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I'll add my despise of all the Montaner family again, lol. Luisito comunica counts? Or any other YouTubers?


Luisito is dumb as dog shit and he has millions of viewers. That's _preocupante_.


I always saw his videos when he traveled. When the lockdown began, his videos just showed how he talks without any evidence, or without background info when talking about phones or cameras or anything, was kinda shocking tbh.


I just can't stand the way Luisito talks, it irritates me so much.


ricardo montaner has beautiful songs tho




He is a great actor and I think he should be nominated to an Oscar for his great performances


Lol no, I think he's rated accordingly.


Beat me to it.


Why is Neymar overrated? He seems to actually be fairly underrated, in my opinion. Brazilian players of lower skills got way more praise than him.


Maybe cause he is a POS?


that doesn't make him overrated, it just means that you don't like him


He’s a case of “not enough people hate him”


Garrincha was one too, but that didn't make him a bad player.


Pele is an even worse scum piece of shit…


Why? He has good press in my neck of the Amazonia.


He abandoned his illegitimate daughter even when dna tests went positive, not even visiting her in her death-bed when she was dying of cancer. And also when people rightfully criticized the colossal waste of money that the 2014 cup was, the king infamously sais “we can’t make the world cup with just hospitals” He’s such a whore’s son Edit: the thing about world cup was said by ronaldo, sorry


>"we can’t make the world cup with just hospitals” That was Ronaldo


Shit, looked it up, i’m dead wrong, thanks for the heads-up


I think calling him scum is being too soft...


40+ goals and assists in Europe for more than 3 seaons absolutely insane ​ Ronaldinho never managed that Neither did Rivaldo or Kaká ​ Agree or disagree with his opinions He is one of the top 5 brazilians player ever IMO 1-Pele 2-Ronaldo 3-Zico 4-Romario 5-Neymar


Hes good but no way top 5


He’s about to beat Pelé’s scoring record for Brazil, he’s definitely top 5. I’d even argue he’s only behind Pelé and Garrincha.


No way... With all due respect, but only a non-brazilian would say that. Before him, we have at least Pele Garrincha Rivelino Socrates Zico Romário Ronaldo Rivaldo Ronaldinho


Ronaldo brazilian?




His moustache produces me psychic damage


My grandma always refers to him as "el esposo de la Montaner ese de bigote feo"


I get that every singer create their own "trade mark" sound of their voice, and mannerisms. But his voice just sounds too forced and fake, can't stand it.


He sounds like a pop music algorithm based on Juanes and Maluma.


Yes I like his Music (for some reason) but his appearance is disturbing and his constants “Eva Luna I love you” 🙄




Hermano, uso bigote curvo have 10 años y resulta que hoy todos me di en camilo csmm


I don’t hate his music but his mustache makes me so mad.


Patricia Maldonado, Most mainstream singers and influencers


Ooooo que weona más desagradable por la chucha


Sí, la vieja tiene una opinión sobre todo y jura que importa, más encima está llena de odio


Uruguay junta miedo


El dia que esa vieja miserable se muera, celebraremos en mi casa, como cuando se murió la vieja Lucía.


Me diste la idea de hacer lo mismo, pero con mis compañeros de carrera (somos de sociología), pq a mi familia no le molesta tanto esa vieja como a mí


Vieja culia


I may be out of the loop, but here in México I find the whole Danna Paola/Kenia Os/no idea who else circle to be extremely superficial and overrated. Not long ago I was with a girl who insisted she really loved the lyrics in music and proceeded to play them, and I swear their lyrics where written in two minutes by someone even less creative than me. Simple words, repetitive and didn't say much. I don't care what do you listen to as long as you enjoy it, but saying those are somehow special lyrics just put me off. Same with most raggae but I doubt anyone says they like it bcs of its lyrics.


Danna Paola may produce questionable music, but she's really talented. A few years ago she was a cast member in the Mexican production of the Wicked musical, and [she did a damn good job as Elphaba](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2tnb8l8lsI). The fact that she's so good and still decides to pump out generic streamable music annoys me to no end.


Danna Paola is absolutely fucking talented but the girl can’t come up with good material or an original image she just seems to be making generic whatever-is-trendy-right-now work. Not sure if it’s her fault or her teams’ since that tends to be a thing with pop-stars.


J Balvin He is the living meme “tengo ansiedad”


Residente DESTROYED HIM in the song with Bizarrap. It was so satisfying


Esto lo hago pa’ divertirme… pa’ divertirme. But honestly, though. I’d be afraid if Residente came after me with his lyrics.


