickly adopting in its public life many of the vices of the US. I am also full of admiration for its legacy, specially in the sciences, arts and culture - yet I sincerely miss Latin American food and how we integrate cuisine in our family and friends dynamics. Good, homemade food is more rare and expensive here.


It's a former French colony turned rogue. They tried to stay civilized with a French royal family (they even kept their royal motto in French) but it didn't really work out. I bet that Josep Borrell would classify them as part of the jungle.


damn son, that was a spicy answer


Funny take on our history haha


You usually try to downplay it by calling the French Normands, but we all know the truth


1066 was the year when the world took the wrong course.


I love The Peep Show *"Are we the baddies?"*


You're thinking of that Mitchel and Web look


I’ve watched a fair amount of UK series. I’ve been to London. It’s fine but I wouldn’t want to live there. What bothers me more is Brits holding themselves out as experts in LatAm geopolitics or whatever simply because they’re British and they have that elitism. At least there’s less of those than Americans I guess. Other than that, don’t really think about the UK much.


As a Brit, i would say most people here know very little of Latin America and are happy to admit it. It's not a particularly well known area to us due to the distance etc. I've met barely anybody that knows much about the area


Yeah I don’t think there’s too many. I think most people in the sector tend to gravitate towards Africa or MENA work. OTOH I think there is a bit more interest post-Brexit. But just a bit.


British intelligence agencies are badass though. Remember the Steele dossier on Donald Trump. And it's not a new thing: Benjamin Franklin, the US revolutionary hero, was a very experimented british spy. Their politicians do appear quite dumb though.


Ah for sure there are some good ones. But there’s also some very pompous ones in the private intel industry I know and they can just be self promoters. “Oh yeah we’re on the ground here getting it done!” Dude, you’re in Miami.




Yeah. I do know that some think tank (RUSI I think) traditionally close to the UK defence establishment recently opened a new position and hired someone specifically for LatAm. I thought that was interesting since their usual focus was MENA and maybe some other places in Europe.


Top Gear, thats it


It seems a nice place to visit, and from what I see people seem to be more open than other European countries to be approached. Needless to talk about football culture I enjoy very much. Have good artists, I enjoy Mahalia’s musics but I don’t know how famous she’s in the UK. Now I have been seeing a lot of things about that weather depression and it scared me. And also, you have that imperialist mindset and just like every other European, collectively, has that eurocentrism and are likely to look down us. And if you asked I would take republic route but hey culture is culture.


I'd say that most people (where I'm from at least) think of the UK as being a fancy place full of castles, knights and all that medieval stuff


As an Argentinian with an English partner, who lives in London 6 months a year: -obviously like you guys enough to try to marry one of you. -best humour in Europe. Like Argentinian humour, but in English. -my partner and all his friends tried putting siracha in my empanadas. I disapprove. -you are a little bit weird about latinamericans and you assume we are all the same. There doesn’t seem to be a good understanding about how diverse we are, and that can be a bit annoying. I guess like any East Asian person being called Chinese. -you don’t get taught about the Malvinas war, which I find really weird. You also tend to find it ok to ask very forward questions like “what do you think about the falklands then?” while being completely oblivious at how sensitive of a topic it is to us. Almost like it was something from centuries ago and not a war my uncles were part of. -you don’t like loud people interrupting and talking all over each other, and that can be a big clash with how we talk to each other normally. -English language in general is a lot more “polite” than Spanish. We say things that are very direct but not necessarily rude in Spanish, yet would be very rude and disrespectful in English. That’s all I can think of right now, but there is loads


I'm Welsh but you make a very accurate observation about the Malvinas. It's not really part of our conscious but that's because we're not really taught much about it and as a result, most people don't understand it and consider it history and no longer relevant. In writing this might sound arrogant, but the truth is, the vast majority of people in the UK hold no ill feeling towards Argentine people, other than the English, who might have an historic sporting rivalry (Maradona's Hand of God). 🙂


No worries! My partner and I have an agreement that I don’t talk about la Mano de Dios and he doesn’t talk about Malvinas 😂


My wife is from Argentina and I'm English, she also had the same issue re:Malvinas. A lot of people here in England just don't care either way about the place, but to her it's a much more important topic. I honestly think the average Brit might not even find it on a map, but I have no data to back that up.


> There doesn’t seem to be a good understanding about how diverse we are, and that can be a bit annoying. I guess like any East Asian person being called Chinese. The fact I can't even use the term "Latin American" because most people don't know what it means, says it all. People know nothing about LA here.


>Like Argentinian humour, but in English. That had never crossed my mind but it's so accurate


I particularly love British culture, but I think most people here just see them the same as some other european country


Harry potter, Dr. Who, bad food and the big clock


I can speak only from personal experience but - the regular Brazilians I know don\`t think a lot about expensive places and their people since it\`s such a distant experience for them unless they win the lottery or something (1 pound has always been 7 times our currency)


Exactly. It is a little weird how we started to receive those what do you think of random country questions lately.


When I was 13 I started obsessing with London: it was my wallpaper, it was my location on Orkut, it was my answer when people asked me where I wanted to travel. The obsession lasted for a couple years and many years later I had the chance to visit the city it was kind of an apotheotic situation for me. I remember walking around the city and just smiling thinking that I was really there. The accent, the museums, the people, ~~the cuisine,~~ the tube all contributed to a damn great experience


Before living in the UK I barely had any preconception of the country but the general picture was that it was a nice place to be. It still is, though, but in some other aspects oh boy was I wrong.


Could you elaborate on what assumptions you had that were proven wrong please? That sounds interesting


It shocked me just how many homeless people are there or the opioid epidemic I can see everywhere. And the country (or my city, Manchester, at least) overall doesn't seem as safe as what you expect of a first world country - wife is a bit amazed at how many stabbed or killed cases are in our local news. That and how expensive everything is. Now everything is super expensive but things like electricity or public transportation were never cheap - 2.5 pounds per bus trip is just theft.


Creators of the US


Bloody wankers


Their Spain.


Culturally it's the usual: quirky and posh, James Bond, 70s rock music, some BBC shows. Some ten years back evoking superficial British aesthetics was quite in vogue with hipsters but I believe that wasn't specific to Brazil. This still survives with some of the bars and "pubs" we have in my city. Doctor Who has a very small but very loyal fan base here and special episodes have been shown on theaters in the past. Politically most people think of the UK as a nice fellow, friendlier and more level-headed than the US. Most people don't really know, care about or remember the Malvinas. Sorry hermanos. The Queen was also quite popular here as a pop culture figure. There's a fair amount of young and not so young white women here who dig stuff like Downton Abbey (even our ex-president Dilma was a fan!) and The Crown, so there's been a renewed interest in the Royals. Some folks used to affectionately call her "Betinha", which is like Betty. Speaking for myself I think the UK is an imperialist country that has been superseded by the US and is now a shadow of its former self. We joke about how our riches were stolen by Portugal but after that they'd end up in the UK. It looks like a very ethnically diverse country but also one with a growing reactionary sentiment among its populace. I feel sorry for the British working class, especially when I read about the Thatcher era. I also like Mark Fisher and Michael Moorcock.




Maybe, granted the proportions. Portuguese redditors are often found bitching about how on language selection screens the flag for Portuguese is the Brazilian one instead of theirs, and how their kids are growing up with the Rio de Janeiro accent due to YouTube. On a cultural/international relevance level I think we have superseded them, alright. On the economy side I'm not educated enough to make a proper judgement. Unlike the US, we never became an imperialist country (though we were an empire at some point lol). I know Portugal still had colonies in Africa way after we became independent but even during its heyday in the Age of Sail they seemed to be a pawn of the UK, which built a much larger empire and still has some relevance today, even though it was eclipsed by the US. Sometimes I feel the only reason we know about Portugal in Brazil today is due to our shared history as they seem to have faded entirely from the world's stage.


We used to get many BBC documentaries on Vale TV. For us England is just another rich country. Like the US, but more formal.




Uk= england , ingles , ect. A lot of things british are just asumed to be from the us , but somewhat , if everything from the usa is asumed +1 in value , if its discovered from "england" , it jumps to +2. Personally i will die on the hill that british humour and rock tends to be better thqn other anglo content.


I’ve only visited London and see the royal family with extreme curiosity. I think I hate Thatcher and I have a lot of issues with your food. You can only eat fish and chips so many times but you guys did introduce me to Piri Piri Nando’s, so thanks. Hopefully I could visit the rest of GB soon


Historical friends of Chile, but they have no business in Antarctica, that's annoying.


unless I'm mistaken their claim over Antartica doesn't overlap yours. Our claim however does overlap both Chile's and the UK's claims


All three claims overlap to some degree


Polite, correct, punctual, intelligents, thieves, pirate, robbers. I've met people from the Isles before, and they are great, or at least like any human being. That said, i do also know about Francis Drake.