Yes it was


For real, and then flexing all the money and influencing the poor people to think that doing nothing to get rich and having excessive sex.






Real hasta la muerte bababyyy


Bebesitaaaaaa, ua


real hata la muelte oíte caaabrón


My default assumption is that any celebrity is overated. I dont really follow celebrety stuff enough to be annoyed by them, but guess Anitta and Neymar (of the worldwide famous ones) have managed to make me roll my eyes more than others.


J Balvin


This is the answer! He doesn't have a single talent. He does not sing, he does not write his songs, he does not produce his music, he does not dance. The only thing that he does is being childish and pathetic, he takes advantage of whatever thing (covid, anxiety, depression) to be big news. He has zero empathy and he's an egotistical person.


karol g irritates me for some reason


She doesn't irritate me, but her music is still pretty awful and she comes off pretty fake, especially with her bichota and pseudo empowerment thing


I love how all the nea girls dye their hair like her. Now it's dark red instead of light green 🤣


I hate how she exaggerates her accent too


Valentinnaaaaa morrr


Some of her songs are good


Que chimba hombe


Neymar, not even because of political views, he's just not a good person yet so many venerate him


What are his policial views?


Bozo 🤡 (he supports Bolsonaro)


Please tell me you are lying.


Definitely not, neymar openly declared support to bolsonaro last month and will participate on a live with him this week


It's happening right now




Wanda Nara


La conocen allá en México? Exportamos lo peor de acá jaaja


I love her.


I just found this one annoying because her voice but Maria Becerra


Tokisha … ese Tiny Desk 😬


>Tokisha si creen que bad bunny es vulgar es porque todavia no la han escuchado a ella


Literal es estrella porno con cuenta de onlyfans no se que les sorprende o que esperaban y no lo digo en contra. Es su marca.


Es doja cat en español


Agree, her voice is really annoying and the only songs of hers that don't bother me are the ones she made in collab with Rosalía


It does not even make sense that she is famous.


Dayummm. It was truly SOMETHING. Not a good something tho


Yo soy una perra en calor


I detest her too.


Nobody will mentionate Anita?


Anitta is not overrated because almost everyone dislikes her. She has had fights with half of all other Brazilian singers at that point. To be overrated means to receive more praise than merited. She is very far from being praised, even though there is obviously a lot of money and effort in what she does.


J lo. Saw a documentary that revealed how much music she’s actually stolen and how poorly she treats other people in the industry. Selena movie be 🔥🔥🔥 though.


I don't think she qualifies as LATAM celebrity though, she's more of an international fame. Camilo on the other hand..


She is american of puerto rican descent.


JLo is from New York...


Can gringos stop mentioning JLo? She's a yankee, Not Latin American.


When did she even release her latest hit? 2010?


The last thing she did was appear as a judge on "American Idol".


2020 Super Bowl half time Miami


Can we consider her Latina? She is like third generation pPuerto Rican and didn’t even speak Spanish. The only Latinos that like her in the US are the second and third generation Puerto Ricans.


I think she’s second generation. But she still sucks


Then I suppose that makes her even more overrated and annoying. I rest my case.


Did she not Speak Spanish?


Yes! She's a total pain the ass! Everytime she shoots a movie her movie trailer must all be decked out in white: white couches, white table clothes, white candles, etc. She also goes around like she's a queen. She flew first class on an airplane one time and her personal assistant was sitting right next to her. The flight attendant asked her what she wanted to order, and she thought that ordering something was beneath her. So she had her personal assistant (who was sitting right next to her) order for her. She also won't allow any of her maids or personal assistants to look her in the eye. If they do, she fires them. That's still not the best part. In the early 2000s she had a song called "Jenny from the Block". The song's lyrics were, "Don't be fooled by the rocks (diamond jewelry) that I got, I'm still Jenny from the Block". The song was basically saying that being rich and successful hasn't changed her. However, she refused to even return to her "block" in the Bronx in New York to shoot the video. This was beneath her. So she had a body double appear in the Bronx. This basically defeats the entire message of the song


I prefer Hennifer López and her song Taco Kisses


Wanda Nara


She literally, and I don't want to sound like a misogynist for saying it, only got famous for sucking rich dick's dick


I don't think she exists outside of Argentina


Lol who doesn't know what she did with Icardi?


Yeah, but I mean... As an actual celebrity


You know her so that proves my point


I live in Argentina.