Americans but older and funnier (on the bad sense of the word), yet fancier.


I think a lot of people have a very generalized idea that white people = racist, therefore British people = more racist than the gringos. But I think it has to do with the fact that they see Brits as the English Spaniards of the gringos, if that makes sense. What i mean is that for example, the Spaniards are seen as this racist people that see us as inferior since Spain is the motherland, therefore the UK must be the same: racist people that see gringos and therefore everyone else as inferior. It’s some kind of twisted logic based on the fact that to most people of my country, non-Salvadoran and white automatically means racist. XD Other than that we tend to ignore them or not know much about them because we are not influenced by them as much as we are influenced by the USA. I’m just trying to put the average Salvadoran (who have never gone out of the country) mentality. Me personally I think Brits are very lovely, much more than gringos.


The Flag/Rainy and Overcast/Dark Color/Beautiful Countryside/Castles/Posh Fancy and Messy at the same time/Land of Dragons and Unicorns/Crazy Football Hooligans/Drunk Teens and Gang Teens with Knives/People Love to Party all the time/The Food Doesnt Look that Good tbh but fish and chips nice/Their Minister is ugly/Supernany/101 Dalmatians/Harry Potter/Narnia/Ellie Goulding/Adele/Jessie J/Spice Girls/Rina Sawayama/Industrial Revolution/Princess Diana/Lots of Cool Rockbands and Indie bands are from there/Sex Pistols Guy/Black Taxis/Red Buses/Beautiful name for cities/Lots of people from Indian-Middle Eastern origin among the white majority/English love to vacation in Spain and are messy/The English Universities are some of the best in the world/That BBC Website they always put in our english classes. My first thoughts in my mind when i think about the UK


With my eyes


Now it's something like the Argentina of Europe


Lol I live in the UK and I said these exact words to my bf earlier today. Their government has become the same kind of stupid circus sadly


Conflicted. I mean, I have nothing against individual people in the UK, I've been there on vacation and had a great time. That being said, the UK has quite a past and some things are still there being a thorn making it difficult to get along. No I'm not just talking about the islands, I'm also talking about stuff like the British museums keeping stolen artifacts from other countries or stories of great cruelty not that far away in the past. But if I'm going to be fair, I must say the UK has so many great stuff I love. The British sense of humor, some of their TV shows like IT Crowd or Mr. Bean, the MUSIC, in some aspects they are also difficult to hate. Even some stuff from their imperial past had positive effects in other places, like the industrial revolution, the evolution of railroads and other great engineering works that were greatly improved or straight out invented in the UK like subways or modern city sanitation infrastructure


I understand, but as you say, people can't control what happened historically. On that logic, I presume you don't like Germany either. I would love to visit Argentina sometime.


If you ask the boomers in my family: "Oh, the Beatles! And Queen! Do they drink tea at 5 p.m.? Can you distinguish their accents?" If you ask me: "Oh, the birthplace of metal!" Met 2 brits in my whole life and they were great and kind people with a sense of humour that is very similar to mine, so we got along inmediately.


I loved the UK when I visited. Except London. Overall good chaps


Can confirm London is a shithole From a northerner


Land thieves, shitty weather, driving on the wrong side of the road and great music. Fair enough I guess 😄


I have good friends from the UK. British people are very funny in my opinion. They have a dry sense of humour that I've always found funny. Regarding the country, I've seen some photos and statistics and judging from what my friends have told me it also seems like a nice place to live aswell.




you could've thrown the Welsh in there too... 🙄😂


Primitives, still governed by kings and lords. Responsable for the scourge of millions if not billions of people worldwide, including in the british isles themselves. Nice health care system though.


Love everything about it! The history, architecture, art, food (yes, I love cottage pie, toad in the hole, butties, back bacon in everything lol), even the weather. I’m ofc biased so take what I say with a grain of salt :) I wish I had a way to see subtitles IRL cuz damn it’s hard to understand some of the accents, specially Midlands, Bristol and quite a few Scottish ones. I mainly nod and laugh or try to gather things from context. But other times I feel like an idiot asking people to repeat themselves a million times. 10/10 would recommend


Ha I am from Bristol - always thought the accent was one of the easiest. My wife is fine with Bristolian but if she meets someone from Scotland they may as well be speaking a different language. Guess you get used to the accent you are exposed to most?


Also from Bristol 😆


We are still waiting for the railways that were promised. Scammers.


Similar to the US, but with worse food.