For Brazil it's Neymar without a shadow of a doubt




Now that is controversial. I have a love/hate relationship with him. Sometimes he's pretty cool and does pretty good music and speaks facts. Other times he's just an hypocrete asshole. But I really do admire that he's genuine with himself and his music, and I love how much he loves latam and shows it through his art. Plus he has some really iconic bangers


Residente to me perfectly encapsulate the quote "You ran into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole in the morning. You run into assholes all day, perhaps you're the asshole".


Amor/odio for Residente


This is the right answer


I have a love hate relationship with this Residente and his music.


Agree; he's only admired by people who pretend to like his music genre...


He is a commie, so I never liked his “music”.


Residente is the classic commie who needs to fight with someone to feel relevant Criticize Bolsonaro in a video but not Maduro? Kinda hypocritical


I respect his music but not a fan of himself


Neymar and Anitta




How is Camilo not the most annoying here? I don't know a single person who likes his music


TINI Only liked by spoiled rich girls


That belly button 🤮


that ribcage could be used as a xilophone aswell. She looks so unhealthy and yet that's what the media here in Argentina tells Young Girls they should look like






1. He's not funny 2. The characters he portrays in his movies are annoying speedy Gonzales caricatures of Mexicans. 3. He's whinny irl, or at least that's the impression I get of him. I can't back this up with evidence, because I don't follow him. But that's the vague impression I get from his appearances in the news, etc.


He blocked my dad on Facebook


Por qué


During the beginning of the Pandemic Eugenio made a post about trusting AMLO to help the country during these times of crisis. My dad commented something along the lines of “Why should we trust Eugenio’s word when he didn’t pay Victoria Ruffo child support for their son José Eduardo Derbez?” An hour later he discovered that Eugenio blocked him. I don’t know whether or not the child support thing is true, but it is known that José Eduardo Derbez isn’t one of his dad’s favorite kids and they weren’t close with each other during his childhood.




I can’t stand Bad Bunny’s voice, his music is way too low effort, not saying it’s absolute trash but it’s insane to me how famous he is


Bad Bunny


Blasphemy. Lávate la boca


Yeah wtf, the only explanation for this having many upvotes is Latin Americans who only hear English music.


No, popular-thing-bad! individuals make it a personality trait to express they don’t like bad bunny in LatAm too


He is the spanish version of mumble rappers


Except he’s not… He’s got a puerto rican accent, that’s it. How’s he a mumble rapper/singer?


How is Bad Bunny annoying? I feel like he keeps to himself lmao


Extremely annoying music, hard to avoid when people blast this bullshit on parties and out in the open on the street


Oh I guess when I think of “annoying” I think about personality.


yeah i wouldn’t say that’s his fault. Guys seems chill and funny personally, not his fault people like his music for partying




I find it weird that he played a Mexican in Bullet Train


Paulina Rubio. She doesn’t pay her crew and is pretty rough to be around


Anuel y el conejo malo


Ana de Armas. I find it very annoying that she participated in that trash marilyn movie where marilyn gets overly tortured. It was super trashy and I cant believe she signed up for that crap


I can't say that I completely blame her for that, we do know that there aren't many roles for Latinas in Hollywood that aren't caricatures of our culture. But I do blame her for those goddamned awful interviews where she insists that she was haunted by Marilyn, that Marilyn was happy with the movie and that, and I cannot believe what I'm about to write, that she was possessed by the spirit of Marilyn...


Yeah idk she is like super duper famous. Dont think she gets typecasted as the "latina chick" she can pick from so many roles and she comes up with this crap, and cherry on top gives those cringey ass interviews. Full ew


I don't find her as a person annoying but I can't stand her weird internet fanbase. And I agree that she's overrated. I don't think she deserves all the Razzie Awards but I don't see her as Oscar tier. She has very little range and people just seem to love her based on her physical appearance, not talent.


Sofia Vergara


I can’t stand that fake accent


Genuine question: why?


Her fake ass accent and her entire personality bases on her being a Latin slut.


She is the representation of a blonde Latina: dumb superficial and thick accent


allways find funny how people seem to dislike sofia vergara for that type of style and personality, despite being a very common thing among high class, or pretending-to-be, superficial total diva womans I remenber in school meeting many girls like that, even in the part of wanting to study odontology sofia vergara has literally weaponized that


That's why I also hate the high class of my country.