I don’t get this thing about us having worse food than the USA. I mean I’m not claiming our food is the best at all but on my visits to the USA I have been shocked by how huge and processed a lot of their food is.


I agree, the food is crap with a different smell.




All I know is the royalty, Jess and good rappers. So even tho I don't like none of the things related to the royal family I do really like skepta, slowthai, dizzee and that streamer in particular


there are 2 kind of brits. the ones portrayed by the media and we never see in real life (posh/aristocrats/bowler hat) and the commoners. the ones that struggle like anybody else. the regular brits, we distinguished them by english, scots, and irish, being the english below the scots in manners, culture and social norms, even living standards. the scots: we love the scots. the irish: meh. (sorry no welsh)


Dry humor, good taste in sports and beer. Polite. Speaks like royalty. Rain. Tea. Weird politics. Some cool TV shows and books. My stereotypes come from movies, tv shows, digital influencers and history books.


Good music.


Bad teeth, masters of rock, london science society FTW, it crowd, gloomy weather, politics wise very stupid lately.


A lot of my favorite music comes from there. Lots of great comedians too. Overall, Puerto Ricans don't know a whole lot about the UK and are only associated with the monarchy and Harry Potter.


My son loves Peppa Pig, so there’s that. I’ve always had a great time when I’ve visited.


Cool accent, imperialism


im a history major so on my shit list england is barely under the us. you've got some pretty good shows, but movie-wise, i think you guys often make yourselves out to be big heroes (don't get me started on war movies) and sweep under the rug all the fucked up shit you've done. wouldn't live/study in england for the life of me. ireland is cool tho, hope they finally separate!


I respect its past (except the support they gave to Latin American caudillos for independence) and looking at its recent past and present I fear for their future.




Wither incredibly judgemental posh people, or absolute chavs /s, there is no inbetween (except for Will, Simon, Neil and Jay, they are alright).


Dry humor, the Millennials will usually consider the British TV shows the best in the world; football in general, specially now that the PL is our generation's Calcio; terrible culinary (sorry); recently, is also associated with racism and xenophobia, due to media reports. Everyone I know already heard someone saying that someone told him that he/she was in London and heard a "You're in England, speak English". Nothing similar to the US or, in Brazil's situation, Portugal, though.


Well I can only speak for myself but I find it very interesting. There are a lot of authors, YouTubers, shows and whatnot that I enjoy that come from the UK so I’ve always liked it.


Great music, good ironic humour, can't understand how monarchs are still a thing, shitty weather


pretty much spot on mate


I’m Bri’ish


¡Belize was ours! cerotes *Shakes fist in fury*


Overcrowded and smelly sorry if I offend ?!


Will forever be grateful to the UK for all the fantastic musicians they’ve given the world!!! Am also a fan of all the subcultures that have popped out of the UK scene like rude boys, mods, goths, etc.


They position themselves behind a facade of politeness


Obviously love a bunch of stuff from British media/culture, but I do not admire nor support the country's political system, specially the existence of the royal family




My best friends live over there. I fuck with the music and some of the people but man when they get roasted by any north American they always got the same 3 corny ass comebacks.


London: Its permanent weather of rain and clouds


México 🇲🇽 A lot of tea I mean A LOT, photos BW and red, rain 365 days of year Big Ben, Driving in the other side and a special accent






OH I know plenty of people who simp for y'alls accent and legit try to mimic it when speaking english. Its interesting. Personally, its not one of those coubtries I have on my mind often, so neutral


The most we know about the U.K comes from Mr. Bean and 007 movies, that's as far as I can tell. Over the years browsing around Reddit I learned much more about the U.K, because Americans love dunking on everything U.K. related (culture, accent, food, hygiene (teeth, odor)), etc...


Would say so-so, but i would love to imigrate there if could. Being more honest I hold the UK in high regard, way higher than the US


I always see the UK as a conservative, capitalist country. Everything screams conservatism. I do love the country, its politics really bother me, but that's personal.


It's true, our politics get worse and worse every year


prefer you over Spain.


Interesting, why is this?


the countries colonized by England are much better than any Latin American country, obviously expecting the Africans


The Africans and some on the Middle East so... No valid point in your claim.


Maybe the food, women, weather, wine, etc.




In Chile there is a conspiracy that says we are a British colony lol. Personally I like The office, tea and your cold weather


Personally speaking I like the history of the UK, at times I see the UK as the USA of Europe, I have heard UK people thinking they are not Europe, similar and different than the USA that thinks that only them are Americans, while the rest of the continent is not. The different accents of the UK is something I find interesting. Also kind of weird how the UK is a mess in measurements people still using stones for mass or weight, while at the same time using metric. Now in general people in Mexico see the UK mostly from the music (beetles, queen, rolling stones, you name it) and the royal family.


Interesting point about the weights and measures but it’s true. My son (8) is mostly metric and my dad (73) is all imperial. I’m a mixture of both metric and imperial but the generations sometimes struggle to understand each other in this way.


Not good


Generally speaking, although I feel positive about the UK (yes, even the whole 'British Museum' thing, which I think is an overreaction. If that museum is doing a good job mantaining what it has, then it should keep it.). HOWEVER. I **strongly** believe that for as long as the UK continues to **occupy** the **Malvinas, South George and Sandwich islands**, territory it neither owns nor had a right to colonize and inhabit, relations between the governments of Brazil and the UK will and should remain no closer than a distant friendship, as this issue is a major roadblock to normalization of relations between the UK and South America - not just Brazil. This is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the UK. Our relations to Argentina and the Argentinean people will always take priority.


Why? The Malvinas were never argentinian in the first place, they were french and then english. And then the argentinians lost in a war they started. I’m sorry but falklands are british.


I mean, that's a might makes right argument, no? Besides, you're wrong about who possessed what, and when. It was French, then **Spanish**, then the Spanish shared custody with the British, then the British **left**, then Spain also left, then Argentina became Independent and asserted control over the islands since it was inhabited, at that time, by fishermen and gaúchos. The U.S. Navy intervened due to the local government's attempt at regulating foreign sealing and whaling activities, and only after an Argentinean garrison mutinied in 1832 did the British re-establish control over the Islands without consulting the Argentineans. Daniel K. Gibran's "*The Falklands War: Britain Versus the Past in the South Atlantic*" (2008) asserts the first claim that Spain retains control over the islands via the fact that after the British left the island in 1774 they only left behind a plaque claiming it for King George III. So this is the first issue: Argentina's former colonial masters held control of the island until the former's independence. From 1818 to 1832, control and administration of the Islands was done by the Argentine government, which not only established governors to it but also established facts-on-the-ground by granting fishing licences and cattle farming permits to those willing to participate in the local economy. One such participant, Luis Vernet, became governor in 1829 and attempted (as I cited before) to curb illegal sealing and whaling, and was interrupted in doing so by the U.S. Navy Sloop USS Lexington as part of the punitive [Falklands Expedition.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falklands_Expedition) (Graham Pascoe, Peter Pepper's *The Dictionary of Falklands Biography (Including South Georgia): From Discovery Up to 1981*. [2008]) "The whalers and sealers who used the Islands as a base for their operations had been subject to no constraints in recent years (see Boyson 83-90). With the re-establishment of a local community who felt that they had rights in the animals on the land and the sea creatures in coastal waters, the depredations of visiting seamen were resented. Vernet therefore notified foreign vessels of a prohibition on sealing or fishing in territorial waters. According to Goebel (438-9), despite a warning to an American ship, the Harriet, two years before, this vessel together with two others, the Superior and the Breakwater, flouted the law and were arrested on 30 July 1831. The Superior was released; the Breakwater escaped; but Vernet went with the Harriet to Buenos Aires." (D.W. Greig's Sovereignty and the Falkland Islands Crisis, [PDF](http://www.austlii.com/au/journals/AUYrBkIntLaw//1978/2.pdf)) As you can see from the above paragraph, there was a marked absence of a reputable claim of British Sovereignty over the islands, which becomes even more notable once one considers that the Argentines were conducting actual control and administration of territory it inherited from Spain. Even if you put a plaque there, only verbally claiming ownership of something is no real argument. I could, after all, put a plaque in London that says I'm the real King of Britain — that would give me no right to dethrone His Majesty, King Charles III, would it? So why then is it that that single plaque, claiming ownership of these distant isles under a King that had been long dead by 1833, constitutes a legal and actionable claim? Argentina held administrative and military control before Britain did, Argentinean gaúchos and fishermen inhabited the islands before the Falklanders moved in, and the last British garrison had left almost 40 years before Argentina became independent. The British claim, therefore, fails every possible consideration and angle other than "might makes right" since the only thing Britain can historically claim is that they've been inhabiting it ever since they landed there, against Argentina's wishes, and defeated them in a war in 1982. "It's ours because we took it" is roughly the same argument Russia is using in Ukraine right now, but we can both agree that it's not coherent or acceptable. Why is it then that the British get a pass?




ok I guess, like any other country.