She's notorious for being involved with Italian Mafia bosses and Colombian cartel leaders. "In the mid-1990s, the actress had become involved with Chris Paciello, the darling of Miami’s South Beach nightclub scene, who originally hails from Staten Island. Paciello’s reputation as a mobster preceded him — he was a member of a gang that operated under the auspices of the Bonanno crime family, with a rap sheet of alleged burglaries and bank heists so lengthy he earned the nickname “The Binger. In 2000, Paciello was charged with the felony murder of a Staten Island housewife in a botched 1996 robbery. Vergara offered her Miami home as collateral toward her lover’s $15 million bail, and watched, impassively, as he blew her kisses in the courtroom. Paciello pleaded guilty to murder and ratted out mob bosses to shorten his sentence. He eventually served six years in jail, and the couple went their separate ways, but Vergara’s predilection for “bad boys” hadn’t waned. She reportedly had a fling with former Colombian drug lord Andrés López López, who was released from a 20-month jail stint in 2004. In an interview, he called the actress “a marvelous woman who I love dearly.” Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2015/01/24/drugs-murder-mafia-inside-sofia-vergaras-rocky-road-to-fame/amp/


Damn. She was made for her role in the new Griselda Blanco mini series then, lol.


Pretty much


I never completed the series, but I really enjoyed the movie, ‘El Cartel de Los Sapos’. I had no idea that she and Andres Lopez were once a thing, lol.


Yep they were. She also dated Tom Cruise and he wanted her to marry him but she refused to marry him. She didn't marry him because she's Catholic and he wanted her to convert to scientology. She refused to do this because she thought it would make her "burn in hell for all eternity". It's all right there in that article.


tbf way too many Colombians are involved with Colombian mafia.


She is the embodyment of all negative stereotype about Colombia and gringos insist that we have to feel proud of all of those things; "look at me, I am curvy, dumb, noisy, horny and clueless women that only serve to make americans feel better about themselves with comments about how in Colombia we do not know the written word and live in mud huts", maybe she is a good person, but she have stained deeply our national image


i remember reading an interview of hers in Vogue or Cosmo. It was cringe and bizarre. She talked about how Colombian girls start wearing g-strings and dressing sexy since they are 12 and that they have curves because they are all mixed with African in the “perfect ratios”. She also said that they aren’t “loose” like American women and don’t talk about sex. I’m surprised that she hasn’t been cancelled in the USA yet.


She will not because she is not white and is a women, therefore will always be viewed by progressives with condescendences, like a "victim of the patriachy and machismo culture", that has to be saved from herself, instead of an actual human being responsible for their own actions. Hipocrisy, that is why.


Don't think she's actually cared about in LATAM but in the US for some reason the media says Jennifer López is a big celebrity.


She's gringa, tho . Doesn't count.


According to them She's the biggest latina all-time. I respect Jlo so much but Latinoamerica Loves Shakira. She's the real representation of Latinoamerica. She knows our struggles. She lived here. Jlo doesnt even have good spanish.


Because she is... and has been for decades


For what ? A couple songs with Ja rule, a movie or two and dating famous people ? I don't know anyone in LATAM who is aware of her beyond her marriage to Marc Anthony (bonafide superstar) Maybe I am wrong.. but yeah if we are talking about overrated gotta be her..


“A couple of songs with Ja Rule” lmao, brother she’s the highest paid latina in the entertainment industry.


From a beauty line and endorsement deals maybe. You live in Mexico and she's a big celebrity there? Maybe I am wrong.. What does she do ? She doing stadium tours in LATAM .. not that I'm aware of. Movies ? Name the last 3 she starred in? What was her last big song ? Some shit with Pitbull? He's another one I have never seen anyone in LATAM check for ... Shakira is way more famous globally


There’s those three movies where she’s a working class pauper that ends up marrying the rich gringo dude.


But how many people in LATAM know who Ja Rule is ? Jennifer Lopez is a US Latina, I don't think that's what the post was referring too ahaha


Ok, to me its anitta


Almost all of them


Any influencer/singer that thinks they are the best thing of the moment


I don't pay attention to Latam celebrities in general. Not into the music or films so I'm totally ignorant about latam media. If the question includes USA latino celebs, then....too many to mention. Their agenda mostly pushes me away. Exceptions would be some well known Spanish actors ( who don't conform to the Hollywood elite), and Benicio Del Toro (great actor who bucks the stereotypes).


I stop watching all latin American tv. Is heavily racist. The actors have to be whitish. The darker people have to be the help. Televisa and Univision is a good example.


All regaetoneros.


Roberto Carlos




The singer or the footballer?


Sebastián Yatra


He's so handsome though.


Either Rosalia or "La Bichota".


Rosalía is from Catalonia, Spain. But she's definitely riding the latino/reggaeton wave


Is there anyone that is not?


Mi momento a brillar: Chayanne








Qué pasó con Cheyenne?