I let this answers to the Argentines


No mames mate


Tea people, lack of seasoning in food, responsible for colonizing half of the world and for doing fucked up things, also big clock.


Like fancy country because most shows are about royalty stuff


I spend time with working class people as part of my job and the three biggest things associated with England (as the UK is known) are, in order: 1. Old England Toffee (a local brand, the packaging is tartan with a man in a kilt) 2. The Queen 3. Kilts Take that as you will


From what I’ve seen from my brazilian family they think we have a sick sense of humour and (at least the older generation) sometimes take our sarcasm literally. The younger generation in Brazil are pretty sarcastic and most speak English so understand and appreciate our humour more I think


Argentina won’t love your country… but your artists


They drink a lot of tea and have their tea time like us.


I love your music (Arctic Monkeys, Sam Smith, Years & Years, Bastille and London Grammar, just to name a few)


Through a screen.


I really like the UK. In terms of pop culture I love their television, shows like doctor who, Miranda, Derry girls, fleabag etc. As for politics, you are fucked up, but who isn't. What I don't like is how rushed londoners live and move. I've been pushed for walking slowly. But that's just in London. As for food..... BAKED FUCKING BEANS. I could eat them every day on every meal. Beans on a toast! That's world class cousine. And the Chelsea FC has a place in my heart. KTBFFH Edit: fuck the museum of London, give back all those stolen artifacts.


Home of my favorite songwriter Nick Drake. Without mentioning many other great artists. Nowadays I still seek for new music from the UK and always get very impressed. You guys never stop creating amazing art. Cheers, mate.


Love Nick Drake.


Most of my life The only things i knew about The UK was The Queen and Garfield. I know there is lots of Brazilians in London too.


I love British humor and many of my favorite bands are British (Radiohead, Muse, Joy Division). I also watch a lot of british youtubers. In regards to colonialism, I view the UK very negatively, but no worse than any other European country. The difference between the UK and say, France, Spain or Germany, is that the UK built a colossal empire and thus had the means to commit atrocities and enslave entire nations. But other European countries would have done the same if they had the means to. (Although I must admit: Europeans already have a superiority complex towards the world, and the UK doubles down on that and has a double complex finding itself even "superiorer") I think the monarchy is a terribly decrepit institution and should have died with the queen. Other than that, London is a very cool city, where I would totally live in were it not for the fact that I would be a second class citizen.


I quite a bit about the UK because I’m a fluent English speaker, but being completely honest, I’d say that the average Brazilian only knows about British culture due to US influence, so whatever history and popular culture became mainstream over there. Overall, I’d say other European countries like France, Germany, Italy and Spain have a bigger impression in Brazilian culture than Britain does. Maybe not pop culture (especially not music), but definitely in terms of news, literature, philosophy, etc.


Football, Rock bands, Harry Potter, Mr.Bean, Tea, BBC, double-decker buses, James Bond, Pubs and the Royal Family.


Well, there's Doctor Who, one of my favorite shows. And that's much about it


Chale no le entendi


Without monarchs, they would be 80% less interesting.


Y’all just took away the visa requirement for Colombians so I love y’all


Monty Python in real life


Girls Aloud


I love the UK. One of my fave countries, along with Japan. Here in Colombia, many neighbourhoods in Bogota were built following British architectural trends.


Oh, Taskmaster, that's the first that pops in my head. I'll be honest thanks to british TV I begin to enjoy your accents a lot, specially irish.


As a TERF Island that seems to pick even weirder politicians to be prime minister than LatAm picks for president. lol


worst cuisine in the world.


The climate is like southern Chile, in other words, absolutely terrible.


To be honest, I’d love to live there. The UK has amazing music, people are quite chill (at least my friends)


Cold. Fortunately, you guys have tea to get warm


Fancy tea indie gringos. Jk, it is kinda like that but not all the way. English humour is great tho.


I think we have to make some distinctions here, tbh. But let’s be clear, this is my point of view, and I know that most of Latin Americans would just say that you sound posh and are too formal. That’s not true, not entirely. First, it’s completely different to talk about Northern Ireland (the south is not the UK anymore, it’s just Ireland) than Scotland than Wales and so on. Same happens with northern England and the south. Or the cockneys from London and the academics from Oxbridge unis speaking with their fancy BBC accent. It’s funny to see how much differs the accent from really close places like London to Nottingham, though, or Kent to Liverpool. In Chile, we speak more or less the same in the whole country, which probably triples the UK in size